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The Billionaire's Fake Bride by Ella Carina (49)




I wake to soft buzzing, like my room was infested by a swarm of very passive honeybees.

Twitching one eye open to peer around curiously, I turn slightly towards the warm figure in the bed beside me. She abruptly rests the phone against her stomach, cheeks glowing slightly pink with a clear of her throat and a sleepy smile.

“Morning.” She grins, tossing her phone back on the end table to slide further down into bed beside me.

“Who were you texting?”

“My friend back at school.” She shrugs, nuzzling close up against my cheek as our naked bodies twine together.

My hand slides slowly down her side, memorizing the dips and swells of her flesh. Her body is so warm against my own. When I close my eyes I almost imagine I’m being embraced by the safe heat of a welcoming hearth.

“Did you sleep well?” I murmur into her hair, inhaling the faint scent of the eucalyptus shampoo she’d used in my shower. It was almost strange to smell it on someone else.

She giggles and tilts her head back to greedily steal a tender kiss, “Not really.” She admits shyly, gazing at me through her long lashes, “It was hard when you were so close to me.”

“Mm…” I hum, rolling her slightly so her back is pinned against my mattress.

I taste her once and then instantly I’m drawn back for another, and another after that. The soft sigh of her breath and the sweetness on her lips would never be enough. The moment was endless. And then suddenly it wasn’t.

“I have to go, Aidan.” She whispers against my mouth, her voice muffled by the graze of her tongue against my own, “Poppy asked me to come over to the house.”

“You can go in a little…” I smirk, melting against her once more but she giggles and shakes her head, softly pressing her palms against my cheeks to lift me away from her face though her eyes dart back to my waiting lips.

“She’s seven months pregnant, Aidan. She needs help.”

Pouting, I roll off of Miki so that she can climb from the bed. As she yanks on her pants and tosses her shirt over her shoulders, I watch the morning light shimmer in the gold streaks of her hair.

When she turns back to me with tangled hair and no makeup and lips swollen from my kiss, I realize she just may be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

The realization is abrupt, jolting through me almost painfully. I want to gaze at her sleepy eyes and long legs forever.

I shake it away, sitting up and drawing the blanket slowly around my body as I give a long stretch of my tired muscles, still stiff from the accident.

She walks closer, peeking under the bed for her shoes before sighing and plopping hands on her hips, “Damn, I have no idea where they could be…”

Like a snake waiting to strike, I wait until she’s wandered just within my reach to outstretch my arms suddenly to circle around her, tugging her into my lap. She squeals but doesn’t fight, falling easily against my chest as I hold her for just a moment longer.

“Aidan…” She murmurs, her lips pressing against my temple as I sigh.

“I know. Just one second. Just one.”

She closes her eyes and lets me hold her, her fingers tracing the ridges of my spine while her chest slowly rises and falls against my cheek.

“Okay, fine, you may leave me now.” I announce dramatically, covering her lips with my own as she giggles and deepens the kiss for a single long, delicious moment.

“I’ll text you later. I promise.” She teases as I set her beside me on the bed.

“Let me walk you to the door.” With a yawn I climb out of the bed and wander to my closet, pulling on a simple pair of grey basketball shorts before scooping her easily into my arms to set on the ground.

Taking her hand in my own, I open my bedroom door for her, letting her lead the way down the stairs. For privacy, my mother and I both have our rooms different floors of the manor. She has the master suite on the bottom floor so she can easily access the outdoors and the kitchen while I’m up on the third. The second is for guests as well as a work study. It’s also where my mom has her crafts and art supplies, though she hasn’t painted anything since finding out about the tumor.

As we’re descending the stairs to the first floor, soft voices echo up the quiet tile as though we’re standing only inches from those speaking.

“Last night was… lovely.” My mother’s melodic voice is instantly recognizable as Miki and I exchange a bewildered stare.

Miki curiously peers forward, ever nosy, grabbing my hand to lead me closer to the edge. We peek around the corner where my mom and Ted Sherry lean close to one another in quiet conversation.

