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Redemption (Men of Honor Book 2) by Michelle Horst (10)






It might just be my imagination, but it feels as if things are changing between Eli and me.

I’ve been feeling so much better since I talked with Mrs. Jackson. The nightmares aren’t as bad anymore, which is a huge bonus

Eli shifts his body down and props a pillow behind his head. I take full advantage and snuggle against his side. I rest my head in the crook of his shoulder and smile happily. I’ve missed this so much.

He places his arm over me, and my skin’s invaded with goose bumps as he starts to trail his fingers over my arm. I let myself absorb his touch, and I inch closer to him until my body is pressed against his side.

He tightens his arm around my shoulders and I move my head to his chest. It feels like home. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting Eli’s masculine scent fill my lungs

I try to focus on the show, but it’s really hard to with his breaths stirring my hair.

His fingers continue to move up and down my arm for a few more minutes. I decide to be brave and wrap my arm around his waist. For a moment his arm hovers above me, but then he rests his hand on my hip.

My heartbeat speeds up and I do a happy dance inside for the small victory. Today seems to be a day for victories, so I turn my body more into his until I end up lying half on top of him. I place one leg over his and then keep still again.

I don’t dare move my head, just praying that I’m not making a total fool of myself. Again he adjusts his arm and his fingers start to trail up and down the length of my back.

With every caress of his hand up and down the length of my back, his hand starts to trail further up until his fingers brush over the sensitive skin of my neck. I break out in more goose bumps as he moves down until he reaches the hem of my shirt. He pulls it an inch up before his fingers caress the stretch of skin just above my ass. When his hand starts to move back up, it slips under my shirt and the material moves up along with his arm.

My heartbeat speeds up until I’m pretty sure that he can feel it pounding against his chest. 

I pull my arm back and flatten my hand on his chest. I take a deep breath before I trail my fingers down, drinking in the feel of his hard muscles under my fingertips.

 There’s a nervous fluttering in my stomach as I push my hand under his shirt. My heart is pounding in my throat as I barely touch his hot skin.

He pulls his hand out from under my shirt and I freeze. But then his hand slips into my hair. He brings his other hand to my face and placing his finger beneath my chin, he nudges my face up until I’m forced to look at him

The look on his face is intense and it feels as if a whole nest of bees is buzzing around inside of me.

His eyes dance between my mouth and my eyes and I wish I knew what he was thinking right now.

His breathing starts to come faster and I hope to the heavens it’s a good sign.

Nervously, I wet my lips, and it makes his eyes drop back to my mouth.

His hand tightens in my hair and he pulls me down. Anticipation makes me hold my breath and then his lips are on mine. It’s nothing like that first kiss years ago. Tingles bursts over my body and my heart hammers behind my ribs.

Just like before, everything around me fades until there’s only us. His masculine scent fills my lungs. I can only think of him.

This time I remember to memorize the feel of his lips brushing against mine. I can’t believe it’s actually happening. I’m finally kissing Eli.

The best part is that it lasts more than a second.

I want so much more but I don’t want to push him too hard. Hell, I’m just thankful that his lips are finally on mine.

With both his hands in my hair his tongue brushes over my bottom lip.  I can’t hold my breath anymore and it rushes from me.

When he slips his tongue into my mouth, heat pools in my abdomen. He tastes better than he does in the fantasies I’ve been having about this moment.

When he pulls back, his eyes caress my face. I’m doing the same thing, checking for any sign that this was a wrong move.

A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth and it makes him look totally fuckable.

“Thank you,” he says and it brings a smile to my face. “I know this is a huge step for you.”

I pull my hand from under his shirt and bring it to his face as I push myself up with my left arm. I trail my fingers over his beard and ask, “Will you ever shave it off?”

“Does it bother you?”

I quickly shake my head. “No, not at all. I just wonder what you would look like without it.”

“I’m not attached to it if that’s what you’re asking. I just got too busy to shave and one thing led to another.”

I sit up and grin at him. “Can I shave it off for you?”

He sits up and gives me a cautious look. “Have you ever shaved a man before?”

“Sure. My dad broke his right arm once and I had to help him shave.”

I pull at his arm as I get up. “Come on. I’m excited to see what you’re hiding under that beard.”

