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The Billionaire's Fake Bride by Ella Carina (4)





Ryder flips the poker chips over and under his long fingers, staring raptly at the cards in his hand. If he focused just a little harder, he could probably change his cards into aces.

“If you take much longer I’m going to start instituting a time limit.” I sigh from across the green felt table, resting my chin tiredly on my palm.

With a huff, the blue eyed man slaps his chips down.

“Fine, fine. I raise three.”

“About time.” I smirk down at the pile of chips between us, lifting my eyebrows as I lay down my cards atop the table, “Four sevens.”

“Dammit.” He growls, tossing his cards face up in front of him. The harsh lines of his face twist into a childish pout as he watches me scoop the chips up into a victorious mound, “I thought I had you with that flush.”

I just smirk, tapping the multicolored chips lightly as I count them, “You owe me ten big ones.”

“Next time I’m bringing my own deck of cards, you hear me?” He glares at me scornfully before dragging his wallet from his pants, grumbling under his breath.

“The hell?” I mutter in surprise, “You just carry ten grand around with you?”

“Well I have more than that.” Ryder says back slowly, equally caught off guard, “Why, you need some? I charge crazy interest, my friend.”

I shake my head, biting back a laugh as I reach out to take the hundred dollar bills from one of my oldest buddies. I’d known the dark haired man since freshman year of college.

Ryder Weston, head of the majestic Weston clan, man of power, dignity and wealth - or that was how he preferred to be introduced anyways. Since he’d taken over the profitable family business he’d been soaking up the bachelor life. Apparently that included losing thousands to me during our weekly poker night. Usually we had others join in, but this week it was only the two of us, and it wasn’t so much a poker night as it was a poker afternoon.

“So you’re meeting that girl today, right?” He says, taking the cards and shuffling them. The cards bend stiffly in his hands. He’d always been a terrible dealer.

She’s not just any girl, I want to say. But I don’t.

“Yep.” I respond instead, crossing my arms over my bulky chest and leaning back against the smooth wood of the chair. The pool hall is quiet this afternoon, most people staying at home for Sunday football or a family lunch. I appreciated the quiet. It made my friend rather antsy, however.

Ryder fidgets in his chair, staring mournfully down at his half empty wallet. Finally, he heaves a giant sigh before shoving it back into his pocket. The cerulean of his stiffly collared polo makes his eyes glint like steel in the flickering chandelier light. Someone breaks at the pool table behind us, loud crack of shooting balls breaking the silence like a strike of lightning.

“I never did see what you saw in her.” Ryder nods with firm brotherly duty before his face breaks into a wily grin, “Aside from the fact she was gorgeous. Always knew she’d be trouble.”

“I wouldn’t have asked for her help if she wasn’t trouble.” I smirk back, but he just rolls his eyes.

“Please, you’ve been carrying that wild flame since she blocked all your calls. I don’t think you ate for a week. You lived off a diet of whiskey and Funions.”

I clear my throat, playful grin turning contemptuous, “Hey, now. No need to drag that back up.”

“I’m just saying, be careful what you’re getting into, Noah. Remember what she did to Aidan, too?”

Aidan Cole. The man she dated after me. From what I heard through the grapevine, she’d ended up cheating on him. He was doing alright for himself now though. Last I heard he was engaged and happy, practically rolling around on stacks of hundred dollar bills.

“Ari isn’t a bad person-”

“Not saying she is.” Ryder shrugs carelessly but his eyes are sharp and the corners of his lips turn downward, “Just keep the past in mind. You never know exactly what she wants.”

“Our deal is one of convenience.” I clarify, “There aren’t feelings. Not on either side.”


Ari had moved on so quickly after whatever it was that we had when we were younger. She wasn’t into me, she’d probably never been. That’s why she vanished off the face of the Earth that day.

Ryder doesn’t more or react in the slightest, his eyes still locked on my face.

“I should go.” I murmur when the silence stretches on too long and Ryder’s eyes bore just a bit too much into my soul.

Collecting my things, I cram my heavy wallet into my pants pocket, giving it an accomplished little pat.

