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My Best Friend's Brother by Candy Gray (104)

Chapter 8



I was just about to go and greet my guests when all of a sudden Halle and Sadie Blue stepped out in front of me. Neither had their masks on, but both wore a cunning smile as if they had some kind of mission in progress, a dirty little secret that would be revealed soon enough. I tightened as they approached and stopped in front of me about five feet from the door.

“Aiden Prince,” Halle crooned. “Zep.” While my welcome was a warm smile, Zep got the curled upper lip. Halle didn’t seem to want to play with him again, but as my best friend stepped forward and showed her a little bit of attention by kissing her hand, she lifted her shoulder and tucked her chin like a shy schoolgirl.

Sadie, whose mouth turned down at the corners, didn’t seem too thrilled by Zep’s presence and I could only wonder if the two wanted me alone to themselves. They’d tried that on me before, but I’d never been a fan.

Her sister did not falter and eyed me like I was her prey. “Great party, Aiden. I notice you’ve left the backyard gate open.” Sadie eyed a girl who passed by with a drink in hand, and I realized she must have recognized her from the club. The girl was a receptionist, and it was probably her first formal party.

“Everyone invited is my friend, so I’m not quite sure what you mean.” I knew exactly what she meant, and I reminded me that my mother’s opinions of people weren’t too far off the Blue sister’s, which was disappointing. “I see you’re not wearing your masks.”

Halle giggled. “Please, Aiden you know we’re not much for playing by the rules. Besides, it’s not like everyone wouldn’t know who we are anyway. I mean, we knew who you were, so it’s not like it matters.”

“I agree, you really don’t matter.” The statement was harsh, but Halle laughed it off and turned her eyes back to Zep.

“So, how’s the reality show life treating you two? Did you get renewed for another season?” Zep was all about conversation with his twin fantasies, and I wished he’d toned it down and let them go back to whatever rock they slithered out from behind.

“It’s going well. Our manager is certain we’ll get the new contract and well, we’ve put a few plans into play to get what we want.” Halle shrugged her shoulders like it was nothing, but we’d all heard about her sex tape rumors and Sadie’s DUI. That mother of theirs, no matter what you want to call her, manager or manipulator, had leaked just enough to get attention without doing any damage. She played the game well.

“Lucky girls,” said Zep. He played the games better than anyone and knew just how to keep Halle eating out of his hand. Sadie was the problem, his kryptonite, she always had been.

Sadie’s eyes lowered as if taking in the sight of my well-fitting tux and everything beneath it. “Well, I’m sure we can catch up later. Like maybe tonight when this little shindig of yours is over?” She stepped closer and rested her hand on my chest.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Zep smiled at Halle who nudged her sister.

“Yeah, Sadie. You’d be game wouldn’t you?” Halle’s look was to convince, and Sadie shrugged.

“I’d play if Aiden did. That could be a lot of fun. The more, the merrier.” I caught the grin the two exchanged and then, as I shook my head and looked away, I caught a glimpse of the most beautiful girl at the door.

Though her face was covered with an intricate filigree mask, her bright eyes seemed to illuminate despite it, and as my eyes panned down, taking in the perfect swells of her breasts and the soft curve of her hips beneath the blue silk she wore, I grew giddy. Then I realized I had no idea who she was.

I was quite certain I’d never met anyone with that figure, so perfect, it was like she’d bribed God himself to hook her up, and that beautiful long, blond hair, though it was pinned up like a coronet atop her head, would look just as sexy down. I had a quick vision flash before my eyes as I imagined it brushing against her ass as she arched her back beneath me.

Her eyes pled to the guard at the door, who was one of my mother’s hired thugs and no more courteous than a bouncer at a club. He shook his head and held up an official invitation for the woman to see what was required to enter.

I leaned my head toward Zep. “Do you know that woman?” He and the sisters sized her up as the guard continued to shake his head.

“No,” the twins said in unison. “She’s nobody,” finished Sadie.

Zep shook his head and let out a chuckle. “She’s a knockout.”

Halle nudged him. “If you like that type.” The twins were the total opposite of the beauty at the door, and while they were both dark-haired and as mysterious as the night, she was a golden beauty, as bright as day.

“Who wouldn’t?” I mumbled, my voice barely a whisper, but loud enough to get Sadie’s hackles up.

“She’s just another blonde bimbo.” Sadie folder her arms and I could have sworn I heard her sigh as I turned my eyes back into the girl’s direction. She was having no luck with the hired guards, and it was time for me to intervene.

“Excuse me.” I pushed my drink into Zep’s hand and took a step toward the door.

“This ought to be good,” said Halle with a wicked giggle as I left them to greet the timeless beauty at the door, still searching my brain for how I knew her, and not caring if I didn’t.

I would. Before the night was over, I’d not only know her, but I’d have her. A small inner voice was telling me that she was the one. The reason for the party. But it was so surreal that I pushed it to the back of my mind.

“What seems to be the trouble?” I said stepping up to the door.

“This is business with the lady and me.” The ogre’s voice was like he should have been chasing some poor kid up a beanstalk, but worse than that he had no idea who I was. I reached up and took off my mask, giving him a pointed glare. “Anything that takes place in my house is my business.”

“My mistake, sir. It’s just this one doesn’t have an official invitation, and your mother said—”

“I’m quite aware of my mother’s intentions, but seeing as this is my party and this beautiful young woman is a friend of mine and hardly a threat to anyone here, you’ll please step aside.” I pushed past him and took the young the woman, whose face now ringed a bit red around those sparkling blue eyes, which only made them bluer.

She practically fell into me, leaning close to my side as she began to ramble. “My apologies. I was supposed to ride in with my friends, but we were separated. I was hoping I’d find them outside, but then I noticed they must have already gone inside and since they had the only invitation—well, anyway, thank you.” She clutched my arm with a bit of relief and then pulled away as if she realized the gesture was a bit too intimate for strangers.

“You’ve nothing to apologize for, and you’re perfectly welcome. I’m glad you came, and I do hope you have a wonderful night.” I looked down, noticing she had a couple of extra masks in her hand and then she nervously put them behind her clutch bag as if she was embarrassed to be carrying them.

“I guess I should find my friends.” She looked around the room as I glanced up to do the same and found Zep standing alone. He held up his glass, and then a couple of our friends stepped up to greet him and then waved me over.

As she stepped away, I took her hand. “I’m Aiden. I’d love to talk later. I’ll find you...”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m Ella, and I’d like that very much.” She hurried away before I could get out another word, and all I could do was watch her go.

I stepped over to the crowd, wishing I’d gone after her, but then Zep was all about introductions, and as she disappeared around the corner, I greeted my other guests.

I let Zep carry on, still lost in a daze over the beautiful girl and wondering where she’d gone off to.