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Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother by J.L. Ostle (11)


It’s the day of the talent show and Sasha has been calm but I can see the nerves in her body language. The whole place is set up and it looks perfect; you wouldn’t think it was the same school gym we see every day.

The place is packed, most of the students are here with the help of me and the football team, blackmailing and charming to get what it took to fill the seats. I walk down the aisle towards the stage and see a few girls giving me seductive looks.

Since word spread that I confessed my love to Sasha, it’s like they want me even more. Like it’s a competition now to see which one will be able to lead me astray. I wouldn’t do that to Sasha; none of these girls holds anything to my girl.

I smile. My girl. I love that.

I climb up the stage and look in the back to see Sasha pacing. Karen looks a little annoyed and when she spots me, she waves her hands in the air, thanking God. “Please knock some sense into her,” Karen says, walking towards me.

“What’s going on?”

“She is getting stage fright.” She rolls her eyes. “We have been to a million gigs and now she’s decided to clam up.” I walk over to Sasha and notice she looks like a deer caught in headlights. She looks panicked.

“I can’t do it. I can’t go out there.” I pull her to me and stroke her hair.

“Hey, it’s okay. Just take a deep breath.” I feel her chest rise and fall against my own. “You don’t need to do anything you’re not comfortable with. You worked so hard making this place look amazing and if you don’t want to play, you don’t have to.” She looks up at me.

“But people will be disappointed in me.” I see tears in her eyes and I rub them away with my thumbs.

“They’ll get over it. You aren’t playing until the end, so don’t think about it. Let’s just get the show rolling and if you still feel like this when it’s your turn, I’ll announce the show is over.”

“You won’t be upset with me? I know you like hearing me sing.” I chuckle at her cuteness.

“I know I have the rest of my life to hear you sing for me.” Her eyes shine up at me. I lean down and kiss her and she sighs into me.

“I love you,” she breathes out.

“I love you, Miss Bennett. Now go be Mrs. Boss Woman and I’ll be in the audience if you need me.” I kiss her one more time, slap her ass causing her to yelp, and go out to take my seat next to Aaron in the front row.

“We did great work. I’m so proud of us.” Aaron looks around the room.

“Sasha did most of the work, we were just the heavy lifters. She deserves all the praise for this. My girl really is something.” The first act comes on and everyone quiets down. Act after act comes on and they are all pretty good. Nothing like Sasha and her band, but still good.

I look over to the other side of the aisle and see a few men and women in dress suits. I’m assuming these are the important people Sasha and Mr. Atkins were talking about. I see them jotting stuff down and I pray that Sasha will have a change of heart. She wanted a step in the door and these people might be able to do that.

An hour and a half has past and the second to last act is playing. I’m almost biting my nails, I’m so nervous. I’ve messaged Sasha, asking her if she is okay, but no reply so far. It will look weird if I sneak up on stage when someone’s in the middle of a performance.

The act finishes up and heads off the stage and a few helpers clear the area and start setting up instruments and hope fills me. She’s changed her mind. I watch her walk on stage and my mouth drops. She’s wearing black leather pants, a tank that looks near enough to a bra, her hair looks all sexed up. She screams bad girl rockstar.

She heads to the microphone, finds me in the crowd, and gives me a wink. I beam up at her and she giggles before composing herself again.

“Hi, everyone. I hope you’re enjoying the show. I’m Sasha Bennett and with the help of my friends,” she looks behind her and to me and Aaron, “we worked hard putting this all together. We’re going to play two songs for you that I hope you like.” Karen, Leo, and Brady walk on stage at her words and, just like Sasha, they are all dressed up.

“I think I just came in my pants.” Aaron pulls my shirt, his eyes locked on Karen. She’s wearing a black leather skirt and a tank that is cut up on the side, showing one side of her midriff.

“We are Es-kay-be-elle,” Sasha says then they start to play the song I heard them rehearse yesterday. I remember Sasha explaining once the name of their band are the initials of each band member and they formed it as a word.

Just like yesterday, I’m moved listening to the song. I watch Sasha sing and her eyes mostly stay on mine. I glance over at the important people again and their eyes are glued to her but their faces are emotionless; they really aren’t giving anything away.

