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My Best Friend's Brother by Candy Gray (132)

Chapter 4



I chew on my food. Holy shit. How did mom never mention that my step brother was this hot? He is so tall and ripped. His perfect square jaw clenches down as he eats. He even has a bit of silver coming into his sandy brown hair. I slide my tongue across the front of my teeth; he looks like he could be my age.

The dinner is over and people are beginning to get out of their seats. Do I stay? Should I go talk to him? Fuck! I don't know what to do. I mean he is my brother now, so I feel like talking to him should be so easy. I mean we are family now, so it's not like there should be any weird pressure. I look at my mom for cues, but she is so deeply in love with Stanley I don't seem to exist. Our eyes make contact for a minute longer. I hardly notice there is a reddish haired friend who is obviously interested in me. James stands up and pushes his chair in. Holy shit he is coming over to talk to me. He smiles again to reveal perfect teeth and my stomach flips. Don't be nervous, I say in my head. This is your family now.

"Hey," he says sitting down in the chair where my Aunt was, but now has dispersed into the mob of family and friends. He leans back, his fingers play with the stem of my wine glass. "I figured since we are siblings we should get to know one another." Something in the way he says that, makes my body stir a little. His eyes trail down my dress; whether or not it was on purpose, I cannot help but slightly become aroused. I cross my legs and clear my throat. I feel the wetness between my thighs. I doubt this is the typical reaction you are supposed to feel for you step brother.

"I've never had a brother before," I say calmly. "Or a sister."

God this sounds way more sexual than it should.

"I've always wanted one," he responds coolly. My clit jumps.

We stare at one another. What is going on here? There is a moment of silence. He shakes his head.

"But it is nice to finally meet you."

"I'm surprised we haven't met before," I add on.

"I know. Someone as beautiful as you, uh, I mean - I am surprised Stanley and Tonya didn't try to introduce us. I'm sorry, was that weird?"

"No," I smile lazily and watch him closely. Something about him feels safe. "I'm not sure the proper step sibling etiquette, but if it helps I think you are also rather beautiful."

He blushes, and I find it adorable.

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing we aren't actually related."

"Why?" I ask cocking my head. I know why, but I want to hear him say it. Something about his voice turns me on. He smirks a dark and wicked smile. He leans into me, so his mouth is inches from my ear and his breath tickles and sends shivers down my spine straight into my pussy.

"I don't think these are things brother and sister usually discuss."

He leans back and I want to pull him back onto me. But then again, I suppose he is right. Perhaps we shouldn't engage in whatever dark thoughts are inhabiting our brains. I am not sure how the family would react. He watches me, waiting. It's clear we both want one another. I can feel the tension oozing out between us. It's starting to find its way to me and burn between my thighs. I suddenly stand.

"I should say hi to the family," I stutter out, maneuvering past him and walking down to the other tables. But I feel his eyes on my back and watching me, hovering over my body with desire. I like it. I sway my hips more with each step. There is something exhilarating in having someone want you as much as you want them, even if that someone is my step brother. I know I have self-control. His eyes stay on me as he watches me. Never once does he look away. He's too thirsty for me.

Finally, everyone settles back into their rooms. I return to mine, tired of forcing a smile. It took every fiber of my being not to return to James, but I know that I have to keep away from him, or else I might end up underneath him. The image of his backside plowing into me excites me way more than it should. I grab the handle on the doorknob and push in. My fingers stretch out the wall where I find the light switch on the wall. I flip it up. A scream catches itself in my throat I almost fall backward. James is standing by my bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I choke out. He furrows his eyebrows and licks his lips.

"I really didn't mean to scare you.

"How to fuck did you get in here." My hand is resting on my chest. My hearts are racing five thousand beats per minute. Maybe that's why he is single because he is one molester or rapist. James turns to face the open patio door.

"I - uh, scaled the patio. You're one room above me."

"You can't be serious," I say completely stunning in disbelief. He wipes his forehead and nods.

"You know in hindsight it’s a way less romantic gesture than I imagined it would come across."

I giggle slightly.

"Romantic - with your step sister?"

He walks forward so we are inches apart. His breath falls into mine and if I stretched onto my tippy toes, our lips would meet. I can feel the heat between us like a magnet. My pussy starts to melt again and I almost moan, he turns me on just by his sheer presence.

"Yes." His fingertips graze my shoulders slowly. My body shivers. It’s wrong I tell myself. But is it? He turns his head slowly. "I want to be romantic with my step sister." He bites his lip. Is he going to kiss me? I lean forward slightly, my body yearns for him to take me, but we just inch apart from one another like lovers about of fuck. His fingers fall off my shoulders. He closes his eyes. I don't dare move. I want him to rip my clothes off and put himself inside of me. My body is on fire. I feel my heart beat inside of my pussy. Yet he stays frozen.

"What are you doing?" I ask softly.

He opens his eyes and breathes through his nose.


