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Boy Toy by R.R. Banks (41)

Chapter Thirteen




An hour later I walked down the stairs of an elaborate concert venue that had been crafted out of an abandoned vintage theater dressed in a short black dress, spike heels that buckled around my ankles, and a heavy application of makeup. My hair was curled and teased, creating a look that was a far more over-the-top than I was accustomed to, but after Noah’s comment I had made the decision that I wanted each of my date experiences with these men to be completely different than the others, and I was committed.

I spotted Sam across the room talking to a group of guys that looked like the quintessential image of roadies. As if he could feel me looking at him, he glanced up and caught sight of me. His eyes stopped, his expression changing, and his attention completely taken from the conversation. I appreciated the slightly startled look in his eyes, but then the confident, smoldering look returned and I felt nervousness roll through me. Sam was more intense than Lee, his personality almost volatile in its energy, and I couldn’t fathom what he might be thinking. I kept looking at him as I started down the stairs again.

By the time I reached the bottom step, Sam had left the men he was talking to and was waiting for me. He reached out to wrap one hand around my wrist and pulled me close so that I pressed against his chest and he could place his mouth close to my ear.

"Either dance with me or let me bring you to my VIP lounge right now. Your choice."

My breath caught in my throat and I could feel him smile. I reminded myself of the purpose of this retreat and some of my confidence returned. I didn’t want to give Sam the satisfaction of feeling like he was totally in control and I pulled back slightly so that I could look into his face.

"I guess that means that we’re going to dance."

He released my wrist and turned his hand to take mine so he could lead me toward the dancefloor where people had filtered from the tables surrounding it and started dancing to the music of the warmup band. Sam stopped in the middle but continued to lead me so that I walked around him as if he was showing me off to the people who had gathered around us. Suddenly he pulled me into his arms, crushing my body against his, and caught my eyes. There was a look of unfettered desire and unashamed intention there. It was less playful than Lee, but no less entrancing. I felt like I was at the beginning of a game of chess, jockeying for position and power while also aware of simmering desire that was building in my belly and making me eager to find out what was his next move.

Sam seemed to feel the same simmer as he placed his hands lightly on my waist and began to dance. He moved slowly and subtly, rolling his hips against mine as if guiding me again until I began to respond with movements of my own. I watched as the tip of his tongue slipped out to slick across his bottom lip and he tightened his grip on my waist. He leaned his head forward to tuck it close to my ear again.

"You don't look as inexperienced as Fawn told me that you are."

I tilted my head to look up at him. I was stung by the unrestrained honesty of the statement and the confirmation of what I had thought when we were in his practice space, but I quickly recovered, reminding myself that that was exactly what she was supposed to do – find the men who would be right to help me overcome my limitations and discover myself.

"I don’t?" I asked coyly, the music, heat of the bodies around them, and lust in Sam's voice making my arousal start to creep higher.

"No. You look like pure sex and if all of these people weren't here right now I would make sure that you understood exactly what I mean by that.”

"If all of these people weren't here, I wouldn’t be either, and I definitely wouldn’t be wearing this."

"Exactly. That dress would be on the floor and I would be showing you that this body was made for much more than what you’ve been using it for."

"Oh really?" I asked, made almost breathless by his powerful, dominant stance.

He made an affirming sound and I felt him slide his hands up my body. His hands slipped over the curve of my waist and the sides of my breasts to lift my arms up and drape them around his neck.

"What is it that you would show me?" I asked in a heated whisper, still wanting to maintain the soft coyness in my voice but feeling more wanton with each word.

I felt a suggestive twitch against my hip and his dancing seemed to become more intense.

"I would teach you like I know that Fawn had you teach yourself in the cottage.”

My mouth fell open slightly. I knew that Noah had been in the cottage, but I didn’t know that anyone else was going to know about what happened there. For a moment I felt embarrassed, but then I realized that I was holding the power in my hand again.

“There something else for me to learn?”

Sam slipped his leg between mine and pulled me further up so that I rode his thigh. The dress of the skirt was short enough that it bunched nearly to my hips, causing me to straddle his thigh with nothing but my panties between me and his leg. The friction created by his pants against the lace of my panties built a strong pressure deep in my belly and I relaxed into the flow of the music.

"There is so much more,” Sam told me. “I would teach you to touch me. I would wrap your little hand around my cock and show you how to stroke me."

I whimpered at the thought and Sam nudged my forehead with his so that I arched backwards. He touched his lips to the swell of my cleavage above the neckline of my dress and moved up, trailing kisses to the soft dip at the base of my neck before guiding me back up to standing.

