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Tank: A Steel Paragons MC Novel by Eve R. Hart (28)











Showering wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. The more I moved around the less stiff I felt and the pain in my side had eased a bit. I could have washed myself, but when you have a hot, naked woman wanting to do it for you, you take advantage of that shit. And there was no denying how her touch affected me.

“You missed some,” I said dipping my chin down to my rock hard cock.

“Oh, did I?” she asked with a sexy as fuck gleam in her eyes. The very same one that had freaked me out the first time I saw it. But now that I knew what it meant, I wanted to see her look at me all the time with that special sparkle that was just for me.

Her fingers closed around my cock and a hissed breath rushed out of my lungs. Damn, I couldn’t believe I’d gone so long without sex. But then again, I never remembered it feeling as good as it felt with Dya. Her hand slid up and down my shaft slowly, drawing out the feeling in my balls every time she lightly twisted her fingers around my crown. My mouth met hers in a hungry kiss as she continued to stroke me. Fuck, it felt so good and I was about to come in her hand like a damn teenager.

Gripping the back of her hair, I pulled her face back. Her heavy-lidded eyes looked up at me with desire swirling in them. I spun her around and pushed her up against the wall. My eyes raked over her back and stopped to take in her luscious ass. My fingers danced down her spine then between her thick globes until I felt her desire for me coating my hand as I cupped her pussy.

“So wet for me, Angel,” I breathed against her skin before I kissed and nipped the tender flesh on her shoulder. “I need you,” I growled into her ear.

A low moan escaped her lips as she rocked against my fingers, her ass pushed so far out like she was begging for my cock.

Not wasting any more time, I withdrew my fingers and lined myself up with her drenched pussy. It took everything I had in me to hold back, but I somehow managed to do so as I slowly pushed myself all the way into her. Once I was fully seated, she let out the sexiest, desperate moan.

I loved her deep voice. It was rough and dark, just like her. Every time she talked it was like it vibrated through my whole body, lighting up my veins with a fire that was out of control.

Her hands slapped on the wall in an attempt to brace herself. I pulled back slowly, loving the way she clamped onto my cock as if she didn’t want me to leave. But I wasn’t going anywhere, it felt too fucking good. I wrapped one arm around her and pinched her nipple as I held up her shaking body.

“Oh shit,” I hissed feeling her wetness drip down my balls.

Damn, I love how turned on she got by me. I couldn’t say for certain, but I had a pretty good idea she’d never gotten as good as this. And that wasn’t my ego talking. No, the way her body begged for it, craved it, and the way she fell apart for me was enough proof. Then there was the look, the one I’d be seeing soon enough. The one that said I was everything. That sexy haze that filled her eyes after she came for me that shined like the brightest star.

“That’s it, Angel. Let go for me,” I whispered in her ear as my hand snaked down her stomach and began to rub her swollen nub.

Her head turned to the side and I wasted no time capturing her lips and sliding my tongue over hers. I swallowed down each of her moans as I felt the tingle work its way up the base of my spine. I thrust into her harder and harder as I felt my balls draw up.

“Come,” she demanded as her mouth ripped away from mine.

And hell if I didn’t listen. My head tipped back and I roared to the damn ceiling as I pumped everything I had into her tight pussy. Her walls quaked and milked me until I had nothing left.

“Noah,” she moaned out as she coated my cock with her cream.

“Fuck,” I panted as I slid out of her heat and turned her around to face me.

My arms wrapped around her as I leaned down to passionately kiss her. There was nothing better than her lips on mine. Okay, well there was one thing better…but that wasn’t the point right now.

I broke away, needing to shut that train down before I got hard again. The things that woman did to me were un-fucking-real.

“I love you,” I whispered, my forehead resting against hers, our noses touching, and our heavy breaths mingling.

“I know,” she said as she brought her hand up and ran her fingers through my beard. I barked out a laugh and her eyes widened in shock.

“Did you just fuckin’ quote Han Solo?” I asked shaking my head with amusement.

Her head tilted to the side and the most adorable confused expression crossed her face. Then it hit me, she had no fucking idea what I was talking about.

“You live in your own little world, don’t you?” I asked, already knowing the answer. She lifted her shoulder in a half-shrug. “You don’t know what Star Wars is?

