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Rock Hard Boss: A Single Dad, Boss Chef Romance by Rye Hart (96)



It was fucking freezing outside. Maggie wanted to argue on the sidewalk, but I finally convinced her to get in the Hummer so we could at least stay warm while she continued telling me what a douchebag I was.

I let her stew in the passenger seat for a minute while I started the engine to get the heat going. It didn’t take long for the warm air to start blowing out of the vents, but it didn’t do much to knock off the chill that was coming from Maggie’s side of the truck. I slowly took in a deep breath to work up the courage to speak.

“Look, I did pay the mayor. Maggie, sometimes that’s what you have to do to get things done in this world. You have to pay people under the table and work dirty deals. And sometimes you have to lie and cheat and make people do things they don’t want to do! But it’s all business. You do whatever it takes to fucking win.”

She stared at me for a moment. “Is that what it’s all about to you, Tyler? Winning?”


“Is that what business is all about for you?” she asked. “Winning at all costs?”

It was a silly question. I shrugged it away. “Of course. What else is there?”

“There’s being fair and treating people the right way.” Her eyes softened as she looked at me. It was almost a look of pity. “Can’t you win without being underhanded and working dirty deals? I mean, how much money do you really need? Would it be so bad for everyone to win once in a while and not just you?”

Opened my mouth to speak, but I didn’t know what to say. She sounded like my dad. Treat people like family. Good neighbors make for good friends. Good customers build a business, not the other way around.

She must have noticed the look in my eyes. She put her hand on my arm and gave it a squeeze. “Your dad would be proud of everything you’ve done,” she said quietly. “But he’d be even prouder if you kept his legacy in mind while you were doing it.”

“You’re right,” I said, brushing a finger under my nose and sniffing back a tear. “You’re fucking right Maggie. I’ve been like this for a very long time and I’ve forgotten what it means to be a fair person. I used the excuse that I was protecting myself from what happened to my dad. His death took a toll on me. After the funeral I just became a different person. I locked myself up from all my family and friends and feed myself lies and bullshit. I made myself believe that his goodness was what finally killed him. So I told myself I would win at all costs. I was wrong. I was being weak and a damn coward. It took real strength for dad to remain an honest man even after everything he went through. I would be lucky to be half the man he was. I know I’m far from it now but that doesn’t mean I can’t change. I see now I just needed someone who cared enough to tell me to straighten up my act. You’re my slap in the face Maggie. Literally.” I said with a laugh. “Thank you for being that person in my life. You may not believe a word out of my mouth but I know there was a reason you walked into my life. My dad would have loved everything about you. Who knows, maybe the old man had something to do with us meeting - as crazy as that sounds. I’m not letting you go. I’ll become the man you deserve. All I want is to make you happy.” I looked at her not knowing what her response would be. My heart was beating a million miles a minute in anticipation.

She smiled back, holding back tears. “You don’t know how happy I am for you to say that. I know you will make both me and your dad proud.” She leaned in to give me a kiss. Her lips felt amazing on mine. I was the luckiest man in the world to have her forgiveness. I wasn’t going to let her down again. No fucking way.

Maggie looked in my eyes, “What about Carl and Doris?”

“You have my word that we paid everyone the market prices for the property and gave them fair market value for the businesses. I was going to make a killing on the deal either way. Most of them got far more than the land and the businesses were really worth. I didn’t want to risk anyone filing a report with the Feds and exposing me. Did you see anyone in there that was angry at me? Besides yourself?”

“No, I didn’t. But do you think it’s still right to proceed with the development? What about Carl and Doris’ restaurant?”

“Do you think Carl and Doris would be that happy if they had to work at this restaurant another ten or fifteen years? I saw their financials, Mags. They haven’t made money in years. In the end we really did do them a favor by buying them out.”

“They seem happy,” she said softly.

“They are.” I put my hand on hers and gazed into her eyes. “Look Maggie, I’m happy to go back in that building and announce the cancellation of the project, but the problem is we’ve already closed and with the deal everyone received I doubt anyone would agree to it anyway. I have a better idea Maggie. I think this project can be the first step to making your dream come true. I know you want to own a restaurant of your own and I know you would be amazing at it. I would be honored if I could be a part of your dream.

“Are you shitting me? No, I can’t ask you to do that. This all feels like a dream. I was convinced you wanted to break up with me because I was carrying too much baggage with my brothers. I was ready to move on.” she said.

“Why wouldn’t you just pick up my calls? You could have told me earlier how much of an asshole I was.” I hated to admit it, but this girl had gotten under my skin like no other woman I’ve ever known. Things would be different now, and it was because of her.

She shrugged. “Maybe because I was afraid that you would tell me that you never really wanted me, and that I was just a means to an end. I thought you were using me.”

My heart ached at her words. “Jesus Maggie, no. I never meant to use you. And I did want you. I do want you. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone before. I want to help you make your dreams come true. Please let me.”

She reached for me and I leaned over the console to take her into my arms and I pressed my lips to hers.

My tongue went across her lips and into her mouth.

Her tongue pushed back and swirled around mine.

“Tyler,” she moaned.


“My butt’s getting really hot.”

I pulled back and smiled. “But the seat warmer isn’t even turned on.”

“I know,” she said. “But I am.”