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Secret (Save The Kids Book 2) by E.M. Leya (25)



He'd never been happier to get home. It had been the longest four-day trip of his life. After finally getting back to the hotel the night after the sting, he'd spent the next few hours with Beau on the phone walking Bryon and Xander through making sure his arm was okay. Beau wanted them to hurry back, but Kasey refused. If they checked out and left town immediately after such a huge sting, they'd draw attention to themselves. While he stayed in the room and watched TV, he'd sent the other three out to gamble and act like they were celebrating Bryon's engagement.

In all, thirty-seven women and children were rescued, and the mayor of the town was being investigated since the warehouse was purchased by one of his businesses. How stupid could people be? It didn't seem that the police were looking for the team as much as trying to find out who the women and children were and get them back to their families. Unlike back home though, everything had been mentioned in the local paper, including the fact that seven men had been castrated. Reaction around the community had been shocked at first, but Xander said he was hearing more support as he sat listening to the locals' talk. Either way, it was done and over. He was finally home.

More than anything Kasey wanted a hot shower and to go see Noam. He'd missed him more than he thought he would. The few times they'd talked on the phone, Noam had been busy, and their conversations were short. He got the impression that something was bothering Noam, but he wasn't going to push him to open up about it over the phone.

With a relieved sigh, Kasey dropped his bag on his bed and fell down beside it. He was exhausted. It wasn't so much the injury that bothered him as everyone trying to make sure he was okay and refusing to let him do anything. Once he got the pain and bleeding controlled, caught a few hours' sleep, and was sure he wasn't going to need to go to the hospital, he was okay. Sure, it still ached, sometimes hurt, but it was a bullet wound. He didn't expect it to feel good.

He was almost asleep when his phone rang. Sitting up, he grabbed it from his pocket and groaned when he saw Beau's name. "Hello?"

"You were supposed to wait at the house for me to examine your arm." Beau was using his authoritative voice he usually saved for his patients' parents.

"It's fine. Nothing to worry about." Kasey rubbed the area below the wound.

"And you became a doctor when?" Beau didn't sound amused.

"Come on, I just got home. My pain level is okay, there is light swelling, but that's to be expected. The site is weeping just like any wound would. I don't have a fever. I'm not dizzy. What more do you want?"

"For a doctor to actually look at it," Beau said.

"Fine, let me shower and I'll head back over." Kasey sighed as he glanced at the clock, wondering if Noam was home.

"Why don't you just come let me in your front door? I decided to be nice and make a house call this time."

"Why didn't you just say so?" Kasey headed to the front door, working the lock. He glared at Beau as he opened it.

Beau disconnected the call and slid his phone into his pocket. "Because I wanted a chance to bitch at you for not following protocol, and I wanted to hear you say you'd come see me and do what was right." Beau stepped inside.

"You're an ass."

"I'm the ass who can get you drugs to make the pain go away, so you better be nice." Beau set a backpack down on the couch, unzipped it, and pulled out a pair of gloves. "Let me see it."  

Kasey carefully pulled his shirt over his head, trying to hide the pain as he moved his arm. Once the shirt was off, he tossed it on the coffee table and sat down next to where Beau was standing. "Happy?"

"Not yet, but getting closer." Beau started to undo the gauze bandage that was wrapped around it. "Be honest with me. How much blood did you lose?"

"Maybe a cup? Hell, I don't know. You know how blood is. It looks like there is more of it than there is. It was bleeding enough to soak through the t-shirt I wrapped around it and leave a small puddle on the floor before I got it covered. I was dizzy, but other than when the bullet hit me, I didn't feel like I was going to black out at all. The worst was Bryon and Xander trying to play doctor. I would have been better off doing it myself."

"Yeah, because it's so easy to reach the back of your arm to clean it up." Beau gently turned Kasey's arm as he inspected the entry and exit wound. "You were damn lucky. This could have easily killed you."

"You don't have to tell me. I've had that nightmare three nights in a row." Kasey rolled his eyes.

