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The Wilderness (Lavender Shores Book 8) by Rosalind Abel (22)



“Child, are you sick?” Mabel Jessup plopped down in the chair across from me at the table, lifted her hand as if she was going to press the back of it to my forehead, then reconsidered and lowered it once more. Her expression transitioned swiftly from confused to sympathetic. “Oh, I understand. I went through something similar when my folks passed. It throws everything off, makes you question the path you’ve chosen in life.”

“I was questioning things a long time before my dad died, Mabel.” Her concern warmed my heart. “Did you forget that I’ve lived in England for the past year?”

“Actually, I did.” She sniffed. “You’ll have to forgive me. When you get to be my age, a year passes like that.” She snapped her fingers. “I bet it was quite an adventure.”

“It was. In a lot of ways, it was one of the best years of my life.”

“Well, it’s kind of you to give all that up to come home and be with your mom during this rough time.”

“It’s not that; she’ll be fine.” At Mabel’s expression, I realized how that sounded, and rushed ahead, trying to do damage control. “What I mean is, I’m sticking around Lavender Shores for me. But part of what made my year in England so amazing was trying and learning new things.”

She scowled. “And that’s why you want to work here?” Mabel shook her head in wonder. “I never thought I’d see the day when an Epstein came into Mabel’s restaurant asking for a job.”

I burst out in laughter and shook my head. “No, not a job. You misunderstood me. I’m sorry.” I was willing to bet my father had just rolled over in his grave at the thought of one of his children waiting tables. Although, chances were high with what I was planning, he was going to be rolling over quite a bit. “I’d just like to come in sometimes, have you teach me some of your skills.”

“But you don’t want to work here?” Mabel’s eyes narrowed. “You planning on opening a restaurant and becoming my competition?”

“Like I could ever offer you any competition.”

That earned me a smile. “Glad you’re aware.”

“You make the best comfort food around. And I discovered I rather enjoyed cooking through some of the classes I took. But most of them involved French pastries and things like that.” I motioned toward the heaping portion of meatloaf and mashed potatoes in front of me. “I couldn’t even attempt to make this to save my life, or your fried chicken.”

“Now you listen here, Will Epstein.” She shook her finger at me, and though her lips quirked into a smile, there was no doubt that she wasn’t kidding. “Don’t you attempt to finagle the secret of my fried chicken out of me. Better people than you have tried—it didn’t end well for them, I can promise you.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Mabel nodded and seemed to consider. “You took some French pastry classes you said?”

I nodded. “Sure did. As well as a few courses in Indian cuisine. I can make some killer naan and tandoori chicken.”

“Really?” She leaned forward again. “Now that I’m interested in. I’ve never been able to get a good grip on the spices they use. How about you teach me, and I’ll teach you?”

“Deal.” I stuck out my hand.

She stood, shook my hand in agreement, and considered me once more. “You’re different than you were.”

“Yes, I think you’re right.”

“No, that wasn’t a question.” That time she did touch me, patting my shoulder. “Every time you and your father would come in, you treated me like the help. I think this is the first time you’ve looked me full in the face.”

I flinched and started to object. But then knew she was right. “I’m sorry.” I hadn’t even realized, which was maybe worse than doing it intentionally.

She shrugged. “Not sure you had much of a choice, at least at the beginning. It’s how you were brought up since you were a young thing.” She gave another squeeze, and her tone softened. “You’re going to be a much happier man now.”

I started to agree, but my throat constricted in emotion, so I just nodded.

Mabel finished with a pat, then turned away, focusing on the rest of the lunch rush.

She was right. I was going to be happier. That part had already started.

Truth be told, it was a little unsettling. My year away from Lavender Shores had been freeing, and peaceful, but I couldn’t say I’d been happy, at least not compared to what was happening now. As I ate my meatloaf, watching Mabel flit from table to table, visiting people I’d known my entire life, I wondered if I’d ever been happy before.

I had, I realized. Right at the beginning of my relationship with Harrison. The rush of new love. But that had been different. He’d been an ex-NFL star, a model. He was the rich, all-American Adonis who’d come attached with fortune and fame. I’d already had the fortune, but not the fame. Falling into a relationship with him had simply felt right, expected. He was what I’d been taught I deserved. What I believed I deserved. I hadn’t realized that at the time, but I’d fallen in love with his status and our combined power just as much as I had with Harrison. In my defense, looking back, that was all I had known of love.

But now, as I thought about Andre, our years of friendship, starting off in grief and loss together and as we slowly transitioned to camaraderie and laughter, and now to… I paused, unable to finish the thought, afraid to.

Holy shit.

And now to love. Yeah, that’s exactly what it was. Maybe it was ridiculous to even have to consider, as it was painfully obvious. From the way I’d ached for him when I’d been gone, to our joining the night before, even his nerves as we walked through the forest that morning, it all screamed love.

And being with Andre? It didn’t offer fame, didn’t offer more power or status. If anything, it came with strings. It came with Lavender Shores, with the role of being a stepfather.

And again, holy shit, a stepfather. That was a thought…

Andre came with complications, confusion, and lots of tiny and gargantuan hurdles to jump over.

But one thing was clear, there was nothing I’d done to deserve Andre Rivera. Not a single thing. The fact that he looked at me as he had that morning, that he could kiss me the way he did the night before, that was a miracle. One I never thought I’d have. But I was more than willing to spend every day of the rest of my life earning the honor.

