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Winter Goddess: A reverse harem romance (Daughter of Winter Book 4) by Skye MacKinnon (3)

Chapter Three

It's just like old times. My men and I, on a quest to find allies and defeat demons. Except that I'm now a Goddess and can teleport us, saving the need for portable thrones, Gates and flying. My advisors have told me that it's polite to teleport to a Gate in the Dragon Realm rather than into one of their settlements. Not that I have any idea about their Realm. It's shrouded in mystery and few people have ever seen it. Dragons are reclusive by nature and prefer to send their ambassadors to other Realms rather than allowing envoys into their lands.

Algonquin gave me a book about dragons and I touched it, so now I have the entire contents of it swirling in my brain. They're not quite settled yet and a light headache is pulsating behind my temples.

I laugh softly.

"What?" Frost asks immediately.

"I have a book in my head." I giggle at the absurdness of the situation. "I touched a book and now it's in my head. Goddess powers are weird."

He laughs as well. "Are you saying you weren't weird before?"

I put my hands on my hips in mock outrage. "I've never been weird. I'm normal, it's just that the rest of the world isn't."

"Ooookay then," Crispin says from behind, arriving with the other two. "Let's just pretend I didn't hear that, otherwise I'll take that as an insult. I'm not weird. I'm Crispin."

"Ye say that as if that's a special category," Arc mutters.

"Well, it is," Crispin replies cheerfully. "There's Wyns, Crispins and weirdos."

Storm sighs. "Could we all be a bit more serious? We're about to journey into an unfamiliar Realm and we have no idea what awaits us there. Maybe we should be preparing for that rather than behaving like children."

"Are you accusing the Princess of this Realm to be childish?" I protest with a grin. "I could have you punished for treason."

Storm bends down and whispers in my ear, "If anyone's going to do punishing, it will be me."

I shiver at the sweet promise in his tone. I love his dominant side, even though he's not had much of a chance to show it recently. Once all this is over, I'm going to lock my guys into a bedroom and not let them out until we've spent some quality time with each other. Naked, preferably.

I take a deep breath. I’d better behave like Royalty from now on. According to the book in my head, dragons are fiercely proud and keen on following tradition. Even though I have no idea about what their traditions are exactly, I'm sure there's going to be a lot of pomp and ceremony. That's why I'm wearing a dress. Urgh. It seemed more appropriate than the jeans and blouse I was wearing to the Council meeting. People here have kind of got used to my ungodly dress sense, but the dragons haven't met me yet. Dress it is.

"Ready?" I ask the guys and I can feel their ascent through our bond. "Hold onto me."

Arc hugs me from behind, his broad chest tight against my back. I wish I had time to enjoy his touch, but that's wishful thinking. The others take hold of my arms and off we go.

There's no way to describe teleporting. It's instinctive, a raw power that is far too slippery to put into words. I think of the place I want to go, and then we're there, even though it's a lot more complicated than that.

It takes less time than the blink of an eye.

Warmth assaults my senses, the kind of heat that presses against your body and makes you want to rip off your clothes. I'm glad I predicted this and am wearing one of my lighter dresses. The guys will be sweltering in their armour. I send some cooling air to them, wishing it was me rather than the air that hugs them. Arc has already stepped back, no longer embracing me from behind. Probably because five huge women are staring at us.

They're at least six feet tall each and very, very wide. Not fat, just... wide. Like their shoulders and hips are broader than they should anatomically be. These women certainly aren't human.

Elaborate helmets cover their heads, each of them having differently shaped horns sprouting from the glinting metal. They remind me of Viking helmets, even though I know that the Vikings never actually had horns on theirs. That's just a myth, just like so many legends and stories.

The woman in the centre of the five steps forward. Her bright red hair frames a stern face. A large scar makes its way from her left cheek up to her hairline, giving her an even fiercer look. She could be wearing a summer dress like me and still look like a warrior.

"Princess Wynter?" she asks in a pleasant, but serious voice.

I step forward as well, sensing that my men are taking their positions behind me.

"Yes, thank you for the invitation. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

The woman bows her head. "I am Agierth, Protector of the Sky. These are my sisters Ynade and Torsei," she points to the two women on the left, "as well as Gayghys and Fraedurth."

I know already that I'll have trouble remembering those names. They're not exactly common.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I reply, not quite sure if there's a protocol I should be following. "I've been told that Ada, my Mistress of Arms, is with you?"

Agierth nods. "She is waiting for you, along with our Royal Ladies. Follow us."

I assumed we were going to walk or fly, but one of the women - Torsei, perhaps - turns around and waves her hands in the air, moving in a complicated circular pattern. I watch in fascination as magic is drawn from the environment and weaved into a thick rope. I've never seen anything like it, although I know that I could easily replicate it, now that I have my Goddess powers. The woman works on the rope until it's about three times as long as herself, then she flings it into the air, binding the two ends together to form a circle. The magic within the ropes crackles and spreads, merging with itself over and over again until the inside of the circle is covered with a thin layer of magic. I've seen this kind of structure before. It's a Gate!

