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Saved (A Standalone Romance) (A Savery Brother Book) by Naomi Niles (109)

Chapter Thirty-Six



I paced around to the front of Dwayne’s house, searching for some sign of him, anything that might tell me where he was. But there was nothing, just dirt, leaves, and weeds. I started back again, this time searching the carport, the laundry room and the backyard, even though I’d already been through the whole thing.

I decided not to leave and to wait for Michael, in case he showed up. It was a dumb idea, and I knew it when I made the decision, but I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving, only to find that he’d come back and I’d missed him.

I hated myself for leaving things the way I did. This was the worst possible time I could’ve chosen to have a personal crisis, and now Dwayne probably thought I never wanted to see him again. I’d never live with myself if he got hurt.

Tears were running down my face, blurring my vision, but I didn’t stop looking. I was growing frantic now, pacing around aimlessly, sobbing and shaking. I didn’t have the energy to keep this up, but I couldn’t stop.

At some point, I’d have to admit that there might be nothing I could do — the sooner the better. If I kept working myself up like this, I’d end up losing it. He probably wasn’t going to come back anyway. Maybe he left because he was so upset about what I did.

That was probably it. He could handle a fight, but I knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle losing me. I saw the way it tore him up when I left, and the way he stared at me when he pulled out, like I was ripping his heart out and stamping it into the dirt.

It was me. This was all my fault. I had pushed him away and now I was running around his backyard like a stalker, trying to hunt down an imagined clue that would lead me to the man I loved. I collapsed against the back wall, and slammed by head against it.


I slammed it again, this time harder.


I did this. I ruined the best chance I had at happiness.


I needed that pain.


I deserved that pain.


I slammed my head again, then again, each time reminding myself of what I’d done until I couldn’t stand to move or even think. He was in trouble, and it was all my fault. I made him promise not to get into harm’s way, but that’s exactly what he did. He must’ve. He probably stopped caring when I left.

I walked around to the side of the house and pulled out my keys. I had to find Dwayne as soon as possible. I was halfway to the carport when I heard the sound tires crunching in the gravel crunching.

It was him. I took off at a run, and stopped when I saw Michael’s car pulling in. “Fuck,” I kicked the gravel and nearly toppled backwards. Jesse was with him.

“What happened?” Michael asked when he got out.

“Nothing. Everything. Dwayne’s screwed.”

“Where is he?” Jesse demanded.

“Probably dead.”

“Start talking.” Jesse stepped up.

I backed up to ease some of the tension. “Somebody was coming to his work to disable the security system. He was trying to catch them.”

“Where does he work?” he asked.

“Adams Tower downtown.”

He turned around, and Michael followed him to get into the car. I jumped in with them. Michael flew out and hit the gas. His reckless driving and the intensity between them combined into a flurry of panic that rolled through me.

“What are you going to do?” I asked Michael.

Jesse pulled a gun out of the glove compartment to check the clip. “Whatever it takes.”

“Pull the address up on your phone,” Michael told him.

“Here,” he showed it to him. “It’s Sixth and Maybelle.”

When we got to the building, we parked into the back lot and ran around to the front entrance, where a snake-eyed blonde woman was standing at the front desk. “If you don’t get this solved, you’re both out of the job.” She was tearing into an elderly drunk man. He was wearing a gray uniform that had a patch that said Granger Security on it.

“Hey,” Michael stormed up to him.

“What is this?” The woman ran around the desk.

“Back off,” I pushed her aside to confront the man.

“Excuse me?”

“Where’s Dwayne?” I demanded.

“We think he’s in trouble.” Jesse came up behind me.

“What is going on?” The blonde tried to get between us and the desk.

“Listen, botox queen, shut your mouth or tell us where he is.” I got in her face.

She laughed. “Who are you?”

“His girlfriend.”

“He’s gone. He left to investigate a case of vandalism, and if he doesn’t show up soon, he won’t have a job. Now, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” She turned around and grabbed the phone.

“What are you doing?” Michael and Jesse stepped up to her.

“I’m calling the police.”

“Let’s go.” Michael grabbed me by the arm and tried to pull me away.

“But…” The woman was already talking to the police.

“Now.” Jesse turned back before he ran out.

Leaving meant giving up any chance I had of finding him. I knew that she knew something — she had to — but she wasn’t going to tell us, and if I didn’t hurry I was going to be arrested. It took a lot of discipline to turn around and walk away. I couldn’t give up, but what choice did I have? I walked out and followed Michael to the car, then opened the door to get in.

“Hey!” I turned around at the shout. The old man was running up the service ramp, waving his arms wildly. When he stopped in front of me, he hunched over to catch his breath.

“We have to go, Gillian.” Michael started the car. “Hurry up.”

“Just wait.”

“We don’t have time. The police will be here any second.”

“Wait!” I screamed, then turned back to the old man. “You know where he is, don’t you?”

He nodded his head and sat up. “He’s in trouble. The man that’s doing this — he’s dangerous.”