Ryder nods, rubbing his fingers across the black stubble of his unshaved, square jaw. He gazes after me as I leave, kicking his legs up onto the poker table.

“Salt looks like sugar, Noah. Isn’t that what she always used to say?”




The bright red cherry disappears between her lips as she rolls it on her tongue, her fingers gliding along the condensation on the glass of her Shirley Temple. She plucks the tiny stem from her mouth, inspecting it.

 “You don’t drink either?” I ask curiously, sipping at the scotch I’d brought myself from the pool hall.

“Makes me want to smoke.” She shrugs then narrows her eyes slightly on me in a way that makes my heart beat slightly off rhythm, “You know, so does seeing you, actually.”

I grin, lifting my glass slightly to her before tilting my head and letting the burn of the whiskey seep down my tongue. My eyes close at it hits my stomach like a drop of fire in my gut.

“My hair still smells like that bar from last night.” She sighs, twisting a thick lock of hair around her finger and pressing it under her nose, “I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of it. Claire even smelled it. She thought I was smoking again.”

“Baking soda.”

“Baking soda?”

“Helps with the smell.”

“You’re just full of knowledge, aren’t you?” She grins, eyes wandering around the small bakery, over the cupcake pink chairs and rosy walls.

I swirl my cup on the table, watching the ice cube clink around.

The woman who owns the bakery abruptly appears at our side, slapping a foam coaster down on the table.

“I’m not going to tell you not to drink your shit, but at least use a coaster.” The lady glares, ponytail dancing as she shakes her head and stomps back towards the kitchen, “Some people, I swear…”

Ari’s head falls back as she laughs, her chest rising and falling until tears sparkle in the corner of her eyes.

“You are such a troublemaker, aren’t you, Noah?” She teases.

The way she says my name… it makes my soul burn like the whiskey on my lips.

In the kitchen, a timer dings and seconds later the scent of fresh baked cookies slowly rolls through the tiny building like a wave of molasses. The place was basically a preteen girl’s dream, though Ari seemed to be enjoying it enough. She inhales deeply, eyes glittering.

“I took the papers to a lawyer.” I add, her face going abruptly blank. The sudden stoniness in her expression is telling, “You haven’t changed your mind, have you?”

She shakes her head so hastily that her hair fluffs around her cheeks and long tan neck like a cloud.

“Of course not.”

She pauses and sucks in a breath before taking a long sip of her pink drink. What she was about to say, I was not going to like it. I steel myself, pushing my shoulders backwards and straightening my spine. It’s hard to look powerful and masculine in a cute little cafe like this. No wonder she’d picked it for our rendezvous spot. Home-field advantage and shit.

“I’d just appreciate an advance is all.” She speaks carefully, her face still carved from rock.

Ryder’s words sting in my ears, a frown twitching on my face. Be careful.

“An advance, as in cash?”

“Yes. But it isn’t for me. It’s for Claire. She’s going back to school and I need… tuition money.”

“You didn’t mention this last night.” I fold my hands on the table, watching the woman across from me glower back.

She shrugs, running a hand through her hair, “I only just found out this morning. It was an unexpected expense that I just can’t cover right now.”

“How much?” I ask though I know I’m going to regret it, arms sliding to cross over my broad chest.

Her lips pucker slightly as she chews the corner of her mouth, a nervous habit she’d always had. She straightens up, inspecting her fingernails casually, “Say twenty five thousand?” She finally murmurs to her gleaming nail polish.

“That’s a lot of money.”

“It’s a good school.”

“Ah. Which school is it again?”

Ari shoulders tense, gazing at me down the ridge of her plucky nose, “You know, I can’t quite remember.”


Ariana Dow never forgot anything. She could still probably perfectly recount the day she was born.

“You can have ten thousand.” I offer mutely, plucking my poker winnings from my wallet and sliding it to her. She gazes down at the wad of hundreds, sweeping it into her purse with a nervous glance around, “And you owe me a favor.”

“…a favor?” She asks quietly, frowning at me in confusion, “What do you want?”

“Tonight. I need you.”

She bristles faintly, eyes narrowing, “In what way, exactly?”

