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Finding Mr Right Now: The Right Now Series by DD Sparxx (8)



While I sang along to “The Lazy Song,” Baz hummed along behind me, drumming his fingers to the beat on the granite. “No, I ain’t gonna comb my hair, ‘cause I ain’t goin’ anywhere, no no no no no no no no no oh”.

I continued chopping and whisked everything in the bowl in front of me. I loved omelets. This’ll be known as my special dump omelet, I laughed to myself, because I had dumped in a bunch of ingredients from the fridge. I was a good cook, so I knew what went well together by instinct. I glanced over my shoulder and caught him staring at my butt, so I made sure to shake it a little more. I don’t know when I decided I thought it would be a good idea to start flirting with my best friend. But I did know he was the only guy I felt that spark with. Maybe I was confusing comfort for a spark, but somehow, I doubted it.

Geoff’s words kept playing over and over in my head about how I was in love with Baz and was lying to myself. Was he right? I mean, yeah, I loved Baz. He’d been there for me anytime I needed a friend and confidant. He protected me. He helped me think clearly. We had fun together. He was hot. But was I in love with him? I was going to have to ponder that one a bit more. Besides, even if I was in love with him, he was not a man who thought real love even existed.

And I did.

Stop obsessing. This is all a moot point right now. I need to call Harper. She’ll set me straight.

“Treasure” played through the speaker as I dished out our food. I grabbed the salt and pepper, and sat next to Baz at the island.

“Cheers.” I tapped my loaded fork with his and took a bite. I watched closely to see his reaction.

“Wow, Gem. This is really good.” The look of pleasure that crossed his handsome features was enough to know he wasn’t blowing smoke up my ass.

“I know,” I scoffed playfully, as I huffed on my nails and shined them on my shirt.

“Either that, or it’s been too long since I’ve enjoyed something homemade,” he teased.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, shoving his shoulder. But the man was hard as a boulder and barely budged.

“Kidding! I was only kidding. It’s amazing. Although, I’m not surprised. You added all of my favorite stuff to this concoction.”

“Yeah, well, what’re best friends for? You did me a solid last night, the least I can do is hook you up with an amazing breakfast this morning.” Speaking of last night. “So, uh, this party tonight. It’s like a dressy dress type of an event, or like a cutesy summer dress kind of event?”

“I’m going to say more dressy dress, I think. I’m sure you’ll be fine in whatever you decide on. Besides, I thought you didn’t care what those, and I quote, judgy bitches thought of you?” He arched his brow at me, before proceeding to shovel in another bite of food.

“You’re right, I don’t care. Well, maybe I do. Just a little. What if there’s someone there who might need to hire a wedding photographer or something? I always want to put my best foot forward.” Yeah, that’s it. It had nothing whatsoever to do with me wanting to look hot for Baz.

“You could wear a garbage bag and make it look glamorous. I’m particularly fond of the ratty T and sweats look of old, but dressed up you’re a knockout.” He thinks I’m a knockout? His compliment made me glow, but I tried to not let my surprise show on my face. “I’m sure you’ll look great no matter what,” he stood and took his now empty plate to the sink and rinsed it.

“You can leave it. I have to run this dishwasher before I can load more into it.” I finished my own plate and carried it over to the sink. Then I opened up the dishwasher and took one more look to make sure there was nothing I could tetrisize to make these new plates fit. But, alas, it was full. I grabbed a dishwasher tablet out from the container under the sink, set it in the dispenser and pushed the start button.

I turned and leaned against the counter. What happens now? Baz made the decision for me.

“I’m gonna head out. Gotta go over those investment opportunities before the party. I’ll pick you up around 5:30?” He turned towards the front of the house.

“I’ll be ready.” I followed him through the living room and glanced at the couch as he grabbed his shoes from next to it. We had fit so well on it. My face flushed thinking about just how hard and big he had felt against my thigh. I shook the thought from my head. Inappropriate, Gemma.

“Thanks again for last night, Bastian. You helped open my eyes, distract me from my problems and, as always, were here to comfort me when I needed it most,” I opened the door for him.

“Hey, what’re best friends for?” He tugged me in for a quick, but oh-so-welcome, hug and I melted into him easily. He kissed the top of my head and released me. “Catch ya in a bit.”

I watched as he strode down my walkway and gave me a small wave, then I closed the door behind me and leaned on it, sighing audibly.

You are only thinking these thoughts about him because Geoff put them in your head. You and Bastian have always been just friends. There is no reason to think that should, or would, ever change. I again shook the thoughts from my brain.

I decided it was time to call Harper.

“Hey, Gem.” Harper was always so happy when she answered the phone.

“Hey. What’re you doing?”

“Just hangin’. Enjoying some coffee and a good book. Actually, I just dragged my ass outta bed like half an hour ago.” I could hear her sipping through the line.

“Late night?” I asked intrigued.

“More like early morning. Eli woke me up extra early for some breakfast sex and it turned into a marathon. He was like a wild man. I was more than happy to comply, but I fell right back asleep afterwards,” she giggled. “He’s still sleeping so I guess I wore him out too.”

“I hope I find something like what you guys have someday,” I said it wistfully. I wasn’t jealous, there was definitely no resentment involved, but I was envious that I didn’t have anyone to do that to me. To make me feel like that.

“Who knows, maybe Geoff is that guy,” she sounded so hopeful. My phone chimed with an incoming text, but I ignored it.

“He’s not. I broke it off with him last night. It’s kind of a long story. Are you free right now? I need to go buy a dress for a party tonight, and I could use the company.”

