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Wanted: Big Bad Single Dad: A Billionaire Matchmaker Romance by Daphne Dawn, Natalie Knight (151)


“I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far with it,” Scott says. “If we just do a simple announcement across our social media, it should be fine.”

“But the investors and the board–Hull–want results, and soon. This guy is really riding me.”

We are in my office, talking about our next step to get more clients to publish with us. Hull wants results if he is going to invest in the company.

“I don’t know why he says he liked what we’re doing if he wants it all to change, now,” Scott says.

I nod. “But if we lose him, we’re fucked. We need the cash he’s putting into his.”

Scott nods.

Carly knocks on the door, and I nod at her. She opens the door.

“Sorry to interrupt,” she says. “I have the documents you asked for.”

“Ah,” I say and hold out my hand. She brings the stack of papers to me, still warm from the copy machine. “Thank you, Carly.”

She smiles at me, nods at Scott, and turns around. She wears a black pencil skirt– my favorite–and stockings with a mint green top. It accentuates her curves perfectly, tracing her body. Her dark hair is pulled up in a ponytail so that all her body is visible. I watch her leave, swinging her ass from side to side as she takes every step in her low heels. She walks like she knows I am staring at her. Maybe she does know. She is such a tease. Scott turns in his seat and watches her walk away, too.

“She really is a stunner,” Scott says. “That ass. I can just imagine what it looks like if she’s naked.”

I flash on the view of her ass on my hips when she’d been on top of me, reverse cowgirl. Or when I’d fucked her from behind, making her ass jiggle. It had taken a lot not to come right then. Just thinking about it makes me hard again. I tug at my pants beneath the table, trying to readjust myself inside my boxers.

I nod. “She’s fucking perfect,” I say.

Scott chuckles. “Are we back to that? A pure ten? I mean, she’s hot. Her tits and her ass are top shelf. But that’s not all there is to it, and you know it. How many girls have had the perfect body, and they turned out to be lousy in bed?”

I laugh. “I hear you, man. And you can knock her all you like. But I speak from experience.”

Scott narrows his eyes at me. “Are you kidding me?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No. I tapped that.”

Scott laughs. “Wow,” he says. “What the fuck? When?”

“Two nights ago,” I say. “Wednesday after work.”

“So, you tell me on Friday morning? Why am I only hearing about it now?”

I laugh again and shrug. “I wasn’t going to call you up like a woman and gossip about my sexcapades. Come on, bro.”

Scott shakes his head, trying to look sour but failing. He is still grinning.

“So, you think she was good enough to still deserve that ten from you?”

I nod. “Oh yeah. Fuck the ten – she’s an eleven. She’s wild in bed. This timid assistant that you’re seeing isn’t nearly what she’s like behind closed doors.”

Scott shakes his head. “So, you’re fucking your secretary? Do you want to be any more cliché?”

“Jealousy makes you nasty,” I say. “Besides, once I win this bet, I’ll be fucking the VP.”

Scott sighs. “You’re right,” he says. “I’m jealous. I want to have a turn with her, too.”

I shrug. “I don’t object to that. You know that. I don’t know if she’ll do it. She might need some working on. But she’s different in bed. She might go for it.”

Scott leans back in his chair and rubs his palms on his pants. “That’s what I’m talking about,” he says. “Maybe this is the one, eh?”

“I don’t know. I asked her about you.”

Scott raises his eyebrows. “Well, you’ve moving fast, aren’t you?”

“Just looking out for you,” I say, laughing. “You won’t go far if I’m not here to help you out.”

“What did she say?”

I study Scott’s face. He is eager, eyes hungry. He wants this as badly as I do. And he is a good guy–not just in the bedroom, but overall.

“Well, she seemed…interested,” I say.

Scott breaks into a wide grin.

“Good enough for me,” he says.

I nod. It is good enough for me, too. We can work with a maybe. A maybe can be turned into a yes. A no is a no, and I would never mess with that.

I don’t know what happened, but now I no longer want to just let her go to Scott. He’s like a brother to me, sure, but passing Carly around like that…it just doesn’t feel right.

But I don’t have to pass her around, do I? We can just share.

If Carly doesn’t want it, we will honor her wishes completely. God knows, that’s why we haven’t done it yet. If she doesn’t want it, she doesn’t want it. But I hope that she does. I want to fuck her, and now I want to fuck her with my best friend.

“Listen, if we do this, or even if we don’t, you can’t talk about this. I can’t let Hull or any of the others find out, or we’ll lose so much.”

Scott nods. “Who am I going to tell?”

