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Train: A Bad Boy Sports Romance by Autumn Avery (11)



"Dude!" Dustin yelled through my door. "Gamma Delta Iota is throwing a party all of a sudden. Get off your ass and come with."

I sat myself straight up on my bed. I hadn't been super energetic since I got off the phone with my Mom. Maybe a party was just what I needed to charge the ol' batteries and get myself out of this funk.

Glancing in the mirror, I figured I looked fine. I was the fuckin' Train, I could show up buck naked and have the girls all over me.

Maybe that's what I needed. Something to wash the memory of Stephanie away. I mean, fuck, she was faculty. She was pissed. I should have stopped being such an asshole and accept that it wasn't going to happen.

Jesus, though, just moving on a forgetting something like that ever happened? Stephanie wasn't a woman I would forget for a very long time. Stephanie wasn't a woman who I would ever forget.

I ran a comb through my hair, tossed on some shoes, and I was ready to go. This train never needed any maintenance.

Bursting through the door I made my way ahead of Dustin. "Then we shouldn't keep them waiting, should we? Ain't a party without the Dust and the Train."

"When am I the Dust? That doesn't seem like a very macho nickname, Trev."

"It's fitting, though. You get everywhere and it takes forever to finally get rid of you."

"You really make me feel loved, you know that?"

The two of us went along to the sorority house throwing the party. Apparently the reason for the occasion was someone getting married or whatever when Dustin and I asked around a bit. Of course, it was an excuse. Everything was an excuse to party. I'm sure that when whoever this couple was got divorced, they'd throw a party for it too, help said sorority sister find another man. Not like I really believed a relationship right out of college could last anyway. Then again, there was Stephanie.

Urgh. Again, I struggled to push those thoughts out of my head. This was a new night, and it was time for a new woman.

Dustin and I were completely surrounded. Most of the rest of the team was there, and there were plenty of fine women there too, a lot of them definitely not part of the sorority. Any of them would provide a compelling distraction. The thudding bass of the music would definitely put them in the mood, but I wasn't going to lie to myself and think they wouldn't be ready to throw themselves at me even if the place were silent aside from the chatter.

"Think I'm going to try for another buffet night," Dustin elbowed me in the side. "I'm pretty sure I can get a bunch of ladies to come with me and line up so I can indulge."

"I would think it would get old, but you have fun"

"C'mon, you know you want to. Just think of how many girls we could get to come with us. What they would do to prove they were so much sexier than the others. Make a competition of it."

"I'm just not feeling it, man." I was struggling to feel any of the girls here. I was looking over them, trying to find one that whetted my appetite. Yet I was struggling. Each and every one of them were inevitably compared to Stephanie. Each and every one of them wouldn't have shit on her.

"Fine then. I'll court every woman in the damn building by myself. More pussy for me." He slapped me on the back before taking off who knows where.

I couldn't really care. Dustin could have his fun.

As for me? I was sort of at a loss on what I wanted to do. My arms were crossed and I was observing, but I wasn't looking for a target like I so often usually did.

"Oooh, is that the Train, Becky?" Sometimes though, you don't need to look for trouble because trouble will look for you.

Two girls, a blonde and a brunette in Gamma Delta Iota shirts, came out of nowhere right next to me. The brunette was running her hands down my arms. "Jesus, he's as solid as he looks."

"Can I help you ladies?"

"I don't know, Becky," they exchanged glances. "You think he can help us?"

"He might be the one to help you, Abby. Teach you that there are good cocks out there."

"Oh, I'm the one, huh?" I smirked, just playing along out of curiosity more than anything else.

"Oh yeah, Abby here? She's about to give up on guys completely. Become a full-time lesbian. Says she likes cocks okay, but they're all attached to people who can't please her. Selfish pricks, you know... only literally."

They giggled to one another. "Yeah, I need a good, hard cock, one that'll please me," the other one went on. "We've heard about the Train, you know. How you take girls for rides. Maybe you're just the one to show me how to have a good time with a guy again."

Arms over one another's shoulders, they were fully into one another. Dustin went and hunted for his three-ways, and yet one just showed up out of nowhere and threw itself at me.

