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Finding Mr Right Now: The Right Now Series by DD Sparxx (11)



Once I was sure everything was handled. I started looking for Gemma. I watched from across the yard as she emerged through the back doors and looked around. I saw Sergio take her another glass of Cristal. He looked at her like he was interested in serving her so much more than just a drink. She looked flustered as he turned and left, making me wonder what he had said to her. I watched as the crowd grew around her. I could tell she was looking at the people that she was surrounded by.

None of the women here could hold a candle to Gemma. She stood out from the crowd in every way. She was just so real. When I caught her looking at me in the kitchen earlier my cock twitched. When she licked her lips, I got a semi. Then, when my traitorous mind thought about knocking all the food on the floor and having my way with her right then and there, I felt myself getting even harder. It would not have been appropriate to walk around sporting a giant wood. I had to inconspicuously adjust myself behind the island before stepping out to check on everything else. I was glad she had declined the offer to come with me. The brief time apart from her was definitely to my benefit.

I text the DJ to let him know the car had arrived and walked to where she was standing. I pulled her soft body against me and whispered in her ear. She leaned into me but took a few beats before responding, drinking from her champagne.

“I wondered if you were going to make it. I didn't see you out here. I thought I might have to yell surprise amidst a gaggle of strangers,” she laughed softly after she swallowed.

Before I could respond, the back doors opened.

“Surprise!” The crowd yelled in unison as my father and step-mom walked through the doors.

Her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped in surprise. “Oh my goodness! Wow! Thank you so much everyone.” She looked up at my father and beamed. “You!” She shook her finger in his direction. “I knew you were acting strangely today.”

We all laughed. The DJ started up the music and offered up a “Happy Birthday, Sonya,” over the microphone. She and my father were swallowed up by the crowd, while Gemma and I made our way to one of the many tables that were set up. I watched her ass swish from side to side as she moved in front of me. I wondered what type of panties she had on, if any. I couldn’t see any lines.

“She’s beautiful,” Gemma’s voice broke into my thoughts. I glanced up guiltily at her face. Had she caught me staring? She wasn’t looking at me when she said it, thankfully. I turned to see where she was looking and it was at the couple of the hour.

“Yes, she is. Father certainly has good taste; at least where outward appearance is concerned.”

“Yes, he does.”

“So, what did you do while I was checking on things?” I asked as I pulled out her chair.

“I made my way to the game room and the theater, and even to your bedroom. Everything looks the same as it did when we were young.”

“Father knew those places were very special to me. He didn't want to alter them once I left. We still use the game room and theater when I come to visit. And, every once in a while, I still sleep in my old room. Although, it’s usually only if I’ve had too much to drink and it’s already late.”

“Do you remember how often we battled it out when we were younger in that game room?” She looked wistful and beautiful as she said it.

“I do.” I smiled. These were great memories. I could still see her coming in after cheerleading practice in boxer shorts and a T-shirt, her hair pulled into a ponytail and her smart mouth telling me how she was going to beat my ass. “We could go in later on and play for old times’ sake.”

“I’d love that.” Her whole face lit up at the thought. “It’s been too long since I've kicked your ass,” she laughed giddily.

“We’ll see who does the ass kicking tonight,” I laughed along with her.

“I might be a little rusty, but you’re right, we’ll see. I think I still have a few ass whoopin’s left in me.” She laced her fingers together and pressed them away from her body in a stretch motion.

“Let’s wager on it. You think about what you’d like to lose, and I’ll think about what I’d like to win.” I jested and cocked my eyebrow at her.

“I’ve got a few ideas,” she smirked wickedly. “But you’ll have to wait to see what they are until later.”

Was she full of innuendo or was I reading into the situation? “Bring it. I’m not too worried since I plan on winning.”

“So cocky and sure of yourself. Tsk, tsk, tsk… We’ll see.” Her trash talk was adorable, and she kept smiling as she brought her almost empty glass to her mouth again.

“Gemma!” My father’s voice boomed behind us.

Gemma stood quickly and turned to greet my father. I noticed her sway ever so slightly as she did. I forgot how quickly the bubbly affected her.

“Mr. Davenport!” She moved forward into his open arms for a hug.

“Sonya, I’d like to introduce you to one of Bastian’s oldest and closest friends, Gemma Montgomery. Gemma, this is my beautiful wife, Sonya.”

