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Finding Mr Right Now: The Right Now Series by DD Sparxx (2)



From the minute we got to Gemma’s place, I caught myself checking out Geoff some more. He seemed like he had his shit together, but I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt Gemma again. I remember what happened our senior year of high school like it was yesterday. That’s when I had vowed to personally handle any other man who even thought about hurting her again.

And that’s also why I had a revolving door of women.

She was special. I cared about her, but I didn’t want to be one of those assholes who would hurt her and walk away. Because, let’s face it, that’s exactly what I was. I was the guy who didn’t settle down. The world was like a buffet and there were so many different women out there for me to sample.

Just not Gemma.

That didn’t mean she hadn’t starred in boatloads of my X-rated fantasies though. I had years-worth stored up.

Besides, coming from a multiple-time broken home, I knew love was a fleeting feeling. No one stayed forever. And when money was factored into the equation, like it was for my father, it seemed love was a whole different kind of animal. You had to be cautious. You could never be sure who was using you for your money and connections, versus someone who was really into you for you, hence the multi-time broken home. I’m not bitter, I’m just a realist.

At 25 years old, I’ve busted my ass and made a name for myself. Ok, yes, I was a trust fund baby, my mother died when I was six, but I was raised to learn how to keep that money profitable. I’ve invested some in commercial real estate, some in self-serve car washes all over the city, and some in stocks and bonds. It’s because of my work ethic that my money is, for lack of a better way to put it, still working for me.

I took another sip of my wine, and glanced over at Mila. She was definitely easy on the eyes, but our relationship is totally superficial. Without a doubt, she was using me for my money and connections. Which was fine because, as far as I was concerned, she was nothing more than arm candy and a fuck doll. Don’t get me wrong, the sex was good. But that’s all it was, good sex. I was a firm believer that you could have good sex with anyone that you had chemistry with, people could be taught how to please each other.

As the night wore on, I realized there was nothing for me to pick apart when it came to Geoff and Gemma. She seemed to really like him. So, as usual, I’d wait and watch from the sidelines to see if she needed me to step in and play the protector. All in all, he really did look like he’d be a good fit for her. And, I had to hand it to him, he could play a mean game of Apples to Apples. We played 3 games and he won every one.

Gemma started to clean up and I pushed my chair back to help. I followed her into the kitchen with the empty wine bottles in my arms and glasses carefully balanced in my hands.

“Do you want me to put these into the dishwasher?” I asked as she leaned forward to set down the now empty cheese and cracker platter on the counter.

It clattered loudly as she gasped and spun in my direction, one hand placed over her heart.

“Jeez, Baz! You scared the crap out of me.” Her face was flushed as she approached to take the bottles I had cradled in my elbows.

“Sorry,” I chuckled at her. “I thought you heard me.”

“I must’ve been off in my own little world. I’ve been doing that a lot tonight. As Harper would say, I’m overthinking things,” then under her breath I heard her mumble, “and being picky.”

“Over thinking and being picky? You? Never.” I teased wondering what on earth she was talking about. “Everything ok?”

“Yeah. I think I need to give it some more time. Sorry, don’t mind me. Tonight is apparently a great night for self-reflection. So, things must be going pretty good with Mila. I was surprised to see her with you again tonight. That’s three weeks in a row with the same girl on your arm.” Her big blue eyes found mine as her face creased in mock concern and she pressed her palm to my forehead, sending little volts of electricity through my system, which I forced my body to ignore. “You feelin’ ok?” She teased. And even though what she said was true, I was notorious for always having new female companions, internally I felt a slight sting at her words.

“You know me, always all good here.” I mentally brushed off her gentle touch and thought about that time I saw my grandma, naked and dripping wet, as she was stepping out of the shower for a distraction. “You sure you’re ok? I don’t have to make any blonde heads roll?”

This made her laugh a real laugh. “No. There’s no need for head rolling. I love that you’re always willing to be my savior. But Geoff’s a good guy.”

“Seems that way. How’s the photography business been treating you lately? Still trying to capture the most amazing wedding and nature photos ever?” I stepped to the sink and set down the glasses I was holding.

“You know it. I still love the nature pics, but there’s only so much nature here in the valley that can pay the bills. Wedding and engagement photography is, and will continue to be, my mainstay. I’ve been pretty booked up lately too. I love to show the romance of weddings. Most people don’t remember all the screw ups that happen on their special day if they have the pictures that remind them of the romance. It’s all about editing and the perfect lighting. Creating tangible happiness that they can revisit.” She got a wistful sound to her voice and a far-off, dreamy look on her face. I loved hearing her talk about what she was so passionate about, but it was time to toss a dose of reality on her vision.

“Yeah, but it’s all a façade. Love doesn’t last.” I stopped rinsing, and turned shrugging at her.

She shook her head in disagreement. “Ever the pessimist. My parents are still together after 32 years of marriage, so forgive me if I disagree with your jaded perspective.”

“Agree to disagree,” I raised my hands in surrender. She shook her finger gently in my direction.

“Someday, Baz, mark my words. Some woman is going to come along and change your mind.” She grabbed my hand and twirled around under my arm. “You’ll be knocked on your ass by true love, I guarantee it. I can’t wait to be there to tell you I told you so when that day comes.” With that she tapped me on the tip of my nose, turned and walked out of the kitchen, her perky ass swishing from side to side on the way out.

I finished rinsing the glasses and put them in the dishwasher pondering what she had just prophesied. Was she right? I highly doubted it. There was only one woman I could ever imagine feeling anything like that towards, and I had set her in the off-limits zone a long, long time ago.

Mila found me there, still standing by the sink. “Looks like za party is vinding down. Are jou ready to go?” She slinked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, trying to get up close and personal. After my conversation with Gemma, being close to Mila just didn’t sit right with me. I turned my face away from her, then turned back placing a kiss on her cheek so my brush off wouldn’t be so obvious.

“Yeah, let’s call it a night.” I took her by the hand and led her back to the dining room. “We’re gonna head out.” I shook Geoff’s hand, clapped Eli on the back and hugged Harper. I turned to Gemma and pulled her in again.

“You’ll see. I’m gonna make a believer of you yet,” she whispered into my ear. She winked as she pulled back. “Be safe.”

“Will do,” I shook my head and smiled at her. “Catch ya later.” We left and rather than head back to my penthouse, I took Mila home. I felt like being alone tonight.