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Checkmate: This is Beautiful (Logan & Kayla, #2) by Kennedy Fox (20)


Life has a funny way of working itself out. That thought keeps running through my mind as I talk to Kayla on the phone.

“Do you want to come over and help decorate our Christmas tree?” I ask. “I’m picking Skylar up in just a bit and I’m sure she’d love to have you join us.”

She squeals. “Yes, I’d love that!”

“Perfect! She loves everything about Christmas just as much as you.”

“Well, who doesn’t love Christmas?” Kayla asks sarcastically, and I can tell she’s smiling big. She loves Skylar, and I honestly think she kept her in a special place inside her heart. Skylar is what allowed my Angel to remember everything, and I’ll forever be grateful for that.

I laugh at the excitement in Kayla’s voice. “You’re right. I’ll text you when I pick her up so you can head over.”

“Sounds great. I love you,” Kayla tells me before hanging up.

“I love you too, Angel. See you soon.”

I’ll never get tired of hearing those three magical words. Now, she makes sure to tell me every time before we hang up just in case one of us loses our memory or something. Her words, of course; not mine. At least she’s comfortable making jokes about the accident now. It’s brought us closer than ever.

Shortly after our phone conversation, I head over to Maggie’s to pick up Skylar. Before they moved here, I never took the time to decorate for Christmas. Now, it’s going to be an annual tradition, and I couldn’t be more excited about that.

By the time I make it to Maggie’s, it’s late afternoon. I walk up the sidewalk and knock on the door and she answers wearing nothing but a sports bra and little spandex shorts. Sweat is on her brow, and she smiles as soon as she realizes it’s me.

“Skylar is in her room playing,” she tells me, walking back into the living room where an exercise DVD is paused on the television.

Just as I’m about to start talking about Santa, Skylar runs from her bedroom and gives me a big hug. She’s carrying a bag full of homemade ornaments she made for the tree at my house.

“Daddy! I’m ready to decorate now!” Skylar holds up her bag and then points at the tree in the corner of Maggie’s living room. “Mommy let me decorate it almost all by myself. Do you like it?”

“I do, sweetie. It’s perfect.” Most of the ornaments are bunched in the front in a small section at the bottom of the tree where Skylar can reach, but I love how proud she is of herself.

“Be good for your daddy,” Maggie reminds her, giving Skylar a hug and adjusting her jacket because it’s chilly outside. After Skylar tells her goodbye, she grabs my hand and we walk toward the door.

I flash Maggie a small smile before leaving. Things have been kind of weird between us ever since she asked about us getting back together. Rejecting her proposition wasn’t easy, because the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her all over again, but I knew deep down it was the right thing to do. My feelings would never match hers. My heart would only belong to Kayla.

Once Skylar is buckled in her booster seat, I put on my seatbelt and text Kayla to let her know she can start heading over. As we drive back, Skylar sings Christmas carols that she learned in school and even gets me to sing along with her. By the time we make it to the house, she’s all smiles and giggles, and full of energy.

Just as we get out of the car, I see Kayla pulling into the driveway behind us. Perfect timing.

Skylar wastes no time running to her and giving her a big hug as soon as she steps out of the driver’s seat. “I’ve missed you!” Skylar tells her.

“Aww, I’ve missed you too,” Kayla says back before reaching into her backseat and grabbing a bag. “I brought these for your tree.”

Kayla reaches into the bag and shows her some of her own ornaments. “I thought you’d like some of these. I’ve had them since I was a little girl and would always hang them on my tree.” I know how special they must be for Kayla considering she spent Christmas in various foster homes. They were probably the only piece of her that was consistent every year.

Skylar holds up a Disney princess ornament for me to see. She picks a few more up and shows them off. “They look perfect for you, sweetie.” 

There’s so much admiration on Kayla’s face when she looks at Skylar. It makes me so damn happy to know the woman I love with all my heart also adores my daughter. They’ve only met a couple times, but knowing the kind of person Kayla is, I know she’ll give it her all to form a solid relationship with her.

It also makes me wonder why I waited so long to give Kayla a chance in the first place, but I have to remind myself that everything happens when it’s supposed to. Over the last few weeks, I’ve learned that to now be truer than ever.

The air is cool, and I can’t wait for us to get inside so I can light the fireplace. Once we’re inside and unbundled, I turn on some Christmas music and get the Christmas tree out of the garage where it’s been since I bought it years ago.

Luckily, the tree is only in three different sections, so it takes me less than five minutes to get it set up. Skylar continues to bounce up and down as she eagerly waits until she can start putting her ornaments on. Herman is super curious and isn’t sure what to think of it. I laugh and shake my head at him.

