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My Best Friend's Brother by Candy Gray (115)

Chapter 19



Leaving Aiden had been the hardest part about my morning until I realized I was headed back into the lion’s den to face the wrath of the twins. Aiden had offered to go with me, but I’d refused, telling him I’d call him and let him know how it went.

He wanted to walk me to the door, too, but I made him take his goodbye kiss in the car, thinking that rubbing anything in Sadie’s face might not be the best idea. He was reluctant to go, but it was something I needed I to face alone.

I walked into the house and Millie met me at the door. “FYI, the twins told Nola everything, and she’s in a strange mood, so I’m not sure what she’s going to try.”

“Well, I’m prepared to leave. I’ve got another place to go if I want it and I’ll just have to find another job.” I started for the stairs, but when I turned around Nola was coming down them.

“That won’t be necessary, Ella. Your employment here is secure, and I’ve had a talk with the girls. They are prepared to apologize and cooperate so that you may have a more comfortable time here.”

“I’m seeing Aiden Prince and if that isn’t something they can live with, then I’ll hand in my resignation.” I wasn’t about to have that held against me the entire time, but seeing as I needed my job and the money it paid me, I would only keep it if they were willing to accept that.

Nola’s eyes widened. “Are you now? He’s quite the catch, Ella, are you sure you’re not jumping the gun. Just because a man spends the night with you—

“He’s offered me a place to stay.” Nola’s mouth went slack as the words registered and then she straightened her shoulders as if she were trying hard not to be shaken.

“But surely, you’re not leaving us, I mean, Ella, this is part of your job living here.” She turned and looked to Millie who leaned against the banister to listen.

“I’ll stay and keep working, but I want you to know I have other options and a boyfriend.” Aiden had made it clear that he wanted that with me and though I was so nervous, I’d agree. It felt amazing knowing I didn’t have to fully depend on the Blue’s, even though I did need the job, I could always find another one if I wanted.

“I’m sure that won’t be a problem.” She glanced at Millie and then turned to give me a stiff hug. As she broke away, she slicked my hair down. “Breakfast is being served. I’m sure you must be famished.”

“I’m going up to change, and I’ll be right down.” My dress was a wrinkled mess, but I didn’t care. There was no walk of shame after a night with the richest most eligible bachelor in town.

I headed up to shower and change and joined them shortly after.

When I walked into the room, Sadie’s back straightened and her eyes met mine with enough hate that I should have felt it. Halle wore a sly smile as if she had a secret.

“Ella, dear. I’m so glad you joined us. The girls have something they’d like to say.” Nola gave them a pointed glare, and they both mumbled their apologies as they dragged their forks against their plates.

I sat and served myself some eggs and a waffle, drowning it in syrup and thinking of Aiden’s perfect lips and his goodbye kiss. I couldn’t see him soon enough again, and I wondered what the twins would say if their mother wasn’t around.

“I, for one, would appreciate you girls all getting along,” said Scott from the head of the table. Nola glared his way as if she wished he’d go back to perusing through his phone.

It was hard to look at him now the same way as before. The man was not just Scott Blue, rock legend, but he was my father. I had always known he had stories about my mother, but now I knew there were probably so many more that he’d never share around Nola, that he’d probably not ever share with anyone. Intimate details, private ones about my birth and what he thought about it. I could learn my family history if I wanted, and I tried hard to think of all the things that Millie had told me and how they’d now relate to me.

“I’d appreciate it, Ella, if you wouldn’t stay out all night again, at least not without telling me where you are.” Nola turned a pleading eye to my father as if to get him to agree. I wondered if she had the same rules for the twins.

“What time did you ladies get home?” I gave them a warm smile and their father, my father, lifted his head to listen.

Halle clenched her jaw so hard I could see the muscle twitch, but Sadie kept a blank expression as she answered. “Long before you.”

Nola gave Sadie a narrowed look and then offered me a smile. “I do hope the jewels the girls borrowed were not in poor condition when they were returned.”

I wanted to remind her that the jewelry was not borrowed, but stolen. Instead, I played along. “Yes, they are fine. I’ll just be making sure to keep a better eye on them in the future.”

“You’re welcome to lock them in the main vault. Or, if you’ve changed your mind, perhaps I could buy them from you. I know you could use the money, and I’m always adding to my collection as well. I’d love to keep your mother’s things close rather than you having to sell them to a stranger later.”

“I’ve no need to sell them, and as I’ve already explained, the pieces mean far too much to me to ever part with them.” I wasn’t sure why she couldn’t get that through her thick skull, but it would be a cold day in hell before she or her sadistic daughters ever got their paws on my things. I wasn’t about to keep the pieces in their house. I’d already decided to purchase a safe deposit box for them instead, but she didn’t need to know that.

Scott cleared his throat. “If it’s money Ella needs we could always give her the money. We’ve no need for her things.” Nola’s smile was so fake it seemed slapped on as she looked to her husband.

“That’s very big of you to offer dear, but it’s a little much, isn’t it?” She narrowed her eyes, and her lip curled as if she were challenging him. “It isn’t like she’s family. Perhaps she’d rather earn her keep.”

I felt a sharp pain as Millie kicked me under the table and I reminded myself not to sit so close to her again. She gave me a glare and nudged toward my father, but he hadn’t reacted to the statement, so, why should I? I supposed Millie thought that would make things better, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t. There was a reason the man hadn’t stood up for me and told Nola the truth, and if she was such a hard player to make him stick to his guns, then I wasn’t going to rock the boat. His secret was safe with me. But then he spoke up.

“She’s practically family. We’ve known her all her life, and if there’s ever something you need, I’d appreciate it very much if you came to me. No matter if it’s money or anything else.” He offered a warm smile, and Nola plastered on one just the same.

“I guess you’re right, Scott. She’s practically like a daughter.” Something in Nola’s tone told me she already knew, but Scott didn’t falter. He returned to his phone and swiped the screen as a hush fell over the table.

I looked across to Halle who was stabbing her waffle with her fork as if she could kill it, and Sadie was slowly ripping hers apart with her fingers, dipping it in the syrup and shoving it into her mouth, not taking her eyes off of me. I wondered what they thought of their father’s offer.

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine. I appreciate the job, and that’s plenty.”

Nola straightened in her chair. “I suppose with your new, rich boyfriend. You’ll have everything you need soon enough anyway.”

“New boyfriend?” Scott said, his brow pinched, and for a moment I wondered if his fatherly instincts were about to kick in. “Who is this new fella?”

“Aiden Prince. It seems our sweet Ella stole all of his attention last night.” It seemed like Nola wanted to rub it in her girl’s faces.

“Isn’t he a bit older?” Now Scott really did seem like he was a concerned father.

“He’s four years older.” I glared at the twins and smiled knowing their father wouldn’t want them with him.

Millie cleared her throat. “Four years isn’t so bad. Not like six.” She smiled sweetly at her granddaughters who exchanged a look before rolling their eyes. “Besides, Ella has always been a mature young woman, and I have no doubt she’ll make Aiden very happy.”

“I’m sure she made him happy all night,” said Halle with a giggle, but Scott cleared his throat and changed the subject.

All things considered, family breakfast with the Blue’s could have been much worse.