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Secret (Save The Kids Book 2) by E.M. Leya (14)



Kasey quietly pushed open the back door after having picked the lock. He hated going in blind, but he trusted Trenton and Carter to have made sure he was safe and had what details he needed. He was after a single male who had only been out of prison for two weeks when he'd raped a young boy in a fast food restaurant bathroom.

The team might have never have known about it other than the fact that the sick fuck had taken a video of it and posted it on the dark web. Now he was going to pay the price for what he had done to that child.

The last thing Kasey thought he'd be doing was a sting. He'd gone to meet Matt and Xander at the team house and let them see first-hand that he had managed to keep Faith safe and alive over the last three days. Once he'd gotten there, Bryon asked if he was up for a job.

As restless as he'd been, he jumped at the chance. It was a simple job. One man, no children on site, and to make it easier, the house sat alone in a small field just outside of town. He wouldn't have to worry about neighbors watching or having anyone witness him walking inside.

Once in the house, he could hear the click-clack of someone typing on a keyboard. He followed the sound to a small office where he watched a middle-aged man typing something on his computer. On the screen was the video of him with the young boy, the volume up loud so the boy's cries and screams were amplified.

Kasey swallowed hard as he pulled the syringe out and uncapped it. He held the gun steady in one hand as he quietly stepped up directly behind the man. Without thinking about what he was doing, he made a quick motion with his hand, pushing the needle into the man's neck to administer the drug that would make him immobile.

The man gasped, turning in his chair, but the drugs were already working and as he lifted his hand to his neck, he started to slide down, unable to support himself in the chair.

"Well, hello there." Kasey grinned, though the man couldn't see it because of the mask Kasey had on. "That right there looks like a parole violation. A new charge or two." Kasey nodded to the computer screen. "It's going to cost you big time." He gently eased the man to the floor before tossing the chair out of his way. "I guess I should introduce myself. I'm your worst nightmare. I promise, none of your dreams, no matter how fucked up, prepared you for me." Kasey zip-tied the man's hands behind his back. The likelihood he could use them was slim, but he had a few perps who the drugs didn't affect as well as others. It wasn't worth the risk.

The man stared up at him, his eyes starting to cloud as the drugs took effect. He whimpered, but the sound was barely audible to Kasey's ears.

"You destroyed a child's life the other day." Kasey didn't waste time as he pulled out a pair of scissors and cut the material of the man's pants away from his body. "Now, I'm going to destroy yours." He cut the boxers from his body, exposing his nakedness. "People like you make me sick."

This was why he hadn't hesitated to take the job once he'd learned the details. The poor kid would think about this pervert every time he saw the fast food chain signs, and they were all over the place. There would be no escaping the memories of what happened to him.

Kasey tied two strings to the man's cock and balls, tightening them more than he needed to just to make the man suffer that much more. As he pulled the knife from his hoodie pocket, he made sure to lift it up high enough so the man could see it. There was no response from the man other than wetness filling his eyes.

"You know what I'm about to do, don't you?" Kasey laughed. "You thought you were so cool bragging about raping an innocent child, well, let's see how you brag about this." Kasey took the strings in one hand and pulled them tight, causing the man's cock and balls to lift away from his body. With a practiced flick of his wrist, he used the knife to cut through the skin and cause the cock and balls to drop to the floor.

The first few times Kasey had castrated a man, he'd nearly been sick, but now, it was nothing more than a job. His own body no longer reacted to it. This was something done to pedophiles, to those sick enough to want to destroy lives by abusing children. It was deserved.

Kasey carefully took the precut tubing he had in his pocket and managed to work around the bleeding to slide it into the man's cut urethra. He then quickly heated his knife with a mini torch before pressing the hot blade to the man's skin, cauterizing it to stop the bleeding.

"See how quickly things change?" He wanted to punch the man, beat the ever-loving shit right out of him, but he held back. They had rules as a team, and no matter how disgusted he was with someone, he stuck to those rules.

After gathering the things he'd used and putting them in a plastic bag in his pocket, he pulled out one last zip-tie. The man's desk was cheap and lightweight so Kasey pulled the man across the room, beside a large file cabinet. He zip-tied the man's ankle to the handle on the drawer. "Now, if you try to move, you'll pull that whole cabinet down on yourself. You have nothing to worry about. I'll call for an ambulance. They should be here before the drugs wear off."

He made sure the file was visible on the desk, copies of the man's crimes inside and locations online where he'd shared the video of what he'd done. Hopefully, the man wouldn't see freedom again, but with the current court system, anything was possible. At least he wouldn't be able to rape anyone else ever again because of what Kasey did.

As he made sure he'd left nothing behind to incriminate himself, he ignored the man on the floor. He'd done what he came to do. The man no longer mattered to him.

