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Angelbound THRAX by Christina Bauer (23)

Chapter Twenty-Three

This is terrible.

Lincoln and I are at Ethan’s mercy. Now, he’s got some souped-up ambulance tooling across LaGuardia, ready to take us away so he can drain our angelic energy. Only in my case, he’ll do that after the baby is born so he can ruin our son’s life too.

What a disaster.

The ambulance careens across the tarmac. Something about the way it zigzags seems way too familiar. Squinting, I try to make out the driver. It’s a Razor Guard, but some blonde curls peep out from under the Nazi-style cap.

Could that be?

The ambulance clips the back fender of a Humvee. I’ve seen that move before. No question about it. That’s definitely Cissy behind the wheel. She’s always been a crappy driver.

The ambulance pulls up beside us. The back door pops open, and someone else who looks like a Razor Guard steps out. Only it’s definitely not a Razor Guard. How do I know this? The top of a monkey tail is peeping out from inside his jacket.

That’s definitely Zeke.

Sure, his face is covered with bandages, but I’ve known the guy since kindergarten. I blink hard and try to process this turn of events.

Somehow, Cissy and Zeke took over an ambulance and found themselves some disguises. Cool relief seeps through my chest.

I officially have the best friends in the universe.

That said, I also have an army of Razor Guards and Ethan to deal with, but at least I’ve got backup.

Ethan keeps glaring at me. I don’t mind because that means he hasn’t noticed Cissy or Zeke. Ethan gestures to the open door. “Get inside.”

I take care to look especially miserable—it involves lots of sniffling—as I mope my ass in to the ambulance. Lincoln follows in right behind me. The interior of the vehicle is pretty standard stuff. There’s a cot on one wall and a bunch of drawers and tech on the other. Lincoln and I park on the cot. Once were both settled, Zeke steps in as well, slams the door shut, and pounds on the wall with his fist. “Move it out.”

The ambulance lurches forward. Once we’re a safe distance away, I turn to Zeke. “Nice disguise.”

He pulls down the bandages to expose his eyes. “I thought you couldn’t tell.”

“Meh. I’m just that great of an actress.” I lean forward. “Tell me. How did you guys do it?”

Zeke crouches on the floor beside our cot. “When you disappeared, Cissy and I knew something had gone wrong. We snooped and found out they were setting up this ambulance for a special pair of prisoners. After that, the rest was easy.”

Up close, I can see the bruises on Zeke’s face. Blood drips from his fingertips. It wasn’t all that easy. “Thanks, Zeke. That means a lot.”

Zeke notices how my gaze locks on his bleeding. He quickly jams his hand under his arm. “I’ll be fine, Myla.”

Cissy calls over her shoulder. “There’s a checkpoint up ahead.” By the quavering tone in her voice, I can tell that my bestie isn’t sure how to pass this one. “Need your lust demon mojo, hun.”

“Be right there.” Zeke pulls the bandages over his face again. “I’ve been working my lust demon magic all day. I swear, once we get back to Purgatory, I’ll sleep for a year.” He squeezes through the small opening between the back of the cab and takes a seat next to Cissy.

I turn my attention to Lincoln. “How are you feeling?”

He lets out a low cough. “I’ve been better. You?”

“Ask me when we’re out of here.”

My heart starts thudding a mile a minute as the ambulance rolls to a stop. Leaning forward, I get a good peep out the windshield. We’re at the end of a runway lined with tech. Before us, there are a bunch of empty runways followed by a small guardhouse. It’s a pretty classic setup as guardhouses go: a small black structure for the guard, along with a wooden arm that swings up when you can leave. Beyond that, I see the highway and freedom.

We’re so close.

All we need to do is pass this guard and checkpoint. And avoid Ethan and his Razor Guards until we can reach a Pulpitum, but one thing at a time.

Cissy slows down beside the guardhouse. A regular human guard steps up to the ambulance window. “No one is supposed to leave by this exit.” She goes up on tiptoe. “But you’re the special case I heard about from HQ, eh?”

Hope sparks in my chest.

The guard is a woman. Considering Zeke’s specialty, that should be good for us.

“We totally have clearance,” says Cissy. “Just let us go.”