It won't be stable forever, and it's certainly not permanent, but this woman has managed to create a Gate within a few minutes.

"Is that what I think it is?" Storm mutters from behind me so that the women won't hear.

"Yes," I reply just as quietly. "And I know how to replicate it. Imagine how easily we'll be able to transport our forces from A to B without me having to teleport them."

"Already it seems like a good idea coming here," Frost observes. "Even if we don't manage to get them on board, we'll have learned something to aid us in the future."

"Come," Agierth says in a voice that's almost a command. "It won't stay open for long."

Two of her sisters step through the Gate first, then Agierth. The other two are waiting for us to follow.

"Let's do this," I say confidently and walk towards the Gate. Its magic is calling to me, whispering secrets and memories. The woman who made the Gate must have poured more of herself into it than she realised. I try to block it out, but some of her thoughts make their way into my mind nonetheless. I shudder when one particular memory floods my senses. I push it to one side to examine it later.

"What's wrong?" Storm asks as I sway at the intensity of the images.

"Nothing," I mutter and take the final step through the Gate, knowing that my Guardians will be just behind me.

It's a rough ride, not at all like normal Gates. Not that they're always pleasant to travel through, but they don't make me feel like I'm almost ripped apart. When the Gate finally spits me out, I need a moment to steady myself, before I can look at where we've landed.

It's even hotter here than where we first entered the Realm, and I wish I could be in a bikini rather than a dress. How do people here cope with that heat? Maybe if I hadn't grown up in Scotland I'd be more used to warm weather, but right now, I can't change that. I summon some more cool air to surround me and my Guardians, who've just stepped out of the Gate.

"I dinnae like that," Arc announces. "I'm a wee bit queasy."

"Tell me about it," Frost says, his voice quivering. "I think I'm about to throw up."

I make my magic heal his upset stomach with a single thought and then do the same to the others, just in case. I don't want any of them to throw up in the Dragon Palace.

"Wyn, did you do that?" Frost asks in wonder.

I shrug. "It's easy."

Crispin steps to my side. "It's not. It would have taken me at least a minute to do that for all of us, and I'm an experienced healer. Your magic is incredible, Wyn."

I feel a blush rise in my cheeks. I don't feel like I can be proud of my new powers. I didn't do anything to deserve them. I'm grateful to have them, sure, they helped me save Frost and my father, but they don't feel like they're mine yet.

I shrug it off and finally look around properly. We're in a large open space surrounded by red sandstone walls, as tall as some of the largest tower blocks back in Edinburgh. Perched on top of it are dragons. Giant fricking dragons, so much more imposing than any film or painting on Earth could have ever portrayed them. They're too beautiful to be real. One of them has his wings - or maybe her wings? - unfolded, stretching them high into the sky. Red sunlight is shining through the wing's membranes, making them shimmer and sparkle. There are horns on the dragons' heads, just like the horns on the women's helmets. Maybe they're the same shape as when they're shifted? Or... maybe the horns aren’t on the helmets, but real, growing on the women's heads?

The five women who greeted us are waiting in front, watching us. I can't see their expressions to know if they're impatient, but their auras aren't giving me any negative vibes.

The large walled expanse we're in leads to enormous brass doors at the top of some steps. The palace must lie beyond those doors.

I'm about to tell the women that we're ready to continue on when something darkens the sky. I look up, expecting a large cloud perhaps that's covering the sun, but no, it's a dragon. It's bigger even than the dragons perched on the walls, and its scales seem smoother somehow, reflecting the sunlight and breaking it into a million specks of light. While the other dragons are mostly red and earth colours, this one is bright blue, with shades of sapphire mixing with lapis lazuli. I wouldn't be surprised if the scales were actually made of gemstones.

The dragon flaps its wings, making enough wind for my hair to fly into my face. Oh yes, did I mention? Becoming a Goddess made my hair grow back. It's a lot longer now than before, reaching almost to my hips, and I keep wanting to cut it, but so far, I've not been able to persuade the hairdresser to do it. Maybe I should get some scissors and do it myself.The length just isn’t practical.

It lands in front of us, making the ground tremble. The wings are still extended, showing the muscles and sinews that enable this giant dragon to fly. Two horns grow on either side of its skull, turning several times into delicate spirals. Its snout is large and with its mouth open, I can see big, sharp teeth protruding from its gums. It's beautiful, but also not a being I'd want to mess with. It could swallow me whole before I could fight back with magic.

What's strange though is that I can see it. My new vision allows me to see structures and plants as I did before, but all Gods and Guardians are hidden behind their auras, not letting me see their features. I'd assumed that it would be the same for dragons. Maybe they're too much like animals? Not that I'm complaining, it's amazing to see all the beautiful details of their powerful bodies.

The dragon roars, freezing cold air enveloping us. I instinctively pull some of the hot air from around us and wrap it around the guys and myself. It’s such a strange thing to have ice dragons living in this hot climate.

