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Wanted: Big Bad Single Dad: A Billionaire Matchmaker Romance by Daphne Dawn, Natalie Knight (68)


I push the oversized microphone away from my face. The overeager reporter has it shoved so close my nose it’s tingling from the fluff.

“Viewers,” she says as she smiles into the camera, which is also just inches from our face. “I have been lucky enough to secure a little chat with none other than Sophie Palmer.”

I bow my head a little and smile.

“Sophie has just finished directing her latest feature film. And not only did she direct it, she also played one of lead characters.”

I wish she’d get to the point and ask a question. The way this petit blonde is starring into the camera, I get the impression she’s more interested in being on screen than asking me any direct question. Her head bounces from side to side as she talks.

“We, of course, are all familiar with your dad’s work, the great Mr. Palmer.”

And here’s the inevitable comparison everyone interviewing me makes.

“Did your dad give you any tips?”

It takes me a second or two to realize she has finally asked a question (a rather stupid one), but at least I get to say something and not just stand here like a puppet.

“Just like I stay away from the sets of Mr. Palmer, he makes a point of not visiting mine either.”

She turns her head toward me and giggles. I wonder how many interviews she’s done.

“Are you looking forward to the film being released?”

I wonder what she would say if I said, “No, I hope the film never makes it onto the screens.”

“Any director looks forward to sharing their creation with the world,” I say instead, and I hope this interview will be over soon.

“Tell us, Sophie,” the woman lowers her voice a little, “what about the rumors that you are dating bad boy superstar Todd Alexander?”

Involuntarily, my smile widens. Brief images of Todd holding the car door open for me, Todd kissing the back of my neck, and naked bodies entwined in wild animalistic passion flash through my mind.

“Todd and I have been seeing each other for a while now.” I pause. There appears to be a commotion near the front door. “And things are going well between us. I enjoy Todd’s company and find him stimulating.”

Just then, I see Todd enter the room. I catch my breath. People and faces around me are going out of focus, and the world starts to spin.

Emma is by his side.

How could he do this to me?

I grab my gold pendant and run it along its chain.

“Well,” the voice of the reporter seems a long way away. “Nice chatting, Sophie, and good luck with the Oscars.”

How could Todd betray me like this?

Emma in her tight black minidress and high heels looks like a tart. Her victory smile speaks volumes.

I see the reporter make a beeline for the happy couple.

My knees are threatening to give way, and I swallow. How will I get through this night?

My words to the stupid interviewer come back. I just told the world things are fine between Todd and myself, and here he waltzes into the room with another woman on his arm.

How stupid was I?

“Watch him,” Mum said to me. She tried to warn me. I didn’t listen; I had become too confident.

I blink, partly to try and stop any tears, and partly to make sure what I am seeing is really what I’m seeing. For the briefest of seconds, I clutch onto the hope my eyes are deceiving me, but the scene hasn’t changed when I open my eyes again. Todd is still standing there with Emma on his arm.

It takes every ounce of self-control not to throw up. My insides feel as if they’ve been ripped out and trampled to pieces.

“You okay?”

The voice beside me startles me. It’s Alice.

Mechanically, I nod. I wish the earth would swallow me up.

“It’s okay.” Alice puts her arm around.

I find myself leaning into her.

“I can’t believe he would show up at your party with her.”

The venom in Alice’s voice is obvious. At times like these, it’s awesome to have my best friend so close.

“I…” I start but stop. I don’t know what to say. I want to leave, run out of here, and hide.

No, I want to walk over to the smiling bitch and punch her.

No, Jesus, what’s wrong with me? I’m not violent. Violence doesn’t solve anything.

I want to run out of here and go home.

My mother would be sympathetic, but she’d remind me she tried to warn me. And Dad.

“Here.” Alice hands me a tall glass of champagne.

I gulp half of it down. The cold bubbles make me cough. Once I get over my coughing fit, I take another sip, this time a smaller one.

“I don’t understand how he could do this to you.” Alice shakes her head. “It’s your party. And he brings her.”

Surreal, this entire scene is surreal.

If my heart hadn’t just been smashed into millions of little pieces, I might even laugh at it. A movie scene couldn’t have been written better than what’s playing out in real life.

Of course, that’s often the way, isn’t it? Life is stranger than fiction.

I don’t want to look at the happy couple, but I can’t help staring. Trouble is, Todd looks so goddamn gorgeous tonight.

We had planned to arrive separate but leave together. Somewhere our plans obviously diverted.

As I continue to stare, he looks over to me.

Try as I might, I cannot see remorse or even the slightest hint of compunction in his face. I also don’t see any attempt on his part to come over and explain what’s going on.

“Arrogant prick,” I tell myself, “he’s not worth crying over.” To drown my sorrow, I grab another glass of wine. This will be one long night.

“You look gorgeous,” a kind, familiar voice says from behind me.

“Thanks, Mason,” I finally force my eyes away from the awful scene and look at my dear friend Mason.

“That dress is gorgeous. Red suits you.”

I pat Mason’s arm, stand on tiptoes, and kiss him on his cheek.