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Angelbound THRAX by Christina Bauer (14)

Chapter Fourteen

I race to the end of the hallway and pause. Another thing I learned from demon patrol: never go into an unknown area without checking first.

Time to check.

With maximum stealth, I take a careful look around the corner. Crud. A pair of Razor Guards blocks the next passageway. One of them is wearing a composite bow strapped across his back. Evil Lincoln mentioned that before. A composite bow means that guard can shoot one of Ethan’s black arrows and send me to who knows where. Not good.

I step away so I’m back in the main hallway. Leaning against the wall, I press my palms against my eyes and think. There must be some way to get past the guards and keep going to the labs. My thoughts speed through various options.

Hey, guys, Albinia told me I could come check out the labs.

Bad idea. Even if Albinia was supposed to show me the labs, chances are, she wouldn’t let me go there alone. Maybe I could try a more dramatic entrance.

Run for your lives! Fire!

I consider that choice and toss it aside just as quickly. Totally won’t work. There are no actual alarms going off, and I don’t know how to start them, either. I ponder going for my classic approach in cases like this.

Eat death!

Much as I love that classic line, I really shouldn’t kill anyone who isn’t attacking. For all I know, these guards could be good people stuck in bad jobs. Plus, there’s another thing that I need to stay wary of here on Earth. Guns. These guards probably have them. Although my body armor could deflect them, I still have never done much battle training with human armaments.

Honestly? I’ve done no battle training with human armaments. That’s another rule of thrax demon patrol. Avoid situations with the unexpected. It will always bite you in the ass.

My words, not theirs.

Most importantly, it’s one thing for me to jump into a fight without knowing what to expect. It’s another thing to do it while I’m pregnant. Nope, eat death is not an option either. I just have to think of something else.

At last, the perfect solution appears.

Closing my eyes, I command the threads of my Scala robes to change into a different form. This time, instead of battle gear, I ask them to become the shape of the white hazmat suits I saw in my last vision of Lincoln. These things have a small slit in the plastic helmet that acts as a visor. That should hide my identity pretty well, even if these guards were shown a picture of me as the Queen or Great Scala.

My heart thuds harder in my chest. This will work. It has to.

Once the change is complete, I stroll around the corner with a sense of purpose. As I’ve learned from showing up to school late, the worst thing you can do when you’re sneaking around is look like you’re, well, sneaking around. Over years, I’ve mastered the art of the determined walk.

Every step I move past the guards seems to happen in slow motion.




The Razor Guards look me over, but don’t stop me or say a word.


At the other end of this corridor, I see another figure in a hazmat suit. Based on the frame, I’m guessing it’s a man. Hazmat Guy has a set of those funky binoculars hanging from a black cord around his neck and turns toward the wall.

Double yes!

I saw this routine before when Albinia got us into the labs in the first place. Hazmat Guy is opening a door. With any luck, it’s a door that leads to a laboratory.

It takes everything I have not to run full out, but somehow I’m able to control myself. I sidle up behind Hazmat Guy and keep working my casual vibe, like, hey, I just went to get coffee and don’t feel like using my binoculars if you’re opening up the lab anyway kind of thing. Fortunately, Hazmat Guy is so focused on his binoculars, he doesn’t really notice me.

I keep trying to work my casual vibe, but the clear visor part of my helmet is starting to fog up from body heat. Lincoln might be inside this very laboratory. Talk about your stressful situations.

For a time, Hazmat Guy fiddles with the dials on his binoculars. I notice that he’s facing a stretch of wall right beside a one-way mirror…just like Albinia described before. It’s hard to see past the tinted mirror at this angle, but I do see that the room beyond is white.

This is the lab, definitely.

My tail whips behind me in an anxious rhythm. Come on, Hazmat Guy! Open the fricking door already.

The guards at the other end of the hall take notice. “Having trouble, Felton?” They take a few steps closer.

Unholy Hell.

Hazmat Guy—I mean Felton—waves them off. “Dials are stuck,” he calls. “Give me a second.” At last, Felton turns a few more gears on his binoculars and—BINGO—a door appears. Like the one Albinia revealed, it’s an oval doorway set flush into the smooth wall. Once it’s visible, the guards stop moving and go back to their post. Whew.

Felton presses his hand against the door, and it slides away, revealing the laboratory beyond.

My heart beats so hard, I feel the pulse in my neck. Could this be where they’re holding Lincoln? I know it’s crazy to hope that I’d get that lucky, but I can’t help it.

Felton steps forward; I follow. The door slides shut behind us with a soft hiss. Once inside, what I see makes me gasp. It’s another all-white room with curved walls. That’s not what stuns me, though.

In the center of the room is another table covered in a curved glass top. If getting into the lime kiln reminded me of Hansel and Gretel, then this scene is definitely a high-tech version of Snow White. That table could totally pass for a glass coffin. Only instead of seeing through the clear covering to see a sleeping princess inside, I can’t make out squat on this thing. The insides are filled with dark smoke.

There are two canisters positioned behind the table, one black and one red. A tangle of plastic tubing snakes out from these metal columns in order to connect to the bottom of the glass covering. On reflex, I step closer. Is someone inside that glass? Every corner of my soul freezes.

Have I found my Angelbound love?

I want to rush over, but Felton steps into my path while yelling his head off. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

I glare at him. Whoever this guy is, he’s the only thing standing between me and what might be Lincoln. My instincts tell me to just skewer the dude through the chest with my tail, but with all that smoke inside the case on that table? Felton might be the only one who can get rid of it without hurting whoever is inside.

If anyone is inside, that is.

Time for me to lie my ass off. This isn’t necessarily my strong suit, but for Lincoln, I’ll do my best.

I just hope it’s good enough.