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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance by Tia Siren (90)





I looked in the mirror and took in the sight of myself in my dress.

Tonight was the night I was going to dinner with Ryan’s parents. They had wanted it to happen sooner, but I thanked my lucky stars that I’d had a couple weeks to prepare. I didn’t want to do this at all, but Ryan’s father was insistent. I knew he wanted to see the girl who was pregnant with his heir, more than likely to size me up.

I also knew that he might be a complete asshole to me. I tried to prepare myself for that possibility, but I was nervous. Then there was Ryan’s mother. Would she be drunk? I didn’t want to see that.

I had picked a dark purple dress, which was comfortable and light. I wasn’t showing yet, but I didn’t want to come off as some slut who had hooked their son by getting pregnant, even though it had been planned. I thought it might be better to look cheap and have them think I was just a casual thing.

Ryan and I weren’t dating or even seeing each other, but he kept in contact with me. He was concerned about me and the baby, which I appreciated.

I’d chosen to be myself tonight as much as possible. This dress was something I would wear for dinner with anyone, and I figured if they didn’t like it, then I wouldn’t have to worry about seeing them again.

Ryan and the baby could have a relationship with his family and I could just not be a part of it. That was what co-parenting was all about, right?

My stomach flipped as I ran a hand through my curls. My hair was growing fast now, and I assumed it was from the prenatal vitamins my doctor had prescribed to me. They were strong, but I knew they helped the baby. They also made me feel a little more nauseated.

I knew that was really the morning sickness, or the all-day sickness as I called it. I had it on and off for the better part of the day, though it wasn’t too severe and mostly only caused me some slight discomfort. I rarely threw up, though I was considering it right now.

I was nervous as I slipped my feet into my black Mary Jane shoes with a low heel. I put the heart pendant my dad had given me on my sixteenth birthday over my head. It had been one of his few sober moments, and I cherished the memory. I let out a sigh as I headed into the living room.

I needed to figure out a different place to live eventually. This was a small two-bedroom, and I would need space for the baby, especially as he or she got older. Stacy wouldn’t want to help me parent even if it was Ryan’s child, which she didn’t know yet. I was keeping it quiet until this dinner was over. Then I would feel more comfortable telling people.

I also didn’t want it to become the talk of the town, since that seemed to be a cause for concern for his father. I didn’t know what I could tell or not tell at this point, and it made me grateful to have Lucy in my life. She was still completely supportive of our situation. Since she knew, Ryan could talk to her as well. Lewis knew too, but they were both sworn to secrecy.

Lucy was always positive and willing to help at the drop of a hat. She was all for this baby and excited to be the best aunt in the world. Plus, she was certain that Ryan was going to be a great father. I believed her, though I didn’t know what the dynamic was between Ryan and me. At this point, I was just willing to see where it would go.

I heard a knock at the door and walked over to answer it. Ryan was there, dressed in a black suit. I felt my skin go pale. He looked so good, and I suddenly felt self-conscious. I stared down at my dress as my stomach twisted.

“Is this okay?” I asked, looking up at him.

“You look beautiful. Dad surprised me with the restaurant earlier today, so I dressed for it.” Ryan smiled weakly as he came inside and looked at me closely. “How are you feeling?”

“Nervous. My stomach is all over the place,” I admitted as he reached down to touch my stomach gently. “I’ve been spotting too, but the doctor said that was normal. I’m trying not to worry.”

Ryan had brought my doctor with him that night of the phone call. He had looked stressed when he’d come in and taken me to my room to relax as the kind, older doctor looked me over. It had been embarrassing, but also a relief to know that everything was okay. I was so glad that I was home a lot.

“Nothing worse than before?” he asked, and I shook my head. “Good.” He pressed lightly against the material of my dress and smiled at me. “Are you hungry?”

“I might be when we get there. I’ve been worrying all day and my appetite has been a little low.” I held up my hand as he started to speak. “I ate. Don’t worry. I kept it light, but every bite was healthy.”

The websites he had bookmarked for me came in handy, and I was trying all kinds of new things. Stacy noticed that the quality of our food had increased, but I didn’t tell her Ryan was paying for it. I just claimed to be eating cleaner.

“Good girl,” he said to me as his phone vibrated in his pocket. “I suppose we should go. It’s across town.” I grabbed my small purse and he locked my door for me before handing me the keys. We went to his SUV, and he let me in before jogging around to the driver’s side.

I could tell that Ryan was nervous as well as he drove. I wondered how I was going to make it through this. It took about half an hour to get to the restaurant. Once there, Ryan handed the car keys to the valet driver before leading the way into a gorgeous building. The building was big and covered in windows with low lighting and candles flickering inside. I could tell it was expensive and swallowed the lump in my throat as Ryan opened the door for me. He stepped ahead and told the hostess that he was meeting his father.

They clearly knew his family here, and the woman batted her fake eyelashes at him before leading us to a table in the back. Never mind that he had a woman with him. I looked over his parents as the woman announced us and then turned to leave with a curious look in her eyes.

I gave Ryan’s parents a small smile as Ryan introduced us and then seated me after I shook their hands. His parents were beautiful people on the outside, and I could see why everyone admired them. They were friendly to me, but they were both sizing me up. His mom eyed me closely while she sipped a martini, her eyes showing that it wasn’t her first drink of the night.

I saw my father in her face and looked away for a moment, sipping my ice water as I took in Ryan’s expression. Smiling at me and perched on the edge of his seat, he looked like he was ready for anything. His father eyed me as he sipped his own water. He was observing me just as closely.

“What do you do for work, Brea?”

“I just completed my degree in cinema and I’m still working my college job at a coffee shop. I am looking for work though.” I smiled confidently as disappointment crossed his face.

