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Boy Toy by R.R. Banks (51)

Chapter Twenty-Three




The small section of the painting that I had framed seemed to put the perfect accent on my living room wall. I tilted my head, trying to orient it as how it would have been in the original painting so I could figure out what parts of our bodies had created the abstract shapes and unique, blended colors. I smiled at the memory of creating the painting, the way our bodies slipped and moved against each other as we rolled across the canvas, the more passionate the sex, the more expressive the painting. No one would ever have to know how that painting was made, but I would always know and any time I needed a reminder that my body was beautiful and unique, all I would need to do is look at it.

It was only a few days until I would return to The Enchanted Woods for the final time and the reality of it was setting in. I could hardly believe that it had been more than two months since I had started my journey, but as I looked around my house at the tangible reminders of my dates, I knew that I had come so far. I could feel the changes that had come over me and knew that when this was over, I would carry those changes with me into whatever the rest of my life held.


Philip had a hint of sadness in his eyes when he looked at me as I climbed out of the limo in front of the cottage.

“The team did a wonderful job fixing my house,” I told him. “I really appreciate you doing that for me.”

“Of course,” he said.

“What is it, Philip?” I asked.

“This is the last time that I’m bringing you here,” he said.

It was the most emotion that he had ever shown and I felt my heart squeeze a little.

“Not the last time,” I told him. “You still have to bring me on my date and then bring me back here after.”

He shook his head.

“No. Your date is picking you up here.”

“Oh. Well, you’ll have to bring me back to my house when I leave Tuesday.”

He gave a single nod.

“Yes, Miss Snow.”

With that, he got back into the limo and drove away. I turned to start up the stairs and caught movement in the corner of my eye. I looked to the side and saw Noah. His arms were full of grocery bags and he was looking at me as if I was the last person that he wanted to see. I turned away and ran inside, not wanting that confrontation.


It was almost surreal getting ready for my date the next day. I knew that this was the last time that I was going to take an outfit selected for me out of one of the boxes and wait to meet the man who had chosen it. It was the last time that I was going to come face-to-face with the embodiment of a fantasy and get swept into a date they had planned specifically for me. Holding this knowledge somewhat heavily within me, I went through the process of preparing for the date almost like a ritual. I took the note from the box again and looked down at it.

Get your motor running.”

I couldn’t help but hum “Born to be Wild” as I withdrew the clothing from the box and spread it over the bed.

Fucking nerd. That is something you will not be doing on this date.

As I looked at the clothing, though, it didn’t miss my notice that it looked like something that might be worn in a music video for that song. All leather and rivets, the skirt and corseted top were the furthest from what I would usually wear of anything that had been chosen for me on these dates. That very fact, though, made me more excited to try it on. This was the last time that I got to be someone other than just me and from the look of the outfit, it was going to push me all the way out of my comfort zone and into some new realm of experience.

Right at the time that I was supposed to be picked up for my date, I heard the roar of a powerful engine outside. It sent a shock through me and I felt my heart pick up speed. I took a last glance into the mirror, fluffed my hair and smoothed my vibrant red lipstick, and headed outside. The day was cloudy and held the threat of rain, but it only worked to set the atmosphere for what was waiting for me outside.

A sleek black motorcycle sat in the drive, a man in black leather straddling it. His helmet entirely encompassed his head and when he turned to look at me I could see my stunned reflection in the visor. He reached up and took the helmet off and instantly I knew that I wanted this man to fuck me. He looked like sex personified and I had absolutely no need to go through the small talk.

“I’m Grey,” he said.

Of course, you are.


“Get on.”

Straight to the point. I like it.

I grabbed the second helmet that was behind him and put it on, securing it in place before hiking up my skirt and climbing onto the back of the hot machine. The position spread my legs so that my center nestled against his ass and my breasts pressed into his back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and in an instant the bike roared to life and shot down the driveway. The speed was exhilarating and the vibration of the bike beneath me stimulated my clit, pushing my arousal further. I lowered one hand to the inside of Grey’s thigh and he immediately grabbed it, moving it over so that I cupped his cock through his tight pants. It felt thick and delicious already and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it more.

We rode through the woods and along several open roads before dipping back into the trees. Finally, I felt him pull the bike to a stop and climb down. I was taking the helmet off when he grabbed me by my waist and picked me up off of the motorcycle, setting me on my feet beside it. Anticipation was building in my belly, but he didn’t even touch me before getting back on his bike and pulling away.

“What are you doing?” I shouted after him.