She finishes the song and everyone stands, clapping and cheering, and the look on her face is priceless. She is so in her element. Everyone takes a seat and I wonder why she is playing two songs since it was only supposed to be one.

“Thank you, everyone.” People clap again, causing her to giggle. “I have one more song and this is for my guy. The unexpected that came in my life, but became my everything.” She starts to strum her guitar and the rest join her before she starts to sing a cover of Leann Rimes ‘Right Kind of Wrong.’

She smiles as each word pours out of her. Her fingers glide over the guitar, her eyes never leaving mine. She smiles bigger when she sings that I am the right kind of wrong. This is her telling me that people will say anything to keep us apart but she doesn’t care. I can tell she chose this song on purpose. It mentions my reputation, me giving her strength. Her saying she needs my touch too much.

This song was made for us. She sings the last words and when they stop playing, I stand, cheering my lungs out before quickly running to the stage and lifting her up, spinning her around.

“Of course, you had to find a song about my reputation.” We both laugh.

“I knew it was a nice touch. Good thing I love movies and found this song or I wouldn’t have been able to sing it to you.” I kiss her and the band comes to our side and we all hold hands and do a bow, me forgetting that the show is technically still going.

“Sorry,” I whisper and they laugh at me.

“Thank you all for coming. Help yourself to the refreshments and if you look on the far-right, food is being prepared if you’re hungry,” Sasha shouts out and people clap one last time before starting to walk away. “Did I do good?” she asks me.

“You did amazing. You really are like Wonder Woman.” I kiss her.

“I think you mean we did amazing.” Karen coughs.

“Yeah don’t forget our praise,” Brady adds with his arms crossed.

“Sorry guys, you were all amazing.” I look back to Sasha who is smiling so big. “What made you change your mind?” I ask her.

“Oh, God, I thought I was going to hit her at one point.” Karen rolls her eyes. “She was looking past the curtain and she saw you there, and she said that you gave her strength that you are her rock, you know… all that mushy stuff.” Sasha hits her arm.

“It wasn’t exactly like that.”

“It was close enough. It’s almost enough to make a girl throw up.” They stick their tongues out at each other.

“Well, we’re going to get changed. I’ll meet you in five minutes.” I look down to her outfit and, fuck me, my dick twitches seeing her like this.

“You definitely need to wear this again for me.” I pull her body against mine. “I love the rocker look.”

“It could be arranged. With the high I’m feeling right now, it’s making me…” She stands on her tiptoes and whispers in my ear, “so horny. I think that you being inside me will help.” I step back and see her cheeks blush a little but her eyes are screaming for me to take her.

“Are you sure?”

She bites her lip and nods. “I’m going to scream if I don’t get you inside me soon.”

“Too much info, love.” Brady chuckles and Sasha blushes more. I cup her cheeks and she smiles up at me.

“You know I will never say no to you, but I want you to be sure.”

“I’m sure. I love you and that will make it perfect. Our whole relationship is like a speeding car, but who cares. It works for us and besides, don’t you want to see how hot and tight I feel?” My dick instantly hardens at her words. She’s teasing me and she knows it if the smirk on her face is any indication.

“I will punish you for that.”

“I hope you do.” She licks my lips and steps back. “I better get ready.” She links her arm through Karen’s and blows me a kiss.

“You are mean,” I yell out to her.

“I learned from the best.” I shake my head at her.

I jump off the stage and decide to look for Aaron and, of course, find him stuffing his face with food. I grab some chips and start to pick at them as I wait. Now that I know what’s going to happen tonight, I feel too much on edge. I just want to leave now and fuck my girl's brains out. I’ll make love to her, but I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back.

This is the longest I’ve gone without having sex. I’ve had my releases, just as Sasha has had hers, but, God, I can’t wait to be inside her. To own all of her. Images of her on my bed, of her screaming out my name, flash through my mind. I look at my phone for the time and only two minutes has passed. It feels like hours.

I need to calm the shit down or I’m going to explode before I’ve even touched her.

“You look like someone is after you,” Aaron says with his mouth full.

“I’m fine,” I lie.