“Cinema. That’s not a very common major, is it?” he asked, his face growing stern.

“I suppose not, but it’s something I’m passionate about,” I assured him. Ryan’s mother waved at the waiter, ordering another drink with a beautiful smile. She seemed to be a functioning alcoholic, though I knew how that might end. “I can also work around the baby’s schedule that way. It’s going to be easier than a nine-to-five job. Ryan and I can plan around that.”

“I stayed home with Ryan after I had him,” his mother said unexpectedly. Ryan glared at her.

“So, you plan on traveling for work when the baby is born?” Mike asked me. Ryan took my hand under the table. The waiter came back to take our orders, and I glanced down at the menu, which I had yet to look at. I picked it up to avoid answering and surveyed the choices quickly. It was amazing how the most expensive places had such limited choices. I felt guilty as I ordered a salad and some soup. Ryan gave me a sharp look. He was worried.

I knew I couldn’t pay for it, but Ryan would handle it if anything went wrong. The rest of the table ordered, and I sat back as I sipped my water again. I sensed that Mike wanted an answer. I blinked for a moment, avoiding his gaze.

“Your answer?” he finally asked.

“About work?” I checked. He nodded. “I plan to work as much as I can without losing too much time with my child. This is a surprise, sir. I won’t pretend that it isn’t, but I’m happy about it. I think your son will make a wonderful father.”

Ryan squeezed my hand, and I took strength from his comfort.

“I understand that you’ll need to tell friends and family about this baby. I can’t prevent you from doing that, but don’t share a lot of details. I’d prefer that you didn’t let it leak that my son is the father to the media or speak to them at all. I don’t want this to become the latest gossip. If that happens, Ryan will lose everything.”

I swallowed thickly and stared at him.

“Not only will I stop the inheritance, but if anything gets leaked, he will no longer be a part of this family. You will have to make it on your own. Both of you.”

The words echoed through my head as I dropped my eyes to look at the heavy, polished wood table. This man was willing to disown his son over a single press leak. Ryan stroked my stomach gently, and tears filled my eyes as I wondered what we’d done.

“I won’t talk to anyone. I promise.” The meals arrived, and I took a deep breath as I stared at the unappetizing food. Mike started to talk about the bank as he ate his steak. His wife drank more than she ate, only picking at the chicken on her plate.

Mike asked about my family with a tone that suggested he already knew a lot about me, but I told him that my father passed away recently. He asked what killed him, and I told him it was liver failure. I tried not to glance at Ryan’s mother as I spoke.

Darkness crossed Mike’s face as he dabbed at it with his napkin and then he asked me about my mom. I told him that my parents had divorced when I was younger and she’d since remarried and was now living in Minnesota. He asked how involved she would be with the baby, and I shrugged. I told him I wanted her to be close to the baby. He asked if they had money, and I was forced to admit that my mother was middle class and my dad had left nothing behind.

Mike shot Ryan a long, questioning look. Ryan nudged me with his leg. I reached for my spoon and took a small bite of my soup, knowing it would taste amazing on any other night. Dinner dragged on, and I pushed my food around my plate as the questions continued. Mike was a cold man who didn’t seem to feel any warmth toward his grandchild. His wife proceeded to drink more and more while he barely took notice. I stood when it was over, relieved to be leaving as I murmured a good-bye. Ryan led me to his car.

“I feel like I was just interrogated for committing a crime,” I said as I slid into the passenger seat.

“I’m sorry. He’s an asshole,” Ryan told me as he leaned forward to kiss me softly. “You did great, Brea.” His lips brushed mine again, making desire surge through me. He pulled away. “Want to go to my house?”

I nodded, remembering that we were out in public as he closed the door gently to walk around the front. We needed to keep our PDA down, even if I was pregnant. I pressed my thighs together. My sex drive was increasing with the pregnancy hormones, and I sighed as Ryan got in and stared at me.

“I want you so badly.”

“I can’t wait to be inside you,” Ryan told me softly as I looked over to meet his eyes. He started the engine and pulled out onto the street as his hand slipped over my thighs and between my legs. “Is it true what they say about pregnancy?”

“So fucking true,” I moaned as I spread my legs and allowed him access to my needy pussy. We drove to his place as he edged me close to a release. He parked in a spot, pressing the brakes hard as I gasped and cried out his name.

“That was so hot, but I can’t do this ever again. Fuck. That is so dangerous,” Ryan murmured as I turned toward him for a kiss. He reminded me that we needed to get to his place before reluctantly pulling away and getting out. We walked to his penthouse, and as soon as the elevator was closed, he pressed me against the wall and kissed me hungrily.

I moaned against him as he tugged me closer to him, thankful that he had his own elevator. The car stopped and the door opened as he pulled away and looked me up and down. I wasn’t sure if this was lust, emotions from the dinner, or real feelings between us, but I didn’t care. I wanted him, and I allowed him to pull me into the foyer and shove me against the wall as he slid his tongue over mine.

We kissed hungrily before he lifted me to carry me to the bedroom, stripping me methodically before I dropped down to my knees. I pulled his pants down and took him in my mouth as Ryan gripped my hair, moaning my name. I made him come deep in my throat before he pulled me up.

“On the bed,” Ryan told me. I dropped onto my back and scooted against the pillows. I was slick with need. Ryan kicked off his remaining clothes and crawled between my legs. He asked me if I was feeling okay before he kissed my folds, watching me nod.

I was so horny for him that I was ready to cry when he licked me firmly. I wept with the sensations rushing through me as he licked and sucked me slowly. He brought me close to the edge before pulling away and reaching down to stroke himself slowly. I watched as he moved to position himself above me, sliding in for the first time of many as I cried out his name.