"Trouble sleeping?"

"No, just the thoughts before I go to sleep. I'm fine. I know it was close. I know what could have happened. I know I'm lucky. You aren't telling me anything I don't already know."

"You going to care about scars on those pretty biceps of yours?"

Kasey raised a brow.

"Okay, no jokes." Beau grinned. "Seriously, I'm glad you're okay. This could have been much worse."

"We've had worse." He thought about the bullet Xander had taken a few years back.

"We have, and I hate them all. I don't want any of you guys hurt. It's like hearing my brother's been shot. So, quit doing it and save us both the stress." Beau cleaned the area, then started to rebandage it. "What about pain? What do you want?"

"Tylenol is fine." Kasey hated harder pain meds.

"You sure? I know how bad this has to hurt."

"Yeah, I don't want the strong stuff."

"How about I give you two prescriptions for pain. You decide which one you use. The one you don't, we'll add to the cabinet at the team house for when we do need them. Maybe for Dyson's next basketball injury."

Kasey laughed. Dyson sprained his ankle more times than anyone he knew. "Deal."

"As I said before, change the bandage. Let me know if you notice any unusual swelling, redness, discharge, or smell."

"I've got it, Beau. It's not like I don't see you two or three times a week anyway. You'll be able to check it when we have our meetings."

Beau pursed his lips before blowing out a frustrated breath. "You'd think adults would be easier, but I swear to God you're not. Give me a six-year-old kid scared and screaming any day over you guys."

"We love and appreciate you, Beau." Kasey grinned up at him.

"Yeah, yeah, sure you do." Beau flicked his finger to the side of Kasey's head. "If you cared, you wouldn't get shot."

"It's not like I asked for it." Kasey rubbed his arm as soon as Beau stepped back. "Thanks for worrying about me."

"I'd do it even if it wasn't my job." Beau winked. "Okay, I'm off to find me a glass of wine and a good book to curl up with for the next twenty-four hours. You've got my number if you need me. Don't hesitate to use it." Beau zipped his backpack up and slung it over his shoulder.

"I won't. I plan on a simple dinner with my boyfriend and a good night's sleep."

"How are you going to explain the wound to him?" Beau asked.

Kasey sighed. "Lie. I cut it on a piece of metal or something. I'll make sure to keep the bandage on when he's around." Hopefully, by the time it's fully healed, it wouldn't look like a gunshot wound. He didn't want to think how he'd explain the lying or the wound if Noam figured it out.

"Well, call me if you need me. I'll let myself out." Beau waved.

Kasey leaned back on the couch. "Thanks, Beau."

As he heard the door shut, he reached for his phone, quickly dialing Noam's number.

"Hello?" Noam asked.

"Hey, I'm finally home. You got plans? I'm dying to see you." Kasey wanted nothing more than to curl up with Noam and forget the last four days.

"I'm at the grocery store but will be home in fifteen or so if you want to come over." Noam didn't sound as happy that he was back in town as he'd hoped.

"Sounds good. I'm going to just grab a quick change of clothes and I'll be on my way." Kasey really wanted a shower, but he wanted Noam more.

"Perfect, I'll see you then." Noam hung up without another word.

Kasey tried not to think too much into Noam's clipped conversation. Usually, it was Noam who was saying the 'I missed you' and 'hurry over', but now, it didn't sound like he cared one way or the other.

It was probably just the four days apart. What they had was too perfect for it to end or for there to be problems, at least from his point of view. He wasn't going to let it bother him. Once they were together, things would be just like they had been.

He quickly changed his clothes, combed his hair, and was out the door.

It took just minutes to get to Noam's and as he walked up to the front door, he was smiling ear to ear, excited to see him again.

"Hey, come on in." Noam held the door open for him.

"Hi, I missed you." Kasey turned, kissing Noam softly.

Noam kissed him back for a second before he stepped aside and closed the door. "Have a seat." He gestured to the couch.

