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Hearts of Trust: A Historical Regency Romance (Searching Hearts Book 3) by Ellie St. Clair (24)


Benjamin could hardly speak, such was the beauty set before him. Sophie looked entirely self-conscious, her hands straying to cover herself, but he caught them both before she could do so, standing up next to her. Then, stepping back from her, he allowed his gaze to glide over her form, his desire growing with each moment.

“If we go forward now, I won’t be able to stop,” he said, his breath near a whisper as he held her hands in his. “Tell me now.”

Her eyes met his, burning with a passion he had not expected to see. “I trust you, Benjamin. I love you. Please, I – I want this, whatever it is…” She trailed off, looking a little uncertain as though unable to explain what it was coursing through her.

Benjamin well understood what she wanted, the ache beginning to burn deep within his own core. He could wait no longer.

Pulling her into his embrace, he kissed her, hard, remembering just in time to be careful of her wound. Sophie did not hold back, her fingers tangling in his hair as she deepened the kiss, surprising him once again. He ran his hands over her body, delighting in all the sensations that ran through him. Slowly, he walked her towards the bed, never breaking their connection.

“Wait,” he said, his voice hoarse as she began to unbutton his shirt, vividly recalling just how she had touched him there only a few nights before. He smiled as she raised her hands and gently pushed away his fingers. She caught her lip between those endearing slightly crooked teeth as she concentrated on undoing the buttons. Never had a woman undressing him put him so on edge. Much to his own surprise, he felt a little embarrassed as she stripped him of his clothing, aware of just how intently she watched him. Her gasp made him smile when he finally stood naked before her, seeing the mounting blush in her cheeks.

“Come here, love,” he crooned, wanting to ease the clear bewilderment she felt from what he could only assume was the first man she had ever seen wholly naked. “Let me kiss you again.”

To his great delight, she went willingly, lying back on the bed as he climbed over her, pressing his body against hers. His every sense burst to life, so aware he was of where their skin touched. He broke their kiss to look down into her face, seeing her lidded eyes, her mouth slightly swollen from his constant attentions. He saw her breasts molded against his chest, felt himself press against her belly and his need for her grew ever stronger. Her breath was quickening, her body growing taut beneath him as he lowered his mouth to hers again.

The truth was, Benjamin had never experienced anything like this. He had, of course, taken a number of women to his bed, but never one with whom he held any sort of emotion towards. Somehow, it intensified the experience, making it bigger and brighter than ever before. Every touch, every kiss, every breath, was intoxicating.

Moving slowly down her body, Benjamin began to plant delicate kisses along her collarbone, hearing the soft moan escape from her lips. Carefully, he gently cupped one of her breasts, remembering that this was her first experience of love, and carefully brushed her nipples. Sophie shivered beneath him, her breath quickening all the more as he lowered his head towards them, pressing his mouth to her skin until, finally, it covered her nipple. Sophie arched her back so forcefully that she almost came off the bed, and, in his surprise, Benjamin stopped what he was doing at once, afraid he had hurt her.

“What are you doing?” Sophie asked, her eyes wide and skin burning with heat.

“I – I’m sorry, I – ”

“Don’t stop now!” she exclaimed, flopping back onto the bed and reaching for him. Her fingers caught his hair and brought his head back to where he had been. “Please don’t stop, Benjamin.”

A small chuckle escaped him as he began his exploration of her body once more, delighted with how she’d responded to him. She was more passionate than he had ever expected or could have asked for. Slowly continuing his way down, Benjamin ran his hands down her thighs, slowly bringing them back up the inside of her legs. She groaned aloud as his lips replaced his hands, and he trailed kisses on the inside of her thighs before she allowed him to press his fingers against her core.

She let out a soft cry as he began to stroke her, fighting to keep his own desire for her under control. Normally, he was a somewhat selfish lover. He would help women reach their fulfillment, but he primarily took for himself, looking for his own pleasures. With her, it was different. This was with Sophie, the woman he loved. Her innocence was her gift to him and he was going to accept it with both gratefulness and consideration.

“Don’t fight it,” he murmured, seeing her eyes flutter closed as he pressed one gentle finger into her. “Just allow it to happen, Sophie. It’s nothing to be afraid of.”

He did not have to wait long. Her entire body began to strain as she neared her climax, and, with a loud cry, she began to tense around his fingers. Biting his lip, he waited for her release to ebb, thinking to himself that he would never fail to recall this moment. The way she looked now, entirely, beautifully, exposed, was something he would never forget.