“Which lights do you want?” I ask Skylar. “The colorful ones or all white?” I hold up both sets so she can look at them. Skylar looks over at Kayla who encourages her to choose.

“Colorful!” Skylar finally answers.

Kayla moves the tree to the middle of the room and gives Skylar one end and tells her to run around the tree while guiding the lights in the proper place. The sound of their laughter together is music to my ears. I can already see how much Skylar loves Kayla. Though Maggie and I couldn’t give her the family she deserves, there’s no reason she can’t have two happy families.

Once the lights are on the tree, I move it to the corner of the room. The three of us start adding decorations on the tree.

“I almost forgot an ornament for you.” Kayla looks up at me with a sparkle in her eye. She hands over a gingerbread couple with our names engraved on them along with the year. It brings me back to our date in San Fran and I’m reminded of how much we’ve gone through.

“Thank you,” I quietly lean over and say, trying to fight the urge to pull her into my arms.

“It belongs on your tree,” she tells me with a wink.

That’s my Angel, always being so thoughtful.

“Look, Daddy,” Skylar says showing us how she covered the bottom half of the tree with her handmade ornaments.

“It looks great, baby!”

Skylar give us a big toothy grin. Kayla compliments her and makes sure to put some ornaments toward the top, too. Looking at them and how truly happy we are, I know this will be a holiday tradition for us throughout the years.

“Will Skylar be here on Christmas Eve?” Kayla whispers loud enough for only me to hear while Skylar teases Herman with a bone.

“I’m not sure yet. It’s Maggie’s holiday to work but I’m not sure what her hours will be yet. I should know something closer to then.”

“I think it’d be great if she could be, but if not, we can still do something special.” She smiles, knowing having Skylar here would be amazing. Kayla leans forward and places a sweet kiss on my cheek. After she pulls away, I run my hand across her back and pull her closer to me.

“I can’t believe Christmas is only a few weeks away now, and the opening of the shelter is next week already.” I know she’s nervous, but Kayla has been working nonstop on this, and it won’t be anything short of perfect.

“It’s going to be amazing. I’m so proud of everything you’ve been doing,” I tell her, meaning it wholeheartedly.

“I hope so.” She flashes a nervous smile. “Should we finish the tree now?” She winks.

Soon the tree is fully decorated with way too many ornaments, mixed with Skylar’s, the ones Kayla brought, and the new ones I bought to fill in. I look at it and smile. Kayla steps away for a moment and digs into one of the Christmas bins. She then walks over to me with something hidden behind her back.

“What?” I tilt my head, smiling.

“I thought maybe you’d want to put the angel on top,” she says, removing the tree topper from behind her back and handing it to me.

“Yes, Daddy!” Skylar squeals, bouncing up and down. “All Christmas trees need a tree topper!”

I lift Skylar up and press a kiss to her cheek. “You’ve got it, sweetie. Want to help?”


Walking us over to the tree, I hand the angel to Skylar. I position her higher so she can place it on top. Once she’s satisfied with the placement, I take a step back and make sure it’s level.

“Okay, time to turn the lights on!” I set Skylar down and she runs over to Kayla who’s standing in the middle of the living room. I turn the switch on and walk behind the girls and watch as the tree lights up and twinkles while the angel sparkles like glitter.

Skylar gasps then giggles as the dress of the angel and the halo change colors.

Kayla grabs my hand and squeezes as Skylar jumps up and down about how she loves it all. “It’s my favorite tree ever, Daddy!”

“That makes me so happy, sweetheart! I’m glad you like it.” I place my hand on Skylar’s shoulders and she turns around and wraps her arms around Kayla and me.

I lead Kayla to the couch and set Skylar on my lap as the three of us stare up at the tree, completely mesmerized while the fire crackles in the background.

After a few moments, Kayla suggests we watch a Christmas movie, and once I get it all set up for them, go into the kitchen to start dinner. The smile never leaves my face as I whip up a chicken pasta dish.

Not long after we eat, Skylar falls asleep on the couch. She barely made it halfway through Home Alone. Being as quiet and careful as possible, I carry Skylar in my arms down the hallway and tuck her into bed. Once I’m back in the living room, I pull Kayla into my arms and hold her tight.

“God, I’m so happy to have you back,” she says, smiling up at me.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” I tell her right before our lips crash together like two lost lovers who finally found each other. Running my fingers through her hair, it causes Kayla to sink deeper into the kiss. By the time we break apart, our lips are swollen and bodies are full of desire, but with Skylar in the next room, I don’t want to chance her hearing us—or worse.

