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Angelbound THRAX by Christina Bauer (7)

Chapter Seven

Cissy and I turn down another corridor in Arx Hall. While the honeymoon palace was all dark wood and earth tones, everything in here sparkles with gold. I’m not really focusing the scenery, though. I can’t wait for me and Cissy to reach my chambers. Once we’re alone, we can lay out a plan to leave Antrum and find my Lincoln.

As we speed along, Cissy shoots a nervous glance over her shoulder. “This place gives me the creeps,” she whispers.

When I reply, I take care to keep my voice low as well. “That’s because a pair of Razor Guards are following us.”

“How do you know?”

“Let’s just say I’ve learned a lot on demon patrol.” Actually, my education on tracking comes from Lincoln, who’s simply the best hunter in the after-realms. But I can’t mention my guy’s name without tearing up, so I don’t add in that part.

“What should we do?” asks Cis.

“Ignore them. Once they confirm we’ve gone into my chambers, they should go back to the summit. There are other thrax guards around who can ensure we stay put.” And those are easier to avoid.

Cissy purses her lips. “But we aren’t staying in your chambers, are we?”

“What makes you say that?”

“I know my Myla.”

In reply, I give her a wink. Cissy knows that means, Hells no, we aren’t staying put.

Cissy and I pass a bunch of thrax guards, enter my royal chambers, and shut the doors tight. I call it my chambers, but this place is more of a mini-house than anything. Cissy and I make our way into what would be a living room back in Purgatory.

I plunk down onto a comfy leather couch. “We can talk freely here. Lincoln and I put in ton of silencer spells.”

Cissy sits down beside me and launches into a rapid-fire series of questions. “Why were so many people at that summit? Who’s that freckle-faced guy? And what’s wrong with Lincoln?”

It takes a while, but I explain how Lincoln’s been replaced by an evil body double with a droopy eye; that this whole summit thing is just a ploy to get thrax troops onto Earth; and how Ethan is the creepy mastermind behind it all. After that, I tell her how Ethan has lured all the Earls to his side by promising them easy demon patrols. It all starts with Touch The Tech, an event Ethan is holding on Earth.

“So what’s this event about, exactly?” asks Cissy.

“It’s Ethan’s first demon patrol with his souped-up technology. The Earls are so excited to run the patrols, they’re ignoring red flags right and left. Ethan is not planning to improve demon patrols for our people. He kept talking about new kinds of demons that humans could see—he said they were a threat to his company.” I close my eyes tightly, trying to put the pieces of information into a larger picture. For now, I can’t. “There’s something else going on at that event, but I can’t worry about that now. I need to find Lincoln.”

Cissy rubs her forehead. “I don’t get it. Why would Ethan put Lincoln in a laboratory? I mean, if he wanted to replace your Lincoln with a fake, why would he keep the real deal alive?”

I take in a deep breath and force the words from my mouth. “Ethan’s building a bunch of machines—tanks, planes and other human stuff—that he’s combined with thrax magic. Supposedly it’s all for demon patrol and uses good magic.” I make little quotation marks with my fingers when I saw good magic. “But it’s really black magic.”

Cissy narrows her eyes. “I don’t know a lot about black magic. How would that affect your Lincoln?”

“Black magic works by using the essence of an angelic soul. Real angels are hard to capture, so the most common sources are thrax. It’s best to drain them in their prime, just after adulthood.” A knot of grief tightens my throat. “That’s why Ethan took my Lincoln and is keeping him. Ethan wants to take my guy’s soul energy. I must find my Lincoln before his energy is drained. Once that’s gone, he’ll die.”

“Oh, Myla. That’s terrible.”

Normally, I’d enjoy a few minutes of sympathy from Cissy. But right now? Nervous energy zings through my body. It’s like I could crawl out of my own skin. I scrub my hands over my face. “Look, sitting on the couch is making me crazy. You want in on helping me?”

“You know I do.”