I smirk, unable to keep my thoughts from drifting in a dirty direction. She glowers at me, though doesn’t appear entirely closed off to the idea of she and I sharing a night together.

“I’m having a little… party. I need my future bride beside me.”

“I don’t know if tonight works for me.” She responds shortly, still stiff as a board. Classic Ari. Everything has to be ten times more difficult than necessary. She probably didn’t even have other plans, unless she was trying to sell herself off to the next highest bidder.

 “Then I might need that money back.” I reply with a smugness that sets her jaw grinding.

She drums her fingers on the table, sips her Shirley Temple, and finally nods, “Fine.” She murmurs, “You have a deal. But I want that other fifteen grand.”

“I’ll have it and the contract ready tonight. You sign, you get the rest of the cash, your sister gets to play schoolgirl.”

We both knew that cash wasn’t for any educational needs of her twin. But as long as she agreed to my terms, I suppose it didn't really matter.

Ariana relaxes slightly in her chair, her shoulders finally releasing some of the tension she’d been carrying since we arrived. The entire time we sat together, she looked like a stretched out rubber band ready to pop.

“You would tell me if you were in trouble, wouldn’t you, Ari?” I say suddenly, almost tripping over the words they were so unexpected. Something about being with this woman obliterated the filter between my thoughts and my mouth.

She gazes at me, frown on her pretty lips. It’s then I realize the truth. She is definitely in trouble. And she definitely won’t be telling me.

 “Of course I’d tell you.” She lies perfectly, like her father trained her to do.

“Good. Because I’d help. Whatever you needed, I’d take care of it. Especially now that you’re helping me.”

She doesn’t respond, standing slowly from the table, “If I’m going to be with you tonight then I have some things I need to take care of.”

“Of course. I’ll pick you up at seven-”

“Text me the address. I’ll meet you there.”

“We can’t show up separately, Ari. That’d never fly with them. Our relationship has to be convincing.”

“Then I’ll come over before.” She shrugs, “We can do the exchange then. My hand in marriage for you to hand over your wallet.”

I have to laugh at her bluntness, giving a listless shrug.

“Tonight it is then.”




The sun has only just dipped below the horizon when the doorbell rings.

I’m only half ready, wearing just black slacks and a leather belt when I open the door.

Ari stands on the welcome mat, gripping a beaded clutch between taut fingertips, the most beautiful navy blue gown I’ve ever seen swept tight around her body. It clings to her svelte frame, accentuating her hips and her breasts. A small silver broach on the sweetheart neckline glitters, inviting my stare. 

“Come in.” I murmur, nearly lost for words at just the sight of her, “You’re early.”

“Well, we have that exchange to discuss, don’t we?” She mumbles, casting a skittish glance around her as though she’s trying to look anywhere but at the chiseled lines of my abs. She swallows, eyes momentarily lost in the sweep of my bare shoulders before she clears her throat and stares around once more.

“Yes, but you’re early for being early.” I smirk, leaning against the wall as she carefully soaks in her surroundings.

“It’s smaller than I expected.” She adds, “I’m surprised. I expected a mansion like my parents’.”

“I enjoy modesty.”

She gives a tiny nod, her gaze once again sweeping the cozy entry way. The house is only five bedrooms, tiny for my budget. I liked it that way. Too much space made me nervous.

A tiny meow from the corner of the room jerks her attention sideways, jaw going slack.

“You have a kitten?” She gasps, dropping the glittery handbag on a nearby end table. Her heels click on the marbled tile as she creeps carefully closer to the small but pudgy black cat.

“He’s not so much a kitten anymore. He’s five now.”

The cat’s green eyes dart towards me from where he huddles beneath the sofa, tail swishing around his body as he cautiously surveys the long haired intruder of his territory.

“What’s his name?” She asks, her voice strangely high pitched as she gazes fondly down at the cat, “Look at you, baby!” She coos, “Aren’t we precious?”


She bursts into giggles, turning back to me with a roll of her eyes, “God, I would hate to be one of your pets.”

My chest swells slightly as I huff, crossing my arms, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Didn’t you have a dog before? What was her name again?”


