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Wanted: Big Bad Single Dad: A Billionaire Matchmaker Romance by Daphne Dawn, Natalie Knight (49)


I’m not a violent person, not all, but right now I’m struggling not to punch or kick Todd to get his attention.

I doubt he’s heard anything I’ve said to him, the arrogant pig.

“Todd? Earth to Todd? Mother of all mother’s give me mercy.” I ring my hands in frustration and stomp my right foot onto the ground. My instincts had warned me - why didn’t I listen to them?

To make sure I maintain some semblance of self-control I keep my shaking hands by my side and make a tight fist. I try and slow down my breathing. This man is really impossible. I can’t believe I’ve found him sitting at the bar of The Extravaganza in the middle of the day.

It is beyond me why he is simply staring at me and not groveling at my feet, begging forgiveness.

Mental note to self, next time Alice and Erik want me to work with some rude, self-absorbed mega star, say no. Yeah, sure, it was one of the investors demands – to bring Todd in so that the whole project could turn a profit…but, really, is it worth it?

“We were about to take a seat in the restaurant Sophie. Why don’t you join us? You seem a little upset. Hot and bothered is how I would describe you, actually.”

I am staring at a smiling Todd. Not a hint of remorse.

Is he taking the piss out of me, or is he serious? I can’t tell.

Unfortunately his sudden change to nice guy is taking the wind out of my sails. It took all my courage to storm in here and confront the man and now my self-assurance is waning.

I reach for my gold pendant, a clapper board, a gift from dad for graduating from film school and move it from side to side on its chain.

Without waiting for an answer Todd guides me to a table. He pulls out a chair for me and makes sure I’m seated before he pushes my chair in a little.

If I had to put money on it, I would have said Todd is the last person to know about manners, and here he is, being a perfect gentleman.

I sigh. More of my anger evaporates.

Todd has taken charge and that’s not how I had planned to rip shreds out of him. I was a savage beast on the prowl and hungry for blood. Todd was my prey. He was meant to cower in front of me and beg forgiveness.

Why didn’t he stick to the script? The man’s impossible. He’s writing his own and getting away with it. My confidence is quickly nose-diving.

“Can I just say how sorry Todd is for missing the meeting,” Jordan says and I take the menu a waiter is handing me.

“You see,” Jordan continues, “it was my fault. I did not synch our calendars and did not tell Todd about the meeting. It won’t happen again.”

There’s a thud from under the table, a grunt from Todd and then a “no, it won’t happen again.”

I pretend not to have noticed anything. My head is hidden behind the menu. From what I can see Todd leans forward a little to rub his shin. If looks could kill, Jordan would be nothing more than a pile of ashes.

The waiter is back to take our order.

Words swim in front of me. Things are moving too fast. Exactly at what point in time had I reneged on being the driver and agreed to back seat passenger position?

In my plan there was no invitation to sit with Todd, share a drink or anything of the sort. In my plan there was a severe verbal attack followed by groveling, from Todd.

“I’ll just have water,” I mutter and hand the menu back to the waiter. He smiles and turns his attention to Todd and Jordan.

Todd laughs at my order and says something about me being a Palmer and knowing how places like this work.

My rage meter goes up a little.

“If I wanted to have something in this establishment I would pay for it myself, which is what we Palmers are known for. The Palmers don’t need charity.” I hold my head up high.

Clearly I have been premature in thinking the man was kind of decent.

I clear my throat. Positive self-talk. You can do this, you can do this. I think of the little steam engine.

“Listen here Todd.” I start and make my voice sound as icy as I can. “I did not come here to have drinks with you or Jordan. It’s not a social occasion for me. I came here to make sure there’s not going to be any further problem with you.” I take a deep breath; so far so good. “If you are going to work on this film you need to give it one hundred percent. I expect all my team members to give me one hundred percent.”

Todd is nodding and seems to be hanging on every word I say. I’m not sure, but deep down I feel as if he’s mocking me.

“I promise Sophie,” he holds up his left hand and puts his right hand on his heart. I roll my eyes. What a melodramatic drama queen. “I will give one hundred percent. I will not give you any problem and I will be there from the first day till the last day.”

What an over spruced bush turkey.

“Them’s big words Todd Alexander,” I say and make to stand. “You better live up to them big words, otherwise…” I don’t finish my sentence, partly because I’m not quite sure what to say and partly because I need to leave…now.

I take slow deliberate steps away from Todd and Jordan. I don’t want to appear as if I’m running away from them, even though that is exactly what I’m doing.

By the time I reach the door my legs feel like jelly and I can’t wait to take a deep breath of fresh air.

Once outside I lean against the cool bricks of the building. I close my eyes. Mentally I go over what just happened. I don’t know if I can do this. A lone tear trickles down my cheek. My tongue catches it in the corner of my mouth. The salty taste a bittersweet reminder.

Maybe I’m not as much a Palmer as I could be.