 “What the hell?” I whisper into Miki’s ear, “Did he… Did Ted spend the night?”

She muffles a giggle behind a hand, eyes going wide as saucers when Ted’s hands cup my mother’s face, bringing her up onto her toes to kiss his lips.

At the movement Miki gasps loudly, drawing both Ted and Ruth’s eyes our way as Ruth leaps away like she’s been shocked.

“Ah. I should be, uh, leaving, Ruth.” Ted stammers, giving her one more long look before rushing out the door.

“I should be leaving too.” Miki grins, leaving me with just a wink. As she passes my mom, Miki wraps her up in her arms, giving her a big squeeze and a knowing, gentle smile before walking to the driveway after Ted.

“Aidan…” Mother begins quickly, wringing her hands in front of her and nibbling her lower lip, “Listen, I know this must upset you-”

I interrupt her with a laugh though I don’t mean to chuckle, her eyes instantly downcast and wounded. I approach as quickly as I can, wrapping an arm around her as I guide her into the living room and settle her on the couch. She takes the wool blanket, wrapping it around her to cover the blue striped pajamas she still wore.

“What do you think would upset me?” I ask gently, heading into the open kitchen nearby to put some water in the kettle for her tea.

“I’ve never brought a man around…” She sighs, “I’ve been careful not to let you see anything like that. I made a mistake this time. I’m not sure what came over me.”

Abandoning the kettle, I quickly head back over to her, kneeling down beside the couch and resting my hands on her bony knees. She’d gotten tinier, I realized. Had she not been eating properly? I hadn’t been around much for dinner…

“I’m not upset at all. If you like Ted you should spend as much time with him as you want.”

She blushes a little and suddenly I can see the schoolgirl crush in her eyes. She was smitten by Ted, it was so obvious it almost surprised me.

“I’ve never had any interest in men after your father. But Ted… you know we didn’t even do anything last night. Just held one another.” She whispers, blush reddening on her cheeks, “It was… it was possibly the most wonderful experience of my life.”

“Invite him over for dinner again. Let me get to know him.”

“Do you think this is unfair of me?” She asks suddenly, the dreaminess zapping from her eyes, silly grin vanishing. “He says he understands my condition, that he’s fine with however long we have together. Do you think I’m being selfish to entertain this romance that we have?”

“Absolutely not.” I reply quickly, grasping her knees firmly, “Ted is an adult, he can make that decision on his own. But don’t deny him or yourself the happiness you both desire.”

Misty eyed, she finally gives a nod, jumping slightly as the kettle sings in the background. I walk into the kitchen to retrieve her tea, returning it to the table in front of her.

“I have to go into work but I’ll come home early, alright? I’ll help you make dinner. Call Ted.”

She smiles quietly, crapping her fingers around the heat of the mug as she gazes down at the wool blanket on her lap.

“You should take your motorcycle to work, Aidan.”

I bite back a startled chuckle, head tilting to the side in bewildered surprise, “Where did that come from?”

“You haven’t ridden it since… since what happened.”

“Since I almost died?”

She blanches but nods, “I checked the weather. It’s supposed to be beautiful all day. I’ve just been thinking about how much you used to enjoy it.”

I lean down and kiss her forehead, “If you say so.”

When I head back to my room, a loud vibration from near the bed draws me closer. Miki’s phone sits forgotten on the end table.

“So much for texting.” I chuckle, lifting it into my hand. There’s a flurry of messages on the screen, though the last one catches my attention.

Damn! He sounds sexy as hell! Where can I get myself one of them?

I smirk at the text, tucking the phone in my pocket to return to Miki next time I see her.




A half hour later, dressed and groomed for work, I step back outside while my mother naps peacefully on the couch, still wrapped in her blanket. Just like she said it would be, the sky outside is blue and cloudless.

Even before the accident I rarely took a bike to work. But Mom was right, I hadn’t touched them since my stay in the hospital.