“A party? Ok, I’m in. What time will you be ready to head out? You wanna ride together? I can pick you up.”

“Um, shit, my car is still at The Vig. It’d be great if you could come and get me.” I can’t believe I forgot I left it there last night. I should’ve walked back with Baz this morning to get it.

“Hmmm, you’re like a puzzle this morning. Broke up with Geoff. Left your car at The Vig. Going to a party tonight. I’m going to enjoy hearing all about your night. I’ll be there in half an hour. Be ready to spill.”

“Ok. See ya soon.” I knew better than to argue, plus I wanted to share it all with her.

My incoming text had been from Baz asking about if I needed my car. Such a gentleman. I text back that Harper was coming to get me and I’d grab it before he picked me up for the party. I grabbed clean clothes from my closet and headed into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and turned back to grab my toothpaste and toothbrush while I waited for the water to get warm.

My appearance was scary, no wonder Baz hightailed it out of here so quickly after breakfast. I grabbed a Q-tip and cleaned up some of the smudge that was under my eyes. My hair was tragic, so I piled it on top of my head and then hopped into the shower to rinse off my lady bits. I didn’t want to try on clothes without at least a quick shower. By the time I was out and dressed, I heard the doorbell ringing. Perfect timing.

I grabbed my purse, phone and keys and yanked open the door. Harper’s attire looked eerily similar to my own, we were like two peas in a pod.

“Hey, girly!” Her perfect smile was beyond wide and her eyes twinkled with mischief, like she was about to be let in on some big secret.

“You’re prompt, as always.” I smiled back and locked the door behind me.

“You know it! Especially when I’m about to hear some juicy news. Tell me everything.” She smiled at me over the top of her blue Mustang.

So I did. As we drove to the mall, I told her about Geoff kissing me the other night and how, as much as it didn’t make me want to puke, I couldn’t fathom doing anything more. I told her about the photoshoot and how the couple was so in love. As we walked through the mall I told her about meeting Bastian for happy hour, him inviting me to his step-mother’s party tonight, drinking way too much, and about Baz and I walking home and finding Geoff.

“What happened? I mean he knows you and Baz have been friends literally since childhood. Don’t tell me he started some sort of fight or something.” She stopped shuffling through the rack in front of her and looked up.

“No. Well, maybe a little bit.” I told her about him trying to get Baz a cab and not wanting him to be there with me. “I could tell he was hurt. And I know I should’ve called rather than text him back, but I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do with the whole situation. After talking to you the night before, and then the way I felt after you left when I was alone with him. Ah, I just needed to get another perspective. And I remembered what you said about cutting him free if I wasn’t into him that way. Baz made me see that you were completely right. If I stayed just so I could avoid hurting him, that would’ve been wrong. I was torn, but, then it was all so crystal clear. I figured I’d call him today after I had time to figure out how to let him down easy. Instead, he caught me completely off guard. And drunk. I tried to soften the blow and told him he’d find someone someday that would feel the same way about him too. Then he said…” I looked away and took a breath.

“What? What did he say? You can’t just stop there.” Harper’s hands were up by her shoulders in a what gives motion.

“Well, thankfully at this point Bastian had gone in the house, but he was watching from the front window. He said it was because of Baz. That I was in love with him and that’s why I didn’t have those types of feelings for him. I mean, seriously, could he have been any more wrong?” I continued shoving dresses to the side, but stopped when Harper didn’t confirm what I had just stated. I looked up to find her staring at me with her mouth gaping open in surprise. “I know, right?! He’s totally lost his mind.” I waited again for her to agree, but instead she snapped her mouth closed and looked almost thoughtful.

“I don’t know why I didn’t see it before,” is what ended up coming out of her mouth in a loud murmur. She was shaking her head in disbelief. “The two of you would be so perfect together. Who better to share your life with than your best friend?”

“Well, yeah, that’s a great thought and all, except he doesn’t believe in love and he doesn’t look at me like that.” I bit my lip.

“But you didn’t say you don’t look at him like that…” she trailed off, waiting for me to confirm or deny.

“Honestly, I don’t know how I look at him. He’s my best friend. He’s been there for me through so much and he’s never once made me feel like I wasn’t important. I feel like I’m confusing my feelings of friendship for something more. And I feel like I’m only doing it because Geoff put those thoughts in my head,” I sighed.

“Maybe you should make a pros and cons list?” The look I shot her must’ve showed her that I thought she was crazy. “Hear me out. I think this might be a really helpful tool for you. It will show you if your feelings for Baz are more than just friendship. Once you figure that out, the rest should be easy,” she shrugged.

“Unless it confirms that he was right. Then I won’t know how I’m supposed to act around him anymore and it could make things really awkward between us. I don’t want to lose my friend.” She walked around the rack and handed me a gorgeous red lace dress. It was sleeveless and had sheer lace around the midsection and hem line.

“You could wear your red stilettos with the spikes all over them with this. Just sayin’ maybe it’s time to make your friend take notice, too?” She gave me her most innocent look. “Go try it on. What’ll it hurt?”

I turned for the dressing room, thinking about the advice she had given me. I also thought about how Baz had said I was a knockout earlier. I tried on the dress and it was a perfect fit; my legs looked long, my ass looked round and my breasts stood at attention. I could picture the stilettos she was talking about, and they would be perfect. Maybe she was right. I did feel that spark… Fuck it, I was going to open his eyes tonight. And even if I wasn’t in love with him, who knows, with all his experience, he might be the perfect Mr. Right Now.