“Yeah, you look it, what’s up, man?” I bite my lip, wondering if I should tell him. Karen and the rest of the band knows after she accidentally said out loud that she wanted me to be inside her.

“I’m going to be having sex with Sasha for the first time tonight.” Aaron almost chokes and I have to clap his back.

“Holy fuck, dude. So happy I never took that bet now.” I turn, facing the wall. I forgot all about that stupid bet.

“That bet was stupid. I should never have agreed.”

“But if it wasn’t for that bet, would you have talked to her? You wouldn’t be this happy.”

“What’s going on?” Nathan asks, walking behind us with Danny.

“He’s getting lucky tonight,” Aaron blurts out and I glare at him. He just gives me a what look.

“Fucking hell, dude. You really are good. Knew you could fuck her.” Nathan claps my shoulder.

“You should have kept the bet, you could have earned all that money,” Danny says.

“Can we stop talking about the bet?” I groan.

“Come on, you should thank us. If it wasn’t for that bet, you wouldn’t be with Sasha and you wouldn’t be getting your dick wet in just over a week. I thought it would take a month at least but, damn, you must have the special touch.” The guys laugh.

“What bet?” My body freezes and I look to the side of me to see Sasha and Karen standing there. Tears are forming in Sasha’s eyes as Karen is glaring at us all. Sasha is wearing a long, cream maxi dress and she looks like a model. She dressed up for tonight.

“Baby…” I try and hold her hand but she steps away from my touch.

“What bet?” she asks a little louder.

“It’s not what you think,” Aaron steps in, trying to defend me.

“What bet!” she shouts.

“The guys made a bet to see how far and how quickly I could get with you, but it didn’t mean anything. I ended it the following day since it was so stupid.” I try and explain.

“But you had agreed to it?” She sniffs and I see her heart breaking right in front of me. “That’s why you started talking to me, because of a bet.” More tears flow from her eyes and all I want to do is hold her.

“Sasha…” She lifts her hand, stopping me.

“You promised you wouldn’t hurt me.” No words form out of my mouth. “You could have told me, said you made a bet but you stopped it. You kept it from me, now your friends are laughing that after a week I did want to sleep with you. To make love.” She whispers the last part.

“It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Maybe not to you, but it does to me. I thought you and me talking was a sign that we were meant to be together, but it’s a lie. All this is one big lie.” She turns to walk away and I start to panic. I run in front of her but her eyes start to harden up. “Stay away from me.”

“Please, don’t do this,” I beg.

“Move aside.” I shake my head and she tries to walk around me but I block her moves.“Move,” she grits out.

“I can’t. I love you,” I plead.

“You don’t know the meaning of the word. Now move.” I drop down to my knees and put my arms around her waist, my head pressed to her stomach.

“Please don’t leave me. I am so sorry. I love you. I love you, Sasha.” Tears have formed in my eyes and I know I may seem pathetic, but I can’t lose her.

“Stop it.” She sobs.

“You still love me. Let’s just move on from this. We were happy.”

“We were.” She grabs my hands and pulls me away from her, walking around me and I stay on my knees.

“Sasha, don’t leave me!,” I shout but she doesn’t look back. I watch her walk away. I watch the girl that was my everything walk away from me. Another woman leaving me behind.

“You are a real dick. You just broke her damn heart,” Karen spits at me. She slaps me before running after her friend, but I don’t even feel it. Aaron comes to my side and tries to help me up but I shrug him off.

“She’ll come around.” He sits next to me. I know she won’t. I saw it in her eyes. Just like a switch. She went from loving me to hating me.

I don’t know how long I stay on my knees in the middle of the gym but Aaron stays by my side. I don’t care what people think of me since now I feel like a shell of the person I once was.

“We’re locking up now,” someone says and I stand. Aaron has to hold me up as my legs almost give out.

“Thanks, man,” Aaron thanks the person and he helps me walk to his car and drives me home. “Will you be okay?” he asks me.

“I don’t know.”

“She’ll forgive you. You’re crazy for each other. Just give her some time.” I nod and then step out of his car and into my empty house. I look around the living room, the place feeling more empty than usual.

I shout into the silence, letting all my hurt out, and then I fall to the ground crying.