“Where is he?”

“I shouldn’t be telling you. You can’t tell anyone where you got this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, then held it out to me. I reached out to grab it, but he pulled back. “It’s classified. If word got out that I gave you this, I’d go to prison, you understand?”

“Of course. Why are you doing this?” I took it from him.

“He put his life on the line to make sure his friend didn’t get arrested. I figure if he’s willing to do that, he’s got a good reason. I’m gonna give him another chance before we send the cops in.”

“Thank you. You’re a good man.”

“Don’t get shot.”

When I got in, Jesse reached back to pull the paper out of my hand. “Back off,” I slapped his hand away.

“Hey.” He tried to grab it, but Michael rested his hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t get any closer.” He pulled out of the lot. “You found out where he is?”

“Yes, but I can’t tell you. Follow my directions.” Jesse didn’t like what I was doing. I could smell it, but he was outmatched, so he kept quiet while I led them out of the city into the mountains.

“This isn’t right,” Michael said. “Whoever’s out here doesn’t want to be seen.”

“I’ve seen some shit up in these hills,” Jesse said. “They got grow houses, meth labs — anything and everything. It’s not safe out here.”

“Just drive. You wanted to come, you’re going to have to face the consequences.”

“Here…” Michael reached behind the seat and handed me a gun case. “The key to the lock is inside.”

I opened it up. It was a simple revolver, no safety. The hammer could easily slice through my finger if I wasn’t careful, and I couldn’t put it in my pocket. There was always a chance that the trigger would go off. It didn’t matter. I was a southern girl that grew up in the boonies. I could shoot.

“Look!” Jesse pointed out the window when we got close. There was something white sticking out of the trees into the road.

“What is that?” I asked.

“It’s a motion sensor,” Michael said.

It looked like one of the radars the police used to catch people for speeding. “What’s it do?”

“It lets the prick know we’re coming.”

“There’s probably cameras all over these woods,” Michael said. “He knows we’re here.”

“What do we do?” I asked.

“Stop the car,” Jesse said. “Now!” He grabbed his gun.

“What?” I asked. “No…”

“If we go any further, we’re just going to go deeper into his territory. Let’s go.”

Michael stopped. “Come on, Gillian.”

“Where do we go?”

“Through the woods,” Jesse said. “Give us some cover.” He grabbed his gun and got out.

“I don’t like it,” I said.

“You can stay in the car if you want,” Jesse told me. “It’d probably be better.”

“You better hope you don’t get in the way of one of my bullets.” I glared at him.

“Gillian, let’s go,” Michael hissed.

I sighed. There was a black holster sitting in the pocket behind Michael’s seat. I pulled it out.

“What are you doing?” Jesse stuck his head in. “He knows we’re here.”

“You’re going to get us killed,” Michael said.

I ignored them and reached down to tie the strap around my ankle. “I’m ready.” I put the gun inside and got out. The trees and brush were thick. Mounds of blackberry bushes blocked our path, and a layer of roots snaked across the forest floor. Even if we could get inside, we couldn’t move around. Jesse turned back down the road and started walking.

“Hey,” he called out.

Michael ran over, and I followed. “You’d better shut up. He might hear us.”

“Does it really matter? He already knows that we’re here. I found a way in.” There was a clear space between the trees, and what looked like a thin deer trail of trampled grass. Michael pulled a branch aside and waited like a gentleman so I could walk through. Then he let it go so it would smack Jesse in the face.

“Hey!” Michael and I both laughed.

The trees had created a thick canopy that blocked out the light. As soon as I stepped inside, I could feel the cold eating at my bare arms, so I crossed them over my chest and followed Michael’s lead. As we got deeper into the forest and the ground began to shift into an incline, I started to realize where we were going. The farther downhill, we went, the closer we’d get to the water. It always pooled up in the low ground. Sure enough, the trees started getting thicker until they closed in on us from both sides and we had to push past to get through.

I caught a flash of green — algae. We were coming up on a lake, and I could smell the festering water. “We don’t even know if we’re going in the right direction,” Jesse said.

“Let’s circle around the lake, so we can get closer to the property,” Michael suggested. He pushed through to the shore and hopped over a cluster of lichen-encrusted rocks. I followed his lead, careful not to fall in. When I got over the rocks, I caught a flash of white and yellow. A snake was sticking its head out of the water. I jumped back as it lunged towards me. There was a crack, and I ran closer to Michael. Jesse had shot it.

“You are the dumbest man alive,” Michael said and ran back over to where he was standing. “Give me your gun.”

“No, I’m not going in there unarmed.”

“You’re going to get us killed.” Michael tried to grab it, but Jesse pulled away.

“I need to protect myself. You can’t have it.”

“Guys,” I interjected.

“I don’t want you coming with us. You’re nothing but trouble. I shouldn’t have brought you along in the first place.”

“Guys,” I said a little louder.

“Shut up,” Jesse turned back.

