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Sevensome: A Forbidden Snow White Fairy Tale by Alexis Angel, Abby Angel (6)



Falling back on the mattress, I sprawl my limbs and take a deep breath. Just a few hours ago I was in the palace, safely hidden inside my bedroom, and now here I am, somewhere in a fortress deep in the Lost Wood.

Not that I can complain; despite the military austerity of this hideaway, I’ve been given chambers that rival those of the palace. Maybe my father kept this place just because of a situation like this, a hidden camp where he could regroup in case something happened to the kingdom? That’s probably why I’ve never heard of it.

Sitting up on the bed, I swing my legs off the mattress and look at the door to my side. It’s open, and it seems to lead into an ample bathroom. On the walnut chest at the end of the bed, someone left me a folded cotton towel, pants, a shirt, and a jacket. Well, it seems that my days of beauty pageants are over—out goes the princess dress, in comes the Rebel outfit.

If the situation wasn’t so dire, it’d be almost funny to think about what happened to me. Princess one day, running for my life the next...Well, at least I have the protection of the Seven Freedom Fighters, probably the most handsome men of the Kingdom. I wonder if being as handsome as they are is a kind of prerequisite to enlist in the Special Forces, or wherever the hell these guys came from.

“I’m so screwed,” I whisper to myself, sighing heavily as I remember the situation the country’s in. And, really, how wise is it for me to put my life in the hands of seven men I barely know? Sure, they’re hot and all that, but you can’t read political intrigue from a man’s chiseled jaw.

I have to admit, though, all this adrenaline kinda makes me excited...Sure, beauty pageants and parties might be nice, but it all gets a bit tiring after a while. But this...this is new and dangerous. Yeah, it’s one mess of a situation, but at least I’m trying to look at the bright side.

Thinking of the way Richard held me in the Lost Wood, I throw myself back on top of the mattress. God, I threw my fists against his chest and it felt as if I was punching a concrete wall...a very sexy concrete wall. I know it might be wrong to think of stuff like this right now, but I can’t help it. After all, my betrothed interrupted my moment of relaxation back at the palace.

“Mm,” I sigh, replaying in my mind the moment all seven men encircled me in the Lost Wood, the long shadows of the decaying tree branches making them look like wild creatures. But, more than wild creatures, they looked like Men—and yeah, the capital M is on purpose.

Broad-shouldered and with a serious expression, they came for me silently. If they hadn’t jumped out the shadows, I’d have ran past them without ever noticing them. But they grabbed me and, Jesus, I was terrified when it happened. Even when Richard told me who they were, I couldn’t dispel that terror completely. I mean, there I was in the middle of the woods, surrounded by seven men I didn't have a chance of overpowering...They could've done anything they wanted to me, and all I’d be able to do would be to protest, which between you and me, I might not even have done at all.

God, I must be crazy to even think like this...but they’re so hot, I simply can’t control myself.

Biting down on my lower lip, I slide one hand down the front of my dress and, without a moment’s hesitation, press it against the wetness growing between my thighs. “Mm,” I sigh, flicking my wrist and moving my hand back and forth.

Imagining the way the seven of them would handle me, I then slide my hand under the hemline of my dress. The moment I feel my fingers brushing against the drenched fabric of my thong, I simply flick it to the side. With two fingertips now pressed against my clit, I start rubbing it while my mind starts spinning at full speed.

Would I even be able to handle the sight of seven naked bodies like these? No, my brain would probably explode the moment the clothes left their bodies. But, ah, even if that happened, wouldn’t it be such a sweet way to have my brain explode?

Now moaning, I slide one finger inside my wet pussy, pushing it past my inner lips. Fingering myself while I keep my thumb firmly pressed against my clit, I let a parade of sinful images waltz behind my eyelids. I imagine their naked bodies surrounding me, their large hands tearing my dress apart, their big cocks standing up to salute me...

“Oh, God,” I whisper, my voice strained. I already feel my muscles tensing up, my breathing becoming more ragged with each passing second...And my fingers are moving faster now, hard at work.

I finally snap when I slide one more finger in, curling it upward until it meets my G-spot. Once that happens, my tense muscles start to twitch, and my eyes feel as if they’re rolling in their orbits. There’s a wildfire raging inside my head and, God, it feels so good!

Panting, I slide my fingers out of my pussy and, still with my eyes closed, I try to catch my breath. My lungs are working overtime to get the air in, and even my heart seems to be working a double shift right now. I’m an experienced gal but, even though I just used my hand, this was probably one of the most intense orgasms of my life.

It kinda makes you wonder what would happen if the real thing happened, doesn’t it?

Funny thing though, Prince Gladrell was nowhere to be found in my fantasy. I guess that even a prince doesn’t stand a chance when you have seven sexy gods at your disposal, huh?