"Then when I had taught you how to get me good and hard, I would tuck it right into your pretty mouth and teach you to suck me."

He leaned down again to lick the side of my neck, the feeling of his tongue across my skin making me shiver. I knew that by now he would have to be able to feel the wet heat on his thigh where I danced and I could feel a strong erection straining against his pants. I rocked against his thigh, wanting him to feel more of it.

"Then I would lick you until you couldn't take any more, until I had you right on the edge of your control.”

"And then?" I breathed.

Suddenly Sam's mouth crushed down on mine, claiming my lips and drawing my tongue hard against his own so they tangled. I moaned into the kiss and Sam pulled his mouth away, meeting my eyes with a melting chocolate-colored stare.

"And then I would fuck you so well you will remember me for the rest of your life."

I was starting to say something back to him when he stepped back and I noticed one of the men he had been talking to when I first arrived standing close behind him, tapping on his shoulder.

“What?” he snapped.

“Some of the sound guys need to talk to you.”

Sam looked back at me.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ve got to handle this.”

Before I could say anything else, he started away with the man. In that moment, I had no interest in sitting around listening to his band play. I had already heard the rehearsal and I didn’t have any interest in being by myself throughout the rest of the concert.


I paced around the empty lounge, my mind racing. My thighs were damp and I could still feel Sam's hard cock pressing against my hip as we danced. I had never danced like that and it made my body feel alive. His touch made me keenly aware of every inch of my body and curious about what else there was to discover with this man.

Sam's words seemed to swell louder and louder in my mind and I felt my stomach tighten as I replayed them. He spoke to me with such intensity and yet such incredible control that I wanted to give myself over to him, yet it also made me want to find the power that I held within myself and see what I could accomplish when I tried to control him.

His attention had been taken away from me so quickly, though, and I felt the sinking sense of disappointment as I thought about him turning away from me to talk with the guy. I knew that he was here to perform and that he had to handle what had come up, this was still a date and I craved more attention from him. The music was pounding loudly enough that I could feel the vibrations coming through the floor beneath my feet. That suggestive sensation brought me further into my desire, and I thought back to the way I had learned to touch myself in the cottage, and the passionate experience I’d had with Lee. The plans that Sam had whispered to me fell into place with these and I knew that I couldn’t just remain unsatisfied for the night.

Slipping my dress off over my head, I tossed it aside and stood in front of the full-length mirror hanging on the wall to watch myself slowly peel my damp black lace panties off of my hips. I bent over slowly to guide them down my thighs so that I could feel the sensation of the warm fabric grazing down my skin. The cut of the dress hadn’t allowed me to wear a bra so I was left in nothing but the strappy black heels. They were unlike anything that I had ever worn before, but they spoke to the sexy, uninhibited feeling that I had gotten from that evening’s experience. Leaving them on, I walked across the room to the light switch and flicked it down.

I settled onto the large couch on one side of the room and leaned back so I reclined against the pillows piled into one corner. I rested one hand to my stomach and paused for a moment to feel it rising and falling with my deep, somewhat ragged breaths. I parted my legs and slid my hand down between my thighs to discover my luscious swollen pearl again. I gasped, my head arching back and my eyes closing at the feeling. I explored with my fingertip, gradually moving lower and gathering my silky fluid to allow it to slip more freely across my body as I visualized Sam and the things he said that he wanted to do with me. I bent my legs, pulling my thighs further apart and opening me more to my own touch.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the doorknob turning and saw a splash of light as the door opened part of the way. I saw the silhouette of someone standing in the doorway and from the broadness of the shoulders and the slope of the hips I knew it was Sam. My voice whimpered from my throat as the sight of him caused the sensations to spiral and my arousal to reach a new level of intensity.

"Hello?" he said into the darkness and I reached beside me to turn on the small lamp on the end table by the couch.

The light cast a soft yellow glow over me, fully illuminating my body, but I did not stop the intoxicating movements of my hand. A look of surprised pleasure washed over Sam's face and he stepped the rest of the way in the room, reaching back to close the door behind him and turn the lock.

"Well, here you are," he said, his voice silky and low, "I was wondering where you disappeared to. Apparently, the issue with the sound system wasn’t fixed. Half of our equipment went out in the middle of our second song. I keep saying that we shouldn’t let our bassist book the gigs. They’re using the speaker system to stream a few of our tracks, so I’m taking a bit of a break.”