“I saw something.” Something was moving in the trees on the other side of the lake.

“If you fire that thing again, I’ll shoot you myself.”

“Look,” I said and pointed to where the bushes were moving. They turned back, but the bushes stopped.

“It’s nothing, Gillian.” Michael took the lead again, and we started hopping over the roots and rocks lining the shore. There was a fallen log perched up on a boulder blocking the path. Michael skittered up to the top and reached down so I could grab his hand. I took it and braced my feet against the bottom of the boulder, so I could climb up.

“Give me your hand,” Jesse called up to Michael once I’d hoisted myself up. Michael turned around and jumped down onto the ground, and I followed him while Jesse struggled to get to the top. “Help me out here,” he called out.

“Hurry up and don’t say another word,” Michael called back. “I think we should ditch him,” he said to me.

“What is wrong with you? He’s Dwayne’s brother. He could get killed.”

“He’s putting us in danger.” Michael grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward. “Now come on.” He dragged me further, and I heard the sound of something swishing through the air. There was a flash of brown, something woven. Suddenly it lifted us up, and we were trapped, suspended over the water.

I went to scream, but Michael covered my mouth and pointed in the direction of the bushes we saw moving before. A bright red face came into view as a man stepped out. He was swaying and his face was covered in dirt. He pointed his rifle at us and looked through the scope.

“Michael,” I gasped.

When he turned to me, a bright blue dart was sticking out of his neck. He fell over and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

“Michael…” I felt a sharp pain and looked down. A dart was embedded in my shoulder.

I woke up to the stench of liquor, festering urine and sweat — something else too. It was familiar, but distant, like a dream I once had. Then, I opened my eyes and saw Dwayne lying next to me. We were both laying sideways with our faces on the ground and our hands bound, staring at one another silently.

A thick, purple layer of congealed blood was covering his forehead, and his eyes were bright red. I thought that I’d be relieved when I found him, but I wasn’t because I knew what was coming.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

He smiled. “Just so long as you’re here.”

“Shut up,” the man said and kicked him in the face.

“Hey.” I heard Michael behind me and turned over to look at him, noting the mud and branch walls of the makeshift structure we were lying in. “Leave her alone.”

The man slammed him in the face with the butt of his gun. “The men are here to watch,” the assailant announced.

“What are you going to do, Jason?” Dwayne was panicking

“You’ll see.” He grabbed me under the shoulders and pulled me up onto my knees.

“You call me a monster, you sick fuck!” Dwayne screamed and thrashed around, struggling to get up. He turned back to me, and my heart broke. He knew that he was going to lose me and that he’d have to watch it happen. I should never have come.

“Come on, Dwayne. Don’t you want to share?” He grabbed my hair and jerked my head back. “That’s it.”

“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”

Jason bent down to get up in my face. His eyes closed, and he puckered his lips. The stench of the whiskey on his breath was overpowering everything else. I jerked my head away, but he grabbed my chin to hold me still.

Jason was closer. His lips just a few inches away from mine. “No!” I screamed.

“No, it’s okay,” he said. “It’s okay. I just want a taste.” His breath enveloped me in a sickening cloud. I could barely breathe. He was so close I could practically feel him. Something caught the light near my feet. It was a hand reaching in between the cracks on the lean-to wall.

It was Jesse, and he was holding a knife.

“Why stop there?” I said.

“You want it?” Jason asked and pulled back. He let go of my hair.

I met his eyes to keep him from looking at Jesse who was slipping the knife over the rope binding Dwayne’s hands. “I want it bad.”


“Mm-hmm.” Jesse was starting to get through it. “I want it bad.”

“You’re such a dumb bitch.” He grabbed the gun leaning against the wall, and pointed it in Jesse’s direction.

I screamed. The gun went off, and I fell. I could see a pool of blood seeping under the wall and a hole revealing Jesse’s strained face. He was holding his leg.

Jason still had the gun pointed at him. He stepped forward and cocked it, but Dwayne grabbed Jason by the ankle and pulled his foot out from under him. Jason fell back, knocking away what was left of the structure, then stood up as fast as he could with his gun in hand. He lunged at Dwayne.

“Dwayne, my ankle.”

Dwayne looked at me, dumbfounded, then reached out and grabbed the gun that I’d strapped that I’d strapped around my ankle. “I’m sorry,” He said.

I snapped my eyes shut and shielded my ears from the blast. Everything went quiet, save for the sound of the wind.

“Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!” Jason screamed. “You shot me!” He was laying on the ground covering his elbow, and a black stain was welling up on his sleeve. He started to get up. “You’re gonna die.”

“Jesse, throw me that knife.” Jesse threw it, and Dwayne caught it in the air. He reached down, untied his ankles, and stood up, so he could advance on Jason with the gun pointed at his face.

“No…” Jason inched back.

“I’m not going to kill you. I’m not that kind of man.” Dwayne reached into his pocket and dialed 911.




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