“Beatrice and Irvine. A match made in geriatric heaven. I hate to see what you want to name your children.”

“Don’t be rude to Irvine.”

He mews as if agreeing, glaring indignantly at Ari until she strokes just the right place under his chin. Then he’s melted butter in her hands, plopping down on the hardwood of the living room and rolling over to let her stroke him all over.


She straightens a few minutes later, brushing some cat hair from her skirt before heading back over towards me, “Shall we talk business?” She grins, a silly lopsided grin that makes my throat go tight.

“If you insist.” I smirk back, guiding her to the dining room. I’ve laid out the papers for her, as well as a bottle of wine and two glasses. A man with black rimmed glasses sits silently at the table, watching us with glassy eyes.

“…Who is that?” Ari whispers, as though the man can’t hear her though she’s only feet away.”

“Carl. A notary. We want this perfectly legal, right?”

She gives a nervous nod, gaze sweeping over the table. “Like I said, I don’t drink…” She frowns, inspecting the wine carefully.

“It’s a roscato. Very sweet, very pink. Just your style.” I shrug.

“I don’t like sweet things because they’re pink.” She glowers, “I like pink things because they tend to be sweet.”

“Potato, tomato.” I shrug while she rolls her eyes.

“I don’t think that’s quite right.” Carl adds with a tap of his thoughtful chin.

Ari and I exchange a grin as I pour her a glass, leaving it at her side.

 “You don’t have to try it. But I think you’d like.” I shrug.

She gazes at the bubbles in the glass, watching as they slowly rise. With a flippant sigh, she takes a small sip and then gives a delicious moan that makes my pants go suddenly tight. That simple exhale of her lips sends me hurtling right back to my college days where she’d lain in bed with me for hours, our bodies twined together so tight that you couldn’t tell where I ended and she began.

“God, that’s good.”

“Sweet enough?” I ask hoarsely, adjusting my pants as subtly as I can while Carl arches a judgmental eyebrow.

With a perky nod she takes the papers, tapping them on the table before narrowing her eyes and beginning to skim the lines. All in all, there were probably close to twenty pages.

 “You don’t have to read all of it.” I offer, sipping the sweet wine and cringing. It was so sugary it almost set my teeth on edge.

“Why not?” She frowns at me suspiciously, “Trying to rush me?”

“I’m just saying you don’t get the cash ‘til you sign and at this rate it’ll take you two weeks to finish.”

“Condensed version.” She replies, grabbing her phone and turning on the recorder. She shows it to me, then places it on the table, “To make sure you don’t lie and turn it on me later.”

“Fair enough.”

I reach over to take the sheets from her, glancing over the pages then back at Carl the notary.

“So, our contracted length of marriage is a minimum of two years. If pregnancy occurs the length can be renegotiated-”

“And custody of said child?” Ari interrupts.

I clear my throat, giving her a look before turning back to the contract, “If pregnancy occurs the length can be renegotiated as will the custody arrangement be settled then with favor towards the mother.”

I glance at her and she gives a slight nod, still watching me carefully.

“You’ll move in with me, be given your own credit card to use at your discretion that I will pay off, and you can choose any room in the house that you’d like. You’ll receive half of the agreed upon five million after the wedding and the rest at the end of the two years. If pregnancy does occur, another 2.5 million will be added upon the birth of the child.”

I lay the papers down, looking towards her, “Satisfactory?”

“What about length of engagement?” Carl asks curiously, observing us as Ari points at him and nods.

“Good question, Carl!”

I roll my eyes, rubbing my tired temples, “We will be wed as soon as possible, say a few weeks.”

She scrutinizes me carefully before finally giving a little nod, “Alright.”

“Sign here.” I hold out a pen, gesturing at the bottom of the contract, “Then initial here… and here. One more signature.”

She drops the pen, gazing down at her signature, “I guess that’s that, then?”

“That’s that, then.” I echo softly, mirroring her grim smile as I pass the papers to Carl to inspect and notarize, “That last page you signed, that was the marriage certificate. Now all that’s left is the wedding.”







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