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The Billionaire's Fake Bride by Ella Carina (35)





“When was the last time Poppy talked to you?” Eli asks boredly, chair creaking off the ground as he rocks back and forth, careless feet up on my desk.

He holds Kitten’s sonogram up over his head, inspecting it critically before tossing it behind his head and letting it flutter to the floor of the office.

The budget analysis forms beneath his polished loafers crinkle as I look on with blank, empty eyes.

“It’s been almost a whole week.”

“But she still comes into the office?”

My chin nods but I barely register the movement. It’s like everything froze the second Poppy walked away from me that day at the cafe. Like time is standing still and there’s nothing I can do about it. Poppy, beautiful as always, comes in every day at exactly her clock in time and leaves promptly at her clock out time. When she has to interact with me, she usually lets Reagan do it for her.

Every time Poppy’s honey brown eyes shift away as I walk down the hall it’s a dagger twisting in my heart. I’d texted her once and sent a single bouquet of flowers with a letter. Everything went without response.

“We can always go get wasted and forget she ever existed.” He smirks, chuckling when I ignore his suggestion completely. I wasn’t interested in falling back into that lifestyle. Not again. It had cost me too much already.

“You look like shit.” Eli offers comfortingly at my depressed silence, tucking strong arms behind his head, “This is why you don’t get hung up on a single chick, mate.”

I glance at him, then back towards the wrinkled papers. They’d torn now, a big scar across the words Price Corporation.

“Did I sleep with Kitten?” I ask abruptly, “You were there.”

“Dude, it is totally not my prerogative to check if you got laid. I just make sure you stay alive.” His face wrinkles up in slight disgust as he shakes his head.

 “But did you see anything?”

He shrugs, “You were pretty out of it. You kept running off with her. Who knows what you were doing.”

A frown tugs on my lips as I groan and drop my forehead against the desk, lightly thumping it up and down on the smooth wood.

“There’s no reason to beat yourself up. Shit happens. Babies happen. That’s life. Literally.”

“But things with Poppy and I were going so well. Then Kitten just drops a bomb on it all. I was beginning to think that Poppy and I had a future together.”

“She just wanted your cash. That’s all women really want. Read it in a magazine once.”

“Reagan didn’t want that.” I mumble abruptly before I can think twice about the words.

A rare shred of shock and pain shoot through my Aussie friend’s face as his lips contort once more into a grimace.

“Yeah, well, Reagan was- she was different in all sorts of ways. So was her sister.”

“Do you still think about her?”

I could count the number of deep conversations my best friend and I had ever had on a single hand. Our talks were rarely more in-depth than a woman’s ass or a drink menu. Our whole friendship had more or less been based on covering the lingering tracks of our shared torment and burrowing deep into denial. I had Poppy to thank for dragging me out of the hole I’d dug for myself.

Eli gazes at me, brows furrowed and pensive.

“What’s all this about, now?” He murmurs, “Why do you want to have this chat all of a sudden?”

“Talia… I never had a choice with her leaving me. She was just taken so quick I could barely process anything. But with Poppy, I have a choice. I have a chance. I can try. And you can try too with Reagan. Don’t you see that? We’re so lucky that they still walk this Earth.”

He grits his teeth, rocking once more in his chair as his eyes drift up towards the ceiling.

As if on cue, Reagan taps on the door and peers inside.

Her eyes skip over Eli as though he’s invisible. Is that how Poppy views me now? A grey rock to be ignored?

“Poppy isn’t feeling well. I’m going to walk her home.”

“Of course.” I respond quickly, leaping to my feet, “Does she need anything?”

Reagan’s pretty blue eyes go dark, “Not from you.”

“Of course.” I repeat blandly, sinking back down in the chair with a groan as Reagan vanishes.

“That was harsh.” Eli chuckles, tilting his head back to look at me, “But if you want answers, let’s fuckin’ get them.”

“What are you talking about?”

He leaps up from his chair, stretching his muscled arms up over his head, “Let’s go have a nice little chat with a kitty cat.” A chuckle rumbles through his broad chest at his playful rhyme.

I rub my chin then give a slow nod and stand up as well.

If I was going to understand anything at all, it was going to come from a conversation with Kitten. I had to find out once and for all if there was any substance to her claims.

As we round the hall, I shoot a quick text to the stripper.

Meet me outside the club.