"So you two want a ride on the train, huh?"

"Yes, please. Two tickets, if you would," The one I think was Abby poked me in the chest and traced around my pecs. "I'm sure it's a rough ride, but I'm not going to mind."

They were hot. I mean, like, I wouldn't typically turn them away. Nice asses, nice racks, pretty faces, there was nothing too disagreeable, and I always liked it when a woman had the confidence in herself to show some initiative.

"Come on, we don't want to be late for our ride," Abby-I-Guess nudged Becky-I-Guess. She then took me by the hand and pulled me with them. I followed, curious to where the heck all of this was really going. They led me up the stairs. "My room is over this way. Throw a lock on the door and no one will come a knocking when everything is rocking."

The two giggled more. They were enough to entertain one another, and with how touchy they were, they probably already entertained one another on more than one occasion.

We were soon away from the party. I was standing tall, and the two of them were in front of me, looking at me with anticipation. Yeah, there was a smile on my face, but I wondered if they thought it was because I thought I was about to get some rather than just amusement at their antics.

"All aboard the Train, right?" One of them smirked. "Is there anything forbidden on this ride? For security reasons?"

"Yeah, don't be bringing any bombs or firearms on this trip," I said. There was probably someone out there who thought such things were kinky. I wasn't one of them.

"Oh. Maybe you should make sure then. We could be hiding such things in our clothes. You want to pat us down?" She shook her ass at me, waiting for me to do my best TSA agent impersonation.

"Becky, maybe we should just ride naked. That way we don't have any bags to check, and the Train can be sure we're not hiding anything illegal."

"Good idea." They were still laughing at one another full speed. Their shirts came off. Then their skirts.

The bras followed. Really, there was absolutely nothing wrong with them. They were very nice breasts. A good shape. Perky nipples. I should have been all over them, shoving them in my mouth and sucking them like I was trying to get milk from them.

Even as they dropped their panties, still nothing. Nice, clean, shaved pussies, just how I liked them. I could see them glisten.

Abby-I-Guess approached me, starting to rub her body against mine. "Maybe you should give me a cavity search. You know. Just to be sure. There are lots of places I could be hiding things. Like between my breasts... in my pussy..." She fluttered her eyebrows. "Should even check my ass just to be sure. I'm sure you have the perfect tool for checking."

Despite everything, though? This felt wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong.

"Sorry, girls. Train's out for repairs," I pushed her away, doing so touching her in the least sexual places I could. Copping a feel right now would make it all feel even more wrong.


"It's nothing personal, just not feeling it tonight."

They glared at one another for a moment before looking my way. "I'm sure we can get the train back on rails if you let us see what the problem is."

"I'm sure you're wonderful mechanics, but the answer's going to remain no."

They proceeded to stare at me like I was a crazy person. Two hot naked chicks were standing in front of me and I was telling them no. I must have been mildly insane, and I could see it being especially so from their perspective.

How many guys had they run that little gimmick on in the past? I couldn't see most guys turning that down, it was every teenager's wet dream.

"But... but, you're the Train. We want to ride the Train. Choo-choo?" Abby-I-Guess said, looking incredibly depressed at me not jumping dick-first into their pussies.

"Sorry, I'm sure you'll find someone to play your game with. You can pretend it's me." Opening the door behind me, I slid out, not wanting to deal with any further attempts at seduction from them.

Honestly, I should have stayed. I should have fucked my problems away. Help distract me from what I couldn't have. Yet, I knew I would only half-ass it. There's no way I would successfully live up to the legend they had built me up as if I was thinking about some other chick the entire time.

I guess I wasn't that different from those girls, though. I was stubborn as fuck. When I wanted something, it was going to take a lot more than a single no to keep me from it.

Back to the original plan. Where I knew of her address and was going to use it as soon as I finished with my classes for the day. So what if classes had been done for a few hours? A girl like her didn't go out to party every night. A girl like her chilled at home and enjoyed the simpler things.

She could enjoy me right at home too. I delivered the goods, and I didn't even need to be tipped.




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