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The Beauty's Beast by Eddie Cleveland (14)


I slurp up the last of my protein shake like I’m trying to suck the bottom out of the glass. This diet is bullshit. There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep properly with my stomach so empty and growling. I close my eyes and remind myself of the old saying about the camera putting on ten pounds. With all the high-resolution cameras that we have now, it’s more like twenty. I know we’re filming a topless scene near the end of our schedule. I need to look as good as I can for it.

I would hate to be too fat to be on-screen fuckable.

Suddenly the powdery chocolate flavor from my shake turns bitter in my mouth as anger rises inside me about Erik again.

You know what? Fuck him.

Fuck that guy.

I’m not going to let him ruin this movie for me and I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he hurt me. I will be cheerful and completely breezy when I have to deal with his ass. I refuse to whimper around the set like a puppy dog that someone kicked just because I’m stuck with him as a co-star.

I refuse.

Outside, I hear the beep of someone locking their car door with their keychain fob, and my heart skips a beat.

Gabe’s back.

I practically leap from my chair and head over to the door, my cheeks actually hurt a little from how wide I’m grinning. I fling open the door and he shuffles inside with two duffel bags, a grease-stained paper bag of McDonald’s food, and his dog.

I try to ignore the tempting aroma wafting from the bag, instead focussing on my new furry friend. “Come on in,” I tell Gabe then look down at the beautiful pup in front of me, sizing me up. “Well hello there, you sweet thing,” I use my baby talk voice and the dog tilts his head at me. “You must be Axle,” I pet his head and give him a scratch behind one of his large, pointed ears.

“You can just talk to him normally,” Gabe shakes his head, “that’s what I do,” he shrugs.

“What do you mean?” I look back at Axle, “I am talking to you normally, aren’t I you sweet guy?” I mean, yeah, my voice is a bit high-pitched, but still.

“Would you talk to me like that?”

Uh, no.”

“That’s what I mean,” he laughs at me and un-wrinkles the top of the McDonald’s bag, plucking a few delicious smelling fries from inside.

The camera puts on ten pounds.

More like twenty.

Nothing tastes as good as being skinny.

I grit my teeth together and try not to look jealous as he munches on them. “Want some?” Gabe holds out the box and I shake my head but don’t open my mouth.

“You sure?” He raises an eyebrow.

“I can’t eat them. The studio wants me to lose weight for the movie,” I cross my arms over my tummy self-consciously and look down at the dog.

“That’s bullshit!” I jump at how loud Gabe says it. “You’re body is perfect, there’s no way they want you to change it, that’s crazy!” He looks genuinely upset.

“You know how it is in Hollywood,” I roll my eyes, “there’s no such thing as too skinny.”

“Well, they should pull their heads outta their asses because there’s nothing wrong with you.” It’s strange the way Gabe is looking at me right now, with total disbelief, that anyone would want to change me. It makes me feel sexier, than I have ever felt before.

I shrug it off, I don’t want to talk about weight and dieting. It won’t change Hollywood and it won’t make it any easier. “Do you think you brought enough stuff?” I tease him. “You know it’s only three months right?”

“This one is all Axle’s stuff,” Gabe pats the huge duffle bag that looks like it’s seams could burst at any time. “This one is mine,” he jerks his thumb to the smaller one on his other shoulder.

“Really,” I giggle. “all of that is for him?”

“Yep, what can I say, Axle’s a bit of a diva,” he smirks and folds his McDonald’s bag shut again, putting it down on the kitchen counter.

I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, you are not a diva!” My voice goes back to that high-pitch baby voice and Gabe cringes. “You’re a good boy,” I pet his head and both the dog and his owner look relieved that I use my normal tone.

“Go on Axle, go look around,” Gabe nods at the dog and he gets up and explores. I notice for the first time that he’s missing a back leg and his tail too.

“What happened to him?” I whisper, like I’m afraid I might hurt Axle’s feelings if he hears me talking about him.

“Same thing that happened to me, improvised explosive device.” he answers flatly.

“Oh,” I look down at my feet not sure what to say next. My eyes dart over to my keys on the counter and I look back up at Gabe, “Oh, so I have a key for you for the house,” I cross the floor and go grab it from the dining room table. “The other guys returned them earlier,” I explain.

