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Bewitched: Hot For Teacher (Special Delivery Book 4) by Troy Hunter (6)


Mason Savage

Mason drove in silence for about ten minutes, letting Cole settle down. He knew the last twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind, his own mind was still reeling from everything, but he had no issue with whether or not people wanted to judge him for who he was. Cole, on the other hand, had lived his life based on what other people thought of him and others’ expectations of how he raised Olivia. Mason felt sorry for him, that was a tall order to live up to.

“You know, something I tell the kids all the time is, it’s OK to be mad, sad, frustrated, or anything they might be feeling in that moment.”

“I thought the issue in schools was the excess of angry kids.”

“No, the problem lies in telling the kids to bottle it up and behave. We teach children that it is OK to be happy and pleasant all the time, but we deny them the chance to feel the bad feelings they might have. The work place shows us we have resources we can utilize like Employee Assistance Programs, Counseling or Human Resources, things like that.  But we teach kids that it is not OK to be angry.”

“I don’t understand why you’re telling me this.” Cole’s fist was balled up and his elbow was on the window ledge. He was pressing his knuckles to his lips, and to Mason, he looked like he was ready to scream.  

“I’m telling you this because for two years, you have had to be alright for Olivia’s sake. I’m betting for everyone else too.”

“Yeah, and your point?”

“You don’t have to be alright all the time when I’m around. Just be what you are in the moment, whether it is good or bad.”  

Cole blinked and looked over at him.  

“Yeah I know. Kind of a crazy notion to grasp when you’re the rock in someone else’s fortress all the time. My point is, forget Augie and his opinions. It pissed me off, too, but I can do one of two things - I can let it get to me, or I can carry on with my business, help a new friend paint the heck out of his house, and forget about him.”

Cole’s lips twitched and Mason knew he was getting through to him.  

“We didn’t get paint.”  

Mason thought about it a moment. “Yeah, so we’ll pick up Olivia, get her something to eat, hit the hardware store on the way through the city, and then bring you both home.”

Cole couldn’t really argue with that plan, so he nodded. Mason was glad the moment of panic was over. He could understand why Cole had reacted the way he had. It had taken him a minute to work through his own anger, and when he had, he realized there would be backlash to the encounter. But he’d already had a discussion with Mrs. Redner when he was hired for the position. He never mixed work with his personal life. This time he could see a discussion coming, but he still wasn’t violating any rules.

“What’s the address?”  

Cole directed him and they rode on in silence. He let his hand fall on the arm rest between them and kept his palm up and fingers open. It took five minutes before he felt Cole’s fingers lock with his own. He gave his hand a little squeeze for reassurance.  

When they pulled into the driveway, Olivia and an older man and woman were sitting on the front porch waiting for them. They got out of the car and Mason noticed the older woman look between him and Cole and get that knowing look in her eye. The older man looked confused but said nothing.

“Mom, Dad,” Cole called out a greeting. “And how’s my girl!?” He scooped Olivia up in his arms when she came running to the car and she squealed with delight.

“Daddy! What’s Mr. Savage doing here?”

“He was helping Daddy with a project, sweetie. I’ll tell you all about it in the car. How was your weekend?”

“It was OK. I played Monopoly with Grampy, but I think he cheated.”  

Cole raised his eyebrows at Bill who looked sheepish.

“I didn’t know she knew money increments so well.”

“He tried to pull a hussy!” Olivia pouted, and it took Cole a minute.

“He tried to hustle you?”  

“Yeah! So, we ended the game because I had all the properties and he only had one house and I got a popsicle instead.”  

“That sounds like a fair trade.” Cole shifted Olivia onto his hip and gestured between Mason and Loretta and Bill.

“Mason, this is Olivia’s grandparents, Loretta and Bill. Mom, Dad this is Olivia’s teacher, Mason Savage. He’s, uh, a friend of mine.”  

“It’s nice to meet you.” Loretta held out her hand and Mason shook it, followed by Bill.  

“Olivia talks about you all the time.”

“I hope it’s all good things,” Mason laughed. He tried to relax his face. He knew he must look reserved at best, but he couldn’t help the fluttering in his stomach. It seemed strange that the meet the parent’s moment was so soon, or that it would come at all. Not that they knew what Cole meant to him anyway. He’d come to love the way Cole viewed the world. Being a bookstore owner, he interpreted the world in many different ways and had a very nonjudgmental way he viewed people who were different from societal norms. This endeared him to Mason. He had a big heart and loved so much and so many different things, when Mason thought about how he spread that love, especially through Olivia, he felt like his passions helped complete the way the world worked in a complete circle with itself. That circle was familiar to Mason and that’s why he was so emotionally invested, he wanted to be part of Cole’s circle.