Maybe she was right. There was no better day than today. That was something corny that Dean would say.

Taking a deep breath, I walk around the side of the house and mash the button to the garage with perhaps a bit more force than necessary. Grinding loudly, it sweeps upwards to reveal the garage I hadn’t set foot in since the accident. Before, I’d spent every single night in there, cleaning and maintaining the bikes and going for test rides.

I hadn’t had the heart since, or perhaps I lacked the willpower.

Flipping the light switch, I follow the path of the lights past the quietly resting bikes as they gleam under the bright fluorescents on the ceiling. Just past the now slightly dusty but mostly flawless bikes rests a single gnarled heap of shattered metal and burnt rubber.

I kneel down, running my fingers across the splintered alloy and snapped belts. The bike was totaled, there was no getting around that. At best I would be able to salvage a few parts from the remains.

Even so, I couldn’t seem to bring myself to get rid of it. It was a reminder now, of what almost happened. Of how fast everything can change.

Maybe that was a little morbid, but it was still true.

Sighing, I gently tap the warped metal and climb back to my feet to survey the line of bikes surrounding me. They were all good, but the one I’d been riding had been great. It’d been the first, and the fastest. I’d managed to snag it cheap from a garage sale when I was teenager. The next bike didn’t come ‘til college.

I walk back through the motorcycles, running my fingers over them each as though I was waiting for one to speak to me. In the end I closed my eyes, stuck out a single hand, and spun in a circle - not that I would ever repeat that to anyone. When I stop and open my eyes again, my finger points to a bike in the corner, one half done that I had never even ridden. It’d been a long term project, its hub brassy red and the seats a deep black leather. Beautiful, but stubborn.

Shrugging, I sling a leg over the side and test the clutch. When it revs up, I climb off just to throw on a windbreaker to protect my suit and a fitted helmet and I’m on my way.

The drive is surprisingly easy, seeing as I haven’t finished the suspension on the bike yet. I’d expected to fight it the entire time but it allowed me to guide it just how I wanted. The ride was perfect. Wind blew with me, tendrils of the balmy breeze guiding me forward. My mind wanders as I round corners and speed down nearly empty roads. The only constant on my mind is the shadow of Miki’s warmth still embracing me.

By the time I got into the office, I was practically vibrating with positivity.

“Damn. Aidan, I want a little of what you got.” Dean frowns as he sinks down across the desk from me with a scrutinizing stare at my unusually sunny disposition. As usual, he’s putting off any work to be done. My office is his typical destination of procrastination.

“I saw you on your bike this morning.”


“I’ve never seen you ride one in before.”

“I don’t usually like to draw attention to myself.”

Dean gives a faint nod, rubbing his chin with distant eyes, one foot fidgeting over his knee as he watches me type away at my computer. We were close now to the solution. I’d gotten half of the system back online already, it was mostly just deep cleaning the servers now to remove any last traces of lingering malware. I’d really managed to find my groove with the system lately. It was mostly luck, to be honest. And Ariana’s help.

“So, you and your girl vanished after dinner at your Mom’s.” He teases lightly, wiggling his eyebrows.

I glance up distractedly, giving a faint nod, “Took her to the dock.”

He watches me, still rubbing his chin, faintest hint of a smile twitching on his lips.

“You… you really care about Miki, don’t you?”

My fingers hover over the keyboard, body frozen in place.

“Yeah.” I whisper, startled by the words and the feelings rooting deeply inside of me. But it was so clear, so damn clear, “But I don’t just care about her, Dean, I think… I think I love her.”

I sit back from the computer, staring at Dean in an awe that he mirrors. He runs a hand through his hair, shaking his head slightly.

“Seriously?” He finally murmurs in surprise, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk about a girl like that.”

“Seriously.” I echo, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks.

But not a bad ton of bricks. A good one, as ridiculous as that sounds. Like I’m being thrown into a new world where I see everything with just a bit more clarity and everything is just a bit more lovely.

Love is being hit by a wonderful ton of bricks.

