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Blindsided (The Sisters Series Book 1) by Mortimer, Holly (22)



Chapter Twenty-Four

I was dreaming.  Dreaming of knocking, or banging or something.  The dream suddenly started getting really real.  The banging wasn’t stopping and I was getting angry.  I cracked one eye open to find it was one a.m. and the banging was at my actual door.

“Shit.”  I scrambled to disentangle myself from the covers and assess my state of dress.  I was barely sufficiently covered but it would have to do since I had left my robe at home in my haste to leave yesterday.  “Coming, coming,” I whisper yelled.  I didn’t want to cause any more of a ruckus than what was already happening outside my room.

I peeked through the peephole and nearly shit my pants.  Finn was standing outside my door.  I quickly took the chain off before he knocked again and cracked open the door, just in case it wasn’t really him and I was hallucinating and was about to open to the door to an axe murderer.

He smiled his million dollar smile and I knew it was him.  “George, can I come in, please baby?”

“What are you doing here?” I asked. 

“Well, I thought a midnight drive up the coast was something I had a few spare hours for and decided to stop in and see you along the way.”  He raised his right eyebrow and proceeded to push his way past me.  I shut the door and turned around to find him staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Do you always answer the door dressed like that?”

“Like what?”

He pointed a finger and waved it around in a circle at me.  “Like that.”  He turned around and set down the bag he was carrying and walked out onto the balcony.

 “You were right.  This room is amazing.” I followed him out onto the verandah and closed my eyes.  The night ocean was always one of my favourite things.  That and the man currently standing beside me.

“Ok, wise guy.  What are you really doing here?”

He took my hand and led me back inside, closing the balcony door behind him.  He led me towards the bed, turned me to face him and applied gentle pressure on my shoulders to make me sit down.

“It’s my turn to talk now, George.  You’re going to listen.  No interrupting, no comments, no nothing.  Got it?”
I nodded my head.  It was about all I was capable of at this moment.  I was still in a state of shock he was standing here and he had obviously based on the time, had started packing and driving here while we were talking earlier. 

He knelt down in front of me so we were face to face and began to give me the words that would change my life.

“I know you George.  You don’t think we know each other well enough, but I know you.  Your best friends are Sam and Frankie.  You are a writer of romance novels and scripts, but more than that, you are a proponent of happily ever after over adversity in your work.  You love to read more than anything else, you love to walk and you feel free when swimming in the ocean.  Not a pool, but the ocean.  You love animals, but can’t bring yourself to adopt any because you don’t want to get attached to anything that might die on you.  You’re 5 ft. 8 and yes, you have curves, but man, they’re in all the right places.  Your natural hair colour is beyond me but I love your hair when you first wake up in the morning all crazy like.  You show your emotions on your face for all to see and you get really, really angry over people who take advantage of others.  Your first book ever published was After You.  You had eleven rejections before you sold that book.  Your favourite thing to eat is a hamburger and fries and you hate the smell of fish.  Your parents are deceased and one day, you hope to have at least one child, and man, I hope it’s with me.”

He took my face in his hands and pulled me in so close I could feel the heat from his breath.  “You lost your husband five years ago when a drunk driver t-boned your car.  You suffer from severe survivor’s guilt and most of the time refuse to let yourself be happy out of some misguided sense of obligation to your dead husband.  You are fiercely loyal, can’t tell a lie even if you think you can, and never hesitate to speak up for those around you who need your voice.  You’re Georgina Mary Windsor and I’ve fallen in love with you so deeply I may just drown in you so shut up.  Just stop with whatever excuses or issues you are currently dreaming up in your beautiful little head right now and let me show you how much I love you.”

He took the opportunity that my open mouth presented and kissed me.  Not urgent, but not gently.  He kissed me like he was taking control.  And I was ok with that.  For the first time in a long time, I was ok to let someone else take control.

He deepened the kiss and forced my lips apart with his tongue.  He immediately pressed this advantage further and slipped his tongue into my mouth where it found mine and began a duel that struck me deep inside.  He took this opportunity to lay me down across the bed and curved his hands to cradle my head from behind. 