“Nope, sorry,” she said in a not-so-regrettable tone. First chance I got, I was going to fix that whether she wanted to or not. No woman of mine was going to be clueless about that shit.

Woman of mine.

Damn, it felt right thinking about it. Yeah, there was no denying it now. She was my damn woman.

We dried off then spent the rest of the night naked and tangled in each other in the tiny bed. After an hour of talking about nothing, we drifted off, the exhaustion of the last few days finally taking us under.

The next morning, I woke to see her sitting up and looking down at her phone. Even though I could only see the side of her face, I could tell that there was something off.

“What is it, baby?” I asked, slowly sitting up and pulling her into me. She tucked her phone away under the blanket and shook her head as if to say ‘nothing,’ but she wouldn’t meet my eyes. Whatever she was trying to shake off was big and she was clearly struggling with it. After a long minute, she took a deep breath and turned to me.

“We have to take a drive.” The detached look on her face gave nothing away. I knew better than to ask questions when she was like that.

“Okay, let me see if they need me here.” I moved to get out of the bed and threw some pants on. My side was killing me with each movement but I did my best to hide it. “You wanna tell me how long we might be gone, at least?”

“A day…” She nibbled on her lip and the look in her eyes was one like her world had just shattered. It fucking gutted me. If she needed me for whatever reason to be there with her for whatever she needed to do, then I would. I knew she wouldn’t put me in danger on purpose, so I wasn’t worried at all. But convincing my brothers of that would be a different story. “Maybe longer.”

I’d never seen her nervous before and it had me freaking out a little.

“Yeah,” I said, my brows pinched together as I looked into her eyes. “Stay put. I’ll be back.”

A knock came on the door right as I made it there. I pulled the door open with a force that was more than necessary.

“Need to talk, brother,” Loch said making sure to keep his eyes on me. Good fucking thing, too, because Dya was still naked as the day she was born right behind me.

“Me too,” I said making my way out into the hall. Out of respect, I let him go first.

“Got a call from Ethel,” he started.

Ethel was Reagan’s grandmother. She was close with Loch and even before Reagan came back to town and into Loch’s life, she would call him if she would ‘get a whiff of a bad vagina.’ Her words, not mine. She was one crazy old lady, but we all loved her for it. So, him coming to tell me that she’d called could only mean one thing—trouble.

“Ethel got a call about her rental,” he went on and I looked at him like ‘what the fuck’ because it didn’t seem like something that weird. The place had been vacant for almost a year and we occasionally got new faces moving into town. It didn’t happen that often, but still. To me, it wasn’t a call for alarm. “Said the girl wanted to meet her right then and when Ethel got there to show her the place, the girl just took it without even lookin’ at it. Ethel said the girl gave her three months rent in cash.”

I nodded, my mind catching on a little. It did seem weird. I wouldn’t be against the club keeping an eye on that shit. Nowadays, we couldn’t be too careful.

“Ethel got a weird vibe from the whole thing, but she still rented her place thinkin’ it was best to keep the girl close. She wasn’t sure if maybe she might be an abuse victim. Maybe she’s on the run from whoever. Or she could just be scared and mousy by nature. Point is, we’re ridin’ back now. I called Cal and he wants to set Axe up on her place, find out what’s goin’ on.”

“Got it,” I said. “Keep me in the loop.”

“You got it. You gonna be okay here?”

“Yeah, got to ask you something,” I said crossing my arms over my chest out of discomfort. “Dya needs to go somewhere. Said might be a day trip, maybe a bit longer. I’m gonna go with her.”

He narrowed his eyes at me taking in my mood.

“You sure?”

“Not a doubt in my mind. She needs me, I’m there. I’ll handle club shit when I need to. I’ll be back here for the meeting then we will head back home.” I said it like there was no room to argue with me. Same as I was gonna say to her when I told her we were going home. She would be going with me, even if she went kicking and screaming. She could try to reject her feelings all she wanted to but at the end of the day, she wanted to be with me.

“Alright,” he resigned. “I’ll fill Brass in. If you’re not stayin’ here when you’re done, just let him know when you get back into town.”

“Got it.”

“Be safe, brother. Glad to have you back.”

“Thanks, VP,” I said and we did the back-clap, man hug thing.

I ducked back into the room to find Dya dressed and ready to go. I let out a sad sigh, missing the sight of her naked curves, but I knew we had shit to do. Whatever the hell it was.