As he started to disappear I heard another roar behind me and I whipped around to see a different bike coming at me. My heart beat with such ferocity it felt like it might crack through my ribcage, but I stayed in place, refusing to let the fear take over. The motorcycle came closer and before I knew what was happening, I felt the ground disappear beneath me as a strong arm looped around my waist and swept me up and onto it. Suddenly the roaring bike was between my thighs and my back rested against the hard, warm chest of another man. His body rocked against mine as we rode and his hand rested low on my belly, holding me in place as the feverish pace of the bike threatened to throw me off as he turned sharply and started up another path through the woods.

My mind went to Grey. I could hear the powerful sound of his motorcycle behind us and I had the distinct feeling that this was not a surprise to him. This was something that he had planned. We rode until the path grew narrow and the trees thicker, and the man pulled the motorcycle to a stop. In one motion, he climbed off and swept me down into his arms. He carried me off of the path and lowered me to my feet beside a tree. The rain continued to stream around us as he stood over me and I looked into his face for the first time. I saw familiar eyes staring back at me with intensity that kept me still even when his hands left my hips and my breath caught in my throat. Before I could say anything, his mouth crushed down on mine, his tongue tempting my lips apart. Instinct took over and I kissed him back with intensity, seeking out some of the pleasure that he had already given me just a few weeks before. Shane’s hands slid up my ribs onto the sides of my breasts, then came to the front of my corseted top where narrow leather laces held the fabric together.

His mouth lifted from mine as he straightened slightly to make it easier for his hands to untie the leather laces and pull the fabric away from my breasts. Rain glazed my skin and I drew in a breath.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to say through the tightness in my throat.

Shane brought a finger to my lips to stop my words.

"Be quiet."

Shane lowered his head and I gasped as his mouth closed over one breast, his tongue flicking at my nipple. The dominance that he was showing only intensified the powerful arousal that I had felt as soon as I saw Grey, and even though I didn’t understand what was happening, I didn’t want to fight it. My hands dug into his hair and I closed my eyes against the feelings washing over me. He took his mouth from me and blew a gentle stream of air against me that cooled my skin as it touched the wetness from the rain and his tongue before repeating the lavish attention on my other breast. One hand came to my leg and started to lift my skirt, gathering the fabric in his fingers to inch it up.

I had been so enthralled by what was happening that I hadn’t noticed the sound of Grey’s motorcycle grumbling only feet away. The sound stopping is what brought my attention to it and I looked over toward it. Grey took of his helmet and settled it into place on the back of the bike. The rain had all but stopped and as he started toward me I could see that the expression on his face was somewhere between amused and hungry.

“I see that you met my friend,” he said.

“We’ve already met,” I said. Shane’s mouth had found its way to the inside of my thigh and I moaned as he kissed his way to the juncture between my hip and thigh. “I didn’t think that this was allowed.”

“Don’t worry,” Grey said. “Fawn gave us permission.” He peeled off his gloves as he approached, then reached into his pocket. “She agreed that your final date should be something that you wouldn’t soon forget.”

He had withdrawn a condom packet from his pocket and tossed it to Shane, who caught it easily and had it in place in a matter of seconds. I gasped as he entered me, easing the ache between my thighs but bringing even more questions to my mind. Shane held me in place for a moment, allowing me to turn my attention back to Grey. It was me who started moving first, rolling my hips against his to make the hardness of him massage against my walls as I watched Grey unbuckle his pants and draw down the zipper, pulling out his enormous cock and starting to stroke it as he watched Shane fuck me. The visual was so indescribably erotic I instantly reached an indescribable peak and my body contracted tightly around Shane.

Screaming at the wave of pleasure, I dug my fingernails into Shane's shoulders and let him lift my hips up slightly so he could plunge into me as everything within me released and I rode the tremors that seemed to draw his cock deeper into my body.

I was breathless as I came down from the climax, but I was far from finished. There was a reason that Grey had invited Shane along, and I didn’t think that it was so that he could have his own private entertainment. He had been right. This was my last date, the final experience in my retreat, and I was going to make the most of it. Feeling as though all of the inhibitions and questions about myself that I might have had before had finally shed away and I had absolutely nothing holding me back, I reached out for Grey.

He walked up to me, still stroking the length of his cock, and reached for my head. Tucking his hand around the back of it, he pulled me forward, thrusting his erection into my open and waiting mouth. As I sucked him eagerly into my mouth and brought him as deep into my throat as I could. Behind me I felt Shane take hold of my hips. He pulled me back, forcing me onto my hands and knees. I continued to suck Grey even as Shane plunged into me again. The sound of my ass smacking back against his still-clothed thighs reverberated through the trees and I gave up trying to control the pattern of my mouth, allowing Shane’s thrusts to guide me.

“My turn,” Grey said after a few minutes.