“Here, now,” he said, moving back up to her head and brushing a kiss against her lips. “There will be pain but only for a moment. I promise you.”

She smiled up at him, her eyes swimming with a myriad of emotions. “Make me yours, Benjamin,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I want only you.”

He did not have to be invited twice. His arousal dipped into her, but he hesitated as it met her barrier. “One moment, love, and it will all be well again,” he said before pushing forward.

She clenched around him, her eyes squeezing shut before, slowly, she began to relax. Benjamin forced himself to hold still, waiting for her pain to ebb away. When she looked up at him, her expression clear, he began to move within her once more, keeping his strokes slow and languid, waiting for her breathing to quicken again before making love to her in earnest. Her tight core made his blood run hot, his body burning from within. He lost all awareness of everything else, focused on the woman he loved, the only one he desired.

It wasn’t long before he felt the heat within him rising to a peak. Benjamin pressed himself into her one last time, his mind telling him to pull himself from her before it was too late.

Sophie kept her hands around his neck, her eyes fixed on his as she gasped in pleasure. He had no need to leave her. She was to be his, forever. With a loud cry of his own, Benjamin stilled, his body shuddering as he reached his fulfilment, aware that this was the first time he had ever spilled himself into a woman. He had no regrets.

After a few moments, Benjamin lay down beside her, pulling Sophie into his arms and brushing his lips against her temple.

“I am yours now,” he murmured in her ear, “and you are mine. We are twined together, now, as one.”

“As one,” she repeated a soft smile on her face. “Oh, Benjamin, I do love you.”

“And I love you,” he replied, his words honest and true, filling him with happiness and contentment. His eyes slid closed as she rested against him, his body growing tired as he lay there with her. He had never felt more at peace in his life.

* * *

Sophie rose the following morning alone in her bed, though she could make out the wrinkles in the sheets where Benjamin had spent the previous night. She smiled at the joy that filled her heart when she thought of him and their future.

After dressing, she lazily made her way downstairs to the dining room, passing Mrs. Martins on the way, who gave her a loving smile, causing Sophie to return it.

As she knew him to typically be a late riser, she was shocked to find Benjamin waiting for her at the table. He stood with a wide grin as she entered, pulling out a chair for her to sit close to him.

Unaffected by the servants around them, he brushed her forehead with his lips. “Good morning, love. I must tell you, our dishonest steward has now been sent away from the property, and Haversham has also taken his leave following yesterday’s events. He wishes you farewell. I have also written to my father and mother and invited them to come to the estate straightaway. We shall require witnesses for our wedding and they will do very nicely.”

A swirl of anxiety rippled through Sophie’s stomach and her smile faltered as the repercussions of what he said broke through her cloud of happiness. “I am glad to hear the man will no longer be an issue. Benjamin, do you think your parents will like me? After all I have done? All I hid from you?”

Benjamin paused with his coffee cup halfway to his lips, his expression turning solemn. “After they hear all about what you have done for me, and what you have endured, I know they will love you as I do,” he replied, quietly, his dark eyes blazing into her. “You have been the greatest influence on my life, helping me to take my responsibilities seriously and focusing on what is truly important. I look back on my past with shame but my future is now shining brightly, so long as I have you by my side.”

Sophie felt her nerves settle again, reassured by his words. “Then I very much look forward to meeting them,” she replied, quietly. “I do hope I shall make you proud.”

His eyes practically glowed as he took both her hands in his own. “You already do,” he murmured, tenderly. “I know how fortunate I am to have you in my life. You need have no fear about my parents nor our future. It will be happier than you have ever known.” Dropping a quick kiss on the back of her hands, he smiled into her eyes. “Come now, you must be hungry.”

She smiled as she poured herself a cup of tea and buttered her toast. So much had happened that she still felt she was walking in some kind of dream, sure to wake up at any moment. Yet she knew it was true. She was to be Benjamin’s wife and be safe, forever, from her cousin. Not only that, but their union would be one of love and affection, not simply out of necessity or obligation. That made it even more wondrous to her.

* * *

“And may I present Sophie -- my fiancee,” Benjamin grinned, as Sophie curtsied beautifully, her cheeks pink as his father and mother rushed to greet her.

His father, normally quite nonchalant, took Sophie’s hand in one of his own and patted the back of her hand with the other.

