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Spring Fling: A Limited Edition Collection of Romance by Nicole Morgan, Stacy Deanne, Jan Springer, Krista Ames, Cara Marsi, Khardine Gray, Nikky Kaye, Lisa Marbly-Warir, Dana Kenzi, Lynn Burke (32)

Chapter Thirty-One

Scott raced out the cafeteria, holding the gun high. “Mansi?”

“So you gonna be the hero? Don’t make me laugh.” She shot at him, cackling. “Go back to the library, pussy.”

“Scott,” Rachel yelled. “Just go!”

“I’m not leaving you, Rachel.” He looked at the gun in his shivering hand.

“You have a lot to learn, little boy.” Mansi shot back as she ran down the hall, holding Rachel by the hair.

Scott followed, dipping around corners until he reached the gym. “Mansi?” He crept in, pointing the gun at her.

“Say goodbye to your girlfriend because she’s dead.”

Rachel trembled, tears drenching her lovely face.

“You don’t want to do this,” Scott said.

Mansi yanked Rachel’s hair. “You idiots believed Fusco would just forget what Stone did over some coins? This is much bigger than coins.”

Scott swallowed loud. “If you need a hostage then take me. Rachel did nothing wrong.”

“Fusco promised me a bigger stake in the business.” She shook Rachel. “If I complete this mission, then I’ll have all the power I want.”

“I got the feeling he’s lied to you.” Sweat dotted Scott’s forehead. “Fusco only cares about himself.”

“What do you know about it?” Mansi shot at Scott.

He fell, dropped his gun, and rolled toward the bleachers.

Rachel jumped up and down in Mansi’s grip. “Shoot her, Scott!”

“Ooh.” Scott shook, woozy.

“Pussy.” Mansi slammed her foot into Scott’s crotch.

“Ah,” he yelped, grabbing Mansi’s leg.

“Let go of me.” Mansi kicked Scott in the forehead and pressed the gun at Rachel’s temple.

“Don’t.” Scott got his gun. “I swear I’ll kill you.”

“With the way you shoot?” Mansi chuckled. “I don’t think so.”

Scott timidly pressed the trigger, shaking and seeing double.

The back door flew open, sunlight filling the gym. “Police!” Bobby raced in, gun high. “Put the gun down,” he ordered Mansi.

“Bobby?” Scott stood, holding the gun to his side.

“I’ll shoot her,” Mansi shouted.

“I’ll have ten bullets in you before you get out one,” Bobby said, one eye closed. “Trust me, sweetheart. I’m a better shot than you.”

“Fuck you.” Mansi shifted her aim to Bobby.

Before Scott registered what was happening, Bobby shot three times, hitting Mansi in the chest and stomach.

“Oh!” She fell on the floor, wiggled, and then went still.

Rachel ran to Scott, crying.

“You’re okay.” He dropped the gun and held her. “You’re okay.”

Bobby checked Mansi’s pulse. “She’s dead.”

“What the hell are you doing here?” Scott asked, relieved for once that Bobby couldn’t mind his own business.

“I’ve been tailing you all morning.”

“What?” Scott held Rachel’s head to his chest.

“Yeah.” Bobby looked over Mansi’s oozing body. “I knew you were in trouble, and I wasn’t about to let you do something stupid.” He gestured to Mansi. “Nice piece. What a waste.”

“Bobby.” Scott hugged him. “Thanks.”

“No way I’d let you get hurt.” He let Scott go, patting his back. “Is that Napoleon’s gun?”

Scott nodded.

“Look at you, little brother.” Bobby swatted Scott’s cheek. “You are the hero, huh?”

“My brother’s been shot in the shoulder,” Rachel said. “He’s in the cafeteria.”

“And another guy’s been shot.” Scott swallowed, catching his breath. “One of Fusco’s men.”

“All right.” Bobby radioed in the paramedics on his way to the hall and then stopped. “Rachel?”


“You all right?”

Scott smiled.

“Yeah. Thanks for asking.”

Bobby nodded and left.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Scott hugged Rachel, inhaling her fruity scent. “I’m never letting you go again.”

“I’m so sorry about everything.” She shivered in his arms. “Not telling you about the robbery, getting you in this mess, everything.”

“Listen.” He held her face still, staring into her eyes. “None of that matters anymore. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.”

“You’re never gonna lose me.” She sobbed into his chest. “I’m never leaving you. I love you.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “I love you too.”

* * *

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Rachel poked Stone’s bandaged arm a few hours later.

“Ow.” He flinched on the clinic table. “I’d be better if you’d stop poking my arm.”

Scott grinned, holding Rachel by the waist. “You’re lucky the bullet only grazed you.”

“Shit.” Stone’s sweaty face twisted. “I’ve been shot before and this hurt worse than the last time.”

Scott sighed, shaking his head. “How long are you going to do this, man?”

“This what?” Stone grabbed his skullcap and handed it to Rachel for her to put it on him.

“This life.” Scott crossed his arms. “When is enough, enough?”

“I should change?” Stone chuckled as Rachel tied the cap around his head. “I can’t promise that, Scott.”

“After all the people who got hurt by you stealing that money?”

