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Angelbound THRAX by Christina Bauer (27)

Chapter Twenty-Seven

We follow the passageways for what seems like hours, although I’m sure it’s only a few minutes. At last, we reach a dead-end wall with a round door set into the middle. It’s not a huge thing as doors go, and something about it reminds me of the Touch The Tech event. I run my fingertips over the arched metal surface. That’s when it hits me.

“A tank.” I grip the round handle. “This must lead to a tank.”

Lincoln tilts his head. “What makes you say that? Aren’t tank doors generally on the top of the vehicle?”

“You saw how Ethan’s magic changed gravity before. Plus, the last portal I used was a port-a-potty at LaGuardia. The door always looked like a port-a-potty, even from this side.” I pat the round handle. “This door looks like it leads to a tank.”

“Touch The Tech.” Lincoln nods slowly. “My guards were talking about it.”

“For the record, you have really blabby guards.”

Lincoln gives me a sly smile. “Every last one is a clone of Ethan, and that man was always a motor mouth.”


Lincoln rubs his chin. “Do you remember where the tanks were?”

“Sure. The far right runway.” While we’d been running along, Lincoln had quizzed me on everything I could remember about the layout of LaGuardia.

The intercom system buzzes to life again. Cissy’s voice sounds once more. “All personnel, prepare for attack. All personnel, prepare for attack.”

“There.” I point to the nearest speaker. “Does that sound like Cissy or what?” Lincoln had been a little distracted last time, so he didn’t really notice the voice in the Armageddon clone room.

“It does sound like her.” Lincoln rubs his chin. “You said they took her and Zeke to the main computer system?”

“Yes, there was an access point to the master system set up at one of the tents at LaGuardia.”

The voice sounds again. “Leave me alone. No!”

My skin freezes over with shock. “Okay, that was definitely Cissy and it sounds like she’s in trouble.”

“We need to get out of here,” says Lincoln.

“Right.” At this point, I’m wearing a green high-collared shirt, jodhpurs, and tall black boots. I have bandages jammed in my pocket, just in case I need to hide my face again. It feels creepy to walk around with my face bandaged up, even if it is a better disguise. Lincoln’s in full Razor Guard gear. He’d lost his hat in the vortex, but found a replacement along the journey here.

Lincoln grips the round handle and starts turning it clockwise. “I’ll go in first. Ethan could have one of his Razor Guards in the tank.”

“Agreed.” Before, I noticed a lot of guards outside the tanks and such, but no one was in there, waiting to start things up. That said, it’s better to be cautious.

Lincoln finishes spinning the handle and pulls up on the small round door. It opens a crack. A stream of stale air whooshes into the hallway. Lincoln pauses, listening. I’ve no doubt that if anyone is in there, he can hear their breathing or whatever.

“It’s clear,” says Lincoln.

Stepping up, I peer into the opened portal and frown. Sure enough, the portal is in the wall, but it looks like we’re looking down into the tank.

We climb inside. Lincoln takes the driver’s seat. A series of clicks sound. I almost jump out of my skin.

“What was that?” I ask.

“I engaged the locking mechanism on the portal. This way, we won’t have any unwanted visitors.”

“Got it.”

I decide to slip into the gunner’s station. It’s comfy as chairs go and has a large console with tons of buttons and a monitor. Not that I know how to use any of them. Lincoln peers through this periscope thing. The one place thrax go high-tech is one demon patrol. I know for a fact that Lincoln and his warriors use a similar periscope thingy to scope out the enemy while staying under cover. It’s not usually attached to a tank, though. Still, I’ll take whatever intel Lincoln can get. “Our path is clear. There are no guards around.”

“That’s odd.” I frown. “All the vehicles had guards around them before.” I keep hearing Cissy’s “no” echoing through my mind. What is happening?

A small speaker inside the tank comes to life with a mechanical hiss. This time, a man’s voice sounds inside the tank. “All units with maintenance issues, report to runway five. All units with maintenance issues, report to runway five. H-E Launch starts in two minutes. Repeat, H-E Launch starts in two minutes.”