Kasey sat down, laughing as Casper jumped up beside him. "Hey, girl, I missed you too." He scratched behind her ears as she settled on his lap. He glanced up at Noam. "It's good to be home. It was so hot down there."

"What happened to your arm?" Noam nodded to the bulky sleeve on Kasey's arm.

He'd hoped by wearing a long sleeve shirt that Noam wouldn't notice it, but he should have known better.

"How'd you know I hurt it?"

"I've seen my share of bandages under clothes." Noam sat down in a chair across from the couch.

"I got a good gash on something. It's fine. The doctor gave me some antibiotics and told me to keep an eye on it. It's nothing." He shrugged.

"Let me see it," Noam asked.

"What?" Kasey rubbed his arm. "I'm fine, I promise."

Noam sighed. "Let me see it, Kase. It's important."

Kasey nodded. "Okay, if you insist." He lifted his shirt over his head, biting back the pain. Hopefully, Noam would be happy just seeing the bandage.

Noam moved, coming over to sit beside him. He reached over and started to work the bandage loose from Kasey's arm.

Kasey held his breath, unsure how to handle the situation. Noam was acting funny, and his mood was all but welcoming. "What's going on, Noam? Is something wrong?"

"I'll tell you in a second." Noam pulled the bandage off Kasey's arm. "Jesus Christ." Noam threw the bandage on the coffee table as he stood. "It's a fucking bullet wound, Kase."

Kasey bit his lip. "I was caught in the crossfire when—"

"Stop right there. Don't you dare fucking tell me another lie." Noam pulled out his cell, hit several buttons and thrust the phone at Kasey. "Tell me this isn't you."

Kasey's blood seemed to turn cold as he took the phone and watched a video playing of him getting out of his car and walking across the street to the last solo sting he did. He didn't dare look up as he tried to think what to say. He stared at the video as it replayed three times.

"Then there is this…" Noam reached for a printed sheet of paper off the coffee table. "Police say vigilantes tortured the men before calling the authorities and alerting them to the women. One witness said that one of the vigilantes was shot in the arm during a brief scuffle." Noam narrowed his eyes as he stared at Kasey's arm. "There's more. I've got several articles. Would you like me to read them all?"

Kasey swallowed hard. "I wanted to tell you but—"

"But you knew how I'd react? You knew what I'd have to do if I knew?" Noam tossed the paper back on the table, the pulse in his neck visually beating. "God damn it, Kase, I'm in love with the fucking 'Castrator'?

"In love?" His pulse seemed to skip as he stood up. "I love you too, Noam."

"Great, glad to hear it, but that's not going to make all this go away." Noam waved his hand at his phone and the papers on the table. "Fuck, Kasey, what did you think? Did you really doubt I'd ever find out?"

"I was going to quit. Honestly, I just wanted to be sure about us first. I know it sounds like a lame excuse now, but it's the truth. I never wanted to put you in this position, Noam. You have to believe that."

"Oh, I do believe that. I don't think you ever wanted me to find out. It was just lucky there was a camera you didn't know about and couldn't hack for once." Noam turned away. "Who are the others? They said there were several of you in Nevada."

Kasey shook his head. "It's just me." There was no way he would ever give away the rest of the team members. He'd die before giving them up.

"Still lying to me." Noam turned and glared at him.

"Do what you have to do, Noam, but I'm not getting anyone else in trouble for this. It's all on me. I was the one who did it all. I'm the one in that video. I'm the one with the bullet wound. You've got your man."

"I thought he was mine until I found out he had a whole other side to him. It's like a real-life case of Jekyll and Hyde. Do I even know who the fuck you are?"

Kasey stood. "You've always had the real me. I've never lied to you until today when I told you the wound on my arm was a gash. I might not have told you everything. I might have held information back, but I never lied."

"It's the same thing." Noam kicked a chair, causing it to wobble but not tip over. "Why, Kase? Why do you do all of it?"

