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Boy Toy by R.R. Banks (120)

Chapter 2


I sat with my shoulders hunched over. As much as I wanted to do my articles, meeting the famous Denynso was still nerve wracking. I’d heard so much about them, and now I was going to their home… Uoria. On a normal basis I was the type of woman who stayed to myself. I had firm control over all of my emotions and wasn’t a people person, unless it was for the job.

I rode the ship and my knee bounced nervously. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I sighed and pushed my hair from my face and adjusted my glasses. Soon I’d meet the King and Queen of the compound.

The pilot came back and smiled. “It’s about landing time Miss Eliana.”

“Thanks,” I replied keeping my eyes lowered. Then I held on tight to the arm rests as the ship descended to the ground faster than I would have liked. My heart raced and I felt it in my throat. The flying part was okay, the landing not so much. I broke out in a sweat and swore.

When the ship hit the ground softly and shuddered to a stop I let out the breath I had been holding.

I stood and braced my hand on the chair as I regained my equilibrium. My latest email let me know I would be escorted by the warrior named Pyra. Everyone back home had heard of him. He was sort of legendary everywhere. I knew he was huge, and that he was newly mated to a scientist named Eden.

I jumped when the ship door slid open and chuckled. I clearly needed to get my nerves under control. Taking a deep breath I stepped down carrying my travel bags. It was dark and the sky was an amazing shade of blue with a mix of violet. Stars filled the sky and the scent of fresh grass filled my senses. The air was so clean, not like back at home where every corner carried a different stench.

Naturally, I wasn’t paying attention and ran into a hard wall of muscle. I looked up and up some more until my head tilted back painfully. Orange eyes stared down at me with a smirk. “Crap you're freakin’ huge,” I said without thinking.

The man’s mouth crooked up into a smirk. “And you’re tiny as can be, woman. You must be Eliana?”

I would have been offended, but I couldn’t deny how small I looked. Compared to him I was like an infant. “Yeah, and you must be the famous Pyra.”


“Yep, you’re a legend back home.”

He shrugged. “Well, I guess that’s a compliment then. The king and queen have been anxious about your arrival. You’re doing a story about us? To make us more appealing to your kind?”

I giggled. “A series of stories, articles about what it’s like here. Your King and Queen seem very determined to mix our species and helping each other out. It’s a win-win really. I am a damn good writer so this will be a success.”

“Well let’s go.” He gripped my bags and smiled. “My mate has been complaining I’m not a gentleman. If only she could see me now.”

“I’ll be sure to tell her.” I said deadpanned. Here was this big giant of a man and he was worried about what a woman thought of him. It surprised me. I’d heard of his reputation, and it wasn’t how he seemed to me. He seemed like a happy man who wanted his mate’s approval.

“Thanks, it’s important that she knows I’m sweet right now. She’s carrying my child.” He beamed and I was taken back. This was the first I’d heard of a pregnancy.

“Whoa, that’s—uh great. Congratulations.”

He frowned. “I shouldn’t have told a complete stranger that. I’m just happy, and you’re a reporter no less. Shit.”

“I won’t tell, and let’s just say that was off the record until you want to go public Earth-bound?” I smiled trying to reassure him.


Something in his eyes pleaded with me. “Yes, my lips are sealed.”

He nodded and led me down a long path to a giant house. It was beautiful and grand. Better than any house I’d ever seen in my life. I’d grown up in the ghetto and now the crummy apartment. Journalism didn’t pay well, not yet. I had no regrets though. I would starve just to be able to write every day of my life.

Suddenly my escort was thrown back and another man tackled him slamming his fist into Pyra’s face. Pyra didn’t stay down long and he held the other man close with his arm around his neck.

“Ciyrs, what the fuck?”

His eyes glowed orange, but only for a second as he locked gazes with me. I gasped and felt my panties dampen. What the hell?

The man literally growled. “Mine,” he roared and tried to break free.

Pyra laughed and held him tighter. “Calm the fuck down. Do you even need to freak out right now? Think of Eden you douchebag.”

The other man named Ciyrs, instantly calmed and nodded, his eyes changed from orange to a color I couldn’t make out in the dark.

“Sorry,” he muttered and then he looked away from me. Pyra let him go and he sped off, so fast I didn’t really see him go. He was nothing but an amazingly fast blur.

Pyra rubbed his jaw and frowned. “Well that was unnecessary, but fucking funny. I called it.”

I stared at him confused and he shook his head. “You’ll understand soon. Very soon indeed.”

He continued walking to the house slowly. As he said that, the other man came back looking a lot calmer than he was and glared at Pyra. “Go back to Eden, I got this.”

Pyra smiled and nodded. “It’s nice to meet you shorty, and remember your lips are sealed.” His smiled widened when the other man’s eyes flared with anger and he fisted his hands. “See ya around.”

“Thanks,” I replied and cocked my head to the side to look at the heaving chest of the other man.

His hand gripped my chin tipping it back to meet my eyes. His touch was electrifying and I shivered.

“You’re lips are sealed for what?”

I figured he knew so I shrugged. “The new generation. He slipped. I promised I wouldn’t write about it.”

“I see.” He stared at me with such intensity I gasped. There was something about him. He was perfect. His voice vibrated along my skin, sending shivers down my spine to the front of my body and settling in the space between my legs.