Lincoln’s gaze stays locked on the periscope. “Some of the other tanks are driving away.” He angles his head from side to side. “A few of the Humvees and vans are as well. This is our chance, Myla. We can escape. There’s a Pulpitum in one of the closed-up hangars.”

I hug my elbows. Isn’t this what I wanted? Lincoln and I were going to escape LaGuardia, get back to Antrum, regroup, and return in force. At that point, we’d take down Ethan and his goons, easy-peasy. We could also be far more help to Cissy and Zeke if we had backup.

So why does escaping feel like the wrong move here?

The answer appears to me in a flash: the H-E Launch. It’s what all of this has been about. It’s why Lincoln was captured in the first place. This is the crux of Ethan’s plans to take over both good and evil on Earth.

And it’s starting in two minutes.

I stiffen my spine. “I don’t want to leave, Lincoln.”

He cranes his head to look at me. “What?”

“I want to stay for this H-E Launch.”

“Myla. The baby.”

I rub my hand over my stomach. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About what it means to be a wife and mother. I haven’t really realized what it meant to be a Queen though. At first, I thought it was all about doing different projects.”

“Such as improving our oxygen systems. That’s important work.”

“I know, but it’s not leading. What Ethan’s doing? It’s about the very definition of what it means to be thrax. He doesn’t have all this tech out here for show. These are weapons of death and war. That’s what he wants to bring to the human world. I can’t leave the mortal world to that.”

Lincoln stares at my belly as well. “This is a big decision, Myla.”

I absently trace the image of an arrowhead on my stomach. The first time I saw one of Ethan’s arrowheads, it was in the library of our honeymoon palace. The thing looked completely foreign then. Who sends arrowheads to their King? It was an odd symbol from one of our subjects. I felt completely separated from my role as Queen of the thrax.

Then Williamson handed me the crumpled-up arrowhead that he’d stolen while helping me escape from Antrum. At that point, the arrowhead came to mean something else entirely. Williamson had offered me that arrowhead because he wanted to help Lincoln and me. And he did help us. Lincoln and I would never have gotten past all those Armageddons without the knowledge that Williamson brought us. Watching Williamson die on that laboratory table, I felt a deep sense of responsibility settle into my bones. I had to save Williamson and others from a similar fate at the hands of Ethan.

“This is about more than stopping Ethan,” I say slowly.

Lincoln’s gaze turns intense. “How so?”

“This baby is my child. But he’s also my subject. I want to bring him into a world where being thrax is something to be proud of. Ethan is going to bring death and destruction to the human world, I know it. And it will forever stain what it means to be a thrax. That kind of dark future is something I’m willing to fight against. I believe our son would want that too.”

There’s something even bigger at stake. I open my mouth, trying to find the right words. None appear. I huff out a frustrated breath.

“Give yourself time, Myla. I’m listening.”

I give Lincoln a shaky smile. “Thank you.”

For a moment, my finger keeps retracing the image of the arrowhead on my belly. That’s where the future lies, and in more ways than one. My tail slips over my stomach, placing my real arrowhead end onto the outline that I’d drawn. With that, I know exactly what I have to do.

“Here’s the thing, Lincoln. I see a thrax future where we adhere to traditions, but we also open ourselves up to being more understanding of other peoples and cultures. Our baby will be more than thrax. Our people need to open their eyes to other cultures as well.” I roll my eyes. “I know it sounds naive and simplistic.”

Lincoln’s attention is riveted to my every word. “Not to me, it doesn’t.”

“I know it will take time, too. Many lifetimes, maybe.”

“Some fights are worth it.”

I grip the gunner controls before me. “In that case, I think we should stay, Lincoln. The first step to a joint understanding of our peoples is for you and I to fight injustice together, as quasi and thrax.”