I stop in the kitchen to grab a pair of scissors before we go to his bathroom.

“Sit,” I say with a wicked glint in my eye. I snap the scissors and wag my eyebrows.

“I’m starting to second guess this decision,” he growls.

Before he can change his mind I move in between his legs. I place my hand under his chin and lift his face so he’s looking up, and I can see better. I snip the worst of it away and throw it in the little trashcan.

I take some shaving gel and start to spread it over his jaw. All the while his eyes never leave my face. This feels so different from when I used to shave Dad. This is intimate, much more than the kiss we just shared.

I rinse my hands and bring the razor to his face. He places his hands on my hips and I smile slightly as I start to shave him.

I lean in closer and I feel his breath on my face. Heat starts to pool between my legs.

When I’m done, I quickly wet a towel under the hot water before I wipe his face clean. I toss the towel in the sink and turn around with a huge smile that instantly freezes on my face.

He watches my reaction as I step back between his legs. I place my hands on his smooth jaw as my eyes take in this new look. Damn, he’s good looking. He doesn’t look as scary anymore. He actually looks uber fuckable right about now.

I lean into him and the anticipation from earlier is back. I press my mouth to his and he pulls me down onto his lap. I let my hands slip behind his neck and twist into his hair.

This time the kiss is hotter and it feels as if I’m burning up with need for more touching, more skin on skin, more of everything.

When I pull back, his eyes again caress my face.

“Are you okay with this?”

“With us kissing?” I ask feeling a little shy. It’s one thing to kiss him, but it’s another thing talking about it.

“With us being more than friends,” he says.

We stand up and start to walk back to the living room. I can’t stop looking at his gorgeous face.

“Do you want to be more than friends?” I finally ask the question that’s been bouncing around in me since we met.

He takes hold of my arm and pulls me to a stop. He brings his hands to my shoulders and caresses the skin all the way up my neck until he reaches my jaw. I look up at him wondering how I ever got so lucky to have him as a friend, never mind the possibility that there might be more.

“I don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize our friendship.”

My heart sinks at hearing his words. I should’ve known better than to think Eli could ever think of me as more than just a little sister.

“Oh, okay,” I say, trying my best to hide my feelings from him.

Quickly, I walk away and sit back down on the blankets. The rest of the night is going to be pretty awkward but I need to come across as normal or things will get bad between us.

Eli comes in, takes hold of my shoulders, and pulls me to my feet.

“You need to work on your patience, woman,” he growls. “Before you walked away I was about to say that I want you. All of you, Quinn, not just your friendship. I want to touch every inch of your body. I want to be inside of you. I want to be able to show the world that you’re mine.”

My lips part as emotions crash over me.

Eli wants me?

I’m about to say something but he presses his finger to my lips.

“I’m not done yet.”

Oh, right. Patience.

He moves closer to me and his eyes are so piercing it sends shivers racing over my skin. “I live you, Quinn.”

A smile forms around my lips as I realize what he’s saying.

“You live me?” I whisper in awe.

“I live you. I love you. I want to spend every second of every day with you. You’re my now and forever.”

“Eli,” I breathe his name unable to express in words what I’m feeling right now. So I do the next best thing and I kiss him.



His tongue slips over my lips, twisting fast and hard with mine. It’s exactly the way I want it. It’s a perfect kiss.

“Floor,” I gasp and I start to pull him down with me.

When he lies down on top of me, I have a sensory overload.

He holds his upper body up and asks, “Are you sure about this? This isn’t too fast for you?”

“I am,” I answer out of breath. “Are you?”

He gives me a look that says I must be crazy. “I’ve been sure about this for over two years.”

I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him down again and crush my lips against his.

He growls softly, and the vibrations tingle my lips. His hand settles on my side and I wish it would go higher, or lower. Hell, I don’t care as long as he touches me everywhere.

With each stroke of his tongue against mine, I feel more comfortable that we’ve made the right decision.

I move my arms down and over his chest until I can slip them under his shirt again. He keeps his hands in all the safe zones which is very frustrating.

“Quinn,” he whispers against my mouth.

I pull back, and when his eyes meet mine, I reach down and grab the hem of my shirt. I start to pull it over my stomach and when I reach my bra, he makes a sound deep in his throat that’s sexy as hell.