“Then, it’s time for us to leave Antrum and find Lincoln. Let’s hit the Arx Hall Pulpitum.”

“Okay. How will we get past these guards, though?”

I stare at Cis for a few seconds before the little gears in my mind put things together. “That’s right. You and I mostly hang out in Purgatory.” I gesture around the room. “Arx Hall is lousy with secret passages.”

Cissy gives me the side eye. “No way.”

I stroll to the far wall and knock on one of the doors. “See this? It looks like a regular closet.” Turning the handle to the right, I open the door.

Cissy leans forward on the couch and squints. “It is a regular closet.”

“Only when you open the door by turning the handle to the right.” I glance inside the opened space. The closet is lined with shelves of bottles that are filled with cleaning goop.

“So, what’s the trick?” asks Cissy.

“In this case, it’s all in the handle.” I close the closet door and tap the handle in question with my pointer finger. “Now, most handles only turn clockwise. But with this one, when you turn it to the left, the shelves slide away and—voila—you have a passage.”

“Excellent.” Cissy stands, too. “I’m ready.”

“Let’s get out of here.” I grip the handle. “One, two three.” I turn the handle to the left and open the door.

But no secret passage appears.

Instead, a wall of black fire rolls out to meet me. On reflex, I crouch to the ground. Like last time in the study with Lincoln, dark flames engulf me, but they don’t actually burn. My gaze locks on Cissy. She was too far away to be affected, so she just stares me, her mouth open.

For a moment, my mind returns to the last time I saw a display of black magic power: when Ethan took my Lincoln. My mind blanks. Fear and hurt zing through my nervous system.

Once the smoke has cleared, I force myself to focus again. There should be a passage beyond the opened door. There isn’t. What should be a hidden corridor is a solid wall. My jaw tightens with frustration.

Damn you, Ethan.

Cissy rushes to my side. “Myla, are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” I start pushing on the black plastic wall with my palms. My tail tries jabbing it as well. “There shouldn’t be a wall here.”

Cissy touches the dark surface. “How did this happen?”

“Ethan did it somehow. It’s just like when he sent that arrow to Lincoln. We saw a wave of black fire, and then the mirror turned into this vortex.”

“But there wasn’t an arrow this time. How did he do it?”

A realization appears. “Wait a second.” Leaning over, I examine the door. Sure enough, the handle is not some old-fashioned L-shaped job that’s the standard here in Arx Hall. Nope, this is now a sleek metallic number, all black, with little rune notches in it. I’ve seen that exact pattern before. Ethan carved it into the arrow that took my Lincoln away.

In other words, this handle is definitely one of Ethan’s creations.

A sickly feeling crawls up my throat. Ethan probably sent Evil Lincoln in here with a bunch of hardware that could block up every secret passage. He’s been planning to trap me for ages.

My inner rage demon roars to life inside me. “That butthead!”

Cissy gasps. “Did you say butthead?”

“I’m trying to be more Queenly,” I growl. “And Queens don’t swear.” Much. I think.

“Okay,” says Cissy slowly. “Which particular butthead are we talking about here?”

“Ethan.” I rattle the door. “He made this handle and laced it with black magic.”

“Got it.” Cissy nibbles on her thumbnail for a few seconds. “Wait. Maybe he didn’t get to all of the doors. You said your chambers had lots of secret passages.”

I snap my fingers. “Good thinking.”

With that, I rush from one secret passageway to the next. First, I check on the one in the pantry. Then the bedroom floor. After that, the hallway closet. None of them have any obvious machinery like the first handle. Unfortunately, all of them are still totally booby-trapped. The second I pry them open, I get a poof of black flame and an impassable wall.


Once I’m out of secret passages to check, I plunk my butt back on the couch. Cissy slides in beside me. “I take it you’ve tried every secret passage?” she asks.

I scrub my hands down my face. “All the ones that I know of.”