The voice comes out on the speaker again. “Units with maintenance issues, this is your last chance to leave. Units with maintenance issues, this is your last chance to leave.”

Lincoln’s gaze connects with mine. Invisible arcs of love and fear seem to move between us.

“If you want to leave, I’ll respect that.” I straighten my shoulders. “But I really want to stay and fight.”

“And I want to battle at your side,” says Lincoln. “For all thrax, including our Maxon.” The igni told me they wanted our son named after the last Great Scala. The guy was old as dirt when I met him, but he’d been with the igni for a thousand years. They loved the man. We were proud to pass on the name.

My eyes well with held-in tears. “Including our Maxon.”

Ethan’s voice sounds on the loudspeakers outside. “Thank you all for joining my Touch The Tech Event.”

Something in Ethan’s voice sets my nerves on edge. My warrior sense goes berserk. The monitor before me crackles to life. On it, I see a live video of Ethan that’s being broadcast from the H-E TV Channel.

The man has his own television channel? Why am I not surprised?

An older white guy in a gray suit acts the announcer. He holds a microphone in his left hand, while his right presses on his ear piece. Beside him, Ethan stands beside him in his gas station onesie. All around, crowds are streaming and cheering.

The old dude announcer stares lovingly at Ethan. “What an amazing event,” he says into his mic. “I didn’t think people could learn to love Hunter Enterprises any more than they already did, but boy oh boy! You can sure feel the excitement here.”

Ethan grins his gap-toothed Chiclet smile. “It’s certainly been another triumph for H-E.” His beady eyes widen. “But wait! What can this be? Are those actual demons at my event?” He points across the tarmac, and sure enough, some of the gray-skinned Armageddons are strolling about. These must be some of the ones that transported back after we hovered them away. Argh. Even worse, the humans can see them.

And they’re freaking the fuck out.

Screams resound from the monitor. People rush about in every direction. Their terrified voices reverberate through the tank as well.

Lincoln and I share a shocked glance. “He didn’t…” I can’t even finish the sentence. It’s one of the basic rules of the after-realms that humans do not see angels and demons. That would take away their free will.

“He did,” says Lincoln. “Ethan combined humans and Armageddon clones in order to make something that would be visible to the mortal world. I should have suspected something when we saw the gray Armageddons. An accurate clone would have had stone-smooth skin that was much darker. These had flesh that was almost human.”

“So Ethan wants humans to see demons. The bigger question is…why?”

On the monitor, I see Ethan grab the microphone from the announcer. “There’s no need for panic. As you know, Hunter Enterprises has suspected demonic activity for some time. We have imbued a protective substance into all the black metal products we create. They’ll soon flare up with a bit of dark fire. Don’t worry—it won’t burn you. But it will make you ready to accept what happens next.”

My stomach sinks to my toes. I have a yucky suspicion what happens next. It’s got to involve all the high-tech weaponry on this tarmac.

Sure enough, small plumes of black flame erupt throughout the crowd behind Ethan. I remember seeing all the black magic hardware on the vid screens from Times Square, including the runway models’ jewelry and the swimmer’s breathing apparatus. Hell, even my doc’s stethoscope in the hospital was made of the stuff.

Now, it’s all flaring with dark fire. A moment later, everyone turns eerily calm. The crowds stop screaming. On my monitor, all the faces turn toward Ethan. Pure adoration gleams out from their eyes.

Lincoln shakes his head. “Even the announcer’s microphone flared up for a moment.”

I rub my neck as I think. “But none of the equipment lit up.”

“He’s casting a spell on every human who’s got H-E tech.”

“In other words, he’s casting spell on everyone.” I grip my neck so hard, I wonder if I’ll bruise. “What is his plan here?”

On the small screen, Ethan opens his arms wide. “Behold, my Razor Guard! Now, not all of you have been exposed to the glory of H-E. But those of you who know me, realize that when I speak, I am infallible. My Razor Guards can protect you from the upcoming demonic invasion…and yes, millions of demons will be upon us soon!”

