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Angelbound THRAX by Christina Bauer (29)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The air outside the tent fills with the rhythmic thud of helicopter rotors. The ground rumbles as more tanks roll out. Ethan laughs as his mini jets speed across the tent. The noses of each plane turn deadly sharp. Ethan’s plan becomes clear.

He’s going to try to stab us with his stupid flying toys.

Bring it on.

I command my Scala robes to expand out. For a second, the threads jut forward like a thousand tiny needles. Within the span of a heartbeat, they’ve torn off all my Razor Guard gear. After that, I make the threads to reform into the shape of battle gear. The process takes less than a few seconds, and then, I’m back in my chosen battle gear. What can I say? I want to go into this final fight as the Great Scala.

Once my gear is set, I shift my weight onto the balls of my feet. My tail arches behind me, ready to fight. Lincoln races forward, jumps into the air, and grabs two jets. He crushes them in his fists and drags them down. It reminds me of how King Kong takes down planes that go after him. Only replace King Kong with a really hot guy in a long black coat, and that’s pretty much the scene here.

And of course, the hotness factor isn’t missed by me. My lust demon side never sleepeth.

The planes stop attacking. All the tiny vehicles hover in place. Lincoln and Ethan lock gazes. I maneuver to stand before my guy. “Wondering what happened? It seems like your attempts to drain Lincoln’s angelic nature changed how he interacts with your magic metal. We’ll give you one chance to surrender without dying.” I gesture to the screen and computer console behind me. “There must be some way for you to shut this whole mess down. Do it and you can live.”

Ethan ignores me, the creep. Instead he focuses on Lincoln. “Do you know what really happened to my parents?”

Lincoln narrows his eyes. “What are you talking about?”

“You’ve felt guilty your whole life for the demons that possessed my parents and killed my sister.”

A muscle tics along Lincoln’s jawline, but he doesn’t reply.

“Of course, he felt responsible,” I say. “You’ve been manipulating him about that for years.”

“Well, it wasn’t your fault.” The way Ethan keeps grinning, I have a feeling we won’t like what’s coming after this. “Years ago, I met an agent of Armageddon’s on demon patrol, and we made a little deal.”

Lincoln’s face pales. “You let your parents become possessed?”

“Quite right. And I booby-trapped the transfer station so they could get into Antrum while you thought it was your mistake. You all dismissed me as a warrior, but Armageddon thought I had potential. We had a deal to try to take over Earth and remake the thrax. It was almost ruined when Adair made her own deal with Armageddon, but fortunately, she failed. Once I discovered you were pregnant, I knew my time had come. Between the three of you, I would have enough angelic power to make my dream a reality. And I will still drain you, mark my words. One day, my Razor Guards will have so much angelic energy, they’ll be able to render humans quiet and easily controlled.”

When Lincoln speaks, his voice is deadly low. “So, that’s a ‘no’ on surrendering?”

Ethan rolls his eyes. “Correct. I will never give in to you. The only reason I’ve paused your demise is to ensure you realize how complete your failure has been all these years. You blamed yourself so deeply for my family’s death.” He sets his hand over his heart. “I hope the truth doesn’t upset you.”

Lincoln’s eyes gleam with rage. “That’s a ‘no’ on surrendering. Got it.” My guy holds a jet in each hand. He curls his fists more tightly. The metal crinkles as Lincoln crumples it into a short baton. Smashing his fists together, Lincoln meshes the two planes into a longer structure.

My brows lift. Lincoln is making a sword, maybe. Or a bat. I wish he could just make a baculum, but those can only be crafted by pure-blooded angels over a period of many years. Long story.

But whatever Lincoln is making, I’m down with this plan.

Ethan roars with rage. The miniature planes zoom toward us once again. I bat them away with my tail, but there are hundreds of these things, and only two of us. A knife-like jet slams into my thigh. The threads of my Scala robes strain, but don’t break. Not yet.

More jets come at me, each one focusing on the same spots over and over. One comes at my stomach in slow motion. I fall down into a fetal position. I can’t risk a body blow with pregnancy.

“Stay down, Myla,” calls Lincoln. “The metal doesn’t hurt me.”