“It’s all very good things,” Loretta assured him and he breathed again, although she gave him another pointed look. “Will you two be staying for dinner?”

“Not this weekend, Mom. We have an errand to run before heading home and I’ll grab something for Olivia on the way, but thanks. I’m glad she had a great weekend,” Cole replied.

“Of course. Now, next weekend she’s with us all week for school vacation, right?”  

“Yes. If you don’t mind having her. The shop is still open and I haven’t lined up a babysitter.”

“Not at all, dear. We love having her.”  

Olivia rested her head on Cole’s shoulder and Mason looked over to find her watching him. He pulled a face to make her giggle and winked at her when Cole looked between them to see what was so funny. He shrugged when Cole gave him a puzzled look and then held a finger to his lips when Cole turned his attention back to Loretta and Bill.

“I’ll bring her by Friday night after dinner. She has a half day at school so I’ll close the shop early.”

Mason took a deep breath and then jumped head first over the boundaries he was sure he was crossing.

“She could hang out with me if you want to keep the shop open. We could get a jump start on that fun thing you have planned at your house.”  

Loretta and Bill looked confused, but Cole looked surprised.

“Thing? What thing?” Olivia sat up and Mason was pretty sure she was going to keep on asking until Cole gave in and told her the surprise. Nothing like dangling candy in front of a baby.

“You sure about that? You’re with the kids all the time at school.”

“Yeah, why not? You’re just getting the business going and Fridays are the busiest nights on the town. I don’t mind if you don’t mind me watching her. I have nothing else to do.”

“Yeah! Mr. Savage can watch me, Daddy. I like that plan,” Olivia was tugging on his sleeve, trying to get his attention.  

“Huh? Yeah, well, Mr. Savage might need a break from kids, Olivia.” Her face was crestfallen, but Mason didn’t push any further. He knew he’d put Cole on the spot, but the truth was, he liked Olivia. She was clever and smart, and kids have a way of looking at the world that he admired.

“But Daddy!”  

“Well…” Cole seemed torn, but finally… “OK, OK.  How about we do that, then I can keep the shop open normal hours and I’ll drive you out here Saturday morning like usual?

“Yay!” Olivia clapped her hands and danced in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and mouthed thank you over her ponytail. Loretta and Bill were smiling and Cole gave each a sideways hug before turning back and walking to the car. Just as Mason was about to follow, Loretta touched his arm.

“If he’s happy, we’re happy.” Her blue eyes were bright with tears that she refused to shed.  Bill nodded.

“He hasn’t been happy in a long time, and although it’s a bit of a shock, we’re glad you’re…around.” Mason nodded, feeling a lump form in his own throat. Meeting the parents was always hard, but these were pretty unusual circumstances.

“Olivia told us about the penny you helped her tape to the desk. Those two are very lucky to have you around.”

Mason ducked his head. He hadn’t realized that he actually did need the approval of some people. Loretta and Bill were being exceedingly gracious given their unique position in it all.  

“Thank you.”  

“We hope to see you back again. Stay for dinner sometime.” Loretta squeezed Mason’s arm and Bill nodded again. His newsboy cap was a little large for his head, and he was about three inches shorter than her. The cap slid over his eyes but he was smiling.  

“I will.” He turned and walked to the car, this time getting into the passenger seat.  

Cole walked back to Loretta and Bill, and whatever they said to him, Mason could guess, but it earned them both big hugs and several eyes that needed drying. Mason smiled as he looked in the rearview mirror and saw Olivia staring at him. Her expression was pensive, almost like she was trying to put together something she was missing, but he deadpanned his own face and figured she would come out with it eventually.

“Do you cheat at Monopoly?”

“Upon my word young lady, I would never!” He held his hand to his heart and gave a slight bow to the mirror.

“Then I think we’ll keep you Friday night.”

Mason grinned into his palm. He’d never expected approval from the parents of his romantic interest’s deceased wife, but to get it from his six-year-old was a miracle in itself.  

“Only if I get to be the top hat character in the game.”  

She nodded solemnly at him, making a vow of her own, and hats off to her for taking the game so seriously too. It just made the fact that she didn’t know they were going to Picasso her bedroom yet, all the more fun.