At these words, most of the crowd stands dumbfounded. I watch onscreen as a few dozen humans start to race for the exits. They are quickly apprehended by the Razor Guards.

I tap the screen with my fingernail. “His spell doesn’t affect everyone.”

“Maybe some humans don’t have tech from H-E in their lives. That’s how he spread the magic.”

I nod, remembering the images I saw at Times Square. “Humans use jewelry from H-E, ventilators, you name it. But no system is perfect. Most people will believe anything Ethan has to say, though.”

Once again, the Ethan on my monitor opens his big yap. “My Razor Guards will now restore order and protect you from this terrible demonic threat. Prepare for them to temporarily take over all governments until we have the situation well in hand.”

I smack my lips. Temporarily? He’s so full of it.

“Now some of you may not be as familiar with Hunter Enterprises. That’s understandable. In fact, to you my Razor Guards may seem a bit daunting. But never fear. Our troops are undergoing training. Soon, every last one of you will be compelled to love them as much as you would, say, an angel.”

My mouth falls open. That’s his plan to catch the extra humans who weren’t affected by his spell. “Love them as much as an angel?” I repeat. “Ethan is saying that because he plans to remove our angelic power and place it into the Razor Guards.” I let out a low groan. “He hasn’t given up on draining us, you know.”

Lincoln rubs his neck slowly. That’s one of his moves that means he’s thinking something over. “Still, the fact that Ethan doesn’t have our angelic influence isn’t stopping H-E from trying to take over the human world.” Lincoln looks at me over his shoulder and grins. “That’s why you’re going to come up with a plan.”


“You always do.” He winks. “Dazzle me, Myla.”

His confidence makes my smile broaden. Closing my eyes, I spin my thoughts through every angle and approach. Finally, one option does appear in my mind. It’s been an idea that’s been rattling around in the back of my head ever since I felt that ethereal warmth on my palm. It happened back in the laboratory when I thought about Iggy. It was almost as if I could feel his hand in mine.

What if he was trying to reach out to me?

If so, we could certainly use Iggy in this fight.

It’s a long shot, but when do I ever have anything else? Keeping my eyes closed, I call out to Iggy with my soul.

“I need your help. You must find my father. Tell him you need more time to mourn me. Get the gates of Heaven and Hell closed again. Come back to me on Earth. I need you, Iggy. Only you and I can fight this together.”

My palm warms with the sensation of Iggy’s touch. I open my eyes, ready to see him standing before me.


“About that plan?” I ask.


“I may need another minute.”

Lincoln looks at me over his shoulder. “You can do this, Myla.”

An idea occurs. It’s simple, beautiful, deadly. I raise my pointer finger. “We could drive the tank over to Ethan and blow him up.” I make a psssh noise to dramatize this option.

“That’s a last resort. If we blow up Ethan, escape is next to impossible.”

“That’s never stopped us before.”

“We’ve never faced a challenge like this before. The problem here is bigger than getting rid of Ethan. Hunter Enterprises has now cast a spell on a global basis. Humans everywhere want his Razor Guards to rule them. Do you have any idea how long it would take for the thrax to clean it up with good magic?”

I wince. “A long time?”

“Weeks. And who knows what will happen in the meantime? The ones under his spell could turn on the humans who aren’t affected. This could cause a world war.”

The words hang in the air. World war. I hug my elbows. “Okay, no shooting Ethan with a tank.”

Think Myla, think.

“Maybe it will help to list our assets,” offers Lincoln.

“Good idea.” I count off our inventory on my fingers. “First, we’ve got a tank, which we can’t use to blast Ethan. We’ve already discounted that plan. Second, we could go back to the laboratory, but I don’t know what that would do there. Third, we could go outside. There’s a tarmac filled with machinery and—Oh crap!” My monitor becomes filled with bodies of Razor Guards, and they march across the tarmac and start boarding every piece of equipment. A knocking sounds on the top of our tank.