 I don’t stop until it’s over my head and I toss it to the side. At first, he keeps his eyes locked with mine but then they start to travel down until they settled on the blue lace bra.

“Quinn,” he says hoarsely. “I only have so much self-control.”

I wish he would let go of his self-control and take over. I’m all out of ideas on how to get him naked. Well, besides just ripping his clothes off with my bare teeth.

His hand comes back to my side but this time his touch is firmer, and well, it’s skin on skin.

“Are you on the pill?” he asks and it makes my face light up with embarrassment.

That’s definitely not what I expected to come from his mouth.

“Yes …” My mind scrambles for the right words. It was so much easier talking to Mrs. Jackson. Shit, no thinking of his mom right now.

He pulls back and a worried look darkens his eyes. “Do you want to slow down?”

Sweet, Eli. This man is everything and so much more.

“I’ve never had sex before,” I blurt the words out. I drop my eyes to his neck not sure what his reaction is going to be.

The TV goes off and it plunges us into darkness.

I feel him move away from me and my heart squeezes painfully. He lies down next to me and I wish I had kept my shirt on.

“How’s that possible?” he asks, sounding shocked out of his mind.

Yeah, definitely not the reaction I was hoping for.

“Well, I’m only twenty, Eli. I’m not a hoe-bag,” I say feeling a little offended that this is turning out to be a problem.

“I didn’t mean it that way. You were engaged, Quinn. Didn’t he try?”

“Roy didn’t believe in sex before marriage,” I whisper. I feel miserable.

I feel for my shirt and when I can’t find it I decide to just leave it.

“I’m going to go to bed. Night, Eli,” I say and I start to get up.

His arm darts out and he pulls me back down.

“Patience. Seriously, start to work on your patience for me. I just want to talk to you, Quinn. It would be the easiest thing to rip your clothes off and fuck you, but I don’t want it to be like that for your first time.”

My mind zooms in on ‘rip your clothes off’ and ‘fuck you.’

“I’d be totally okay with both,” I say before thinking.

I hear him chuckle and he pulls me into his arms.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asks again.

“I am, Eli.”

I feel him tense, every part of his body. His lips crush against mine and he robs me of my breath.

His hand moves behind my back and he unsnaps the bra easily. It’s faster than I can do it and it makes me wonder how many times he’s done it before.

He pulls back and growls, “Stop thinking.”


“Not another thought, Quinn,” he warns me.

I grin up at him and then he kisses me until I’m trembling with want.

He breaks the kiss long enough to pull his shirt over his head. My eyes have gotten used to the darkness now, and the sight of him as he prowls over me is enough to make me groan.

He kisses me hard until my mind fogs over with lust. I dig my fingernails into his shoulders and try to pull him closer. Instead of coming closer he pulls away. He presses kisses down my neck and he slips the bra over my arms. I move so he can get it off. He doesn’t stop there and hooks his fingers into my shorts and panties at the same time. He pulls them down my legs and when I’m totally naked in front of him he gets up.

Where the hell is he going?

He switches on the light, and I’m just about to scramble for the blanket when he practically stalks back to me while unbuttoning his jeans.

Holy fuck, that’s hot.

He smirks that sexy smile of his as he drops the jeans, and then my jaw drops along with it.

I frown as I try to imagine how all of that is going to fit inside of me.

“You’re killing my ego,” he says.

“It’s not your ego I’m worried about,” I say, seriously feeling a little worried. It’s not like I’ve seen one before, at least not that size. It should have a heart, lungs, and kidneys of its own.

“Is it going to fit?” I ask, not caring if I sound like an idiot.

He chuckles as he crawls back over me. “We’re going to take it slow, babe. I won’t do anything that will hurt you.”

Eli lies down on top of me and my nipples harden to little buds against his chest. He starts to trail kisses from my lips, and moves down to between my breasts where his cheeks lightly brush against the swells.

I place my hands on his arms as he sucks one nipple into his mouth. Sizzles spark over my skin and I groan. It feels unbelievably good. His hand lightly trails down from my neck, over my breast, and touching every sensitive spot until it slips between my legs.