I felt Shane pull out of me and turn me around. I heard the sound of another condom package opening and lifted my hips slightly to present myself to Grey. I looked over my shoulder at him and watched as he leaned back to admire the view for a few seconds before positioning the head of his cock right at my opening. Grey grabbed my hips and pulled me back so that he sank into me, as he moved his hands up to grasp my breasts. He used this hold to pull me up onto my knees so that my back molded to his chest. The feeling of so much of our bodies still being clothed somehow made the encounter even sexier and I reached down to stroke my hands along the leather of his pants. His arm wrapped around my waist so he could hold me steady and pound into me. A moment later I felt one of his knees come in between mine and force them apart so that my legs were spread.

Shane rested on one hand in front of him and brought the other in between my thighs to part my lips and expose my still-throbbing clit. His mouth closed over it and he alternated flicking the tip of his tongue across it and sucking it. The combination of Grey slamming into me and Shane worshiping me with his tongue was all-consuming and it took only seconds for me to explode into another ground-shaking orgasm. Grey pushed me forward so that I landed with my hands on Shane’s chest as he rose up to kneel in front of me. He looked into my eyes and I saw a flicker of the more gentle, slower-moving man who I had met on the ranch crack through the aggressive, dominant man who was with me now. Shane caught my mouth and we kissed urgently until Grey let out a shout and came hard, pushing me harder against Shane with the force of his body pushing deeper into me.

I felt both relaxed and exhilarated as we disentangled ourselves from each other. Shane immediately righted his clothes and reached out to shake Grey’s hand.

“Thank you, buddy,” Grey said.

Shane grinned.


He climbed onto his bike and roared out of the trees. Grey and I took a few more minutes to redress ourselves and then he gestured toward his motorcycle.

“Can I interest you in another ride?”

I nodded and we climbed back onto the bike. The air felt heavy as if it was still holding more rain and it was as if we cut through it as he pushed his bike to higher and higher speeds down the road. I held him tightly around the waist and let my head fall back, relishing the feeling of my hair streaming through the air. I don’t know how long we raced along the roads, weaving in and out of the woods, zipping along beside vast fields, and even spending a short time blistering along the streets of the nearby city. Grey had slowed, however, by the time that he started down the curving road back toward the cottage. The power of the motorcycle between my legs had taken away the languid feeling and turned me on again so that by the time we stopped somewhere along the path I didn’t even wonder why we hadn’t gotten close to the cottage.

“I like sharing sometimes,” Grey said, climbing off of the bike, “but now I want you all to myself.”

“Oh, really?” I said.

“Mmmmm-hmmmm,” he said, reaching for me.

I stepped out of his reach and shook my head.

“Well, I’m not going to make it as easy for you this time.”

Not waiting for him to respond, I took off running into the woods. The rain was starting up again and by the time that I was several yards into the trees it was pouring down on me, soaking through my clothes. I laughed into the sound of the rain and Grey’s footsteps following me. I wove through the trees, trying to make my path as meandering as I could so it would be hard for the much larger, much faster man to catch up to me. Just as I expected he would, he drew close to me quickly and I felt his hand brush against my ass as he tried to grab onto the back of my skirt. I let out a high-pitched scream and jumped away, running faster.

We were far enough into the trees that I could no longer see the path when I glanced back over my shoulder and Grey finally caught up with me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he picked me up. An instant later he was carrying me and my back slammed against a tree, but I didn’t care. There was no buildup, no teasing this time. Our hands tore at each other and in seconds my panties were on the ground and the coiled end of a twisted-texture condom had impaled me. The rain pelting down on us was cold but it was a relief through the feverish heat of our bodies. My bare breasts, exposed over the neckline of my shirt, bounced with each intense thrust and Grey growled so loudly I could imagine that Fawn would be able to hear him back at the cottage.


My legs were still shaking slightly from the intensity of the quickie against the tree when I climbed off of Grey’s motorcycle and started toward the cottage. He had promised me a final date that I wasn’t going to forget, and all I could think was that he was absolutely right. I couldn’t imagine that I would ever forget how it felt to have the powerful machine beneath me or to be passionately, aggressively yet reverently enjoyed by two men at the same time. Though it wasn’t something that I could ever see myself doing again, it had unlocked a part of me that would otherwise have remained untouched, and the memory of it would ensure that that part remained unlocked rather than hidden away. I could sample it whenever I wanted to, whether I was alone or invited another man into my bed.

I turned to watch Grey disappear down the path and was starting up the steps when I heard my name. I looked to the side and saw Noah standing at the side of the cottage. I felt a shock through my heart, the memory of our last conversation still raw. The rain streamed over him, making his eyes stand out, piercing through the gloom around me. He closed the space between us and grasped my wrist, pulling me toward the side of the cottage. He led me around toward the back of the cottage until I dug my heels in, forcing him to stop. He whirled around to face me and for an instant, nothing else in the world existed.