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Billionaire's Playmate by Chance Carter (13)

Chapter 13


Do I feel bad for missing my daughter both knocking on the front door and phoning me? Yes, I suppose I do. Do I feel bad that she then felt the need to climb the fence into the back yard and push me and her new nanny into the pool? Maybe a bit, but then again it may have been an overreaction on her part.

Do I regret the fact that because she got pushed into the pool, my daughter’s incredibly gorgeous nanny is now in my house taking a shower trying to warm up? Or that while her clothes are drying the only thing she has to wear is one of my shirts and a pair of shorts?

Never, on both counts!

I’m currently waiting outside the bathroom with an extremely warm and fluffy towel having just remembered that there are no towels in the guest bathroom, Poor thing, I suppose I do feel a little bit bad.

But the image in my head of her slowly soaking her naked body in warm water soothes my conscience.

I’m so used to almost constantly wearing a shirt and smart trousers that I feel terribly strange wearing comfy clothes in front of other people. It is so foreign to me. I better keep a handle on my thoughts in these joggers, because if I were to get even a little excited right now, it would be painfully obvious.

I hear the shower shutting off and Ella stepping out, her feet against the tiled floor as she looks around, noticing that there isn’t a towel, then heading to the door and—

“Oh, hi Joe!” she says, a little embarrassed, poking her head around the door, “You wouldn’t happen to have a—”

“A towel?” I finish her sentence for her, knowing that’s what she needs. I stand up from my perched position on the guest bed and hold out the towel to her, trying not to accidentally peak around the bathroom door.

“Oh, thanks so much. A warm towel even, nice touch,” she grins as her cheeks flush a little pink.

I stare at the door for a moment after she closes it. She was completely naked behind that door. The girl I’ve been fantasizing about for days is currently soaking wet and completely naked right on the other side of that door, while I sit here on the bed.

In the right circumstance, she would have come out of that bathroom not expecting to wear any clothes for a while, instead to be met by me with a towel, waiting to wrap it around her and pull her into bed. Or, maybe we would have taken that shower together.

Okay Joe, please stop… for the sake of your own sanity!

I like the way Ella’s hair looks when it’s wet and slicked back. She has such a beautiful face. I wish she would stop hiding behind her bangs. But I suppose the way she lets her hair flop over her face when she’s embarrassed is kind of adorable, and makes her seem so sweet and innocent.

Ella opens the door and steps out, wearing only a pair of my shorts and a white shirt. It’s so very big for her, almost swallowing her tiny frame. It’s quite sweet. Am I a terrible person for picking a white shirt? I think I might be. But the way her perfect breasts look shaping the front of is mesmerizing. It’s a little chilly in here and her nipples make themselves known. She looks beautiful, I mean, on our date when she was all dressed and made up, she was incredible, but this, this is a vision in front of me. No make up, her hair pulled back, and—stop staring at her chest! She looks stunning, and I want to curl up and watch a movie, then fall asleep on the couch with her so I can stroke her skin and kiss her neck and smell her hair.

“You alright Joe?” she asks, tilting her head at me.

“Uh, yeah! Sorry, my mind was racing. Have you got your clothes? I can put them in the dryer now.”

“Right, yes of course,” she giggles. I’ll go get them. She heads into the bathroom and picks up the bundle of her things plus her towel then walks over to me, “Fortunately for me, I keep my phone in my handbag, and I left that on the sofa downstairs.”

“Oh good, because unfortunately, I can’t say the same for mine. It’s in a bag of rice on a shelf above the dryer.” I roll my eyes, and I suppose I’ll have to tell Marnie off for that, but looking at this incredible woman in front of me, I can’t even be mad.

We head downstairs and through to the utility room, I throw my clothes in and she does the same.

“So, do you want me to talk to Marnie about that, or are you going to do it?” Ella asks.

“I suppose I should. But it’s not a serious deal is it? You aren’t angry, are you?”

“Oh gosh, of course I’m not! It was just a silly prank, and besides, we did kind of lock her out.” Ella shrugs and looks at the floor, “That’s what I meant last night. Because we were in the garden together… she ended up getting locked out.”

“I understand what you mean.” I wish I didn’t, but I do. Because I was trying to woo her with romantic notions of swimming together at the same beach, I missed the knocking on the door and ignored the phone call in my pocket. “And that was completely my fault. I’ll go talk to her. You just make yourself comfortable.”

“Alright,” she smiles and we head into the living room together.

Marnie comes rushing up to Ella and gives her a big hug, making Ella laugh.

“I’m really sorry Miss Ella! I didn’t mean to push you into the pool. Please don’t quit!” Marnie says, on the verge of tears.

“Oh gosh, Marnie, I’m not going to quit! Wherever did you get that idea?” Ella says, kneeling down to Marnie’s level.

