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Boy Toy by R.R. Banks (138)

Chapter 4


Never before had Gyyx felt anything like being with Leia. She was everything he ever desired in one tiny package. She wasn’t as fragile as she appeared, and she definitely didn’t want to be treated as such. He lost it and let go. Now he felt like an asshole when she slid out of bed slowly.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. “I’d love to have a shower.”

“Of course. I’ll make you something to eat then.”

“You don’t have to take care of me.”

He frowned. “It’s my job to take care of you. I’m your mate.”

Leia chuckled. “Okay but remember I’m capable of doing things too.”

“When you’re better. You were unconscious for a week.”

“Fair enough. Now point me in the right direction, and I need clothes.”

“Of course.”

She nodded and followed his finger. She wanted to be left alone, he could tell, and it was hard to leave her after just mating with her. He felt the bond growing slowly and being away from her wasn’t reassuring at all, but he knew she had gone through a lot, and he didn’t want to push her before she was ready.

Before she went into the bathroom she stood in front of him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

“Anytime, sweetheart.”

Gyyx left Leia to clean up and took that time to run to his brother’s. Eden was closer to the same size as Leia than Elaina was. He knocked on the door impatiently.

Eden opened the door and her eyes widened. “She’s awake.”

“Yes, but she isn’t ready for people yet. I just need some clothes for her.”

“Of course, come in.”

He followed her inside and smiled. His little niece or nephew was growing inside of her. “How are you feeling?”

Eden smiled and rubbed her growing belly. “Eh, some days are better than others.” She left him standing in the living room and walked down the hallway.

He stood shifting on his feet nervous about leaving her alone. When Eden came back she had a huge bag. “From the women. They should all fit her, and there are all the things she’ll need that you have no idea about.” Eden laughed and handed him the bag.

“Thank you so much. I’ll see you all tomorrow. I figure she’ll want to get out tomorrow, but today she is mine.”


“Thanks Eden.”

“Bye Gyyx.”

He left and shut the door. Then he ran home to his mate. Hopefully the girls really knew what they were doing. She’d probably be more comfortable if the things she had fit her. She was pretty tiny compared to both of the others.

He went inside his cabin and went straight to his room. He heard sobbing and dropped the bag on the bed. He shoved the door opened and pulled the shower curtain open without even bothering to announce himself. He wasn’t quiet so she didn’t freak out. Instead he saw his mate curled up on the floor of the shower sobbing.

He didn’t care about getting wet as he crowded inside of the stall and wrapped his arms around her holding her. She shook and shivered. Her body was freezing.

“Sweetheart what’s wrong?”

She shook her head frantically. “I’m not ready to talk about it.”

He knew better than to push so he let it go for the time being. “That’s fine but whenever you are I’m all ears, okay?”

She sniffed and nodded before putting on a fake smile. He wiped beneath her eyes and kissed her cheek.

“No need to pretend with me. I can feel your pain.”

She paled. “Sorry, it’s just hard ya know. I lived every day in fear, and when I realized you left, it freaked me out.”

Gyyx growled. “I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone.”

“No it’s all right. You needed to get me stuff to wear, and I know you weren’t gone long. It’s just—next time I have to go with you.”

“Of course you can go with me next time, Leia. I won’t leave you alone again. Until you feel comfortable. I’m sorry.”

Gyyx scooped her into his arms and stepped out dripping water everywhere but he didn’t care as he yanked the towel she’d picked out and covered her shaking body.

“The girls went sort of crazy. I hope everything fits you, and that you have everything you needed. Eden said they got everything.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “I’m sure it’s perfect.”

He set her on her feet and brushed her cheek. “I’m just going to figure out what to feed you while you’re getting dressed and stuff.”

Her eyes widened in panic and her small hand clutched his arm. “Not leaving though?”

“No, not leaving.”

She relaxed, and he left her next to her bag and went to the kitchen to get her some food. He knew she had to be starving.

He chose fruit and cheeses and poured two glasses of ice water. He placed everything on the tray and carried it to his room. Leia had slipped into a light sleeveless dress that dipped low revealing her small perky breasts. She was standing in front of the mirror with frown.

“What’s wrong sweetheart? You look beautiful.”

“I’m too skinny.”

“No you’re perfect.”

She spun around and faced him. “I’m not, but thank you for thinking so.”

Just then her stomach rumbled and she blushed before going back to sit on the bed. He could see how hungry she was.

When Gyyx set the tray in front of her she went to grab the food. He grabbed her hand in his. “Don’t eat too fast or you’ll make yourself sick.”

“I won’t.”

He sat next to her watching her eat. She didn’t seem to mind him staring, and she devoured the plate. Even eating slowly everything disappeared quickly. When she shoved the tray away Gyyx ate what was left. He was happy to see her smile.

“Thank you. Now we can go meet everyone?”

“I was hoping to talk first. I know you’re not ready to talk about your imprisonment, but tell me about you.”

She settled back against the pillows and nodded. “Okay sure. There isn’t much about me. Not anything exciting or anything. Actually my life is probably quite boring compared to yours.”

“I doubt I will find anything about you boring Leia.”

It was true; he found her fascinating even over the smallest things. Like how she took a cube of cheese and broke it in half again with her fingers before eating it. Or how she rolled her eyes every time he gave her a compliment, and in the next breath she would blush and thank him. She had so many layers and he wanted to peel each and every one of them back to see who Leia was inside and out.