He scooted up on his side beside me and slid his arm around and beneath my head and pulled me closer.  He let his hand roam and it found its home on my ass.  He began rubbing and stoking me there and it felt amazing.  His other hand was applying gentle pressure to the back of my head keeping me in place.  The ass hand, as it shall be known from here on out, travelled down a bit to find the end of my nighty and lift it up so it could slip underneath and travel back up my thigh.  The closer it got to ground zero, the hotter and more desperate I got.

I winced slightly as he shifted me to my side in order to face him. 

“Oh God, I’m sorry George,” he said, immediately stopping all movement.  “I wasn’t thinking, I’m-“

“If you dare stop what you are doing, I will cut you.  I am handling my injury.  Continue.”

He stared at me, smiled a wicked grin and picked up right where he left off.

His hand found my underwear, side note, thank God I had only grabbed the cute pair, and tugged on it until he could fit his hands underneath the silk and found the spot he was looking for.

“Ahh,” I embarrassingly moaned.  I am not a vocal sex person.  I keep my comments to myself, but he was doing things that the person I used to be didn’t know could feel this way until now.  I think it was safe to say, all bets were off and moaning and heavy breathing would ensue.

He slipped a finger inside me and murmured something but I was so lost in the sensation of his fingers that I really had no idea and at this point, couldn’t have cared less what he said.

He decided to move his mouth down to offer the same treatment to my nipples.  The combination of the sucking and the motion of his hands down below hastened my orgasm.  It came lightning fast, once again, and powerfully.  I arched upwards and let out a huge sigh and still, he wouldn’t stop sucking on my nipples. 

The waves of ecstasy finally subsided, and he gently shifted himself up onto his forearms and went back to kissing me.  I frantically grabbed at his boxers in order to remove all barriers between us.  He shimmied out of the boxers and I grabbed a hold of him and began to stroke him.  He reached down and pried my hand away and positioned himself above me.  My hips rose to meet him and entice him inside but he was happy just teasing me with slow, lazy circles.  God, how I wanted this man inside me now.  Why was he doing this to me?

He finally stopped teasing and slowly started to enter me.  Bit by bit he filled me up and stretched me out until he was all I could feel inside of me.

I couldn’t help it if I tried, a medium to loud moan escaped my mouth.  He felt amazing! 

He began to slowly pull in and out, each time, stretching me to the max.  All the way in and almost all the way out.  He never took his eyes off of me.  The staring at me was kinda hot, but kinda not at the same time.  I decided to close my eyes and just let the feel of the experience overtake me.

“Open your eyes, George.”  He said this in a voice that wasn’t to be trifled with.


“I want to see your eyes when you come for me again, and I want you to watch me.  I’ve waited for this for a long time and I want to see you.”  He emphasized his request with a swift pump in and I immediately obeyed.

I could see why he asked for it.  Keeping our eyes on each other added an element of trust and emotion to our love making.

He reached down and began to circle my core and once again, bring me back to the state of orgasm.  I could tell from his eyes he was close and thankfully so was I. 

I reached above me to grab onto the headboard and sank down low onto my body and we came together in perfect harmony. 

We laid there, one on top of the other breathing heavily and smiling like lunatics at each other.  He shifted to the side and reached up and entwined his fingers with one of my hands and gently kissed me.  One, two, three tiny, soft kisses.

“I love you, baby.  I think from the moment I met you.”  And there it was.  Four words that I had been craving and searching for the past five years and just didn’t know it.  I had poured all that desire and angst into my novels, living that love vicariously through my characters.  I guess all this time I just needed to hear it from someone real who loved me. 

A tear escaped my eye and trickled down to land on the sheet. He reached down to wipe it away and smiled.  “You don’t have to say it back.  I understand those words are going to be hard for you.  I just hope that someday soon you can feel like you trust me and give them back to me.”

His eyes looked so sad.  I had to put him out of his misery.  “No, that’s not it at all.”  I placed my hand on his cheek and rubbed the stubble that I loved there.  “I just kind of came to a realization and the tear was the result.  I’m ready Finn.  I’m ready to let you in and love you back like you deserve.  The guilt is still there but it doesn’t have a grip on my heart anymore.  You do.  I have been fighting that for so long that it was getting harder and harder to let the guilt go.  I love you Finn Lowry.  With all my heart and everything I am.  Thank you for finding me and showing me that there is something after the grief.”

I reached up and gently returned his kisses.  He shifted us until we were spooning, something I never thought I would enjoy but apparently just needed the right spooner, and we promptly fell asleep.