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Billionaire's Playmate by Chance Carter (93)

Chapter 36

It was finally Thursday, and she was meeting Arran in two hours. He had booked a hotel room for them near the airport, due to the early morning flight. He thought it would be simpler to be near the airport, ready to go, than try and sort it all out the next morning. Emma agreed. He was sending a car for her and all her luggage. The best part about flying on a private jet was that she didn’t have to worry about bag restrictions, which suited her just fine considering she had to pack for almost a month. Like any woman, she was bringing way too many shoes and just about everything in her wardrobe, just in case.

The week had passed swiftly for Emma. It seemed as though she would never make it through the preparations in time. Thankfully, Jennifer insisted that she take the rest of the week off, happily giving her a month’s leave. Emma just tried to embrace the generosity and not over-think it. It all seemed so excessive to her, and in many ways she didn’t feel deserving, but when she tried to explain how she felt to Arran, he just dismissed it and told her not to be silly. Still, it was difficult. During her marriage, her ex had meticulously nurtured her insecurities, happily contributing limiting beliefs to the trash pile in her head, and as much as she tried to erase them, there were many things she kept recycling, self-worth among them.

She still had not spoken to Luke, and aside from the one brief text he had sent to her, she’d heard nothing from him. Throughout the week, there were moments that she considered reaching out to him but her bruised ego convinced her otherwise. Worse than that, every time she thought about him, she’d picture him having a grand old time with his new girlfriend and her stomach would churn. Of course, she had no idea what this Maggie looked like, but in her imagination she was the flawless, supermodel type.

Her feelings confused her. She’d never experienced jealousy over Luke before, so why now? They teased one another all the time. Their relationship was intricately woven with mischievous, playful innuendos, along with a healthy dose of sexual tension, but she’d always considered it harmless flirting, a fun way to inflate each other’s egos. Of course she had fantasized about him once or twice, but she never considered doing anything about it, no matter how tempting it was. It would have damaged their friendship, probably irreparably. That’s why she tucked him into the friend zone years ago. She valued their relationship more than any other and probably always would. He would be mortified to know she was feeling jealous. He spooked too easily.

She needed to make the best of her time away, use it as a pleasant distraction to sort through her feelings. She owed it to Arran and herself (and even to Luke) to get her head on straight. She and Luke would talk when she returned to Seattle, and then they would put everything behind them.

Emma found her phone on a pile of folded clothes ready to be packed. She intended to text Luke, to let him know she was leaving the country, but had not gotten around to it. She wasn’t sure he would be too happy with her decision to go away with Arran, and quite frankly, she didn’t want a lecture. In her mind, it made the most sense to wait until the last minute, so he would just have to accept it. God, it pissed her off that he said she was naive. For a guy that treated Tinder like a menu board, he had some fucking nerve!

Hey. Sorry I didn’t respond to your message. I’ve been busy. Just wanted to let you know I’m leaving in a few hours for a holiday with Arran in case you’re looking for me. Leaving the country, I’ll be back in 3 weeks or so...

Don’t worry, I packed my own band-aids...

Frowning, she reread the message several times, before deleting her last sentence. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was brooding. She sent it before she could change her mind, then added:

Can we talk when I return?

Emma tossed her phone on the bed and went to her closet. She wanted to look sexy for

Arran and hoped for a special night, especially since their last one had been cut so short. She slipped a red dress off the hanger, a modest but sexy wrap-around that revealed just the right amount of cleavage and thigh. She smiled to herself, fantasizing how long it would take for her dress to be crumpled up on the floor once Arran had her alone in a hotel room.

Her phone chirped and she felt her heart skip a beat, certain it was Luke. She walked slowly to the bed, trying to discern whether it was nerves, or need, that made her weak in the knees, neither option pleasing her. She sat on the edge of the mattress, reaching for her cell.

The text was from Arran. She frowned ever so slightly, ashamed of her obvious disappointment. She quickly brushed it away, afraid to acknowledge what that meant.

Darling, the car will be downstairs at 6:30. I have already arranged for check-in. I know I said I would be there to greet you but I won’t be joining you until 8:00. I have work to finish up. Please, make yourself comfortable. I’ve ordered food to be brought up to you.

Emma shrugged and tossed the phone down again, frustrated that he wasn’t meeting her there. She knew he was a busy man but it wasn’t the first time his work had kiboshed their plans. And it probably won’t be the last, she thought.

She shook off her frustration, quickly pushing down her concerns. What did it matter if he was a little later than he promised? They would have plenty of time together on the trip, she reflected hopefully, desperately trying to convince herself.