The word falls on the top of my tongue, but I am not brave enough to say it. What good could come from a having an affair with my step brother? My brain tries to find some sort of answer, but the only thing I can think about it how great the sex would feel. I can see he is well endowed and something tells me he knows how to use it.

"I should go," he says slowly. My heart drops in and I take a step back.

"Yeah, big day tomorrow with our parents getting married and stuff."

He smiles.

"Crazy, isn't it?"


"Our parents getting married."

I smile and nod.


It's just empty conversation. We aren't going acknowledge the fact we want to tear into each other's skin, or that he snuck into my room. He makes his way to the door, I hope he turns around and comes back.

"Have a good night," he sighs.

"You too."

"I won't..."

"Why not."

He opens the door and steps into the hall.

"I'll be too busy thinking about fucking you." And with that, the door click shuts. I hear his footsteps echo through the halls as he makes his way downstairs to the room below me. I collapse on the bed.

Holy cow. What just happened? I start to giggle into my pillow like a school girl. Nothing seems to be making any sense anymore. I lay there still. My heart remains beating like it is some type of giant drum. I hold my breath. How am I supposed to sleep? My fingers creep down into my soaking wet pussy and they try to alleviate some of the stress. It's not happening. They are not nearly as wonderful as what James' cock must feel like inside of me. I toss over and squirm out of my clothes. My naked body rests against the cold hotel sheets. I wish I was on top of James. My thighs tighten as my pussy screams for him. I flip back onto my back and stare at the dark ceiling. This is going to be torture. I just know it.


It's morning. The day of my mother's second wedding. I slowly sit up on the bed. The phone is ringing for my wake up call. I pick it up and slam it down, ending the piercing ringing. I throw on a bathrobe and make my way down the hall to my mother's room. I tried to wake up before her, but I am sure that she is anxious and probably didn't sleep much. I move through the hotel and knock on my mother's door. It flies open and she stands to stare at me with a wide grin.

"I need a drink!" she shouts. Usually, I would argue that it is eight o clock in the morning, but last night with James has made me in dire need of some sort of relief. We order two mimosas via room service and start getting ready together. I am the only person standing next to her during the ceremony, as James is the only one standing for his dad.

"Mom?" I start as I do her make up. "Do you like James?"

"What do you mean?" she asks back fast, staring at me in the mirror.

"I was just wondering. It's a bit odd that I have never met him before. He's nice."

"Oh - James is quite the little charmer."

"Why have I never met him before?" I ask her.

"He works for his dad in Europe. Does all the serious training. He is never still."

"So he does pretty well?"

My mother nods.

"Yes he does."

"Cool...he will be a great brother," I half smile. I don't know if I will ever have the strength to see him as a great brother. She changes the subject than about what necklace she should wear. I don't prod about any more information on James. Today is about her and I don't want her to think I am interested - even though I am interested.

We finish getting ready. My mom wears a simple white gown and I wear what she has picked out for me. It's not the most flattering, definitely more along the lines of what she would wear, but I don't fight her on it. It's a grey shift dress that just hangs right off of me. At least James might lose all sexual attraction to me at this rate and then we continue on acting the way step-siblings are supposed to act. We make our way down to where the ceremony is being held. The family has started to arrive and find their places. It's far more relaxed than a big budget wedding, which helps take off some of the stress. My mom squeezes my hand. I am going to walk her down the aisle. We wait to stand in the small lobby right next to the outdoor area, where chairs are set up in rows and a small wedding arch is in the grass. The view of the forest and hills are pretty behind it and makes for the perfect backdrop. People find their seats; its finally time for the ceremony. I haven't seen James yet and my stomach is already in a ball of knots. My mom takes my arm as we begin to walk. Some workers open the door for us. The sun shines down in the early morning, warming the patio. Familiar and unfamiliar faces turn to face us with smiles, but I am glued to James. He stands next to his father in a steel gray suit, with a navy blue tie. His deep brown eyes gaze at mine and slightly sparkle in the sun. The suit is tight across his broad chest and arms. I think I might faint, he looks so hot. We stand across from one another near the wedding arch, where an officiator takes over the ceremony. Our eyes hunger over one another. I can feel his gaze piercing through this shift of a dress to my naked body, but I don't feel ashamed. I want him to see me completely. The hot burning in my legs fills every part of me. I feel so awake and ready for him. I try to focus on the ceremony but it seems almost impossible. How can I do anything when he is here looking at me? I take a deep breath and silently pray that the ceremony will be over with soon so I can return to my normal life without my sexy stepbrother hovering around me, and he can go back to where ever he goes and then it will be over.

After the ceremony, the reception follows for a late lunch, early dinner. James and I sit on either side of our parents during the meal. I can sense him though, every movement he makes I am super aware. Every so often, while we eat, we glance at one another, but our eye contact doesn't last. It’s as though we have some shameful secret I think to myself.

Andwe haven't even fucked yet.

Jesus, it's a good thing. I try to remind myself it is a good thing and not just what I should be thinking. Our parents finally have their first dance, and now they no longer separate the space between us. I take a long sip of my drink avoiding eye contact now that having a conversation is unavoidable.