“We don’t always pick our lives.” Stone scooted to the edge of the table. “Not everyone has family that cares about them.”

I care about you.” Rachel sat beside her brother, rubbing his shoulder. “I think you’re scared to live a regular life but trust me…” She smiled at Scott. “It’s not so bad.”

“Don’t you want to fall in love and get married?” Scott asked. “The feeling you get from being in love is ten times better than anything money can buy.” He grabbed Rachel’s hand, melting in her touch. “You’re doing yourself a disservice.”

“Who’d want me?” Stone’s mouth rose in one corner. “I’m not exactly marriage material.”

“There’s someone for everyone,” Scott said as Rachel took her place beside him. “Maybe you should think about what you deserve and stop selling yourself short.” He chuckled. “Rachel described you as a burnt sweet potato pie.”

“Burnt sweet potato pie?” Stone grinned. “What?”

“Yeah,” she said. “A little crusty on the top but once you peel that off, it’s still good.”

They laughed.

“I hear you both.” Stone stroked his cap. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

“Please do,” Rachel said. “I can’t lose you.”

Bobby walked through the curtain. “Hey, all.”

They greeted him back.

“Stone?” Bobby stood at the foot of the table. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, the bullet just grazed me.” He winced in obvious pain. “I’m good to go. Doctor’s gonna give me some pain pills and told me to monitor any changes. I just need to relax.”

“Which he won’t do.” Rachel tapped Stone’s head.

He playfully kicked at her in return.

“Thanks so much, Bobby,” Rachel said. “For saving all of our lives.”

“Don’t thank me.” Bobby put his hands in his pockets, smiling. “Lil’ brother gets all the credit.”

Rachel put her arm around Scott’s waist. “I love him.”

“I’ll always keep an eye on you, little brother.” Bobby pointed at Scott and Rachel. “Fusco is still around, and I’m gonna make sure he doesn’t hurt you guys.”

“Let’s not think about him,” Scott said. “I wanna enjoy the moment.”

“And you.” Bobby focused on Stone. “Stay out of trouble.”

Stone smirked. “I’ll try. Or if not I promise not to get Rachel or Scott into any.”

Bobby walked up to Rachel. “May I speak to you for a moment?”

She let Scott go and followed Bobby from the room.

* * *

“What is it?” Rachel awaited Bobby’s words, as terrified at what he’d say as she was when Mansi tried to kill her.

“I’m a proud man.” Bobby sighed, laying his hand against the wall. “It’s difficult for me to admit I was wrong or whatever.”

“I understand.” She smiled. “You don’t have to say anything.”

“I do.” He waved off her dismissal. “If I’m man enough to be wrong, then I gotta be man enough to apologize. I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you. It came from a place of concern for my brother.”

“I’d felt the same way in your place. This might sound odd but this Fusco situation did some good.”

He moved his hand from the wall. “In what way?”

“It got me and Scott together, and I think my brother will shape up.” She exhaled. “I hope.”

“Scott means the world.” Bobby straightened up as if uncomfortable to show emotion, but his eyes betrayed him.

“I do love him, Bobby.” She shrugged. “Whether it makes sense or not.”

“As long as it makes sense to you and Scott then that’s what matters.”

“With all the trouble we’ve gone through already…” She hooked her arms behind her back, glancing at the door. “It better be the real thing.”

“Welcome to the family, Rachel.” He patted her shoulder as Napoleon approached. “Hey.” Bobby hugged him. “What are you doing here?”

“Napoleon.” Rachel beamed. “Didn’t expect to see you.”

“I wanted to make sure Stone was okay,” he said.

“Wow,” Rachel said. “After all you did for us? It’s because of you I’m here.” She hugged him. “Thanks so much.”

“Don’t mention it.” He patted her back as he moved away from her. “You being okay is thanks enough.”

“I’ve never had so many people care about me.” Rachel sobbed. “My brother and I…it’s always been just us.”

“Not anymore.” Napoleon secured her hand in both of his. “You’re family now, Rachel.”

She exhaled, wiping tears. “Thank you so much.”

“Anyway, things worked out all around.” Napoleon smirked. “I got my coin collection back again.”

Bobby laughed, gripping Napoleon’s shoulder. “Let’s go say hi to Stone.”

Scott exited the room and exchanged sincere words with Napoleon as Napoleon and Bobby went inside.

“Aw, jeez.” Scott noticed Rachel crying. “What did Bobby do?”

“These are happy tears.” She giggled. “You have some amazing people in your life. I always missed having a family, and now I see why it’s so important.”

“You’ll always have me.” He pulled her close, stroking her butt. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Stop asking me that.” She pulled a thread on his shirt. “I’m more than okay.” She kissed him. “I’m fabulous!” She threw her arms up, howling.

People passed through the hall, gawking.

“Bobby’s right,” Scott said. “We gotta watch our backs. Fusco is still around.”

“If I had the power to go back in time and stop Stone from being so foolish, I would.” She swayed in Scott’s arms. “How things would be if this never happened.”

“I don’t wish it never happened.” He pushed his nose to her forehead and sniffed her. “If it hadn’t, I wouldn’t have you.”

“That’s a good point, Scott.” She snickered, kissing him. “A very good point.”