“Really?” asks the guard. “What’s the password?”

Zeke leans across the front seat. “Hey, kitten.” Even from the back of the ambulance, I can feel Zeke sending out waves of lust demon power.

The female guard stares at him like he grew three heads. “Kitten?” Her eyes narrow. “Only my wife calls me that, buddy.”

Hells bells. She’s not into men.

This is so very, very bad for us.

The guard moves to stand right in front of the ambulance, aka blocking our exit past the swing-arm and onto the main street. “Wait right here.” She pulls a cell phone from her pocket. “Guard CK-90, requesting backup.”

“Change of plans!” Cissy puts the ambulance in reverse and peels away from the guard station.

I lean forward on the cot. “Cissy, be careful!” She really is a crappy driver, as evidenced by the fact that we start doing a donut on the tarmac.

“I don’t know where I’m going!” calls Cissy.

Craning my neck, I scope out the airport through the front windshield. “It’s all right, Cis. There’s another guard station on the other side of the airport.” I point to the spot in question. “As long as there’s no one dumb enough to stand in front of it, we can break through the arm and get out of here.”

“Right. Good. We’re off.” Cissy punches the accelerator, and I fall back onto my bum. Still, it could be worse.

As we tool across the tarmac, the squeal of tires and whoop of sirens sounds behind us. That human guard just called in the cavalry.

Okay, it’s definitely worse.

Lincoln takes my hand and guides me to lean back onto the cot. “Myla, listen to me. We may not escape. We may have to go back to the laboratory.”

For a moment, I can only stare at Lincoln in shocked silence. What’s wrong with him? Did they torture all the fight from his soul? I give his hand a gentle pat. “Have a little faith.” I hitch my thumb toward the windshield. “We’re only a three runways away from the other gate…and getting ourselves out of here.” I cross my fingers. My tail crosses itself, which I appreciate as well.

Come on, Cissy.

Lincoln shakes his head. “I wanted to say something before, but there wasn’t time. It’s just so great to be back together, and I love you so much.”

My mouth falls open. Lincoln must have gotten his brains scrambled in that lab. Any warrior worth his salt knows the rules: you do not start with gooey love-you talk in the middle of an escape.

The whump-whump of helicopters sounds overhead. My pulse goes through the roof. Souped-up motorcycles appear, approaching us from both sides of the ambulance. Cissy swerves left and right to avoid them. A bunch of wires and stuff break loose from the wall of meds before us. It’s a small price to pay.

Only two more runways to go.

Lincoln grips my hand. “You must understand. If we must go back, it might not be the end of the world. We’d be together. Isn’t that the most important thing of all?”

I scrunch up my nose into my you’re acting crazy face. “What do you mean? Do you need to lay down or something?” An odd chill creeps up my spine.

Something is wrong here. Very wrong.

Cissy calls from the driver’s seat. “One more runway!”

“You’re doing great, babe,” says Zeke.

Lincoln cups my face in his hands. “Look, I’m serious. Ethan’s work is important. They need you and the baby to finish it.”

My breath catches. Inch by inch, I examine every line of Lincoln’s face. The skin under his left eye is drooping.

Oh, damn. He’s a clone.

Or maybe he just got his brains temporarily zapped out in the laboratory. A girl can hope, right?

I grip Maybe Lincoln’s wrists and pull them down from my face. “Where was our first kiss?”

“Myla.” A muscle twitches along his jawline.

“Answer me.”

Our first kiss was almost in the honeymoon palace, but you were too damned suspicious.”

My heart sinks. An almost-kiss in the honeymoon palace? This is even worse. I not only rescued a clone, I rescued the original Evil Lincoln.

Hells bells.

I shake my head. “I should have guessed. That whole rescue was too easy. There were no guards at first, and then? A Felton clone waltzes right out of the lab.” I want to face-palm myself. Hard.

“We’re almost there!” Cissy’s voice quivers with excitement.

That’s when the biggest, baddest helicopter in the universe plunks down from the sky to block our path. It hovers right before us as its guns angle straight at our windshield. Cissy slams on the brakes, and we screech to a halt.

A voice comes over the chopper’s loudspeaker. “Hold your hands up, and we won’t shoot.”