"You look lovely," he says. I almost choke on the glass. Now we are suddenly acting so formal.

"In this?" I say slightly shocked. I am basically wearing a paper bag. He smiles.

"Of course in that."

I shake my head.

"Than you must be blind."

He laughs tilting his head back and gently touching the stem of his drink.

"Our parents look happy, together."

I glance over at the pair twirling in the center of the room to some classic love song from the seventies.

"They do look really happy." I suppose this going better than I thought it would.

"Do you think that they would be upset if they found out we were sleeping together?"

I almost choke again, but this time I am not drinking anything.

"What?" I cough out and sputter. He turns to face me and leans over to me across the two empty chairs. My eyes dart around the room. Is anyone else seeing this - or is it just me? No. Everyone is watching our parents in their newlywed bliss.

"I asked, about your opinions with our parents knowing that we are sleeping together."

"Well - we aren't sleeping together, so I don't see-"

"Yet," he nods.


"We aren't sleeping together yet."

His deep voice sends my body into slight shivers. I should pull back now while I am ahead, and steer away from him, but I can't. There's something about him. He flashes me a smile, and I suddenly feel like I've known him for years.

"And what makes you think that I would want to fuck my step brother?" I ask; my voice raises the word fuck. He smiles.

"I just get this feeling?" I notice his legs slightly drift apart, probably to give room to the erection, I can see starting to rise between his legs and bulge in his pants. I bite my bottom lip. He is not the only one very turned on.

"Well - I think that you are wrong," I say slowly.




He's closer to me, sitting in my mother's chair, leaning forward. I can feel the heat from his body drifting off his and onto mine. I can barely handle the eroticism. My legs clench together, and I chew on my fingernail ferociously to give my mouth something to do besides wanting to kiss him.

"Because we are like family now," I say fast and underneath my breath. I suddenly become aware of every person in the room.

"But that's a logistics thing. We aren't really family." He drags out the word family and raises his eyebrows. "We just met. We aren't related. So I don't see why this is an issue?"

"So then, what are you proposing exactly?" I ask. "Because I disagree that there is no issue."

His hand runs through his light brown hair pushing it off his forehead. He looks so casual and calm, like this is some normal routine.

"I'm not sure...I just know what I want."

We stare at one another. The music ends and people begin to clap and cheer. I turn fast, and my hands clap harder together. I use the end of the dance, to get a break. The tension between us is so much, I can barely handle it. The music picks up again and now other people join in to celebrate.

"But how do you know what I want? Maybe I don't want to have sex with you," I say softly, shooting him a glare. This surprises him. He rubs his hand against his perfect jawline, touching the stubble.

"How about you come back to my room and we can discuss what you want?" he says with a smirk. I laugh out loud. It's a nervous laugh because my body is screaming yes to go with him, but my brain is reminding me that it's our parent's wedding and leaving early would be shameful and wrong. And on top of that he is officially my step brother. If I go with him now, it might be impossible to stop.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm here for my mom." Something about this connection is so strange and powerful. I try to gain control, but I feel like I have a buzz from talking to him. I stand up awkwardly. He looks surprised.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere where you can't seduce me anymore."

He smiles and takes a sip from his glass. My mouth waters as I watch him like he is some meal I know I shouldn't eat but want to so badly. I am standing now and would look stupid if I sat back down next to him. And without saying another word I walk down to the dance floor and out to the bathroom. Its empty inside of the single toilet bathroom. The kind that is set up to look like a bathroom in your house. I stare at my reflection. My make up has already started to smear and it's not even late. I rub underneath my eyes. I hear the doorknob shake.

"Just a second," I shout out. It stops and I fuss with my face until I am satisfied with my appearance. I walk over to open the door, but James is standing in the doorway. He smiles.

"Hey," he whispers and then in one swift movement, he slides into the bathroom, pushing me back in. He grabs me from around the hips, pulls me in and kisses me. Our lips meet and his mouth is so warm. His tongue gently slides between my lips and I feel my heart thudding deep in my chest. That warmness reappears inside of me and takes over. He kisses me again and again until I am swelling. I push against him, letting my body ride onto his and rock my hips up into him. He suddenly pulls back. He licks his lips fast and smiles wide.

"I don't know what is happening," he says, "but I want you more than anything...more than anything I have ever craved."

"Just shut up," I say to him, bringing his mouth back to mine. I know if we talk about it, then I might start to think and talk rational, and then I might just walk away. I don’t want that!

The small confines of the bathroom begin to heat up. He holds me against the wall. My hands attack his body. They travel up and down on his chest, feeling his muscles and definition. He wastes no time either, pawing at the ugly gray dress and reaching underneath it to where my wet chasm awaits. Usually, I would think things are moving way too fast, but for some reason, it feels so right. I whimper as his fingers find my clit and bury my mouth in his shoulder to stifle the sounds coming out of my mouth as he touches me. No one has ever made me feel this good, just by touching me. Fuck. I think I want to have sex with my step brother.