“Ethan 1073-J reporting for duty with my team!” The knocking continues. “Who locked down this tank? That wasn’t authorized.”

Crap. My pulse speeds more quickly. “Moving on.”

Lincoln starts rewrapping the black bandages over his face. “I like the tarmac direction. What else did you see there when you first arrived? Do you remember anything we can use?”

My eyes widen. “Cissy.”

Lincoln pauses. “I don’t follow you.”

“There’s a tent on the tarmac. It holds the access monitor for CHUCK, the master computer that runs everything for Hunter Enterprises.”

Lincoln nods slowly. “That could be good. Go on.”

“When we first got here, I was looking for you. Cissy and Zeke explored the rest of the event. Cissy got into CHUCK and did something with the computer to lock it up or whatever. Later on, Ethan captured Cissy, Zeke, and me.”

“That was right before Ethan brought you to the lab where they were holding me.”

“Right. Cissy had put some kind of block on the computer system. While I went to the lab, Ethan sent both and Zeke off to fix whatever she did to CHUCK. Maybe we can do something to the system, too?” I don’t add the obvious point that beyond turning it off, I have no idea how to use a computer.

Above our heads, the pounding on the tank’s entrance portal grows louder. I shudder. We don’t have a lot of time here.

“Wait a moment.” Lincoln taps his chin. “We might not need to do anything to CHUCK. Knowing Ethan, he’s probably keeping Cissy and Zeke close by, in case she did something else to the computer and he needs her to fix it again.”

“And we did hear Cissy’s voice on the intercom a few times.” Hope sparks in my chest. “I bet she’s still in the computer tent.”

The knocking sounds again at the top of the tank. “Open up!”

“There’s a lot of chaos with the Razor Guards on the move—” starts Lincoln.

“If we can get Cissy back on CHUCK, maybe she can do something to stop all this,” I finish.

A series of clicks sound as the portal atop the tank starts to unlock. Lincoln turns to me. “They overrode the locking mechanism. You better get your bandages in place.”

Above our heads, the portal swings open with a long creak. I’ve just finished setting my last bandage in place when a Razor Guard sticks his head in. “What’s going on down here?”

I shrug. Now that I know all the Razor Guards are Ethan clones, I’m not going to risk talking.

Lincoln clears his throat. “Thank you, Ethan 1073-J. The portal was indeed malfunctioning but has since been repaired. My colleague and I ran a diagnostics test, and this unit is ready for service.”

My brows lift. Diagnostics test? That’s a nice touch.

Lincoln starts to rise from his chair. “We’ll get out of your way now.” The Razor Guard still has his head stuck down the portal hole. Lincoln lowers his voice. “If you would step back, I could leave.”

There’s a long moment where the two stare at each other. Even with bandages over his face, it’s a really bad idea to get into a staring contest with my Lincoln. Ethan 1073-J backs off. Lincoln and I crawl our way out of the tank.

Outside, the tarmac at LaGuardia looks just like it did on the small tank monitor inside. A dark sky stretches overhead. Tall spotlights cast a daylight glow onto the ground. Razor Guards march in neat rows over to different pieces of war equipment. Mortals stand immobile, staring at a point across the tarmac.


They stare so lovingly at the guy, I’m not sure they’re even breathing. Somewhere a baby cries its head off. Must be one of the few beings left at LaGuardia who weren’t affected by Ethan’s black metal. Huh. Maybe the guy hasn’t gotten around to making enchanted binkies yet.

Lincoln and I climb off the tank. I quickly scan the grounds and find the place where the CHUCK tent is located. I gesture in the direction, not trusting anyone to hear a woman’s voice from a Razor Guard.

Lincoln nods, and we head off in the direction of the tent. Beyond finding Cissy and hoping we can somehow stop this fiasco with a computer, I really don’t have much of a plan B, especially since there’s been no response from Iggy.

Maybe something will occur to me along the way.

I ignore the little voice inside the back of my head that says two words: fat chance.




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