“May I say just how delighted I am to have you as a daughter-in-law,” he said, firmly, throwing a glance towards Benjamin.

“We are not wed yet, father,” Benjamin reminded him, with a chuckle. “Soon, though.”

“And we shall be glad to witness it,” his mother replied, fervently, taking Sophie’s arm and leading her to sit down on the Louis XV sofa together. “Now, tell me what on earth has happened with this cousin of yours?"

Sophie looked up at Benjamin, not quite sure what to say. Her fingers gently touched the spot on her neck that was still healing, although, after a week of ointments and the like, it was doing much better.

“I am not quite sure where he is,” she replied, seeing Benjamin’s nod. “I have had a few threatening letters but nothing concrete.”

“I tried not to let her see the letters,” Benjamin interjected, seeing the look his mother threw his way. “She was determined.”

His father cleared his throat. “Well, you will be glad to know that I was able to assist you as you requested. I believe that the man shall not dare even come near you ever again!”

“Good,” Benjamin replied, stepping forward to shake his father’s hand firmly. “That is very good, Father. I thank you.”

Sophie cleared her throat, looking up at Benjamin inquisitively. “What is it that you have done, Benjamin?”

He grinned. “I did not tell you, not until I was certain all had worked out as it has, but Father has helped me secure a lot of shares in the companies your cousin involves himself in. I did need help with some of the accounting,” he continued, with a rueful grin, “but all is in order. Should your cousin come near us or threaten you again, then father and I will be quick to throw those companies into disarray if we must – which will mean financial hardship for him.”

Sophie gasped, her hands at her mouth as she stared at him, “Why Benjamin, that’s brilliant. You would truly do this for my sake?” she asked, her gaze going to his father before returning to Benjamin. “I can hardly believe it.”

“Believe it!” his father exclaimed with a chuckle. “You are to be family now, Sophie, and we Harringtons take care of our own. After what you did to help Benjamin with the accounts and uncover a very untrustworthy steward, I must say I think you a wonderful asset to our family.” Benjamin saw his father share a knowing look with his mother, wondering what it was his father had yet to say.

“Your father and I have come up with an idea,” his mother added, patting Sophie’s hand. “One that I think will bring you both a great deal of joy.”

“Indeed,” his father replied, with a quick smile. “I must say, I am truly impressed with the change in you, Benjamin. I thought you quite lost for a while, I will admit.”

Benjamin chuckled, a wry smile on his lips. “And lost I might well still be if it were not for this beautiful creature,” he answered, softly. “Sophie has done me a world of good.”

“Then I hope you will be very happy here,” his father replied, smiling. “Benjamin, I am giving you and Sophie this estate as your own. Do with it as you wish, although I am quite certain that, with Sophie by your side, you shall not see it fail.”

Benjamin did not know what to say, astonishment rippling through him. “You are giving me this?” he repeated, looking over at Sophie, who looked as surprised as he felt.

“Indeed we are,” his father chuckled, slapping him on the back. “You have made me proud, son. I am glad that you have found yourself a good woman to be your wife. Strive only to be worthy of her.”

“I intend to,” Benjamin replied, quietly, seeing the blossoming smile on Sophie’s face as she realized that this estate was now to be their home. “Thank you, Father.”

“Thank you,” Sophie repeated, a single tear slipping from her eye onto her cheek. “Truly, I am so very grateful.”

“We will leave you for a moment,” his mother replied, rising to her feet and excusing herself from the room, taking her husband with her.

Benjamin smiled and came to take the seat next to Sophie, holding her hands tightly between his. “Are you quite all right, love?”

“I am,” she breathed, her eyes filled with wonder. “It is all just so much to take in. I have gone from having no family of my own to having one who cares for me just as blood kin might do. It’s actually a bit overwhelming.”

He smiled, running one finger lightly down her cheek. “And overwhelmed you will be, with my mother in your life,” he laughed before growing serious. “But you deserve to be treated this way, Sophie. You are a beautiful, kind and gentle spirit who brings such light and such happiness into my home and into my heart. I cannot wait to start our lives here together. I know that with you by my side, we shall have a very happy home.”

“I can never thank you enough for all you have done for me,” she whispered, settling one arm around his neck. “But I promise I shall do my utmost to show you in the years that follow.”

“I do not want your thanks but only your love,” he replied, his smile growing tender and eyes gentle, so far from the man deep in his cups she had first met.

Her expression softened, her mouth growing close to his. “You already have it,” she whispered, before kissing him once more.