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Sugar (wrecked) by Mandi Beck (28)



Three Months Later

“Beau, we gotta get outta this bed. Your mama is gonna be coming for us soon if we don't get there to help her.”

Her mouth is saying one thing, her body snuggling into my chest says another. Flipping us so that's she's under me, I grin down on her. Hair a tangled just-fucked mess, lips puffy from my kisses, and her skin a pretty pink shade from my beard. Yeah, I'm not letting her out of this bed just yet.

“I think we have some time yet for some sugar, Sugar.” My drawl is as slow as my gaze roaming over her breasts, her nipples pebbled tight like two perfect, little berries. Bending my head, I pull one into my mouth and release it with a pop. Addy groans, arching into me.

“I thought we didn't have time?”

“We might have a little,” she says sweetly.

With a knowing grin, I slide down her body, kissing each little bit of skin I leave exposed. “Reckon there's time for a little watermelon crawl?” I ask against the soft skin of her stomach.

“Okay, I’ve got time for that,” she murmurs.

Settling in between her legs, I press her thighs wide, leaving her open for me. My mouth hovering just above her sweet spot, I glance up to find her watching me with fire in her eyes and a flush on her cheeks. She’s beautiful. I swipe my tongue lazily through her, my eyes on her the entire time.

“I love you like this,” I tell her as I hook an arm under her leg so that I can spread her wider with my fingers. She can’t help but give a little hip roll.

“Like what?” she pants out.

“Open and wet. Needy for my mouth on your pussy.” My thumb circles over her clit while I nibble at her thighs. Knowing that it’s sweet torture for her.

“And I love you like this.”

“How’s that?” Still teasing, I place a string of kisses up her pussy without putting enough pressure to give her what she wants.

“That pretty face of yours is framed by my thighs and that talented mouth all over my pussy.” Her tone is thick with the want coursing through both of us. I have zero control when she starts talking dirty and she knows it. Just hearing the word “pussy” fall from her lips drives me wild.

“Told you there was so much more to do on your knees than pray.”

Smirking at her moan of agreement, I do us both a favor and bury my face in her center, lapping and sucking at the soft skin of her thighs, her clit, every crease and crevice. Like the country boy I am, I devour her just as I would a piece of watermelon, sweet juices glistening on my lips, a smile on my face. I could die a happy man right here when she comes, my name a satisfied moan rolling off her tongue.

* * *


Everyone's here to celebrate Beau's new release with Hard Candy. All the Wrecked boys, Willow, and Scar. Beau's band and crew, plus Jimmy Don and Sealy. Beau's parents, of course, and some of his friends and family I haven't yet met. Beau's parents have a big barn on the property that they use purely for parties like this. We even have a live band, go figure, playing from a makeshift stage.

“Hey there, darlin', how you doin' over here?” Beau's mama asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. She and I have become thick as thieves now that she and Beau had a come to Jesus about Jenny.

Dropping her arm, she points. “They can be a little overwhelmin' when they all get together,” she says of the McCrae clan huddled over by the bar setup.

“Yes, ma'am, they can.” I can't help but laugh. They're overwhelmin' because they're all so damn hot. I'm not sure why she thinks they are, but I can tell you it's the issue I'm having.

Just then Beau glances my way, our eyes meeting without hesitation. Like he knows exactly where I am and he feels the heat of my gaze. He says something to the guys and strides over to us in that loose-legged walk he has.

“What are my two favorite girls gettin' up to?” Beau places a kiss to his mama’s cheek and then one to mine before slyly dragging his mouth to my ear and nipping at my lobe. I can smell myself on him mingled with his own scent. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever encountered in all my days. How I keep from dragging this man off and having my wicked way with him all the time is beside me.

I can feel the heat of his gaze on me as I stand here with him and his mama and think dirty things about him. I blink quickly, smiling up at him sheepishly as his lips curl into a knowing smirk. Damn it, he knows me so well.

“Nothin’ much, just admirin’ all you good lookin’ McCrae boys.” Ahhh, so we were on the same page.

“That right?” Beau asks.

“Mmm hmm,” I murmur.

“Oh my word, what is that man doin’? I’ll talk to you later, babies,” Jolynn calls as she barrels off after Beau’s daddy.

“So you were checkin’ out my cousins, huh?” Looping his arms around me, he rests his hands on the small of my back, the thin material of my sundress doing nothing to protect me from the heat of his touch.

“Just admirin’ the view is all,” I tease.

“I’ve got a view for you to admire,” he retorts. “Should I take you back to the room and

I put a hand over his mouth because God knows what filthy thing will fall from his lips.

“I’m still plenty happy from earlier thank you,” I answer just as Willow and Stone come over.

“Hey, you two, almost time for the big announcement,” Willow says beaming. They just came back from Canada for this party and the announcement.