Kasey rubbed his hand over his bare chest. "You know why. I told you about my sister. I told you what happened to her. Maybe it's wrong, but once I started and saw how many kids I was saving, I couldn't stop. Each time I'd go into a house and hear children crying in a room down the hall, I knew I was doing the right thing. I could have killed the men. It's what I want to do to every last one of them, but it's too easy that way. I want them to suffer. They deserve to suffer just like the kids are forced to do."

Noam blew out a long breath. "I can't argue with you. You've saved hundreds of children, maybe more with the ones who never got abused because of what you do, but damn it, it's illegal. It's against the law. Do you know what kind of charges you face now?"

Kasey nodded. "I've always prepared myself for the chance I might get caught. I've sat down and gone over the list of charges I'd face. I know I'll never see the outside of a prison because of it, but you know what, Noam, it was worth it. It was worth it to see Faith come home, it was worth it to see the others come home. You had to have gotten the call. The two girls who were kidnapped, the ones from the mall, they were in Nevada. The little boy from the park, I don't know if you've found him yet, but he was listed in the paperwork left on the table the other night. How do you expect me to look at those kids and not do what I do? You know I don't just go after anyone. I go after the ones who have had second, third, sometimes fourth chances. They've been locked up, gone through programs. They aren't ever going to change. This isn't something like a drug addiction that can be fixed. Even what I do doesn't stop some. They'll still find ways to hurt children if they get the chance. They like causing the pain, hurting them."

Noam sat down in the chair, looking deflated and tired. "Fuck, what do you expect me to do here, Kase? I agree with you on all that, but I'm a police officer. I gave a vow to follow the laws, enforce them. I shouldn't even be talking to you right now. I should have you in cuffs and on the way to the jail."

"I can't answer that for you, Noam. I'm not going to beg you to go against what you believe or risk your job over me. I love you. I meant that. You are the most amazing man I've ever known, and I hoped we would have a future. I was going to give it all up for you, but I didn't do it soon enough. I fought between the two things I love, you, and saving children. It sounds pathetic to hear myself say it. Noam, you do what you need to. I won't hold it against you. I'll go with you to the jail right now. I'll answer all your questions about past cases, but one thing I won't do is name any others or tell you how we do what we do. You take me in. I take the fall for all of it, but I only talk about what concerns me. Nothing more."

Noam stood up, going to stand by the window and looked over the front yard for several minutes.

As they sat in silence, Kasey tried to think what he needed to do. When Noam took him in he'd get a phone call, but who should he call? It couldn't be anyone on the team. They'd look into everyone he had contact with. The jail would have records of any numbers he called. He'd need someone to get his car, sell the house, deal with all the things he'd no longer be able to. All the things he'd no longer need.

It scared the fuck out of him.

Still, he didn't regret a single thing he did. He never would, even if it cost him the rest of his life, his freedom.

"Go home, Kase." Noam didn't turn to look at him.

"What?" Kasey stepped toward him.

"I said go home. I need to think. I promise I'll call you before I do anything. You'll know before I do it, okay?" Noam finally turned to look at him. "If you're going to run, run far."

Kasey lifted his chin, meeting Noam's gaze with his own determined one. "I'm not running, Noam. Not from this, not from you. You have my number. When you're ready to take me in, I'll be at home." Kasey started for the door, but paused after he opened it. "Noam, I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. We just happened so fast and it felt so right. I didn't have time to think anything through, and I'm sorry that I hurt you. Sorry you are in this position because of me. I'm sorry for everything." Kasey walked out the door, shutting it softly behind him.

He walked to his car without looking back even though he wanted to. As scared and worried as he was, he was heartbroken even more. Losing his freedom didn't mean anything if he didn't have Noam, and he'd lost him for sure.

As he pulled his car from the curb, he reached over and called Bryon on his hands-free, dreading the words he was about to say. They had a code that they all knew that was to be used only if one of them was compromised. It was a code Kasey hoped he'd never have to use, but as Bryon answered the phone, he took a deep breath and said, "the lights have burned out, Bryon. We have a problem."





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