Barely a second passes before she replies with a simple, ‘k.’

Eli plunges his finger against the elevator button as we share an impatient glance, his foot tapping on the ground. For the first time in a while, I was glad he was with me. At least I didn’t have to face this alone.

This became even more alarmingly palpable when the elevator doors slowly slid apart and we came face to face with the grim, clearly wrathful faces of the shareholders.

At my side, Eli let out a slow whistle.

We were in trouble.




“Is there anything you’d like to tell us, Mr. Price?” Jennings grumbles angrily, his red tinted jowls trembling as he speaks.

This time, I didn’t have a donut to pacify him.

Ted Sherry just stares down with silent judgment at as I sit before him, like a bad kid stuck in the principal’s office.

“My client has the right to remain silent.” Eli jokes from beside me, lightly slapping his knee while the group of shareholders twist furious faces towards him. His laughter dies as he pouts down to his politely folded hands.

“Grant. You brought us Poppy Lewis. Severely underprivileged, but nice enough for that to be looked over. Now I hear you’ve gotten a stripper pregnant? What the hell are we supposed to do about this and our image?”

“We don’t know for sure-”

“You best hope to high heaven that she isn’t carrying your child. You absolutely cannot marry one woman while siring a child with another. Your engagement to Ms. Lewis is hereby ceased.”

I leap to my feet, propelled upwards by a sudden surge of fury.

“You don’t get to decide that, Ted. I’m sick of being tossed about by your demands. I am the CEO of this company and I have done nothing but bring profit and clients to us. You would do well to remember that.”

Ted flounders in surprise, his arms crossing slowly over his chest, dangerous blue eyes narrowing, “We hold the future of your company and your position here in our hands. All we have to do is vote and you’re gone forever. Have you forgotten that your father’s investment and prosperity are as tied up in this as you are?”

“I haven’t forgotten a single thing.” I snap, slamming a hand on the desk, “And if you want to boot me out, then fine. But you’ll need the vote of every single man here.” Slowly, I swing a pointed finger at each of their startled faces, “And you all should remember that the second Ted disagrees with you, you’ll be launched out as well.”

Refusing to hear another word from the obnoxious man’s mouth, I grab Eli’s collar, dragging him up to his feet as he stumbles along behind me.

“I love this office. I love this work. But dammit, I love Poppy more and she will be my wife no matter what I have to sacrifice. If you have a problem with that then I’ll see you in hell. Have a nice vote, gentlemen!” I yell backwards as the door slams shut behind us

We dart to the elevator, taking a long and silent ride to the bottom lobby. When the doors glide open once more, we stride through the thick scent of roasted coffee beans and chocolate and burst outside.

The warm sun welcomes us, already hot and high in the sky though it’s barely past morning.

Eli watches me from the corner of his eyes, his sunglasses hiding the smirk on his face. Everyone in that office would be jealous of me for finally giving Ted Sherry the dressing down he deserved, even if it cost me my title. Though Reagan would probably have some strong words to say about it. Still worth it.

 “So, we’re really doing this then?” Eli finally pipes up as we stride down the sidewalk where only a few months ago I’d lain eyes on Poppy Lewis for the very first time. If I’d taken just one step to the side, would our entire story be different now?

I almost linger at the spot just for the feeling of closeness to her that it gave me, but there were more pressing matters to be dealt with right now. If Poppy was to ever give me another chance, I had to get to the bottom of this mess.

“We are.” I reply grimly, “I need to find out the truth, Eli. I need to find out if this baby is mine.”

“And if it is?”

“I’ll support it, of course. I love Poppy, but I won’t cut off a child of mine to get her back. I’ll just have to hope she understands. If she doesn’t, I can’t say I’d blame her.”

“And if it isn’t?”

“I hope Poppy will give me another chance.” I shrug, feet pounding the sidewalk beneath me. The heat of the cement rises up through my shoes, “If she doesn’t, I can’t say I’d blame her.” I add with a sad, slight smirk as Eli shakes his head.

“There she is.” He suddenly exhales in surprise, and it was only then that I realized we both thought she wouldn’t show.

Kitten stands against the wall, a thin sweater falling to her thighs, hanging open to reveal a tight black corset and lacy panties.

“You’re still working the pole?” Eli laughs in shock, “Even with a baby on the way?”