“So we’re back to where we started.” Cissy sighs. “How do we get out of here?”

“I’m working on it.”

Cissy lifts her chin. “How about we fight it out?”

Considering how my friend is a crap warrior, I’ve never loved her more than I do in this moment. Cissy has my back. But for once, fighting isn’t the answer.

“There are too many guards between here and the Pulpitum. And even if I could kill them all, that’s bad PR. Plus, it’s dangerous to get into hand-to-hand combat fighting while I’m pregnant. That should only be a last resort.”

“I’ve got it. How about trying your igni?”

I grab a couch pillow and hug it to my stomach. “I’ve been calling my igni for hours. They haven’t answered me once.” I pick some stray threads from the tapestry-style fabric. “I think that’s why my igni were so insistent on getting me a message last night. They must have known they wouldn’t be able to reach me today.”

“So no transport help from igni.”

“Not this time.”

My igni don’t exist like other beings do. I still don’t understand what makes them come and go, let alone talk to me. This isn’t the first time they’ve gone silent on me for no reason. My father says it’s because they must take a fractured form in the after-realms in order to move souls.

“Hold on a sec.” My eyes widen with a realization. “My igni did give me another message last night. They were trying so hard for me to listen to them, I think they knew it would only be my only way to escape today.”

“What’s that?”

I worry my lower lip with my teeth. Sure, I want to tell Cissy all about the LK Route, but based on what Lincoln said, it only has room for one person. That means I’m going solo. Sure, Cissy has other ways to leave Antrum, but she might get interrogated for information about me. The less she knows about certain things, the better.

“Come on,” urges Cissy. “What did your igni tell you? How are we going to escape?”

“This escape route is just for one person. And honestly? It’s best if you don’t know the particulars, just in case anyone asks you where I went. And when I say ask, I mean in the sot-so-nice way.”

Cissy’s mouth rounds into an O shape. “Got it.”

“What’s important to know is that I can reach any spot on Earth that I wish in, say, about an hour or so.”

“Awesome.” Cissy sits up straight. “How can I help?”

Did I mention that Cissy is amazing? She is.

I tap my chin as I think through our options. “You should definitely go to Earth first. Say you need to return to Purgatory for diplomacy stuff. After that, take a few wrong turns in case you’re followed. Then we can meet…” I rack my mind, trying to think of a good place on Earth for me and Cissy to reconnoiter. Beyond a sketchy island in Nova Scotia, I’m not what you’d call an expert on Earth geography.

“How about we meet at the top of the Empire State Building?” offers Cissy. For the record, Cissy loves two old movies that feature the Empire State Building: An Affair to Remember and Sleepless in Seattle. I’ve seen both more times than I’d care to admit.

Still, I know the spot. Tapping my lower lip, I think through the suggestion. The Empire State Building is a touristy place, so strange people come and go. It won’t look weird for one of us to hang out and wait for the other. “That’s perfect, Cis.”

Cissy frowns. “But will you be safe in Antrum without me?”

“Oh, I’ll be fine. The Razor Guards left. All I need to do is ask my regular thrax guards to keep me safe while I go on a walk to parts unknown.” I mime my fingers strolling away.

“Will they really let you walk around?” Cissy makes her ‘eek” face. “Ethan and Evil Lincoln seemed pretty set on keeping you in your chambers.”

“But that was before Octavia got involved. I’ll throw her name around and say I need some exercise for the baby. They’ll agree, I’ll sneak off, and no one will get hurt. Everything will be fine.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.” Mostly because I don’t have another choice, not that I share this part with Cissy.

With our plan in place, I walk Cissy to the main doors. Outside, I find that Maybe Manfred and Could Be Bob are still on duty.

“Hey, uh, you,” I say to Maybe Manfred. “Can you please make sure my friend gets safely to the Pulpitum?”

“As you command, Your Majesty,” says Maybe Manfred.

I turn to Could Be Bob. “Where’s Williamson?”

