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The Billionaire's Fake Bride by Ella Carina (22)





“Oh my god, you did this, didn’t you?” I sob through my tears, gesturing slightly at the packed café.

He chuckles softly, still holding me, and shrugs, “I might’ve passed the word around a bit about a beautiful little café with amazing coffee and a beautiful owner.”

I was crying too much to blush, clutching to the man’s sleeve as though it were the only thing keeping me standing.

Reagan had to dab at her eyes, one hand pressed over her heart.

Cries subsiding, I gaze up at the man who I’d promised to marry, who I’d run from and abandoned. What was I even supposed to do? Should I fall to my knees and cry and plead? Should I beg him to forgive me?

Where was the resentment on his handsome face? I couldn’t find a shred of it anywhere. Instead, his typically stern mouth was soft and warm – something I didn’t deserve.

“I pushed you too hard.” He murmurs quietly, his voice nearly lost in the din of clattering plates and quiet chatter, “And I had no idea my mother went up to see you. I wouldn’t have allowed that to happen. I’m sorry, Ava.”

“Don’t apologize!” I gasp, tugging slightly free of him, “You didn’t do anything! It was my fault that it fell apart, that you lost your inheritance.”

“I didn’t lose it.” He shakes his head swiftly, then changes the subject, “And I don’t blame you for running away. I moved out when I was sixteen, you know. To get away from her tyrannical rule.”

“She isn’t that bad.” I shrug, struggling to find something positive to say about the obstinate woman, “Very… protective.”

“That she is.” Maddox agrees with a faint smirk.

I glance around slowly, gaze sweeping over the happy customers. Some of the younger ones take photos of their coffee, Instagramming it. Hopefully that’ll drum up a bit more business for me.

“You didn’t have to make this happen.” I say shyly, “You didn’t have to get people to come here. I left you high and dry, you didn’t owe me anything.”

“You didn’t leave me high and dry, Ava… I learned something from you. From our time together. Something that means more than anything to me.”

“I don’t… I don’t understand.”

Around us, the café had gone quiet, all eyes turned towards where the billionaire and I stood still in the center. My heart thrums softly in my chest, making it hard to hear what Maddox was saying.

Then, suddenly, he lowers himself to one single knee and gazes up at me.

Instantly, tears burst like fireworks in the corners of my eyes, my hands cupping my mouth as Reagan shoots from her chair, her arms extended over her head like a goalie’s.

“What… what are you doing?” I blubber, almost falling backwards.

“I’m on one knee this time, Ava.” He grins, faint hint of shyness in those endless blue eyes, “Just for you. And this time there is no wacko scheme, Elliot made me promise.”

“What?” I couldn’t breathe, clutching at my chest.

This couldn’t be happening.

Beside Reagan, I could now see Elliot, clutching his chest in a very similar manner as my friend. They shared a quick glance then abruptly clutched onto one another, like they were watching the end of the super bowl and hoping for their team’s victory.

“Ava, the more time we spent together, the more confused I got.” He continues finally, lowering his eyes for just a moment as he summoned together the right words, “Our marriage wasn’t supposed to be real. It wasn’t supposed to be meaningful. But when I looked at you… I couldn’t stop my heart from beating quicker. I couldn’t stop thinking about you at night. I couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like to hold your hand and wrap my arms around you or the taste of your lips.”

He pauses, swallowing, searching my tearful expression.

“I found myself wishing that we’d met under difference circumstances. That I could woo you without the pressure of a deadline.”

I wipe at the tears on my cheeks, whole body shaking as he shifts and retrieves a small velvet box from his pocket. He pops it open, a beautiful diamond ring glittering in the air as the crowd gasps and Elliot lets out a little happy sob.

“I want you to marry me, Ava. I want to treasure you every day. I want to have you in my life forever. Nothing about the feelings I have for you are fake. I love you. I have loved you since that very first second I lay my eyes on you.”

I parted my lips to speak, but all that came out was a joyful, strangled cry as I furiously nodded instead.

A grin lights up his face as he leapt upwards to his feet, sliding the ring onto my finger with ease, his arms wrapping around me. His palms slid up my face, cupping my cheeks as the desperate distance between our two lips closed hurriedly.

His mouth was warm and soft and sweet against my own, his palms sliding to tangle in my hair. I could feel his heart beat against his ribs as our bodies pressed together, memorizing the feeling of our shared embrace.

When we broke, I could hardly breathe, swaying dizzily in his strong arms.

“I love you, Ava.” He whispers again in my ear, “I’ll love you forever.”

Heart thundering, palms sweaty and clutching to his chest, I tilt my head back to gaze up into his handsome face.

“I love you too, Maddox.” I whisper, only to be hushed by another warm, hungry kiss.

The happiness inside my chest threatened to make me burst into a thousand little pieces.

There was nothing in the world that could compare to my joy in knowing that I had finally met the love of my life, my other half, and that I had saved my mother’s café.