As he spoke, Sam unbuttoned his shirt, his eyes moving from my hand to my face, then back to my hand.

I whimpered in affirmation, knowing that he had some time making me even more eager for him to see how much he had turned me on.

Sam tossed his shirt aside and unfastened his belt.


"Maybe you aren't as innocent as I thought you were," he said approvingly.

I looked up at him and bit my bottom lip.

"Does that feel good?"

The question came out sounding like sex and power, and it made me moan as I responded to the ache in my core by moving my fingers down and slipping two into my body.

Sam lowered his zipper and let them fall to his feet so he could kick them aside. In one swift movement, he pushed his trunks off and his erection sprung away from his body.

"It feels so much better when someone else does it," he whispered and climbed onto the couch with me.

He paused at my feet and ducked his head to kiss the side of my ankle right beneath the buckle of my shoe.

"You should never, ever take off these shoes,” he said.

The way that they were making me feel, I couldn’t help but think that I agreed with him.

He kissed his way up from my ankle along the inside of my leg until his mouth nestled on the juncture between my hip and my thigh. Sam's teeth nipped lightly at my skin and I felt my hips rise in response, encouraging him to touch me. He took his mouth away and brought it to my hand. I felt him gently take my fingers in his teeth and then draw them into his mouth, sucking away my fluids.

I withdrew my hand from his mouth and Sam dipped his head forward, allowing his tongue to replace the movements of my hand. I cried out at finally getting what I had wanted, my hips bucking up into his mouth to encourage more of the attention. Sam responded by tucking his hands under my pelvis to take hold of my ass and hold me in place so he could push his tongue deeper and harder into the curves and tucks of my body. The tension in my belly and thighs was becoming nearly overwhelming and I lifted his chin to pull his mouth away from me.

"I thought that there was more to this lesson plan," I panted.


Sam smiled and moved up the couch to briefly stretch his body across mine. I felt the length of his erection brush against my clit and I arched toward him.

"You're right," he said through his own deepened breath. “Should we continue?”


He dropped a kiss to my mouth and I returned it passionately. Sam slid off of me to tuck himself at my side. He took my hand and dipped it down between my legs to collect more of the hot, slick fluid. Once it was slick and shimmering, he brought it to his erection. I sighed as he tucked my palm against his hard shaft and wrapped my fingers tightly around it. He used his hand to guide mine, moving slowly, allowing me to feel every velvety inch of his hardness beneath my hand. It was hot and impossibly hard, and I concentrated on each of the veins and ridges.

"You like that, don't you?" he murmured and I moaned in affirmation. "Do you want my cock in your mouth?"

"Yes, please."

I surprised myself with my immediate answer, but Sam groaned and pumped my hand harder.

"What a good girl," he said and pulled my hand away from him.

He pulled my hand until I sat up and then guided me off the edge of the couch. Turning, he draped his legs off of the side so they were positioned on either side of me. He leaned forward and kissed my stomach, then brought his mouth to one of my breasts, drawing the hardened nipple between his teeth and biting down on it so that a deliciously new blend of pain and pleasure coursed through me. I buried my fingers in his hair and let my head fall back as I enjoyed the feeling of him immediately switching back to soothing my skin with soft sucks and kisses.

After a few moments, Sam rested his hands to my hips and pushed me down to my knees. I complied willingly, the excitement building in my belly as his long, beautiful cock came level with my face. I didn’t need to wait for instructions. I drew my tongue quickly along the underside, smiling when his erection jumped in response to my touch. I licked again, slowing down so I could enjoy the taste of his skin as I traced from the base to the tip. Then I remembered that I was supposed to be allowing him to teach me and I looked up at him.

"Open your mouth," Sam whispered, returning to his role as my instructor.

I did as he asked, parting my lips and allowing him to touch the smooth, silky head of his cock between them. I left it where it was for a moment and flicked my tongue along the slit at the tip, savoring the salty taste of the drop of fluid there. Craving more, I parted my lips further and he pushed forward until I held him fully in my mouth. He whispered instructions to me, cupping his hand around my head to guide the movements of my mouth until I was sucking smoothly and quickly, reveling in the feeling of his erection against my tongue and lips.

"Stop," Sam gasped suddenly, and I pulled my head back.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Sam growled low in his throat and pulled me to my feet by my shoulders. Though he had sounded frightening, there was nothing but arousal in his eyes when I looked at him and I felt at ease again.

"Not at all," he answered, the smoothness gone from his voice so that it now sounded gravely with desire, "but if you keep going like that, I won't be able to move on to the final lesson."

