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The Protector (Men of the North Book 1) by Elin Peer (20)


Flying Lessons



I kept my word to Christina. The morning after she made love to me, we took off in my hybrid and spent the morning at the digging site. According to plan, she complained that she wasn’t feeling well just before lunch, and I told her team members that I was taking her home.

A mile away I put the vehicle down on the ground. “All right, your turn to fly,” I said and switched seats with her.

Christina reached out to touch the steering panel but couldn’t reach it. “This won’t work.” She sighed. “This thing was built for large men, I think.”

“You’re damn right it was.”

“You knew this?” She narrowed her eyes and I caught her accusation. “Is that’s why you agreed to this deal? Because you knew I would never be able to fly your drone?”

“The seats are adjustable,” I said dryly. “They probably are in your drones too; you’ve just never needed that function since you didn’t have to fly them.” I showed her where to find the button and watched her position her seat just right.

“Now what?” she asked.

“Now you turn on the engine and we get going.”

“All right.” With a look of concentration, she followed my directions and pushed the accelerator gently. Still the drone jerked with uneven movements that made me hold on to my seat.

“I’m sorry,” she said and stopped. “Since it’s a hybrid; couldn’t you teach me to make it go automatically? That’s probably for the best.”

“I could,” I said and paused, “but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“Why not?”

My brows dropped. “Think, Christina!”

“What?” she asked with that sweet innocence of hers.

“What happens if someone steals a drone in Momsiland?”

“Why would anyone steal a drone?” she asked with an open expression.

I rolled my eyes. “Because they need a quick ride or saw a cool drone.”

Christina blinked in confusion. “But who would they steal it from? No one owns the drones, they’re public transportation.”

I wrinkled my nose up. “No one owns them?”

“No, of course not.”

“So it’s true then?” I couldn’t hide my disdain when I crossed my arms. “It’s all fucking communism.”

“Communism?” Christina raised her voice a tiny bit. “Hardly.”

I snorted. “Sounds like communism to me. I couldn’t live in a place where I couldn’t own my land, my house, my drones.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Capitalist, but you clearly haven’t the faintest idea of the fairness principle that we live by.”

“The fairness principle? Oh, please, just the name makes my throat burn – I think I’m going to vomit.”

Her cheeks flamed red and she turned her head to look straight ahead. It was time to get back on track.

“The reason you can’t put the hybrid on automatic is that flying it manually is the only way to make sure it can’t be overruled by others.”

“What do you mean when you say overruled?”

“Let me break it down for you, Christina,” I said patiently. “First, I create a distraction, then you and Athena take off; and soon after, Finn is going to find out she’s missing. Never mind that Khan will fucking kill Finn for losing sight of her, but the whole mansion will be a beehive of frantic men. The minute they realize my hybrid is missing, they’re going to ask me to redirect it to come back.” I tapped at my wristband.

Her eyes expanded in understanding. “Ahh, you can override the vehicles computer from your end.”

“I can,” I said with a rhythmic nodding. “Unless it’s being flown manually.”

“I see.”

“Good, then you better try again – and this time go easy on the accelerator until you get the touch of it.”

Christina eventually did get the touch but she flew slow and was clearly nervous about navigating.

I gave her directions and steered her toward my home, flying across water and vast areas of forest.

Once we got there I asked her to fly up to the large estate and park.

“Who lives here?” she asked curiously and leaned forward to see better.

“A handsome, wise, and very sexy man,” I answered with a wink.

To my surprise she didn’t catch on that I was talking about me. Humor definitely wasn’t her strongest suit.

“Come on,” I waved her with me up the stairs to the impressive double doors.

“Is he a friend of yours?” she asked a bit nervous and looked up to the rooftop – three floors above us.

“Oh, he’s a very good friend of mine,” I said and laughed.

“This house looks pre-war; how is that possible?” she asked.

“Because it was built in nineteen twenty-four.”

“It was?” she whispered and licked her lips. “Are you sure?”

“Yup, this house is one of the few that wasn’t bombed or torn down. I suppose its location outside the city made the difference.