“Damn.” Dean chuckles, his face slowly brightening, “Have you told her that yet?”

“Hell no.” I smirk, “That would probably terrify her.”

I wasn’t about to tell my buddy that the whole basis of our relationship had been a lie at first and that my attempt at bringing it from something false to something real might very well blow up in my face. But we’d spent so much time together lately. We’d opened up to each other so much. If she wasn’t interested would she have spent those long nights with me?

“Nah. She loves you too. I knew from that second she came to the hospital-” He abruptly cuts himself off with a dramatic, overly loud cough to cover his words.

“…Dean.” I say slowly, shifting to rest my arms on the table, “What do you mean when she came to the hospital?”

“She made me promise not to say, man. I don’t know why.”

“How long was she there?”

“From what I know she came as soon as she heard about the accident. She left for a little while because the nurse threw her out. She came back, I dunno, an hour before you came to. But she freaked out and left.”

“Freaked out?”

“Got all pale and shit. She was probably just worried about you. She hadn’t slept much.”

“It must’ve been hard on her.” A high pitched voice breaks through our conversation, making Dean leap in his chair. He turns slightly, eyes going huge at the sight of Ariana lingering in the doorway.

She winks at Dean, soaking up his attention before striding forward to coyly pose at the end of my desk in just such a way that made her skirt edge up her thighs. Dean couldn’t tear his eyes away, practically salivating while I could only roll my eyes.

“Of course it was hard on her, she probably thought I was dying.” I mutter.

“Not what I meant.” Ari shrugs, inspecting her bright blue nails, “It must’ve been a scary thing to see someone she cares about in the hospital after her parents’ death.”

“Her parents died?” Dean frowns, always out of the loop.

I just nod, ignoring Dean, “You’re right. She probably couldn’t handle seeing me like that. Wait, how do you know about her parents?”

Ariana just laughs, tossing her hair over her shoulder, “Because I do my research on people I’m going to meet, Aidan.”

Dean perks up, adjusting his tie with a smooth lift of his blond brows, “Has your research told you how lucky you’d be if you’d join me for dinner?”

“Not happening.” Ari snaps without looking at my friend, “Aidan, have you figured out the virus on your company computers yet? Maybe you should work on that.” She finally glances towards Dean with eyes like daggers, “And you should leave.”

She’s right, of course. We had run out of time with the computers. It was time to put that issue to rest. I’d forgotten just how painfully right Ariana Dow always is.

I settle into my seat, glancing up as she tugs a chair around beside me.

“What are you doing?”

“You said this was similar to my work, right?” Ari shrugs, “Let me help you. The faster we get this done, the faster you can get back to your fiancée.”


Again, Ariana was right. There wasn’t anything more that I wanted than to see Miki.

“You got it.” I nod resolutely, firing up the computer as Ariana glides her laptop from her purse and slaps it on the desk.

“Just like old times.” She giggles, plugging the computers into one another.

I glance at her sideways, hiding a smirk, “Except this time I won’t care if you’re screwing anyone else.”




“Holy shit.” Ariana sinks down into her chair about three hours later, eyes glazing over as I click the final screen closed.

Price Corp systems were officially 100% back up and running. We could finally get back to work.

Her fingers fly across her keyboard, dragging a remainder of the files onto a USB stick before slapping her laptop shut.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

She just nods blankly, digging through her bag to retrieve a candy cane despite it being the middle of summer, “I’m great. Glad that’s over.”

“You have no idea.” I chuckle, rolling my eyes, “You only had to work on it for a few hours. This has been my life for weeks.”

Ariana glances at me sideways, “What are you going to do with all your free time now?”

I sit back in my chair, kicking my legs up on the desk in front of me and folding my arms behind my head.

“…I’ve got a few things in mind.” I murmur softly.

Finally, everything was in order, everything was perfect. I’d kicked my father to the curb, could spend time with my mother, plan out my future with Miki.

There was no coming down from this high.

At that moment, I honestly that was true.




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