Confident he was leaving the scene clean, Kasey made his way back out of the house, casually walking out to his car that was parked on the road. He got into his car, reaching for his burner phone and making a quick call to 911. "Yes, you'll find the child rapist you're looking for at 8923 Timp Drive. He'll need medical." Kasey hung up before they could ask any more questions.

He then reached for his own phone and sent a quick text to Bryon.


Situation handled and secure. Headed home. STK


With the message sent, Kasey pulled away from the curb and headed toward the lake. He smiled as he heard sirens in the distance. Making sure to stay off the main roads and avoid them, he pulled the hoodie down from his head and tossed the mask onto the passenger seat.

Taking down a pedophile left him exhilarated. He always left a sting full of energy. It would take hours for him to come down from the high.

His phone rang, causing his nerves to kick in. He glanced at the caller ID and smiled, seeing Noam's name pop up. Hitting his hands-free, he said, "hello?"

"Hey, you didn't call like usual. Just wanted to make sure you're okay. I didn't wake you, did I?" Noam sounded unsure of himself.

Kasey glanced at the time on the dashboard, seeing it was nearly one in the morning. Late for most people, but Noam knew that he stayed up until at least three most nights. "No, I'm sorry I didn't call. I should have sent you a message. I had to run in to work for a last-minute job. I'm just headed home now." He pulled up next to the lake, shutting off the car.

"Good, I hoped you'd still be up. Sorry you had to go to work though," Noam said.

"It was a quick job. Nothing much." Kasey got out of the car, gathering the plastic bag and its contents, burner phone, and his gloves together.

"If you want to drop by for a middle of the night cup of coffee, I'd like to see you."

Kasey's pulse kicked up. While they had talked several times since the night out with Faith, they hadn't seen each other. Memories of their conversation that night, and the way it had felt to have Noam hug him from behind had played like a recording through his mind since it happened. "I'd like that. You sure I won't be keeping you up?"

"You will, but you're worth it. I know we're having dinner tonight, but I don't want to wait to see you." Noam blew out a long breath. "Is it fucked up that I feel like a teenager asking a date out to prom?"

Kasey laughed as he tossed the items into the lake one by one. "No, I like that I make you feel that way. You do the same to me." He loved how honest and open they were with each other. There wasn't any doubt or questions about what the other was feeling.

Kasey closed his eyes, wondering how long that openness would last and if it would be enough to see them through things when they got more serious.

"Where are you now?" Noam asked.

"Just getting in my car. I'm about fifteen to twenty minutes away." He glanced up at the night sky, enjoying the moonlit night.

"Perfect. I'll get a fresh pot of coffee going for us. See you in a few." Noam hung up.

Kasey smiled. He liked that Noam called him, maybe even missed him. It was nice having someone to talk to, even if he couldn't open up about what he really did for a living and how he spent his nights, there was still plenty for them to discuss and share. He got the feeling that Noam had a rough past, but he hadn't dared venture there yet. Like his own past, it was something that would take time to open up about. They hardly knew each other. The shit in Kasey's past wasn't stuff you told just anyone about. Hell, half the team didn't know the details of it and how it brought him to join the team.

Walking to the trunk, Kasey opened it and pulled out a screwdriver and a different license plate. It was the one that really belonged with the car. The one he had on it now was one that Carter had managed to get for them to use in case their vehicles were spotted on home surveillance when they did a sting. The fake plates were registered to the local police force, so if someone happened to get the plate numbers, the cops wouldn't be able to hunt them down. He didn't like changing the plates out in the open, but it didn't feel safe going over to Noam's home with the fake ones on. That was something someone like Noam would notice. It was a simple thing, but cops paid attention to plate numbers out of habit.

Once he had the old plate off and the new one screwed on, he shut the trunk and climbed into his car just as his cell phone started to ring again. He frowned seeing Noam's name again. "Miss me already?"

Noam sighed. "Yes, but that's not why I'm calling. I'm going to have to cancel on you tonight. I just got called into work. I'm going to be several hours. I'm really sorry."

Kasey could almost guess what call Noam had gotten. He'd bet money that Noam was headed to the crime scene he'd just left. That made him a little uneasy. He'd thought about it before, but now, this made him think again. Dating a detective really wasn't a good idea. There were too many secrets, too many things that could draw attention. Still, the idea of not seeing Noam again left him feeling cold and lonely. He was tired of cold and lonely. He wanted to feel alive, and that's how he felt when he was with Noam. "It's okay. Work always comes first. We both understand that. Go, be safe, and give me a call tomorrow when you wake up. We're still on for dinner, right?"

It sounded like Noam was changing clothes, and that was a visual that would stay with Kasey all night.

"Yeah, definitely on for dinner. I'll call you before that, but plan on me being to your place around five or so." Noam sighed. "I better get going. Have a good night, Kase."

"And you stay safe, Noam. Goodnight."

"Night." Noam disconnected.

Kasey leaned back in the seat of his car, looking over the large lake, wondering how he was going to make this work. He was playing with fire, but no matter how bad the burn, he didn't want to let go.