Christina scanned the grounds and I could tell her eyes were lingering on the pretty pond with the ducks floating peacefully. “It’s very pretty here with the forest and the water.”

“You think?”

“Yes, very idyllic – like something from an old movie.”

Butterflies made my belly tingle with a speck of hope that maybe, just maybe…

“Stop – what are you doing, Boulder?” She interrupted my thoughts with her protest when I opened the door and walked in.

“Don’t you want to see what the house looks like on the inside?” I tempted. “As I said, it was built in nineteen twenty-four; that makes it…”

  “Five hundred and thirteen years old,” she breathed, her eyes wide as she took in the extravagant staircase.

“Exactly.” I laughed. “So you’re good at math, are you?”

Christina wasn’t listening, she was walking toward the staircase with her hands outstretched.

“Beautiful, right?” I said.

“It’s gorgeous,” she whispered and touched the banister as if it was fragile.

“Yeah, they were good at making pretty houses back then. Not like the cubes you live in, huh?” 

She nodded but seemed speechless.

“Feel free to walk around. The interior is modern of course, but the house itself is original… or almost original. It’s been upgraded a bit to make it more energy-efficient.”

“I can’t believe it,” she muttered and greedily scanned the room, taking in every little detail.

“Go ahead.” I swung my arm out wide, signaling for her to investigate.

She walked as if in a daze from one room to the other and when she entered my study she gasped. “Books… so many books.”

“I know,” I said with a satisfied smile on my lips. “Some of them are really good and steamy.”

Her hands were practically shaking when she gently touched the back of a few books, reading their titles.

“It’s okay, you can take them out and look at them.”

There were hundreds of books and her chest rose visibly when she said. “Were these all excavated?”

“No, they came with the house and have been an excellent source of information.”

Again, she licked her lips and it made me smile. Her expression was similar to mine when I had a large, well-cooked steak on my plate.

She was hungry! Hungry to explore my estate and all the history that it contained.

“You like it?” I asked.

“I love it! It’s like time traveling. This should be a museum for the rest of the world to see. It’s so rare to see something this old and beautiful.”

“I know. It takes a lot of money to maintain old properties like this one. That’s why no one does it.”

Her hand was running over a curved doorframe with delicate carvings in it. “Such craftsmanship,” she muttered and walked inside the room.

“What is that?” She stiffened.

“The kitchen,” I said and followed her eyes to the glass wall behind which meat hung on large hooks to age. “Oh, you mean the hanging,” I continued. “It’s just a culinary process to improve the flavor.”

“Those are dead animals,” she said in a brittle voice.

“That’s right. There’s deer, cow, and wild boar. I shot them myself.”

Her eyes closed, she turned away, and it took her a while to gather herself, but to her credit she didn’t address it further.

“Why is this kitchen so modern?”

“Because I like modern kitchens.”

She shot me a curious look.

“Christina,” I said and waited for her to meet my eyes. “You know it’s my house, right?”

“But you said…” She tilted her head.

“That the owner was handsome, wise, and sexy,” I finished. “That should have given you a clue.” I laughed.

“Hmm.” She shrugged and continued the tour, but I quickly caught up to her in the dining room and stopped her with my hands on her hips, turning her around to face me.

“What’s ‘hmm’ supposed to mean?” I demanded.


“Nothing?” Insecurity was a new thing to me, but then everything about her was new to me. “Are you saying you don’t find me handsome, wise, or sexy?”

She leaned her head back looking up at me. “I’m used to pretty men. You’re not exactly that.”

Pretty?” I spit out the word. “I would be offended if you called me pretty.”

Her eyebrows were raised. “Okay, well, in that case it’s a good thing that I don’t find you pretty.”

My jaws tightened and I walked her back to the dining table, pressing myself against her. “Just answer me this: do you find me attractive?”

She swallowed hard and leaned back to get some distance between us.

With my index finger, I lifted her chin and made her look at me. “Last night, Christina, when we had sex – did you find me attractive.”

“I didn’t find you unattractive,” she answered.