“I know,” I say. “But I’m serious. Hull scares the shit out of me. His money is so needed right now, and he was so anal about that fight. If he finds out we’re doing something like this, or even that I already slept with her, it will be my head rolling.”

Scott waves his hand. “It’s not going to come from me, trust me on that. Even if I don’t get to have her at all, I’m not going to risk the company.”

I nod and take a deep breath. Hull has me worked up into a frenzy. Why am I not backing down and doing what he asks? Why am I putting myself in this position by doing what I know he doesn’t want me to do?

Well, for one, it is still my company. And I want Carly, and usually, I get what I want. Besides, fucking her when she is my assistant is a thrill. It’s one of those things that is considered forbidden, and the moment someone told me that I’m not allowed to do something, I want to do it.

“How are we going to do it?” Scott asks. He’s shifted in his seat, but I can see how turned on he is. Men can’t exactly hide an erection.

“Listen,” I start, running the tip of my tongue between my lips and locking eyes with Scott. “I can’t simply let of her. You can be with her, I know you want it. But I want her too – even if we have to share.” I study his expression for a second, trying to read it, and then he just grins at me.

“Well, that’s an easy proposal,” he laughs, and then pats my arm. “You’re just an extension of myself, man, so we don’t have to worry about it.”

“I think the easiest way will be to spend a bit of time with her, the two of us, and let her get to know us and get comfortable with us. I think that will make it easier to do, then. More comfortable when we’re all comfortable around each other.”

Scott nods slowly, thinking. “Yeah, that could work.”

“And if she doesn’t go for it, we stick to just fucking her alone, without the other.”

Scott grins again. “I can live with that. I like it. I want her to agree, though. I can just imagine what it will be like. God, how long have we been talking about this?”

“Too long,” I say. “It’s time to make it happen.”

“Doesn’t change our bet. It’s still a race to VP,” he tells me, that flash of competition in his eyes.

“Race to VP.”

Scott nods. “When are we going out?” he asks. “Tonight?”

I shake my head. “I have a family thing I can’t get out of. Let’s do tomorrow night.”

“We’ll have to go somewhere else than The Exchange for a while. Not just because of the fight but because of the tabloids.”

I nod. Scott is right. They will be keeping an eye on the place, waiting for us because we are there so often. We will have to do something different. I don’t like going to other places when I have somewhere I enjoy.

There isn’t much I can do about it, though.

Scott slaps his hands on his thighs and pushes himself up.

“I guess I better get back to work,” he says. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning. We’ll make plans.”

I nod and watch Scott leave. He is just as interested in Carly as I am. If she agrees, this is happening. God, the idea of a threesome has become a kind of dream, unreachable but something we still hope for every time.

Now, it looks like are finally getting there. Of course, we still don’t know for sure. Just because I’ve slept with her doesn’t mean she would do Scott as well. And I don’t know if she’ll consider the two of us together, once we pose it to her as something that would really happen.

It’s still worth a shot.

Carly comes into the office again.

“Mr. Reed phoned. He wants to know if you’re still doing lunch with him on Monday. I confirmed for you and asked his secretary to send through the details.”

“Thanks, Carly,” I say. She does her job well. I’m relieved someone is working hard because my mind has been on other things all day.

“What are you doing tomorrow night?” I ask.

Carly blinks at me before her lips pull up into a smile.


“Scott and I are going out. I wanted you to join us.”

She raises her eyebrows, and she looks like she wants to say something, but she swallows it. When she speaks, it isn’t what she wants to say.

“I’m taking my sister out. I was a bit of a bitch to her, and I want to make it up to her.”

I nod. She has a sister. Interesting.

“You can always join us afterward, you know,” I say.

She thinks about it for a moment. “That could work,” she says. “I’ll have to see, though.”

I nod. “I’ll text you the details in the morning, and you can swing by if you want to.”

She smiles and nods. “I’ll try,” she says.

“I hope I’ll see you there.”

She leaves my office again, and I watch her leave. I really hope she will come. I want to see her again, but I want her to get to know Scott as well. If we are all comfortable around each other, maybe there is a chance of this happening. But it isn’t just about that. She is hot and she is funny, and I want to go out and have a good time with her.

Even if nothing else happens.

After Wednesday and how eager she was to get into bed with me, I doubt that nothing would happen, even though I told her we couldn’t do it again. If I feel it with her, I am going to go ahead and come onto her. And if she doesn’t say no, well, then it is going to happen.

I know that I am playing with fire, that I am taking chances, but I want to risk it. For her, for fantastic sex and a possible threesome, I would risk it all. We just have to be careful. What are the chances of us getting caught, anyway?