“I was worried that you might think I am a difficult child or something,” Marnie sniffles a little as she looks up at Ella.

“Not at all sweetie. And besides,” she looks up at me, “it was Daddy’s fault you had to climb the fence, so I think he deserved getting pushed in the pool.”

Ella raises her eyebrow at me.

“Yes sweetheart, I wanted to talk to you about that.”

I take her hand, “So if you wouldn’t mind giving Miss Ella some space. We’ll go into the kitchen?”

“Okay, Daddy,” Marnie says, trudging into the kitchen with me.

I sit her up on one of the stools at the island and bow my head, “Honey, I am so sorry that I let you get locked out. I didn’t realize you were getting dropped off. I assumed Ella and I would come and get you a bit later.”

Marnie shrugs, “Two of the girls got into a fight and their parents had to be called, so we all went home early. Jenna’s mom took me and Jenna back, and she said she’d wait until you answered the door. But when you didn’t answer the phone she got angry and drove off.”

“Gosh, I am so sorry, Marnie. I’ll be there next time, or Ella will be definitely. This won’t happen again. I promise.”

“Okay, Daddy. Are you mad at me for breaking your phone and getting Miss Ella all wet?”

“No honey, not at all. But try aiming for just Daddy if you really feel the need to push someone into the pool next time, okay? Guests should only use the pool if they actually want to.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Marnie smiles at me and gives me a big hug, “Can I go play with Miss Ella now?”

I laugh, “Of course you can!”

Marnie looks excited and runs, off. I love the way she calls her Miss Ella, but it really doesn’t do much to help my imagination. Not that it needs more help. Playing with Miss Ella is definitely a very different thing in my mind, and it’s definitely only for grown ups.

My mind heads back to my dream for just a moment, to the outfit Ella is wearing.

“Daddy!” Marnie shouts from the living room. Crap, what could it be?

I run into the living room and Ella is sitting on the couch, holding her phone and looking like she’s desperately trying not to cry. Marnie is cuddled up to her trying to be as comforting as possible.

“Go on up to your room. Marnie. I’ll call you down for dinner in about an hour, okay?”

“Yes Daddy,” she says quickly before running up the stairs to her room.

“Is everything okay?” I ask Ella as I sit down next to her on the sofa.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she sniffles. “I just got off the phone with my landlord and, and he yelled at me again about being late with the rent.”

“Oh gosh, Ella. Are you ok? That’s awful.” I stroke her shoulder, not really knowing what to do in this situation.

“Yes, I’ll be fine,” she smiles. “Thanks for asking.” As she turns and gives me a hug, I am reminded she isn’t wearing anything under my shirt and I can totally feel her chest against mine.

“So what did he say?” I ask, desperately trying to change the subject in my head.

“He said he’s going to evict me if I’m late on a payment again.” She leans back and pulls her legs up to her chest, hugging herself as she sits.

“Have you got the payment?” I ask.

“Yes, I’ve just managed to scrape it together. But it was late, because I couldn’t get it all when I needed it.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Oh gosh no, don’t even think about it!” she says, not even batting an eyelid. I guess she’s strong and independent too. Just the way I like them.

“If you’re sure. But if there’s anything—”

“Don’t worry about it,” she insists.

“Alright, well if you don’t mind me asking, why have you been late? I mean, I can get your pay to you right away if you want?”

“No, that’s fine really. And no, I don’t mind you asking. It’s silly, to be honest. When I got out of college I was going to move in with someone—a guy if you must know—but it didn’t work out and I’d already signed for the place. It’s only one bedroom, but I rented it for the two of us, and I just can’t afford it anymore.”

Just as I thought, that guy must have been really special. I find myself kind of wishing she wasn’t so experienced. Just something about her makes me want to hold her and guide her through everything… to be her rock, but at the same time prove she’s not so innocent. Oh crap, I’m probably supposed to answer, what did she say? Oh yeah. “Have you been looking for a new place?”

“I’ve not had time, because I’ve been desperately looking for a new job and knew I would need first and last month’s rent. It’s so great that you came along—again, thank you so much.”

“Of course, it’s my pleasure.” I can’t help nervously laughing at that, “I had no idea you had it so rough though.”

“It will be fine really, I can take care of it. I promise. I’m a big girl,” she smiles, wiping her eyes.

“Good, well I’m glad you’re okay, but again, if there is anything I can do for—”

“Thanks Joe,” she holds both of my hands and sits up. “Thank you. It really means a lot that you would help me. But I don’t need it… I’ll work it out.”

“Alright,” I look down at my feet. I feel strange offering her money, but I don’t want her to struggle. Maybe I could ask her to move in here? Maybe later… or if things get any worse.

“What do you say we go and make some dinner now?”

“Yeah, sounds good,” she smiles.

I would do anything to see her smile every day. Dinner it is.