I peek through my fingers. Sure enough, the black metal planes slam into his body, Kong style. Lincoln keeps a steady path toward Ethan. He plucks more jets from the air, crashing them together into a makeshift spear. Ethan shifts his focus entirely to Lincoln, assuming I’m going to cower in a corner of the rest of the battle.

Bad assumption.

I start crawling under the long tables, making my way toward Ethan. Meanwhile, Lincoln launches his makeshift spear. The weapon strikes Ethan straight through his shoulder. Ethan roars again, but this time in pain.

I’m tempted to yell out, Nice toss, honey, but I’m making good progress sneaking under the tables. In a few seconds, I’ll be within striking distance. There’s no way that I want Ethan catching on to what I’m up to.

Ethan pulls out the spear from his shoulder. Lincoln’s grabbed a few more planes and is starting to form a new weapon.

What happens next seems to take place in slow-motion. While I rush at Ethan, our enemy takes out a gun, points the muzzle at Lincoln, and fires. The boom of the weapon cracks through the air like thunder. The bullet strikes my guy in the gut. Lincoln curls forward. It seems to take forever for him to fall onto the ground.

Pure, white-hot rage tears through me. I leap out from under the table and tackle Ethan. Now, I know I’ve been trying to act more and more Queenly. But seeing someone shoot my Lincoln? It sends my demonic self into overdrive. And in retrospect, being Queenly doesn’t mean acting like a priss twenty-four seven. It means leading your people with a vision. And I can certainly lead while flattening someone who shot at my husband.

Straddling Ethan’s chest, I wrap my hands around his throat and pound his skull against the ground. “You shot my Lincoln! You shot my Lincoln!”

Ethan writhes beneath me, gasping for breath.

A hand rests on my shoulder. I look up. It’s Lincoln and he’s grinning. “The gun had black metal bullets.” He raises a fresh spear over his shoulder. “May I?”

I release Ethan’s throat and stand. As he gasps for breath on the ground, Lincoln stands over him. “I am Lincoln Vidar Osric Aquilus, King of the Thrax, and Consort to the Great Scala. In executing the law of the Arbiter, I hereby sentence you for the murder of your family. I also release all the humans of Earth from your lies and black magic. The sentence for all these crimes is death.” Lincoln stabs the spear through Ethan’s heart.

Ethan’s face contorts in one last look of rage. After that, his features turn slack. His body stops moving.

He’s dead.

With Ethan’s death, the computer monitor behind us comes to life. A dozen warnings flash across the screen. Outside, a prerecorded voice sounds from all the loudspeakers. “System malfunction. All Razor Guards no longer operational. System malfunction. All Razor Guards no longer operational. Autopilot commencing. Autopilot commencing.”

The whir of tanks falls silent. The thud of helicopter rotors takes a steady rhythm, like they are hovering place. The same goes for the roar of jet engines. All the humans, who had been quietly standing about the tarmac, now start screaming their heads off. Whatever spell Ethan cast must have died with him. Everyone is freaking the hell out.

“There’s a dead demon on the runway.”

“Who’s flying those planes?”

“The helicopters! The planes! They’re about to crash!”

Lincoln and I share a look.

“Ethan told us about this,” I say. “He said his death would get rid of the Razor Guards. It also took his black magic off the metal—”

Lincoln finishes my thought. “But although Ethan’s magic has vanished, the machines are still here.” Lincoln tilts his head, listening. “They’re all in hover mode.

“How long can those things go on autopilot?” My hand pops over my mouth. “And how much stuff did he have in the air over New York?”

“Too much,” says Lincoln.

I stare at Ethan’s body. That bastard. He planned this out so if he died, he’d take half of New York with him.

I press my fists against my temples. Think, Myla. Think, think.

There must be something we can do.

This time, there’s just too much at stake. Not the least of which is the fact that if the planes and choppers come down, Lincoln and I will be the first targets.


I’m out of things to try. This is really it. I lock gazes with Lincoln. At least, we’ll die together. I only wish I had a chance to be a better ruler to my people. Another thought appears.

And a better friend to Iggy. I never gave him a proper goodbye.

Suddenly, the warmth on my hand returns. Looking down, I see that it isn’t a mirage this time.

Iggy is here. Yes.