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Vengeance by Kathy Coopmans (35)



Five Months Later

I watch Ivy shimmy out of her workout shorts, slip out of her tank top and climb on top of our shared desk in the office at the gym. A slight twinge in her face tells me her arm’s giving her a fit today. Wouldn’t have suspected it was hurting by the way she pushed herself through her own workout, plus taking care of two of her clients a bit ago.

The woman never complains about the scar tissue and the possibility of permanent chronic pain or whatever long-lasting effects she might have. Every time I bring it up, she bounces back with telling me it’ll be worth it knowing the man who caused them is dead.

Not only did she choose to become a fitness instructor, but she also plowed right into it the minute the doctors gave her the clear. She leads clients in stretching, aerobics, and weight training.

The best part of watching her shine is the way she speaks her mind. Encouraging in a positive, motivating way.

Her voice is as welcomed here as her body is in our bed.

She’s signed so many checks and documents over the past few months that watching her sign the final one earlier today, sliding it across the desk to her attorney unlocked the last chain to Drew to fall.

Ivy made a choice on her own to sell everything and donate millions to be split evenly amongst the many women’s shelters in New York. The other million is sitting in a trust for Molly to do whatever she pleases. I still haven’t a clue where they are, and neither does she. We both agree it’s best to keep it that way.

We owe her being able to collect the money to Roan. He, along with Nick, and several of his men killed Drew’s people surrounding the cemetery. Disposed of the bodies. Confiscated the weapons from the scene and stole a car from a dealership, parked and left it behind Drew’s. It made his death look like a robbery gone wrong.

When I stole the life insurance policy, I didn’t give two fucks about the money Ivy was set to inherit and neither did she. The thing is, we needed a body for her to collect it. Unlike Drew’s copycat murder, ours took ten minutes to plan. It’s a plan we’ll get away with for eternity.

It was an easy lie for her to tell while lying in a hospital bed bruised, battered, and stabbed. After all, she was left for dead while visiting loved one's graves with her husband. I wish his death would have happened without Ivy being hurt, but at least the last time the sick fuck touched her, he was digging his own goddamn grave.

It hurt like a motherfucker not being able to go to the hospital with her. Nick went in my place. Her getting the proper care she needed wasn’t a choice for her to make. It was mine. I made it perfectly clear while I held her until the sirens blared that when it comes to her well-being, I’ll stop at nothing to make sure she’s properly cared for. That included having to stay away while she was in surgery. Being questioned by the police, and disobeying orders by ripping her IV out twice. She received several swats to her ass for trying to heal without pain and antibiotics.

“I heard from Chaz today. He’ll be back in town next month.” I haven’t shared much about his whereabouts with her when she asks about him. Chaz is healing the best he can while dealing with the information he was handed last month.

A group of hikers found bones in the mountains upstate. Forensics came back with positive results of them being the remains of his sister Chandra’s. The man isn’t taken it well at all. Guilt, like I’ve never seen, is eating away at the friend I once knew. Not sure if he’ll ever be up to get the revenge he needs.

“That’s great. I can’t wait to see him.” Nick and I can’t either. Have a feeling Chaz isn’t going to be the same man.

Enough dreary news. I need to be inside of her.

“Fuck, I missed you. Lie back and spread your legs. Need you to fuck my face, Ivy.” I got home a few hours ago from a kill that took me several days longer than anticipated. I need to fuck my rush from pulling the trigger, into her sweet little cunt. Get her home and see what kind of color she painted our living room. I have more color in our penthouse than I do black anymore. What the hell ever. It makes her happy.

Her nipples harden as she watches me strip out of my shorts, make my way to her before grabbing her face and crashing my mouth to hers.

Her fingers tangle in my hair; mine skim up her thighs. Our teeth clash, breaths mingle as we grind into each other.

Pulling away and licking my lips, I stare down at the woman who fires me up at the mere sight of her.

I lower myself until my face is between her legs. Inhaling the sweet scent of hers that jacks me up every damn time I smell her. Palming my hands under her ass, I lift her and drag my tongue up and down her seam. Her body squirming in my firm grasp.

Her moans ricochet off the walls. So damn loud and inviting, I flick my tongue into her pussy over and over with such unrelenting fierceness to make her come.

I suck until she arches her back, her juices coating my beard.

Pushing up, I plant her feet on the edge and stare into those deep green eyes.

Even with her killing a man; Ivy’s still untainted in a rarity I can’t explain. Innocent in certain ways and sinful in others. I tower above her, loving how her smile spreads when she wanders over my face, my chest.

Tempting seductress about drops me to my knees when she swipes her tongue seductively across her plump bottom lip when her eyes land on my cock.

Her tight walls grip my shaft, warm and inviting when I slam into her. She feels so goddamn good, I don’t want to move.

“Please, Cade.”

My name on those begging lips has me moving slowly. Can’t pull my eyes away from staring at my glistening cock between her legs.

“You are so beautiful. So brave, and mine.”

I fuck her then. Hard and animalistic.

“Lift your hand.” She does without question.

Our gazes lock on her ring instead of each other. The vintage ring I gave her years ago. I wrapped it up and re-gifted it to her for Christmas.

A diamond promise ring rests against her skin.

That’s the best I can do at the moment as far as a commitment. Because the old Cade St. James doesn’t exist anymore. He does to the only person who matters. As long as she continues to look at me the way she used to. As long as she continues to make choices on her own. And, as long as she knows I’ll never hurt her, then my vengeance has been fulfilled and served.

“I love you, Cade.”

“Know that, Ivy.”

The End.


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