“He had to step away,” replies Could Be Bob. “He should be back any minute.”

I screw my mouth to one side of my face, thinking. What I need to do doesn’t really require Williamson. “If I wanted to take a walk, can I do that?”

Could Be Bob frowns. “I’m not sure that’s allowed.”

I cup my hand by my mouth. “Maybe I should call for Octavia, then.” Here in the main palace, the hallways are loaded with her spies. They’ll get a message to her in no time flat.

“On second thought, that will be fine” says Could Be Bob. “I’ll just need to accompany you. And maybe bring along some other guards as well.”

“How many?”

Could Be Bob winces a little. “Six, all from the thrax royal guard.”

I run though the process in my mind. Earlier, Lincoln said that I should find the last lime kiln in the row, touch the top, and say “in thrax sic hunt.” With that, the fiery oven turns into a mini-Pulpitum transfer station with room for one and some kind of booby trap to stop anyone from following me.

In other words, it doesn’t matter how many guards there are; none of them will expect me to enter a lime kiln. Plus, it will be too small for them to follow, and the booby trap will keep them off my trail.

I shoot the guard a thumbs-up. “Six is fine. Whatever. I’ll be right back.”

Could Be Bob bows slightly. “As you command.”

Cissy and I give each other a quick hug good-bye. Once I’m back inside my rooms, I scrounge around for a carrier and some necessities. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared.

I soon find a canvas satchel that the servants use to bring in stuff for the pantry. It makes the perfect backpack replacement. Into that sack, I add a hairbrush, toothbrush, a few more necessities, and I’m done. There really isn’t time to do a thorough packing job. Besides, I’m heading to Earth, the land of buying stuff. I grab some lesser jewels to pawn in case of emergency.

This is going to work. It has to.

With my satchel slung over my shoulder, I saunter up to the front door and swing it open, expecting to see Could Be Bob waiting for me with six of his buddies.

They aren’t there.

Instead, a dozen Razor Guards wait outside. My heart sinks. I give them a little wave. “Hey, guys. Where are all my thrax warriors?”

A Razor Guard steps forward. “They went with the Senator to the Pulpitum station.”

Huh. “Do you have a name?”

The Razor Guard takes a half step backward. “What?”

“It’s not a trick question. What’s your name?”

“Ethan Unit 126-X.”

“That’s a name?”

“When we entered into service for the Supreme Leader, he gave us all new names.”

“After himself, of course.”

“It’s my honor to be named after him.”

“Whatever. I’m calling you X.”


“Trust me, it’s a step up.” I set my fist on my hip. “Now look, X, I’m going on a walk right now. If you and all the other Ethans want to join me, that’s fine. But I am going.”

I start to step away, but X moves into my path, blocking me. “The Supreme Leader has ordered for us to guard you here. Your beloved Lincoln agreed. Our mission is to keep you safe until the doctors come for your procedure.”

There are so many things wrong with that series of statements, I don’t even know where to begin. The Supreme Leader shouldn’t be ordering anything. Evil Lincoln might be the fake king, but he should be running the show. And that’s not even the worst part.

Huh. Maybe I heard that last part wrong.

“Did you say procedure?” I ask.

“I did.”

“And what procedure would that be?”

X chuckles behind his black bandages. I’m not going to lie; it’s a creepy sound that sends cold tendrils of fear up my spine.

“Why,” says X, “it’s my understanding that your husband explained this to you already. You’re a danger to the baby. Everyone’s agreed you must be sedated until after you give birth.”

For a long moment, I can only stare at him. If Ethan didn’t expect my attack, then I certainly didn’t expect this countermove from him. Doctors? Sedation?

The world takes on a dreamlike glow.

Ethan is sending doctors to sedate me.

My own thrax guards have vanished.

And my real husband is still trapped somewhere in a sketchy research lab on Earth where they’re trying to drain his soul.

In such situations, there’s only one thing you can say.





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