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Wanted: Big Bad Single Dad: A Billionaire Matchmaker Romance by Daphne Dawn, Natalie Knight (40)

Chapter 40


Ok. I’ve had two espressos.

I’ve had some water to wash everything down. I feel a little less intoxicated.

I’ve sent the fucking message to BadBoy and so far there’s been deafening silence.

Would he respond, I mean she respond? It’s still a little bit difficult for me to think of Mr. BadBoy as Chloe.

Chloe is impersonating a man. I’m impersonating a woman. What a crazy world. And yet we worked perfect together. We zinged. Thoughts swirl around my head faster than a tornado. Fuck. It’s hurting.

A further check of the bar and there’s still no sign of her.

The cold hard reality of the situation is refusing to sink in.

What if?

The door opens, my heart lurches but it’s some bloke and his big boobed chick walking in. They’re so closely intertwined I think they’ve come to the wrong fucking place. They need a room, not a bar.

Where the fuck is she?

I slide from side to side on my barstool. This is starting to feel like eternity. I check my phone to see how long since I’ve sent the message. Yeah. I suppose it’s time to fucking accept she’s not coming tonight.

“Theo,” I call out to the barman. “Can I get my usual?”

I’ll just have one more drink and if she doesn’t show by the time I’ve finished it, I’m calling it a day.

It’s the act of a desperate man, but that’s what I am, fucking desperate. I don’t want to accept defeat. I’m not a loser. I’m Ms. Fucking Winters.

There are a few more people milling about now, but no sign of Chloe. No matter how many times I will her to walk through that door, she doesn’t.

The caffeine has helped clear my alcohol haze a little.

My phone is remaining silent. If she got my message, she’s not responding.

A dark cloak wraps around me. Have I really blown it? Is this already the end of the road for Chloe and me?

If I can’t fucking explain my side and say sorry to her, how can she ever forgive me? And I can’t do any of those fucking things if she does not return my call or answer any of my messages.

With a shake of the head, I drain my glass. What’s the fucking point of delaying the inevitable? May as well head home and do what?

Fucking drink some more.


The more I drink, the more it hurts.

Fucking alcohol doesn’t solve the fucking the problem.

I feel someone touch me on the shoulder.

It’s a soft touch.

A familiar perfume wafts in my direction. My insides feel as if they’re put into a vice and squeezed so tight I can barely breathe.

“Excuse me,” and there’s the familiar voice. The one that can caress my ego and tip me over the edge, drive me mad with desire. “Excuse me.”

I turn to look at her.

I can’t believe my fucking eyes. I pinch myself to make sure I’m not imagining it.

It really is Chloe.

And boy does she look fucking hot.

“What do you think a girl has to do to get a drink around here?”

She’s smiling at me.

Fireworks erupt in my head. And an orchestra is providing the music to the display.

“Let me get you something.” My voice is croaky.

She bows her head a little.

“I’ll have what she’s having.”

We both laugh.

Who hasn’t seen the infamous scene of When Harry Met Sally?

Fuck, I’ve missed her. I love her fucking way of thinking. She’s on my wave length.

I signal Theo.

“A drink for the lady.”

A minute or so later, Chloe has her drink in front of her. She turns to me.

“So tell me,” she tilts her head a little to the right and stares at me with her puppy eyes. “What’s a handsome guy like yourself doing all alone at this bar on a Friday night?”

I grab the lifeline she’s thrown my way.

“I’m waiting for my hot and sexy girlfriend to arrive.”

She smiles and sips on her drink.

“And when she gets here, I want to tell her how sorry I am for what’s happened. And ask for a reset.”

Her eyes blink a few times. She nods.

“You mean like you press clear or delete on those little electronic devices we call mobile phones?” She asks, teasing.

I laugh and nod.

“I guess you could say that.”

“What do you think this hot and sexy girlfriend of yours will say?”

I shrug.

“I hope she’ll understand and forgive me.”