“It’s not good enough.” I shook my head a single time. “I’ve told you a million times that I find you beautiful. Now it’s time for you to tell me the truth: do you find me attractive?”

“Boulder, I…” She trailed off.

“It’s a simple question. Yes or no,” I insisted.

“You’re very masculine but I like the way you…” She looked down.

“No, look at me,” I demanded.

She did and took a deep intake of air. “I like it when we’re together.”

“Sexually or in general?”

Her answer came as a whisper. “Both.”

It gave me some satisfaction but I’d already suspected that much. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Why does it matter what I think?”

“It matters because I’m a vain motherfucker and I want to know if you find me attractive,” I said impatiently. “Would you say I’m sexy and handsome?”

Hard-pressed, she finally whispered, “No.”

“No?” I took a step back.

She placed her hands on her cheeks. “I think it’s the beard. It’s too much.”

My hands flew to my beard. I was proud of it. I’d been one of the first among my peers to grow a decent one and now she was saying she didn’t like it.

“And your hair, it’s… well, uncombed.”

Before I could react, she added. “But I like your eyes, they’re full of life and the bright gray color is unique.”

When I walked away from her she called out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I had always considered myself handsome but apparently Momsies had a different taste in men than what I represented. I knew a few men who didn’t have a beard but they looked boyish to me, and in the wintertime it was practical wearing a warm beard.

It annoyed the hell out of me that she didn’t find me handsome because I wanted her to fall in love with me and stay. She loved my house, and she had already allowed me to claim her sexually. I was getting in too deep to let her go, but the only way I could truly keep her was if she chose to stay.

“Boulder,” her voice rang softly and I felt her hand on my shoulder.

Turning slowly, I spoke, “So you prefer pretty men, huh?”

Her brows drew closer together. “I didn’t say that. You know I don’t think of men that way.”

“That’s right,” I grumped. “You think the notion of a man bringing out arousal in a woman is a myth, isn’t that what you said?”

She didn’t answer, but the hunter in me wanted this kill and with a hand around her waist I drew her close to me. “So you’re saying that I’m not attractive and I can’t arouse you.” It wasn’t a question but a statement.

Christina watched me carefully.

I leaned in and kept my lips hovering just in front of hers when I spoke in a low and raspy voice. “I’ll bet I could make you scream out my name and have you beg me to fuck you if I wanted to.”

Her hands pushed gently at my chest but there was no resolve behind it and I didn’t pull back. Instead I placed both hands under her behind and lifted her onto my hip. We were eye to eye now and I smiled when she held on to my neck.

“Your men might be pretty as women but they don’t know how to fuck like we do,” I growled, low.

“Put me down,” she said but of course I didn’t.

I walked back to the dining room and lowered her to the table. “I think I’m in the mood for a snack,” I told her and started undressing her.

“Boulder, stop it,” she panted and pushed at my hands. “I don’t want to…” The rest of her words were swallowed by my open-mouthed kiss.

Her struggle of resistance was weak and more for show. I didn’t stop my attack on her and slid my hand under her shirt, finding her delicious globes and smiling when I felt how hard her nipples were.

She gave a small moan: “Stop it, Boulder.”

“I’ll stop,” I groaned into her ear and bit her earlobe gently, “if you’re not wet for me.”

She protested when I opened her pants and snaked my hand down between her legs.

My smile grew wider when I felt how warm and moist she was. Holding her gaze, I slid my finger inside her, then two, before I pulled out and held up my glistening fingers for her to see. “Looks like it’s not a myth after all - you’re aroused by a man.”

“It doesn’t mean a thing,” she defended herself, but I just laughed and licked my wet fingers with her nectar before I pulled her pants all the way down.

“It means that you’re attracted to me and you want me to fuck you.”

“No, it doesn’t,” she objected but she didn’t move away when I grabbed her thighs and moved her ass closer to the edge of the table.

“Either way, I’m taking you right here and now.” My voice was resolute and my promise backed up quickly when I opened my pants and freed my hard cock. 

“Don’t,” she said, but I ignored her and pushed inside her with a deep growl. Holding on to her knees I pressed all the way in, enjoying the way she closed her eyes and bit her lip.