Cissy calls over her shoulder. “Myla, should we—”

“You can’t drive into an attack helicopter. And based on the noises, we’re surrounded. Don’t risk your lives any more than you have already.”

Zeke takes Cissy’s hand, and together they raise their arms. It’s so sweet, and it makes me feel guilty as Hell for dragging them into this. I turn to Evil Lincoln. “I hate you.”

He sniffs. “We wanted you to do this willingly. It will be tricky to keep you sedated through the whole pregnancy. Ethan thought that since I knew you the best, I might be able to convince you—”

“Fat chance.”

“I’m starting to see that.” Evil Lincoln rubs his jaw, and it makes the skin under his eyes droop more. “You should do this willingly. It’s safer for you and the baby.”

At that moment, the back of the ambulance swings open. Ethan stands before me again, looking like a deranged and baby-faced gas station attendant. “You ruined my special day, Myla Lewis.”

“Good.” My tail pops up to give Ethan a modified version of a nasty hand gesture.

“How sweet,” snarls Ethan. “Now, let’s take you to your real husband, shall we? With you along as motivation, I know he’ll surrender the rest of his soul. How I hate to lose any more power simply because he refuses to cooperate. But with his wife and child at risk? I think we’ll achieve a far better result.”

Icy dread fills my body. “You wouldn’t.”

Ethan simply grins his Chiclet smile. He totally would.

There’s no way in Hell I’m going to be used as bait to drain my husband’s soul. Rising to my feet, I’m about to bolt and try to escape on foot when I feel the cold barrel of a gun at my neck. That would be Evil Lincoln. He’s at it again. “Come along, wifey.”

“Bite me, creep.”

“And don’t think about changing your little robes again. We know how to puncture anything. If not with a gun, with a needle.”

There’s nothing I can say to that. I already found out that Ethan can drug me even through my body armor. I simply have to follow along and hope for an opportunity to escape.

Ethan points at Zeke and Cissy. “You two. We have reports of someone visiting the CHUCK tent and hacking in to get access to equipment.”

Cissy’s eyes go super large. She appears mega innocent as she asks: “Who’s CHUCK?”

Ethan huffs out a frustrated breath. “Please. Everyone knows CHUCK is the supercomputer that runs Hunter Enterprises.”

Zeke raises his hand. “I didn’t know that.”

“Someone visited the display tent for CHUCK, hacked into the system, and rerouted some equipment. A few of our guards were injured. Know anything about that?”

Zeke slips his injured hand deeper under his armpit. “Nope.”

“Someone locked down our systems with a new password. Know anything about that either?”

There’s no mistaking the proud gleam in Cissy’s eyes. “Wow, whoever that was must be an excellent hacker. Like a natural genius or something.” My girl knows she’s caught and is just living the moment. That’s my Cis.

Ethan’s face reddens with rage. “Both of you are going right back to the CHUCK tent and fixing whatever you did. In return, I promise your death will not be painful.”

My hand pops over my mouth. “I’m so sorry.” Cissy and Zeke came here to help me, and now they’re in worse trouble than ever.

Cissy gives me a sad smile before lifting her chin and turning to Ethan. “I’m still not sure what you’re talking about with this CHUCK thing, but I’ll take a look.” Together, she and Zeke crawl out of the front cab. I watch the Razor Guards take them off into the night. My heart sinks. What have I done?

Evil Lincoln leans in closer. “There’s still time to join our side, you know.”

When I answer him, I make sure to have my eyes flare red with demonic rage. “Never.”

Ethan knocks on the back metal door of the ambulance, grabbing my attention. “Time to get out.” Ethan pulls a gun from the pocket of his gas station attendant uniform and points it right at my stomach. “Now.”

Every nerve ending in my body goes on alert. Not only is Ethan pointing a gun at me, but he has dozens of Razor Guards around him as well. Not to mention whatever weaponry Evil Lincoln may be hiding, and that guy is right beside me.

This is it. Game over.

My mind reels as I crawl out of the ambulance and into a living nightmare. My husband’s still missing, and now I’m about to turn MIA as well. Plus, since everyone in the after-realms already thinks I’m dead, no one will come searching for me.

Crap on a cracker.