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The Summer Catch (Oyster Cove Series Book 5) by Jennifer Foor (3)

Chapter 4



Being prepared for Koby was an understatement. I’m not sure how I managed to keep the group together after the vicious bitch made the call and then proceeded to taunt me the rest of the way back to the rendezvous point.

To be honest, I didn’t care if I got paid for the day. Pissed didn’t cover the way I felt about this group of girls. I knew they were tourists from up north. If the looks of them wasn’t a dead giveaway, the accent was. Had my brother been with us, it would have been much easier to give them hell. More disgusted than I can ever remember getting, I refused to give her more ammunition. Maybe the hot chick was right. It was better I leave things alone.

Out of the whole group, she was the nicest. As a matter of fact, before they got in their convertible BMW, she managed to slip me a hundred dollar bill with apologizing eyes. One thing I knew for sure is that the tip was a gift from her alone. She mouthed the words ‘sorry’ before turning around and joining the bitch crew.

Davina, the obvious leader of Bitchville, flipped me the bird while racing out of the parking lot.

“Fuck you too!” I said loud enough she could hear me. The crunch of the gravel told me someone was behind me. My shoulders slumped as I turn and find Koby standing there with disappointment in his eyes. “I had to wave their payments to keep them from leaving a bad review.”

My brows raise and I laugh loudly. “That ain’t going to do shit. I’m pretty sure I just met the devil, dude. She was like an evil succubus.”

“Whatever she was, she really didn’t like you.”

I motion from my shoulders to feet. “What’s not to love?”

He playfully shoves me. “Maybe you were asking for it?”

“I ask for a lot, but never that shit. I’m not kidding. They were awful. They’re lucky I didn’t come back without them.”

Koby cackles. “That bad, huh?”

“Terrible. I have a headache like a motherfucker. In fact, I think I need to take the rest of the day off.”

“Too bad we’re double booked. Get your ass some lunch and be back in two hours. Forget about those chicks. You never have to see them again.”

“Good,” I happily reply. “Remind me to never travel up north.”


Across from the kayak rental business are several food trucks. Since there’s no traffic in the spring months, I run without looking. I know everyone on the island with the exception of newly born babies and people who may have just moved here. Most of the older couples frequent the diner my family owns and operates. Ever since Mr. Paul’s Place closed its doors, we’ve been slammed every morning. Although we welcome the business, even in the off-season, it’s sad to know that a place we spent every Sunday morning at is gone.


Evie Walls has a baseball hat on, hiding her usual long blonde hair. When she sees me coming across the lot she starts on me. “Look what the cat dragged in. If you came here for lunch, sorry about your luck. We’re closed for assholes and their friends.”

I scan the lot and realize I’m alone. Since my tour ended early, the lunch rush hasn’t started yet. “I’ve had a shit morning. Don’t start.”

She snickers and hands me a soda, Coke mixed with Dr. Pepper. It’s something I’ve enjoyed since I was a kid. With a wink, she leans forward to chat. “You weren’t out last night. Paul got a stick up his ass and decided to sink that old Johnboat. He set the bitch on fire and sent it out to sea. Then we got drunk and hung out on the docks. Bristol came by.”

Bristol is my little sister. She’s still a minor, not that it stops her. No matter how hard the rest of us try to keep her out of trouble, she always seems to find her way in it. “That damn girl. You should have called one of us.”

“I did. I text both you and Coop.”

Suddenly realizing that I’ve yet to check my phone, I shrug. “My bad.”

“She didn’t seem messed up. Matt was with her.”

Matt, AKA my stepbrother. Bristol and Matt have a love-hate-hate more relationship. I’m assuming last night they were getting along. I never got a call that one was in the hospital or jail so that’s a good sign.

“Brant, West, or Dane can deal with her. I’m tired of bailing her out. Now she thinks she can crash at our place any time she wants. That shit ain’t happening.”

“Why?” She responds with sarcasm. “You think she’ll come between you and getting your dick wet?”

Evie and I go way back. Most island kids do. Our classrooms were on the small side. The dating pool was shit. Everyone has messed around with everyone, and the list isn’t at all long. It’s sad actually. Evie and I messed around years ago. We had fun, but neither of us wanted anything more. I guess that’s why we get along so well. We’re on the same page and she’s actually cool about it.

“Shut up. Give me a pit beef sandwich with chips. BBQ and horseradish.”

“It’s already being prepared. After I heard the commotion and saw you headed this way I took the liberty of ordering for you.”

“Thanks,” I say as I pull out the hundred-dollar bill and slap it on the counter. “It’s the only cash I have.”

“Seriously? You know I can’t break this. You’re the first customer of the day.”

A guffaw escapes me before I tuck the cash back in my pocket and pull out my wallet. “Fine. Here.” This time I hand her a ten. She rolls her eyes and says something under her breath as she turns around to place it in the register. While she’s back there, I check her out from the backside. “You been working out?”

She cocks her head back and flashes an evil grin. “Did I say you could stare at my ass?”

I sip on my cold beverage. “I don’t need permission. Once you’ve hit it, it’s totally allowed.”

“No wonder those ladies took off so quickly. They were probably vomiting in their mouths.”

When she faces me I take it upon myself to fill her in. “Those chicks were horrible people. They scare me. I wouldn’t touch any of them with a ten foot pole, and you know it takes a lot to deter me from a free lay.”

“That bad, huh?”

“They make you look like an angel.”

She takes a handful of ice from the machine and throws it at me. “You suck, Caleb.”

“Maybe, but you do it so much better than me.”


With it being slow, Evie sits out at a table while I eat my lunch. We make plans to hang out with everyone over the weekend and part ways with more ornery banter. When my break is over I feel a bit more relaxed. It’s good to know when one woman pisses me off, there’s always another to take the sting away.

After staring a good while at Evie’s ass, I’m intrigued to know if she’s hiding any new tricks I might want to explore.

At the end of the day, it’s a good time to be had by all. That’s my personal guarantee.