“Mine,” I growled again and that made her eyes fly open.

“What did you say?”

“You’re mine, Christina,” I repeated loud and clear and slammed inside her again. “My wife, my woman.”

“I don’t belong to you.” She tried to sit up but I wouldn’t let her.

“You belong to me and I to you,” I said firmly.

“Stop it, Boulder, you’re freaking me out,” she cried.

“Just stating the facts,” I said and squeezed her knees tighter. The sound of our fucking was arousing to me, my hard flesh meeting her moist insides. She was incredibly wet and her face flushed red with arousal; there was no hiding it from me.

“Lie back and let me fuck you,” I ordered when she tried to sit up again.

“But I…” she panted, still trying to get up.

In a swift move, I pulled her up on my hips again, holding one arm under her butt and one arm around her waist, lifting and lowering her on my hard cock.

“Ohhh,” she said as I impaled her all the way.

“Put your hands around my neck,” I instructed and made a satisfied sound in my throat when she complied.

I kissed her and this time she returned my kiss, our tongues dueling for control.

“Say, it Christina,” I ordered. “Say my name.”

“No,” she panted. 

“What do you want?” My voice was low as I held her still with only the tip of my cock inside her.

“I don’t know.”

Lowering her to the floor, I turned her around and pressed at her from behind until she leaned over the dining table, her lovely ass pushed back at me.

With patience I didn’t know I had in me, I slid my cock up and down her soft folds, watching her body prepare for my next attack.

“What do you want?” I repeated.

She lifted on her toes and arched her back slightly.

Oh, yeah, she wants me.

“I don’t know,” she repeated.

Leaning over her I rested my cock on her ass and nuzzled her nipples. Her face was turned, her eyes closed, and she licked her lips again.

“Alexander,” she whispered in a needy way.

“Yes, beautiful?” Deep male satisfaction filled me at the sound of my name and with a hand on my cock I placed it right at her entrance. Immediately she pushed back but I moved back too.

“Please,” she whispered.

“Please what?”

“Alexander, please,” she begged.

“Say it, Christina – say the word.”

“I want…”

“What do you want?”


“What do you want me to do?”

Her breathing was ragged and she turned to look at me with half-lidded eyes. “I want you to take me.”

“You want me to fuck you?”

“Ye… yes,” she stammered.

“Then say it.” I looked down at my tip, dripping with precum, and couldn’t resist inserting it just a little bit.

“I already did… I said that I wanted you.”

“Say: Alexander I want you to fuck me,” I pressed her while circling her clit with my thumb.

“Ohh, yes… that’s feels so good,” she moaned.

I moved my finger and used my cock to play with her clit instead.

“Say it, beautiful, I want to hear you say it.”

“Fuck me, Alexander.”

Red light blinded me as my head exploded with the most insane lust. Christina had used the F-word for the first time in her life, and I knew that only absurd arousal could have gotten her to do something that unnatural to her.

“With pleasure,” I groaned and gave her what she had asked for. Filling her up, swiveling my hips, riding her hard, I took her with my fingers boring into her hips and got off on the way she cried out her ecstasy.

“Ohh… yes, yes, yes,” she panted out loud.

An intense feeling of pleasure hit me and I looked down to understand what was happening. It was like her insides were cramping and milking my cock. I had read about this but never had I known what it would feel like in real life.

“Alexander, it feels so gooood,” she moaned.

My head fell back and I roared out my own orgasm. “FUUUUCK!!!!!”

I spurted inside her and held on to her in an iron grip, instinctively making sure she didn’t pull away before I had emptied myself inside of her.

One spurt, two, three, four – I stopped counting and gave in to the exquisite sensation of my semen pumping into her.

We were both making incoherent sounds and panting, and just like yesterday, I stayed inside her as long as she would allow me.  

To spare her pride I didn’t make any more teasing comments about her arousal. I had proven my point and regained a bit of dignity after her insult of not finding me attractive. Instead, I showed her to the bathroom and gave her time to collect herself before we left my house and took up the second part of teaching her to fly my hybrid.




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