I’m torn between the overwhelming feelings that are rippling through me, and the amazed thought that I’m naked with Eli.

He looks up at me and it looks predatory, making my insides clench.

“Is this the first time you’re being touched,” he whispers, his voice hoarse from what I hope is passion. 

I nod, too embarrassed to admit it out loud.

When he starts to move down, my eyes widen and I lift myself on my elbows.

“Where are you going?” I hiss, feeling very uncomfortable when his shoulders force my thighs open wider and his face is right down there.

“Relax, babe. I promise you’ll like it,” he says, and with his free hand he covers my breast and pushes me back down.

I stare at the ceiling with a pounding heart. I feel his hot breath on my sensitive skin and then he kisses me in a way I’ve never been kissed before.

“Holy fuck,” I whimper as a breath rushes over my lips. I arch back and cover my hands with my face. He parts me with his fingers and his tongue starts to do things I never knew a tongue was possible of doing.

When he thrusts his tongue inside of me, I almost go flying. He tightens his grip on my breast, and pins me back to the floor.

Goose bumps explode over every inch of my body and my toes dig into the floor.

He slips a finger inside of me as he starts to suck on my clit. Pure exhilaration dances through my body and I swear I see stars as a cry escapes from between my clenched teeth.

Eli kisses his way back up my body as I try to catch my breath. He takes hold of my hands and pulls them away from my face.

“Was that what an orgasm feels like?” I ask out of breath, just before he presses a kiss to my lips. I’ve tried before but nothing I did felt that good.

“Not yet,” he whispers as he moves a hand down between us. He positions himself at my entrance and my whole body quivers from the contact. Intensely, his eyes meet mine and in this moment I see the world in his eyes. I see my future and all the possibilities our life together will have.

“You’re perfect, Sunshine. So fucking perfect.”

His words break me and put me back together all at once.

He starts to push forward and just as I feel a pinching sensation he stops. His eyes are locked on my face focusing on every expression I make as he takes my virginity.

He pushes in another inch and the pinching returns, more intense this time.

Again he stills and the muscles in his arms tense as he struggles to hold back.

“Just do it,” I whisper.

He shakes his head unable to speak right now and it tells me just how much self-control it’s taking for him to go slow.

He pushes in deeper, much deeper than before and a sharp pain shoots through me. I suck in a harsh breath that makes him lower his forehead against mine.

“I’m sorry, babe. Fuck, I wish it didn’t have to hurt.”

“I’m okay, Eli. Really. It doesn’t hurt that much,” I say to comfort him.

He kisses me as he pushes all the way inside me. A groan vibrates against my lips. His whole body tenses above me and he keeps still again, but this time I can see that it’s because he’s relishing in the moment.

Then it hits me. Eli just took my virginity. He’s inside of me.

Eli Jackson is making love to me right this moment.

Dreams do come true.

 His muscles flex over his chest as he braces an arm on either side of my head. He pulls out a little, before pushing back in. I take a sharp breath, and Eli’s lips capture mine. He kisses me senseless and he starts to move.

I’m overwhelmed that this man is so affected by me. I never knew he felt this way.

The next time he pulls out of me, I tilt my hips upward as he starts to push back in. He growls in response, and his mouth starts to trail hot kisses over me as if he’s trying to memorize the taste of my skin.

His movements grow faster, and soon he’s thrusting hard inside of me, and it makes my legs turn to jell-o. A pressure starts to build in my abdomen.

I wrap my legs around him and grab hold of his hips. It makes his rhythm falter for a second. He closes his eyes as he breathes my name.


I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life. My whole heart expands in this moment.

He starts to move again, and every muscle in my body tightens as if it’s waiting for something huge to happen.

He thrusts forward again, and this time it’s so hard that he rocks my whole body. I see the same stars from earlier but this time it’s joined by an explosion that ignites under every inch of my skin.

My world detonates into bursts of overwhelming emotions and delicious ripples. My mouth opens on a silent scream.

He thrusts harder and all those emotions and ripples grow wings, and they make me soar.

He groans deeply as his body jerks against mine and I force my eyes open. I meet his steel gray ones just as he fills me, and it draws a tear from my eye.

This is so much more than I have ever hoped for.

It’s perfect.