A strange blue mist is gathering around the dragon, the same colour as its scales. It doesn't seem like magic to my new senses, but what else can it be. You can't tell me mist suddenly appears out of nowhere, especially not blue and concentrated only in that one area.

The fog thickens until the dragon is covered in it, hidden by all the blueness.

"Do you think he's shifting?" Arc asks from behind me, but before anyone can answer, we see that he was right. With a gust of wind, the blue mist is blown away, revealing one of the most stunning women I've ever seen. A sleek blue dress hugs her wide hips and ample cleavage, and I'm not surprised that the fabric of the dress is the same colour as the dragon scales were moments ago.

She is just as tall as the women who welcomed us, if not taller. Her horns are delicate spirals, thick where they're surrounded by her lush black hair, and thin and pointy at the ends. They're shimmering with a slight silver hue, just like the horns on the dragon did. Oh my. It's just what I'd thought. The horns aren't on the helmets. The women have horns. Wow. Don't they get in the way? So far we've only seen female dragon shifters. Do men have the same horns? Don't they get in the way of kissing?

Silly Wyn, of course that's the first thing I'm thinking of. Kissing. I should be focussed on the dragon woman now walking towards us.

Her gait is slightly different from how humans and Guardians walk, heavier and more cautious, as if she's used to carrying more bulk around with her. That doesn't make her any less elegant and regal though. She's a woman who shouldn't be messed with, that's for sure.

"Are her eyes blue?" I whisper so only the guys can hear. Her face is shrouded in her magic aura, although it's less intense as with other people. I can almost make out her features, but there's still a lot of guesswork involved.

"Yes, the same blue her scales were," Frost confirms. "She's really quite something."

"Oi, stop ogling her," I admonish him, only half in jest. He's mine, and it's going to stay that way.

"Don't worry, I'm not into horns," he mutters and I can hear the grin in his voice.

Storm clears his throat. "Shut up, that could be interpreted as racist."

"Hornist," Crispin chuckles.

"Shut it," Storm repeats and they all fall quiet, just in time as the dragon woman is now in earshot. If she has normal hearing, that is. Her ears look like they're a fairly standard size.

There's movement behind us and I turn around. The five sisters - if they actually are sisters, maybe that's just a term they use here - have been standing behind us, but now, Agierth strides forward, passes our little group and heads towards the dragon lady. And kisses her. Hard. On the mouth.

Storm clears his throat again. Yup, I'm not sure what I'm seeing either. Is it normal here to kiss like this in public? Agierth's hands are tousling the other woman's hair, who in turn has wrapped her arms around Agierth's waist, her fingers almost touching her bum. It's a very public display of affection.

I'm not quite sure what to do and whether it's even okay to watch them. Maybe they expect everyone to look away? Or do they want us to see?

I've almost got used to seeing half-naked Guardians and Gods in my mother's Palace, but that's just physical affection, a way to satisfy their desires. This here is different. I can see the love the two women have for each other in their auras which have now turned a shade of red. It's the same colour I see when my men are close to me. I always thought my favourite colour was blue, but ever since my vision changed, I've preferred red. The colour of love. How predictable and yet beautiful.

Finally, the two women break apart. I'm feeling a little ignored, if I'm to be honest. I'm the Heiress to the Winter Realm, I've travelled far to get here, and I could be doing war preparations just now. Yes, I want their help, but the way they ignore us is a little over the top.

I step forward to bring some attention to myself. It's working. The woman in the blue dress focusses her attention on me - and her magic. It's spreading through the air around me as if it wants to see me from all sides. It doesn't feel threatening, but I increase my barriers just in case. I don't want her to get an accidental look into my mind. Through our bond, I can feel the guys do the same.

"Curious," the woman says loud enough for us to hear. "You really are a Goddess."

I frown. I was told that dragons insist on ceremony and traditions, yet she hasn't actually introduced herself yet, nor has she welcomed me. I assume she's someone important, but she's not behaving like it at all.

"Did you doubt that?" I ask, trying to keep my voice level. I don't want it to sound like a challenge. Well, maybe I do, but I'm wise enough not to.

"Of course I did. We were told you were a demigoddess, but a few days ago, one of our spies sent word that you have changed into a Goddess. I didn't think it possible."

"One of your spies?" This time, I can't help it sound like an accusation.

"Dear child, I hope you're not as naive as to think that I don't have spies in your Palace. I'd be a rather bad Queen if we hadn't."

I smile pleasantly. "Of course, I'm just surprised you openly talk about them. Most people like to keep the existence of spies a secret."

She waves a hand as if she's far above 'most people'. She probably is. The authority filling her aura is only rivalled by that of my mother, although hers has turned into an echo of what it used to be.

"Let's go inside," the woman says and turns without another word, heading towards the large doors at the other end of the courtyard. Agierth follows her closely, an arm still wrapped around the other woman's wide waist.

"Shall we?" I ask the guys and together, we walk behind the strange couple and into the dragon palace.