As I finished eating, a fuzzy, happy anticipation settled over me. I wasn’t sure when I would see Andre again, but I knew it wouldn’t be too long. Until then, I needed to figure out how to make Lavender Shores a different place. I didn’t think returning home would make me become the Will Epstein I had been before, but I wasn’t going to take the chance. Instead I was going to continue on the journey of self-discovery, or whatever it was, that I’d started in England. Cooking lessons with Mabel was just one aspect of that. Maybe I’d make my way through every store in town, just have fun discovering new things. I could learn flower arranging from Mabel’s wife, Sapphire. Take violin lessons from Micah Bryant. Do an apprenticeship at the glassblowing studio and give Nick a run for his money with his stained glass career. Who knew?

I wandered around the downtown of Lavender Shores, meandering slowly, trying to see the place in a new light. Look past the beauty and perfection of the place and see the heart of the people beneath. Maybe if I discovered what the town truly was, I’d find a different part of my heritage from being from a founding family, a better part than what I’d been shown.

The sun was setting by the time I returned to Mom’s house. I’d gotten a text from Andre saying he was back in town and he’d call me after Katniss went to bed. Before going inside, I revisited the trail Andre and I had walked that morning, going so far that I reached the cliffs where I’d sat as a kid. Turned out, there really was a different Will Epstein out there; he’d just been waiting for me to discover him.

When I walked into Mom’s, I found her and Erica in the formal living room, both of them looking harried.

“Where have you been?” Erica practically sprang up from the ornate sofa. “I’ve been calling you for over an hour.”

I felt the pocket of my jeans. My cell wasn’t there. “Sorry. I guess I left my phone in the car.” It wasn’t uncommon to find Erica or our mother in a state of panic. But something about the energy between them gave me pause. “Why? What’s wrong?”

Mom sighed and dipped her head to her hands.

“You’re not going to get any flak from me on a moral high ground, Will.” Erica infused a warning tone in her voice as she glanced over at Mom. “Nor from our mom. None of us have any room to talk about affairs. But couldn’t you have at least waited until the hoopla over Dad dying in some slut’s bed dissipated a little bit?”

Mom shot Erica an irritated glare but said nothing.

“What are you talking about?”

Erica popped her fist on a hip and rolled her eyes. “Seriously? You’re going to play innocent? It’s all over social media that you’re having an affair with Adrian. And I don’t blame you for wanting to get back at Harrison, but”—she shuddered—“a Rivera? Really? What next? You’re going to work your way through the married Kelly and Bryant men?”

“Adrian? What the hell are you…” Then it snapped into place. Adrian. Obviously someone had seen Andre and me together and mistaken him for Adrian. Though how that was possible, I had no clue. Andre and I hadn’t been anywhere together. Although they could’ve seen me going to or from his house the night before, but even that wasn’t gossipworthy. We’d been friend for years. “Erica, I don’t know what you heard, but I’m not having an affair with Adrian.”

She looked stung. “There’s no reason to lie to me. Of all people. I’m not going to judge you.” Erica thrust her cell toward me. “Besides, there’s documented proof.”

Though my brain screamed to not accept what she offered, to turn tail and run as fast and as hard as I could, I took the phone from her.

“Hit Play.” Her tone had grown bored.

The video on the screen was already queued up, and unable to stop myself, I did as she said.

Even before she spoke, I recognized the woman. Hannah Billings, she was one of the prominent entertainment gossip bloggers. She’d covered my breakup with Harrison, and I’d granted her an interview afterward where I’d torn Harrison to shreds. I hadn’t thought of her in years.

“We often run special Where Are They Now reports on stars and celebrities who fade from view. Well, have I got a dish for you.” Hannah leaned toward the camera as if she was getting ready to share juicy secret with her best friend. “Doubtless, you remember the hit reality show, Titan Love, from a few years ago that followed ex- quarterback Harrison Getty through his engagement and wedding.” Her smile broadened to something wicked. “Well… his almost wedding. As I’m sure you’ll recall, that ended with him running down the aisle only to release a sex tape less than a week later with Hottie McHot Farmer, Adrian Rivera, someone who most definitely wasn’t his fiancé.”

Mom groaned from her spot on the sofa. “With a farmer!”

“Turns out, revenge is most definitely a dish best served cold. Feast your hungry little eyes on this.” As the camera zoomed out, a video appeared in a rectangle beside her head and then grew larger, with her voiceover in the background. “Harrison’s rejected and cuckolded fiancé was Will Epstein, who was thought to have dissipated to a distant memory. This exclusive clip, filmed earlier today, shows him grasping to regain his five minutes of fame with the very same Hottie McHot Farmer, Adrian Rivera, as they indulged in a little extramarital fun of their own.”

I couldn’t believe my eyes. The video wasn’t long, but showed Andre and me pausing at the edge of the forest on our way back to the house. We were laughing and then our arms were around each other. His back was against a tree, and we got lost in a kiss. While all our clothes remained on, unlike with Adrian and Harrison’s sex tape, this clip was crystal clear and showed Andre and my obvious arousals as we rocked against each other. It ended as we parted, adjusted ourselves, and started to walk back to the house.

Hannah filled the screen once more. “Yummy, right? And, as underhanded as it might seem, I can’t say I blame the guy. Poor Will became the butt of everyone’s joke. But who’s laughing now?” Another video started, of Harrison at the opening ceremonies of the Titans’ season few short days before. “Just imagine the video that the two of them made while Harrison was away in Tennessee. Betcha Harrison had no idea he was about to get his comeuppance. Of course, we have a call in to him to get his reaction. As soon as there’s more news I’ll let you—”

I hit the Pause button and handed the phone to Erica, feeling nauseous.

She cocked her eyebrow as she took the phone back. “Truthfully, I really can’t blame you, but your timing could be better. And again, seriously? Adrian?” She shuddered.