Sam reached over toward a box sitting on the end table and withdrew a condom. As he opened the package I noticed it declared that it was ribbed. As he put it on, I saw that the texture of the surface of the condom was different from the one that Lee had used, intriguing me. I reached forward and brushed his hand away, taking control over the process and rolling the condom into place. When I was finished, I lowered my mouth to his, gaining courage from the pressure of his lips and the indulgence of his tongue sliding across mine. Sam pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"How do you want me?” he asked.

I tilted my head at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

All I knew is that my body was aching for him and I desperately wanted him inside me. Sam slid further back on the couch and he used one hand on the back of my hips to pull me forward toward him. He led me until my knees hit the cushions and buckled slightly. As my knees bent, he caught the backs of my thighs and guided me up so I straddled his thighs. My core cradled his erection and I rocked my hips slightly to glide along it.

"Do you want me to make love to you, or do you want me to fuck you?" he asked and my stomach clenched.

My body was trembling and I felt like I was on the brink of losing control.

It was a question that I fully understood, but one that I wasn’t going to answer.


"You are supposed to be the one who is teaching me," I said, trying to control the shaking in my voice.

Sam smiled.

"I am. I'm teaching you to know what you want and how to ask for it so that you can get every bit of pleasure and enjoyment that you deserve.”

"I want you," I said.

"You could lift your hips just a little right now and I could plunge right inside. Or I could lay you on your back and take it a little slower."

I brought my mouth to his ear and licked his earlobe.

"You can do anything you want to me," I said.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth Sam's hands clamped down on my hips, lifted them, and brought me down hard on his erection. I screamed at the sudden mixture of pain and pleasure so much like him biting down on my nipple as he suddenly filled me. I could feel every ridge of the condom as it stimulated my walls, creating unique sensations that made me more aware of the depth and shape of my body.

"Then I am going to fuck you like I promised I would," he growled against my ear, reaching up to grab a handful of my hair and he wrapped his other arm around my waist to hold me in place.

I felt my pleasure spiraling upward as he used his hands to bring me up and down in hard, intense thrusts. The speed gave my body little time to stretch to accommodate him and each stroke brought both delicious pleasure and sharp pain. I stopped trying to control my reaction and let out a sharp cry. Sam slowed and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"No. Don't stop," I said, grinding down against his pelvis to bury his cock deeper inside me.

"Don’t worry. I'm not going to stop," he said. "Wrap your legs around me."

I did as he asked, and Sam stood, bringing me up with him, then turned to lower me to my back on the couch. He took my legs from around his waist and placed them on his shoulders, immediately driving him deeper into me. I gasped as he leaned forward to rise over me, his hands coming to rest on the couch beside my shoulders.

I groaned at the incredible sensation this completely new position created. Sam withdrew slightly, then plunged forward. At the sound of my pleasure, he started to move at a frenzied pace, pounding into me harder and faster. Suddenly I felt the tension building in my thighs and stomach again. I moaned and writhed against the bed.

"Don't fight it," Sam whispered.

I let myself surrender to him and almost immediately my body contracted around him. A loud scream poured from me as tremors rolled through my walls, drawing him deeper into me. That moment pushed Sam into his own oblivion and he let out an animal cry, slamming into me a final time as he spilled hot streams into me with a series of hard pulses.

When his body relaxed, Sam lowered my legs and rested his head to my chest briefly before looking up at me and laughing. I could feel his sweat dripping off of his face onto my skin and his breath rippling down my chest and stomach. I felt a laugh bubbling up from my chest. I wasn’t sure why I was laughing, but it felt like a release as much as the orgasm.


Noah was leaving my room when I finally got back to the retreat that night. He looked me up and down before he said anything.

“I baked some cookies today,” he said. “I left some for you.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“How was the concert?”

“Loud,” I admitted. “The type of music wasn’t really my cup of tea.”

“Oh, I also left you a cup of tea.”

I laughed and Noah joined me. Our voices quieted and I suddenly didn’t want him to walk away. I gestured toward the door.

“Do you want to come share the cookies with me?”

Noah’s eyes slid toward the door as though he was tempted, and then he shook his head.

“Thanks, but I should probably get to bed. I have to get up early to bake bread in the morning. Maybe tomorrow, though.”

I nodded.

“I don’t know anybody who makes bread. My mother never even made bread. I look forward to trying it.”

Noah gave a slightly tense smile.

“Good night,” he said. He started down the steps and then turned back to me. “I was right about that dress, by the way.”





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