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Rock Hard Boss: A Single Dad, Boss Chef Romance by Rye Hart (11)


I was prepping for the breakfast rush at home. I wasn’t just cooking for myself and Emery, like I did every morning. I was serving another guest today, a very special guest. Amber was coming over before we went bowling.

The doorbell rang and I hurried to answer it. Emery was still asleep and I didn’t want the noise to wake her, not to mention that I wanted a little private time with Amber. I’d been thinking about her ever since we hooked up. It was almost laughable to think that I actually thought I was going to sleep with her once and walk away.

She wasn’t a one night stand. She was my employee, my favorite employee, and the more I thought about it, she could be so much more than that if I just let my guard down.

The feel of her lips against mine, her soft, pliable flesh trembling at my touch, the sharp moans of pleasure she made when I buried my cock deep inside her wetness. All of it rushed back to me whenever I saw her face.

Desire smoldered inside of me just thinking about it. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had made me feel this way. Maybe never. I desperately wanted to relive our first night together.

I pulled the front door open to see her standing there, a vision of beauty. My heart leapt in my chest at the mere sight of her, making me almost giddy with excitement.

She wore a blue plaid shirt over a tank top, jeans, and pink sneakers. It was a casual look, but somehow it was sexy as hell. I couldn’t help but stare at her, looking her up and down.

“See something you like?” she asked, smiling coyly. She’d asked the same thing that day too.

I cleared my throat. “Yes. Quite a few things actually.”

“Well, you can keep staring. Just invite me in first.”

“Oh. Right. Of course. Please come in.”

I stepped aside from the open door and gestured her in, getting an eyeful of her curvy ass in her snug jeans when she walked by. It was one of the perks of being a gentleman. I breathed in the sweet scent of her still lingering in the air. She smelled like cinnamon.

What the hell had gotten into me today? Amber had me randy as an old billy goat. I needed to get myself under control if I wanted to make it through the rest of the day without taking her violently in the first room I could find.

I followed Amber into the kitchen.

“So, what is the great Chef Harrison making for us today?” she asked, turning to face me.

“Oh, nothing too fancy. Just some Eggs Benedict. It’s Emery’s favorite.”

“She’s got good taste,” Amber mused before looking around. “I’m surprised she’s not up yet.”

I smiled. “She was so excited about today she couldn’t fall asleep last night. You should have seen her bouncing off the walls.”

“And you? Were you excited?” She moved closer, pressing herself against my side and kissing my shoulder.

The words sent a shiver through me. “You have no idea.”

I resisted the physical urge to push her up against the wall and show her how excited I was. Emery could wake up at any second, and I didn’t want her walking in on that. Instead, I pulled away from her and busied myself at the kitchen counter, getting things ready for breakfast.

Amber wandered over, looking at my little herb garden on the window sill above the sink. “Fresh herbs in the kitchen. That’s smart. I should do that.”

“It’s nice to have them on hand whenever I need them.”

“Should I grab a few sprigs of dill for the eggs?” she asked.

I turned to her and shook my head. “Absolutely not.”

She laughed, surprised at my reaction. “What? Why not?”

“I don’t put dill in my eggs. Are you kidding me?” I lifted my eyebrow at her.

“Are you? Fresh dill is amazing. You’re missing out. Look, I’m just gonna grab some so you can try it.”

I slid my body along the counter to block her access to the herb garden. “Don’t you dare. I won’t have you tampering with my eggs.”

“You’re being ridiculous,” she said, trying to reach around me.

“You’ll have to fight me for it,” I grunted and twisted my body so we were face to face.

Amber pressed her body against mine. The soft swell of her breasts crushed against my chest, sending an ache of desire through me. I stiffened against her, groaning at the feeling of her sweet softness rubbing up against me.

Her eyes widened at the evidence of my arousal. Then she got a sultry expression on her face. She leaned into me, putting exquisite pressure on my rock-hard length. “I know how to convince you to let me have the herbs,” she said softly.

I slid my hands down her back and gripped her ass. Her hips pressed even closer to mine, grinding against me and driving me crazy.

“Oh yeah? Get after it then, Amber.”

She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed me. The touch of her lips intoxicated me. I couldn’t think about anything besides how good it felt to be with her.

Amber’s lips curved into a grin against mine and then she pulled away. I opened my eyes. She held up a sprig of dill triumphantly. “Told you I could get it,” she said.

I narrowed my eyes at her, playfully. “Using your feminine charms against me, are you? That’s cheating.”

“All’s fair in love and war.”

“Then I’m taking it back,” I said, lunging at her.

She dodged easily. “Ha! Too slow.”

I reached out and looped my arm around her waist. “Gotcha.”

We wrestled for the dill, although I wasn’t really trying to take it away from her. I’d just gotten caught up in the moment. It felt good to let loose and play around with Amber. It wasn’t something I did with anyone else. With her, it was easy.

It didn’t hurt that tussling with her was an excuse for us to be physically close together. My hands roved all over. A pinch here. A squeeze there. It had her gasping and laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

“No horseplay in the kitchen!” Emery’s little voice cut through our wrestling.

We spun around. I felt like a little kid getting caught doing something wrong. I grinned sheepishly at her chastising. It was something I said to her often, now she turned it back on me.

“You’re right, Emery,” I said. “Amber and I were just debating what ingredients to use.”

“Is this what you do at work?” Emery asked.

The image of messing around like this in the restaurant made me laugh. Amber joined in.

“No, Emery,” she said. “We behave a lot better at work.”

“Speaking of which, let me get breakfast ready.” I got the eggs and the hollandaise sauce going.

Amber sat down at the kitchen table with Emery talking about bowling later. It was nice to have some chatter in the kitchen while I cooked. I hadn’t experienced it in a long time.

It didn’t take long to plate everything. I set their dishes in front of them and joined them at the table.

Amber looked over my shoulder with a concerned look on her face. “Did you leave the stove on?”

I got up to check, but all the knobs were set to the off position. Amber had a mischievous smile on her face when I sat back down. I didn’t understand why until I looked down at my plate and saw a light sprinkling of green over my eggs. Fresh dill.

“You just couldn’t resist,” I said and gave her a stern look, or I tried to.

She wore an overly innocent expression on her face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Uh huh.”

Emery took a bite of her eggs. I noticed Amber had added the herbs to her plate, too. Emery began chewing, and a bright smile lit her face. “These are so good.”

“Well, I know they’re your favorite,” I said.

“No, these are the best eggs you ever made me.”

Amber shot me a proud look. I shook my head and sighed. No fighting it, I guess. I took a forkful of eggs and tasted them.

Son of a bitch. She was right. They were better this way.