“Sure is,”Beau says, as he tucks me into his side.

“I need to eat before any of that goes down. Your mom is killing me with all that food in there,” Stone says, jerking a thumb toward the barn.

“She’s got enough to feed an army, of course.”

“Good fucking thing because I’m about to eat like one,” Stone laughs, making us all join in.

“You boys go grab some food while Addy and I talk girl-talk,” Willow says shooing them away.

Pressing a lingering kiss to my mouth, Beau leads Stone to go grab some food.

“So things are good then?”

“Things are fantastic,” I answer honestly. And they are. They couldn’t be better if I dipped them in batter and fried them. Okay, I’ve been hanging out with his mama too much.

“And what do your parents think of him?” she asks, knowing that would be important to me.

“They love him. We just flew to Florida so that Mama could meet him. She’s been there taking care of my memaw for some time now, and Daddy’s been down too since after the build.”

“That’s good! Especially because they hated Calvin.”

“Everybody but me hated Calvin. That shoulda been my first red flag,” I scoff.

Willow laughs, “Ain’t that the truth.”

I can look back and joke about it now, and that’s because of Beau. He’s shown me what love is supposed to look like and what it means to love someone in a capacity you never thought possible and to have them return that love. That was the real kicker. He loves me just as hard as I love him. I’m not sure what I did to deserve that love, but I know with him, it’s not something I had to coerce out of him. It just came natural. I’m still lost in my little love-haze when Beau calls my name from the barn. Willow and I both look only to find him and Stone with massive wedges of watermelon. Both of them grinnin’ like the dirty fools they are. I shake my head, my eyes squinted in laughter as Beau does lewd things to the poor fruit.

“Oh God, these Texas boys. Can’t take them anywhere,” Willow chimes in, though she doesn’t seem near as disgusted as she’s trying to sound.

It doesn’t take long for the party to really get going—the music is louder, the drinks and food flowing freely, people two-steppin’ around the barn. As soon as the song ends, the band calls Beau to the stage. Pressing a kiss to my temple, he strides to the stage area and hops up, thanking the band for being there and for doing such a great job.

“I ought to be worried,” he chuckles into the microphone, “these boys can sing my songs almost better than I can.” The crowd gathered around him laughs along. Once they settle down, he continues, “As most of you know, I had a big summer. Lots of changes. All for the better, though I didn’t know that at first.” He grins. “I signed with a new label. Jimmy found me people who understand what music means to someone like me. Another family. And in doing so, I wrote some pretty amazing songs with some pretty amazing people. People I would have never in a million years thought of collaborating with.” I smile, because I know how sitting on this information was killing him. “Stone and I wrote a song together over the summer that we’ll feature on this album.” Everyone shouts and whistles their congratulations. People near enough are slapping a smiling Stone on the back.

“But,” Beau says in the mic, quieting everyone once again. “That’s not the only thing I got out of this partnership with Hard Candy Records. I also met a girl. A woman who laid me flat on my ass.” What in the world? My hands clasped in front of me, I do my best not to lose my cool. “A woman who takes none of my shit.” That’s met with snickers all around. “A woman whose name I want to change.”

My heart stops as Beau’s sexy smoldering gaze pins me to the spot. Oh my God. He didn’t just—he couldn’t have. Could he? I can feel all of the attention shift to me as I stare at Beau trying to figure out what he’s saying to me. I don’t have to wonder for long. With my eyes bulging out of my head, I watch as he jumps down from the stage and walks over to me and drops to one knee in the Texas clay.

“Sugar, you’re the first person I’ve ever loved more than myself. Now I may talk slow, but I want to love you even slower.” His soft drawl tickles over me as he takes my trembling hand in his much larger, much steadier one, and slips a ring on my finger. “Let me be the one. I promise to always do the watermelon crawl, take you to church, swim in the river by the light of the moon, and to always walk the line.” I can barely see him through the tears swimming in my eyes and clinging to my lashes.

Never did I think this day would come and never did I believe it would come this quickly. “I want to write you into every one of my love songs and sing to you from the bed of a pickup truck until we’re too damn old to even climb up there.” He grins, his thumb swiping over the ring he placed on my finger. “Addy Mae Masterson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Let me change your name,” Beau says softly.

Forgetting all the people around us watching with hearts in their eyes, a sob breaks through. All I can do is nod my head yes and try not to topple him over when I launch myself at him. Finally finding my voice with my lips against his, tears of happiness falling from my eyes, I whisper, “You can take me to church. Both kinds.” I laugh when he spins me around before putting me back on my feet.

Beau looks down on me, a content and happy smile splitting his lips, lips I want on me in the worst way and says in that slow, sexy drawl of his, “You bet your sweet ass I will, Sugar.”