She looked down at her outfit with disgust, her scrunched up nose was the cutest fucking thing. I didn’t disagree with her though, clubwhore clothes were definitely not her look. But I could appreciate the way the tight cutoff shorts hugged her thick thighs and showed off her long legs. And the shirt, shit, I had to adjust myself at the sight of her breasts doing their best to push their way out of the low cut top.

She cleared her throat and my gaze snapped away from her magnificent cleavage to look her in the eyes. A half-smirk played on her lips and I gave her a sheepish look.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare,” I said, half meaning it. She shot me a look like she didn’t believe me. “My colors look good on you, though.” I pointed to the Steel Paragons insignia plastered on the middle of her shirt. And that moment, all I wanted to do was see my property patch on her, but I doubted she was the type of woman who’d let herself be marked. I think that may have been a big part of why I fell for her. She was different, that was for sure.

“We should go,” she stated, but her voice sounded as shaky as I felt inside. She was clearly trying to brush off the sexual tension hanging in the air.

As much as I wanted to throw her down, strip her naked, and take her again, I knew she had somewhere to be. So, with a heavy breath, I shut my dick down and turned towards the door.

After a small argument—which she won—of who should drive, we were off. We stayed mostly quiet and I could tell that she was waging a war with herself inside her head. But I stayed silent, letting her work out whatever she needed to. She knew I was there when she was ready.

By nightfall, we were pulling onto a dirt path in the middle of fucking nowhere. That was when the hairs on the back of my neck stood on fucking end. I knew the thing at the end of that road was going to change my life. The thing was, I didn’t have any idea how.

Taking in her features as best as I could with only the dash light illuminating them, I tried to find out what it was I should brace myself for. The closer the tires took us to the end, the more troubled her face became. If she was worried then I knew for damn sure I should be too.

We sat there, darkness blanketed us all around. The truck’s lights were cut and there was only a dim light coming from one of the front windows of the cabin. The night creatures made their calls, filling the dead air that hung heavy around us. She opened her mouth to speak but then snapped it shut. Knowing she was a woman who liked to take a moment to put her words together before she spoke, I sat back against the seat and waited.

“Before we go in there, I just want you to know that I only found out about this yesterday,” she started, her voice a low mummer floating into my ears. “I had no idea, I’m sorry. And I got this address right when I woke up.” She nodded her head to the tiny cabin. She wouldn’t look at me and I hated it. It only made the dread creep in faster.

“Since I have no idea what is going on or what is in there, I’m not really sure how to respond. I’m at a bit of a loss here, Angel. I wish you’d just tell me what’s going on,” I said calmly. I wasn’t angry or mad. If anything I was curious what was behind the curtain and all I could do was wait until she was ready to reveal it.

“Come,” she commanded like so many times before, and like a lost little puppy, I did.

We slid out of the truck with a quiet ease. At the door, she slipped her dainty hand into mine and gave me one squeeze before dropping it again.

For some reason, it felt more like a finale than a beginning. Before I had a chance to tell her that no matter what it would be alright, her hand lifted and the three heavy knocks she gave on the door echoed through the night.

Not even a second later, the door cracked open and we were met with the barrel of a Glock 21. I took no time shoving Dya behind me, but she carried on as if she wasn’t phased. It was almost like she had expected it.

“I took a walk by the river and the old man gave me a stone,” she said in a normal fucking tone. What the hell was that? And what do those words even mean? It felt like some straight up cult shit right there.

Whatever she said seemed to work because the gun was suddenly lowered and the door swung open just enough for us to step through.

“Who the fuck are you?” the tall guy that answered the door asked.

I was normally a pretty cool, relaxed guy, but I was two seconds from flipping my lid if someone didn’t tell me what was going on. I got that we came up into this dude’s house all crazy like and since I could tell that he didn’t know Dya from Adam, his gruffness was just.

“We’re here to see the package,” Dya said her head tipping slightly in my direction as she kept her eyes deadlocked on the guy.

“I wasn’t told there would be two of you.” His eyes flickered between Dya and me.

“Grant, whats going on?” a very fucking familiar voice rang out from my left. My head snapped to the side as my eyes went wide.

“Darcy? The fuck?” I growled. What the hell was my damn sister doing here? With this fucking guy, no less? Who the hell was he?