Gemma extended her hand and Sonya pulled her into a hug instead. “I’m a hugger,” she laughed as she withdrew. “It’s wonderful to meet you. Bastian hardly ever comes around anymore, and he never brings his dates.”

“Oh, well, we’re just friends,” Gemma shrugged and smiled.

“That’s a shame, you'd make a gorgeous couple. Hello, Bastian,” Sonya turned to me.

“Happy birthday, Sonya,” I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Father.” I clapped him on the back.

“Everything turned out perfect, son. Thank you again for all of your help.” I could tell he was genuinely pleased as he looked around the grounds.

“Of course, Father. I was happy to help.” And I was. The last few days were what had tried my patience.

“Thank you, Bastian. You made my birthday a night I’ll never forget.” Sonya smiled as she reached out and touched my forearm. I don’t know what it was about her, but something always seemed to rub me the wrong way. Aside from the fact that I thought she was only with my father for his money, she was almost too friendly for a woman who was my step-mom.

“You’re welcome, Sonya.” I moved away and stood closer to Gemma, placing my hand on her lower back. “Gem, are you hungry? Would you like me to make you a plate?”

“That sounds great. I could use a little sustenance right about now,” she smiled gratefully up at me.

“Did you want to come with me?” I asked, hoping to exit the conversation with my step-mom.

“Why don’t you make her a plate and bring it back to the table?” My father interjected. “It’s been too long since I’ve had a chance to catch up with Gemma. She’s the closest I’ve ever come to having a daughter.”

I looked at Gemma to make sure she was ok with it. “That would be great. Would you mind, Baz? It has been a while.”

“Not at all. I’ll make sure to grab all of your favorites.”

I could hear my father start talking as soon as I turned around. Why did I feel like this? This was the whole reason I brought Gemma instead of Mila, so I wouldn't have to worry about my date. Gem could hold her own with Father. Thing was, I just didn’t want to leave her side again tonight. I piled all sorts of goodies onto her plates. I loaded up two plates, one full of appetizers and one of a variety of baked goods. I waved down a server and requested more champagne be brought to our table, then headed back over.

They were all sitting now and Father and Sonya were listening intently to what Gemma was saying.

“…it was so beautiful,” she finished.

“Sounds like it,” Sonya said as I approached. “Bastian, why didn't you tell me your best friend was a photographer? We could’ve hired her to photograph our wedding.”

“We got married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator. I’m sure Gemma wouldn’t have been interested in coming all the way to Vegas for that.” Father supplied before I could answer.

Sonya turned her attention back to Gemma and patted her hand. “He would’ve made it worth your while. But what’s done is done. So, have you ever considered doing boudoir photography?” Sonya leaned forward anxiously waiting for Gemma’s answer.

“Um, I have done a shoot for a friend before, but mostly I do weddings, engagements, and, like the butterflies I was telling you about earlier, nature.” She looked down at the table in front of us.

I placed my hand on her shoulder. “Gemma’s trying to get an amazing picture that National Geographic will want for the cover of their magazine someday. She is extremely talented.”

“Well, if you ever want to expand your business, I definitely have some people I could introduce you to. Boudoir photos are becoming a huge trend and money maker.”

“Thank you for the offer. I’ll consider it and let you know if I decide to look into it further.” Gemma looked pensive, almost as if it was something she actually was going to consider.

She turned and saw the plates I had brought to the table, and a million-watt smile filled her face.

“Wow. This all looks amazing! Crab puffs, bacon-wrapped dates, ceviche, lobster stuffed mushrooms. Oh, and some of my favorite cookies, yum. You are the best!” Her eyes were so lit up that I knew I had done well.

“Yeah, well, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind sharing these plates.” I winked.

“No way,” she pulled the plates completely in front of her and tried to shield them from me. “Get your own.” She grabbed a date and moaned audibly as she bit in to it and my groin tightened at the sound. “Soooo good.” She glanced back towards me and dropped her guard. “Ok, I guess I can share.”

She gestured with her hand, offering me the other half of her date. I leaned forward and opened my mouth, letting her place it inside, but before she pulled back my lips closed around her fingertips, gently sucking. Her eyes dropped to my mouth as she once again licked her lips. I could feel heat arcing between us, but before I could react I heard my step-mom chuckle and my father clear his throat.

We both turned back to them at the same time. “What do you think, son? Is it as good as Gemma said?”

“Absolutely excellent. I can’t think of any other time I've ever had better.”