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The Devils Stripper (The Devils Soldiers MC Book 3) by Cilla Lee (35)

Chapter Thirty-Nine


“BABY” I yell into my phone but there's nothin’

“Give it to me” Cuff says and plugs my phone into his laptop, I watch as the scream fills with numbers letters and fuck knows what else

“She's at the old miller house” he says and I run for the door all the guys behind me. Colt and I drive fast gunnin’ the engine as fast as I can (fuck baby please be ok) as I turn into the driveway I race down the track to the old miller house that Mr miller killed his whole family in back in the seventies because he lost all of his money, wife and four kids gunned down by a coward who couldn't face the world. I see Lilly's car and pull up beside it

“LILLY” I yell as Colt and I run for the front door but it's locked, Colt and I look at each other and step back and then shoulder the door together and the door frame splinters apart and we fall into the house. I see Lilly layin’ on the ground and I run to her “Fuck baby, wake up” she's covered in blood, I shake her but she doesn't make a noise. I lift her up and we race to my truck, Colt jumpin’ into the driver’s side while I hold Lilly. We pass the others as we head back towards town and I see some of them followin’ us

“Fuck Brother she's bleedin’ everywhere” Colt says lookin’ at Lilly, her head lulls to the side and she’s not movin’


“Where man we can't take her to the hospital like this” I look at her face

“We have too”

“Stryker man”

“JUST FUCKIN’ DO IT” I yell and he puts his foot down and heads towards the hospital, I cradle the love of my life in my arms as she fades away from me (please baby don't leave me please) I feel tears slide down my cheeks as we pull up to the ER and I run in with her lifeless body in my arms.


I stand at her grave and look down and I feel nothing, Colt puts his hand on my shoulder and I look at him “You ok” he asks me and I nod

“Yeah” is all I say lookin’ back at the grave and I smile

“What the fuck are you smilin’ at dipship” Tank asks me and I look at him

“Just glad she's dead is all”

“You cold hearted fucker” I wink at him and look at Rochelle's body

“Fuckin’ cunt got what she deserved” they both shake their heads as we watch Jaxson and Jordan cover her up

“I'm out need to see my woman” I tell them and walk to my truck, I only came out to make sure that bitch is dead. Walkin’ into the hospital room Lilly still unconscious, Tink’s in the chair next to her. She hasn't left since Lilly's been here, she looks up at me as I enter

“Hay” she says

“Hay Tink how's my girl” I ask her but she still looks worried

“Doc said she's good” I smile knowin’ how fuckin’ lucky we were that we got her here so fast. The doctor said any more time and she wouldn’t have made it

“That's good, how are you?”

“I'm good” she says but doesn't take her eyes off of Lilly

“Tink why don't you go home” she shakes her head

“I can't I need to be here when she comes to”

“Tink she's fine”

“Then why don't you go home and I'll stay” I growl at her

“Exactly so shut up and stop telling me to go home” I sit in the chair next to her and we both just watch Lilly. I sit up tryin’ to get comfortable and look at Lilly, she's just layin’ their lookin’ at Tink and I and I jump up the chair slidin’ back and hittin’ the wall

“Baby” I say sittin’ on the edge of the bed

“How did I get here” she asks her voice all croaky

“Got you here just in time baby, almost lost you there” she closes her eyes, when she looks up again all she says is “Rochelle”

“She's dead baby” she looks at Tink who’s now standin’ tears streamin’ down her face

“Come here” she says to Tink and she comes closer so Lilly can hug her

“I thought I lost you Lilly” she says but Lilly just shushes her smoothin’ her hand over her hair

“Hay” Tink looks at her

“I'm fine ok” Tink nods her head, Lilly looks at her arm with wires and tubes a blood bag hangs on one of the poles and a clear liquid on the other

“I'll get the doctor” Tink says and walks to the door and looks back smilin’ I sit next to Lilly and she turns to look at me

“How did you find me”

“Cuff baby, traced your cellphone when you called me”

“Rochelle just stepped out into the road, I had to brake than she tasered me” I feel my blood pressure go up

“Baby if you didn't kill that cunt she would still be payin’ for what she did to you” I tell her, Lilly looks down at her body

“She shot me” I look at the bandage that you can see near the neck of her gown

“Yeah baby three times and a stab wound”

“Fuck I feel like shit Stryker”

“Baby it's ganna take a few weeks to get back to normal, so just sit back ok” she bursts into tears and I pull her to me

“She said she killed her baby”

“Shit baby Rochelle was fuckin’ crazy” I tell her and she nods

“Your safe baby” I say over and over lettin’ her know, no one will ever hurt her again.


Lilly was in the hospital for four weeks before they let her out, everyone had come to see her and her room looked like a florist shop with flowers toys and cards. She looks like herself now and she's smilin’ a lot more but when everyone is gone and it's just her and me she lets her pain out. She's started havin’ nightmares and wakes up screamin’, I hold her until she calms down but every scream breaks my heart. Watchin’ her goin’ through this shit and I can't do anything to help her I felt fuckin’ hopeless. I tried to talk Lilly into talkin’ to someone but she refused tellin’ me that if she said anythin’ to anyone the club would get in trouble. I knew where she was comin’ from we took care of our own business, so I called up Niya maybe she could ease Lilly’s anguish.