“So, how did that work exactly?” Gabe leans back against my counter and smiles.

What’s that?”

“Well, you had two bodyguards and one room for them. Did they have to share a bed, or did one of them get a sweeter deal than I’m getting,” he runs his hand over his jaw and holds me in his gaze.

“No!” The word comes out louder than I intended. “Nothing like that,” I huff. “They were supposed to work shifts, one was here for the day and the other at night. But, they were both supposed to come out with me, if I went anywhere I might need protection,” I explain. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter, they sucked, you don’t, here’s your key,” I thrust it out at him and he laughs. I swear he enjoys getting me flustered more than anyone I’ve ever met.

“Okay, just wanted to make sure,” he teases and plucks the key from my fingers. A buzz of excitement tingles through me, like a low-level current of electricity over my skin as our fingers briefly touch.

I breathe sharply and it feels like time stops, like all the noise out on the busy streets of LA. has been muted and I can only hear my heartbeat in my ears.


Both of us jump at the interruption and stare at the front door like it’s foreign to us. “I have no idea who that could be,” I grumble and walk over to it, annoyed at the distraction. My annoyance quickly erupts into full-on anger as I look out the window at Erik.


Don’t let him get the better of you.

Don’t let him win.

I yank the door open and paste a fake smile to my face, “Erik! What are you doing here?” I try not to sound like I’m accusing him, but I think I’m failing.

“Oh, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by to celebrate the good news,” he doesn’t wait to be invited in, instead just swooping past me into my house.

“Oh, hello,” Erik quickly sizes up, and dismisses, Gabe and Axle. “I didn’t know you had guests or whatever,” Erik waves his hand at them.

How could you? You, didn’t fucking call. I don’t speak the words, instead I smile broader. “That’s right, Gabe this is Erik. He is the leading man in the movie now, he just got the part today,” I spit out the foul tasting words.

“Oh yeah, congrats man,” Gabe extends his hand and Erik shakes it like he handed him a dirty tissue.

“Yeah, well with our history, it shouldn’t be that hard to play your lover,” Erik narrows his eyes, making him look even more like a human version of a fox than he already does. His bushy but perfectly waxed eyebrows push together as he purses, his lips like I’ve seen him do a hundred times for a selfie.

Gabe looks from Erik to me and I can see a flash of anger in his eyes. Is he jealous? Or does he just realize how much of a douche-canoe Erik is?

“Wow, they always say that people look like their pets, but you two really fit the bill, huh?” Erik jerks his head at Axle’s missing leg and then shamelessly stares at Gabe’s intricate pattern of scars.

“Erik!” I can’t believe he’d be such an asshole, I mean, even for him.

“Oh, what? Like the guy doesn’t know they both have this thing going on? Come on, Nessa, relax,” he rolls his green eyes.

“Don’t call me that,” I snap. So much for not letting him get to me.

“Yeah, it’s no big deal,” Gabe answers coolly. “I agree with him, Axle and I do look alike. I guess it’s because when you were getting seaweed wraps and Botox injections in your face, my dog and I were overseas fighting for your freedom. You’re welcome you fucking clown,” Gabe’s face twists with rage and I can see him restraining himself as his hands quake with anger. For a second I think he’s gonna haul off and punch Erik and, I’ve got to admit, that would be pretty, awesome. Instead he slings the duffel bags back over his shoulders and grabs his McDonald’s bag from the counter. “Let’s go Axle, we’ve got to get unpacked, I want to make sure we get nice and comfortable in our new home,” he calls out to the dog and the Shepherd obediently follows him out of the room.

“Wait, what? Is he living with you?” Erik’s eyebrows shoot skyward and he watches Gabe storm away.

“I think you should go, Erik,” I sigh suddenly feeling exhausted.

“Fine, I don’t have much time anyway. I just wanted to congratulate you on working with me and all that,” he can’t even hear how obnoxious he is. It truly seems to come completely natural to him.

“Yep, should be lots of fun,” I answer with no feeling at all in my voice. “I’ll see you on the set,” I usher him over to the door and practically push him through it.

“Okay, see ya,” he walks, not bothering to turn around or wave, instead he just hops back into his Ferrari and squeals his tires as he spins off.

This is going to be a long three months.

I’m not sure I’m gonna make it.