She seems to ponder my words for a while.

I take the opportunity to feast my eyes on her. She’s wearing the tightest of blood red tops and matching tight red skirt.

Her legs are covered in black tights with a seam going up the back of the leg. She looks so fucking hot I can barely contain myself.

“I don’t think I’ve introduced myself properly.” Her voice rouses me from daydreaming and perving on her exquisite body.

I focus on her and I find myself staring at her outstretched hand.

“I’m Chloe. I’m a top-notch dating assistant.”

I arch my eyebrows.

“Sounds fascinating. Do tell me more.”

Her long fingers play with her straw.

“I help billionaires find the loves of their lives.”

I nod in understanding.

“And the way I do this is by pretending to be a man. My alter ego is called Mr. BadBoy,” she continues.

“Wow. That must be fascinating work.”

She beams at the compliment.

“Now that I’ve had the honors, I think I should introduce myself.”

I shake her hand.

When our skin touches I feel electric shock waves rip through me. I don’t want to let her go.

“I’m Aaron. I own an exclusive business called My aim is to help billionaires find their perfect match.”

Chloe laughs.

“Sounds like we might have a lot in common.”

I nod. How fucking easy was that?

“Tell me,” she leans forward and I catch a glimpse of her red lace bra, “what’re we going to do while we wait for your sexy hot girlfriend to get here?”

I restrain myself from cupping those delicious tits that are within arm’s length of me.

“That won’t be a problem.”

She smiles.

“She’s already arrived.”

I stare at her luscious lips and let my finger trace over the outline.

My cock’s throbbing in my pants.

Is this really happening? Am I having some sort of hallucination?

“Can you pinch me?” I whisper and I see her questioning look. “I just want to make sure you’re real.”

Now she’s giggling.

Her lips are hovering near my ear. She starts to nibble on my ear lobe and whispers.

“Still not sure if I’m real?”

I sigh.

“What’s taking you so long?”

Instead of a reply she continues to caress my face with soft kisses. I feel as if butterfly wings are moving across my skin.


“So tell me, Mr. BadBoy,” I mutter. “What’s going to happen next?”

Her kisses stop, and she looks at me.

“Well,” she starts. Now her fingers walk up my leg. “I have a few suggestions. We could…” she does not finish the sentence but leaves her words hanging.

“Chloe,” I cup her head between my hands, turning serious. “I want you to know I want you. I mean, I’ve realized I’ve fallen in love with you. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you. I was stupid.”

Chloe puts her index finger to my lips.

“You weren’t the only one who made a mistake. I’m just as much to blame for what happened as you are. I’m sorry too. And I also want to be with you. And I also…am falling in love with you.”

For a moment, the world seems to stand still. It’s as if only the two of us are in the world. It’s the most magical moment.

I want this moment to last forever. My heart is filled with happiness and I feel as if I’m drowning in her eyes.

Slowly, I lean forward.

Her lips open a little in anticipation of meeting mine. I press down on them gently. They’re soft and delicious. She melts into me. My tongue probes and is allowed entry into her inner sanctum. I explore and engage with her tongue.

We are locked in this kiss forever. My hands find her lower back and the back of her neck. I push her toward me.

My insides feel as if they’re melting.

Her hands wrap around my neck. I feel her move closer to me. I want to scoop her up like ice cream and devour her. My cock’s throbbing in my pants and I can feel little ripples of pleasure take hold of her body.

I release her slowly.

“Shall we get a room?” I whisper into her ear and she nods.

“Put it on my tab, Theo,” I call out to the barman and escort Chloe out the door.

As we walk, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her possessively toward me.

I won’t be letting go of my girl any time soon.

My girl. I play with the expression. It’s fucking corny, but it’s straight to the point.

Chloe. My girl. And if I play my cards right, the only girl. Forever. I know Ben’s going to love her.

But there’s time for all that later.

For now, I can’t fucking wait until we get a room.