“Shh!” She hisses, shoving both of us around the corner of the building, “Don’t say that so loud. Clients don’t like it. And hell yes, I’m working. I’ve gotta get money somehow.” Her eyes narrow on me as she flicks her red wavy locks over her shoulder.

“You’re not getting a penny from me until I get a paternity test.” I respond bitterly to her accusatory stare.

“You don’t want baby to eat right?” She pouts, stroking her stomach, “On my salary I barely can afford McDonald’s sausage biscuits.”

“Oh, you sure like sausage, don’t ya?” Eli chuckles, flinching as Kitten punches him in the shoulder.

 “What did you wanna talk about?” She frowns, jutting out her chin and gazing at me with piercing eyes.

“The baby.” I respond, eyes fluttering to her flat stomach, “Is there really one in there?” She was so little. Wouldn’t her belly be starting to swell?

“You saw the sonogram.” She replies coolly, “What else do you want? You want to go pick up a stick and watch me piss on it?”

Eli visibly cringes, “I don’t think either of us wants that- ow!” He rubs his shoulder as Kitten strikes him again

“Your word is fine.” I mutter as Kitten relaxes slowly, cupping her stomach with gentle hands.

“But like I said, you won’t see a single dime until I get that test done.”

“I don’t understand why you have to be so difficult, Grant.” She sighs, stepping forward and batting her long, false eyelashes, “Didn’t you have fun that night?”

Her fingers reach out, stroking down the front of my suit as I bat her hands away.

“Tell me about that night.” I reply coldly, “What part did you enjoy the most?”

“…You inside me of course.” She teases, biting her lip and rocking her body slightly to the side, as though she could lure me in. All I felt when I looked upon her was disgust.

“I want to go to your next doctor’s appointment.” I say slowly, narrowing my own eyes on her, “What doctor are you seeing, again?”

“I’m a stripper.” She replies uncomfortably, shifting her heels, “I can’t afford a good doc. I just went to the urgent care.”

“I’ll set you up with my doctor’s office then.”

“I’m not a charity case!”

We stare each other down, her hands clenched hard on her hips.

“We didn’t sleep together.” I finally spit out, shuddering as I look away, “There is no way I would have forgotten. There’s no way I wouldn’t remember you.”

The truth was suddenly so clear that it felt as though I’d been slapped hard in the face with it.

“You saw that picture of us in that tabloid, didn’t you? I sure did. We fucked, Grant. Whether you want to admit it or not.”

A laugh bubbled up inside of me as I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. Behind me, Eli had grown tired of our exchange and was playing a game on his phone.

“You’re not even pregnant, are you?” I felt like such a fool, played by this girl. I’d let her upset my whole life. And for what? A petty lie?

Her face went red as she stamps her foot on the ground, “I am! And it’s yours!”

Eli clears his throat and holds up his phone.

“I just Googled it. You can get a paternity test at eight weeks.”

“You’re over two months along now, right Kitten?” I reply smugly, a smile drawing across my lips, “Let’s go on and get this done with.”

“I… I don’t like needles.” She replies stiffly.

I step forward, sick of her little games, sick of her trying to ruin my life and my relationship with Poppy.

“I know this is all a lie. You want me to sue you for slander? This will all come out and all your clients will know that you tried to get someone on the hook for a baby. You want that?”

Her little face drains of color until her cheeks are sallow and pale.

“Fine.” She murmurs quietly, “It’s a lie.” She glances at me, then away, “I really am pregnant though.” Tears prickle in her eyes, “I just wanted someone to take care of me, of us.” She chokes on her words, shaking her head viciously.

“Did we even sleep together?”

She shakes her head again, rubbing her eyes, “You were so wasted, I thought you’d never know…” She shrugs and sniffles, “You’re so rich, I figured you’d paid off a dozen baby mamas already. What would be another one?”

Eli puts his hand on my shoulder, tugging me backwards, “I think it’s time we go.”

I nod, grabbing something from my suit jacket and holding it out towards her.

Her fingers curl around the business card, peering at it in confusion through her tears.

“My office building is always hiring. Give them a call.”

She and Eli stare at me in shock as I shake my head and turn away, heading back down the sidewalk.

“What was that about?” He asks curiously.

 “She deserves a chance. She’s desperate and scared and lonely.”

“Then where are we going now?” Eli calls as he chases after me. I just grin, adjusting my suit jack, letting it flap open across my chest. I’m walking ten feet above the sidewalk, floating along on a happy cloud of bliss and relief.