‘Niya girl I was wonderin’ if you could come to the hospital for me I really need to talk to you’

‘Ok is there something I should know’

‘Can you just come now and then I'll tell you when you get here’

‘Yeah if you need me I'm on my way’

‘Thanks, darlin’ can you message me so I can meet you outside’

‘Sure, I'm leaving now’

‘Thanks, see ya soon’

My phone buzzes twenty minutes later Niya must have left straight away to get to the hospital so fast

'I'm out the front'

'I'm comin’ now'

“Gotta take this baby I'll be a minute” I kiss her on the lips, as I walk outside I see Niya sittin’ on one of the bench seats

“Hay darlin’ thanks for comin’”

“Anytime, what's up?” I hesitate for a minute

“It's just.... I know what your Dad did to you and all and you seem so put together” she looks at me frownin’

“Stryker what's wrong” I take a deep breath

“How did you get over what your Dad did to you” she looks at the group of kids playin’ in the kids play ground and takes a breath

“It was all I ever knew Stryker it was just my life, I didn't know that what I was going through wasn't what other people were going through so my mind just accepted it as life”

“That's fucked up” I tell her

“Tell me about it, why are you asking”

“It's Lilly she's havin’ nightmares about Rochelle and I don't know how to help her”

“Oh, I see I thought she was doing good”

“She is it’s just at night she has these horrible nightmares and I know it's a lot to ask but can you talk to her” she looks at me

“I wouldn’t know what to say to her”

“Please Niya anything, just talk to her, watchin’ her scream and cry is killin’ me” she places her hand on my knee

“I'll talk to her, is she up there alone now”

“No, you know Tink, she won't leave her”

“Well come on I'm sure you two need a break huh” I nod my head and she loops her arm in mine and we walk in to see my women

“Hi girl” Niya says as she walks in and gives Lilly as kiss on the cheek “Hi Tink you two doing ok” she asks and they both nod their heads

“Hay Tink you wanna get something to eat” I ask her and she looks at me than Niya and I motion for her to come with me and she stands up getting’ my hint

“I could eat, Lilly you want anything” Lilly shakes her head

“I'm good” but the look she gives me is beggin’ me not to leave, I open the door for Tink and we both walk out. We make it to the cafeteria when Tink turns to me

“You ganna tell me what that is all about” I nod for her to take a seat we sit starin’ at each other

“Well” she asks and I take a deep breath

“How do I start”

“Just spill why Niya is here”

“Niya's had a hard life Tink” she laughs

“We all have Stryker” I shake my head at her

“No Tink you think you may have but the life that Niya lived before she came to the club was a brutal one” she frowns at me

“What do you mean?”

“Her Dad was a class A motherfucker who beat Niya to an inch of her life from the time she was four years old, she's had every bone in her body broken multiple times and then some”

“Shit really” I nod

“Yeah Tink she's lived through a life no human being should have lived and she's come out of it one of the most loving sweetest women who would give you her last breath if you ask her for it, she's a fighter a survivor and I think she can help Lilly with her nightmares”


“I don't know but I'm hopin’ she can” we sit for ages when I see Niya walkin’ through the doors and I stand up


“She's asleep now but we had a talk”

“Do you think it helped”

“I don't know, I just talked to her and listened. She cried, we hugged and she cried some more”

“But do you think it helped” Tink asks her

“I really have no clue sweetie time will tell” I pull her in for a hug

“Thanks, darlin”

“No problem anytime, now I better get going Logan's probably awake by now”

“Thanks, Niya” Tink says getting’ up and huggin’ her to. That night Lilly has another nightmare but it's not as bad as they usually are. I watch as tears fall down her cheeks

“That wasn't that bad” Tink says and I nod in agreement

“Maybe Niya's talk did help”

“Yeah I think it did” It's two days later and Lilly is allowed to come home

“God, I can't wait to get out of here” she says as she puts the last of her clothes into her small suitcase, the nurse comes in with a wheel chair

“Ok Ms. Davenport your chariot awaits”

“I'm not getting in that”

“I'm afraid it's hospital policy”

“ARGH fine”

“Baby I'll go and get my truck” I kiss her on the lips and take her bag with me. When I pull back up at the entrance she's sittin’ in the wheelchair and Tink’s standin’ beside her (fuck four weeks without her has almost fuckin’ killed me) I get out and help her into the truck

“You ok baby” I ask her worried she’d hurt herself but she smiles

“Yes, I'm fine can we please just get home” I smile, I fuckin’ love it when she calls it home

“What are you smiling at?” she asks me and I turn to her and lean over

“I just miss you that's all” I kiss her on the lips

“Take me home” she says and my dick jumps to attention (settle boy not tonight) I pull up to the house and Dads trucks in the garage

“Why is Tiny home, is he ok?” she asks soundin’ worried

“Baby he just wanted to see you before he went to work”

“But he's seen me every day”

“And now he wants to make sure you made it home ok”

“Ok” she says smilin’, I carry her into the house and Dads sittin’ at the kitchen table

“Hay darlin’” Dad says as I put her down and he pulls her to him gently for a hug

“How you feelin’”

“Good Tiny, the same as when you saw me yesterday, but I'm happy to be home”

“Well it's good to have you home” we all smile like idiots

“You wanna go upstairs baby” I ask her she shakes her head

“No, I'll just veg on the sofa”

“Go on and I'll bring you in a tea and something to eat”

“Ok” she says and kisses me on the lips and pulls Tink with her into the living room

“You ok boy” Dad asks me as I watch Lilly settle on the sofa

“Yeah Dad I'm fuckin’ great now she's home” he slaps me on the back smilin’ too

“Ok I'm out I'll see you later” he yells out bye to the girls

“Bye Tiny” they both say in unison

The three of us sit on the sofa and watch TV the rest of the night, we order pizza and just veg. Lilly in the middle of Tink and I by ten she's fast asleep and I lift her up

“You good Tink” I ask her and she nods

“I'm good Stryker, you”

“I great now she's home” we both smile I fuckin’ can't stop smilin’. I head up to bed with my women and undress her the scares from the bullets make me grind my teeth thinkin’ of that cunt Rochelle doin’ this to her, but I pull her to me her back to my front and I hold her to me never wantin’ to let her go.