I have a chance with Poppy now. I know it, I can feel it. 

“I’ve got a plan, Eli.” I reply with a smirk, “Do you think you’re ready for it?”

“I’m honestly not sure.” He laughs, struggling to keep up with my excited pace.




“Afternoon, Lisa.” I yawn, inspecting the menu of the coffee shop in the office building that I’ve already long memorized. None of it looked appealing today, my stomach was in such a fluttery, knotted state. I hadn’t told anyone what I’d been planning, not even Eli or Reagan.

“Latte?” The college girl sputters with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, barely sparing Eli a glance as he lifts his eyebrows and watches our conversation with interest, “Or maybe you’re feeling a macchiato today? Or just a cappuccino?”

“Plain coffee.” I Shrug, “Black. Oh and can I get an extra cup as well. No coffee. Just the cup.” The barista nods curiously, pushing forward the empty paper cup and plastic lid.

“What’s that for?” Eli asks with a laugh, “Planning on splitting that with a special someone?”

The barista’s face lights up as she excitedly leans forward slightly, batting her eyelashes.

I turn my back on her quickly, heading for a quiet table in the back of the lobby while Eli curiously plods along beside me.

“No. I owe Poppy a cup of coffee. I have since we first met.”

“…So you’re going to repay her with an empty cup?” He eyes me with a disproving frown.

“Not empty.” I smirk, digging through my pocket to retrieve a tiny blue velvet box.

Eli’s eyes go huge as he stares at it, hesitantly reaching forward to pick it up. He holds it with deft fingers as though he’s afraid he’ll crush it. Carefully, he pops it open to peer curiously inside.

He sucks in an over-dramatic breath, making a show of grabbing the sunglasses hanging from the front of his shirt to pop on his eyes.

“Goddamn!” He crows loudly, leaning his face closer to the beautiful Tiffany engagement ring in the box, “This set you back a pretty penny, didn’t it?”

“Worth every single one of those pretty pennies.” I chuckle, taking the ring back and sliding it into the safety of my pants’ pocket. I pat the velvety lump, heart growing full.

“Do you think she’ll say yes?”

“I hope so.” I murmur quietly, flurries of excitement dulling slightly, “I want to say I’m angry at Kitten, but it’s thanks to her that I realized how much Poppy means to me. Before we were just going to get married for the company, now, I don’t care about that at all. All I care about is her.”

“I’ve never seen you like this.” Eli sighs, his eyes lowering to the table, “Not even with… her, ya know.”

“You can say her name.”

He flinches, running a hand through his hair. He keeps the sunglasses on his face, hiding away whatever pain is brewing in his eyes that he doesn’t want me to see. Reagan is so similar. She’d do anything to hide away her feelings. They really were a pair.

“I’m just sayin’.” He finally mumbles quietly, shifting in his chair and crossing an ankle over his knee, “You weren’t like this, even with… Talia. You’re so different. The way you feel for Poppy, I can see it in how your eyes light up when you talk about her, how you say her name. It’s crazy. I’m jealous, mate, and I don’t get jealous of much.”

“It helped to give up the booze.” I offer softly, but Eli just looks away. Not everyone can give it up as easily as I did, “It helps you see clearer.”

He tsks his tongue, unconvinced.

There’s suddenly a huge commotion near the front of the lobby, people confused and bumbling forward. Someone rushes past Eli, clipping him on the shoulder but paying no attention at all as she rushes towards the back door.

“-it was blood, I swear!” The stranger shrieks into the phone.

I stand up, peering uncertainly through the crowd but I can see nothing but a surge of people clumping together.

Then, suddenly, they part like the red sea and a figure trudges weakly through them.

“Is that… is that Reagan?” Eli whispers dryly, flinging to his feet as he darts forward towards her.

The black haired woman collapses in his arms, clinging to him.

I run forward after him as tears pour down Reagan’s face. She clings to Eli tight, shoulders rocking harshly with another wave of sobs.

“Reagan, what happened?” Eli asks as I bend down and grab her shoulder gently.

A red smear is bright across her face though she doesn’t appear wounded. The front of her dress is coated with sticky, ugly crimson as well.

“East wing, Riverside hospital… Poppy!” She cries, voice strangled and shrill as people group around us once more, “He had a knife!”