With hooded eyes, Kayla looks up at me and shrugs. “I should probably get going. Early morning. Can we raincheck this for tomorrow night?” She flashes me a knowing grin.

“Yes, abso-fucking-lutely.” I brush my lips against hers one last time before she stands.

I don’t want her to go, but with Skylar staying over, I know it’s for the best.

However, it won’t be long before Kayla is with us permanently.


The next night, I drive over to Kayla’s for dinner. She’s trying out a new recipe that I’m kind of nervous about. Snails or something, but she swears it’s going to be delicious.

Just as I pull into the driveway, I see a shadow round the back of the house. Instinct immediately tells me something is off. Wanting to make sure my mind isn’t playing tricks, I get out and go to check it out.

Stepping lightly, I move to the back of the house and see a man trying to break in through her back door. Rage and anger fuels me as I move toward the man and tackle him to the ground with all my strength. Just as I’m about to slam my fist into his face, I see who it is. Recognition flashes across Herman’s old owner’s face, too, and he tries to push me away. He reeks of alcohol and sweat and is no match against me.

“I’ve already warned you once,” I say, just as my fist reconnects with his face.

“Get the fuck off me, you little prick!” he slurs, and that’s when I hear Kayla’s dogs barking in the background.

Just as I turn to look for them, Herman’s owner manages to push me from on top of him and we wrestle across the grass. My knuckles connect with his face again just as Kayla steps outside and sees the two of us. She screams and I yell at her to call 9-1-1. Just before a fist slams into my chest, I hear her talking to someone on the phone. What feels like an eternity of fighting later, the two of us are being pulled apart by two police officers. Shortly after, handcuffs are being snapped on his wrists as I’m being moved away from him. Glancing up, I see Drew as he places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes.

“You really showed him, didn’t you?” He cocks a knowing smirk.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, knowing this isn’t his normal schedule.

“I picked up an extra shift for someone. Then I get a call to rush over here and rescue your ass.” Drew laughs. “Not that you really needed rescuing. You might’ve killed the guy if we didn’t show up though.”

I wish I could laugh, but my mind keeps making up terrible scenarios of what could’ve happened if I wouldn’t have driven up when I did. What ifs plagues me.

“That asshole was breaking in again. I might’ve killed him, so it’s probably good you came when you did.”

Kayla walks up and wraps her arms around me. I hold her, not wanting to let her go, and I feel her shaking. I’ll be damned if I ever let anything happen to her again. Not on my watch, not fucking ever.

“He has a warrant out for a DWI and now add trespassing and attempted breaking and entering, he’ll be going to jail tonight and sit there for a while.” Drew grins, knowing that’ll make me happy. “Also, a restraining order probably needs to be filed against him.”

“Yes, definitely. And good. He deserves to be behind bars. Maybe he’ll finally learn his lesson and stay the fuck away.”

Before Drew and his partner take off, he takes my official statement for the police report. After they drive away, I follow Kayla inside where gourmet hamburgers and fries are on plates. I burst into laughter for the first time that night.

“You said you were cooking snails.” I pull her into my arms as she laughs against my chest.

“Gotcha?” Kayla kisses me quick on the lips and lingers just for a moment. “Thank you, Logan. Thank you for always protecting me. You really are my knight in shining armor.”

“I’ll always protect you, Angel. For the rest of my life. Forever.”

I place a kiss on her forehead as she wraps her arms around my waist. We stand pressed together for a moment. I’m just happy she’s okay and nothing terrible happened. For the rest of my life, I’ll protect her. I’ll be her real-life knight in shining armor for as long as I live.



I often wonder what I did to deserve someone like Logan Knight. Aside from being incredibly caring and loving, he’s honestly everything I could ever wish for in a man.

As the week passes, Logan and I settle back into our old routine of taking turns of staying at each other’s house, breakfast and dog walking, and having dinner together. On his nights he has Skylar, we all have dinner together and watch Disney movies until she falls asleep on the couch with us. I can’t believe how happy that little girl makes me, and I’m beyond grateful for her being in our lives. Without Skylar, I don’t know if I’d have my memory back right now. All I know for certain is every day I’m with Logan, I know deep in my heart this is the way it should be. Us—together.

Standing outside, I watch the sign of my shelter being hung and excitement floods my veins. I can’t believe it’s really happening. Guardian Angel Animal Rescue is going to save so many lives—as many as I possibly can. It still feels so surreal that it’s all finally coming together and that I made this crazy dream of mine a reality. However, it wasn’t without consequence.

To think I quit my high paying job to build a nonprofit freaks me out a bit. While working for Heavenly Designs did make me completely miserable, without the accident, I’m not sure when I would’ve realized there was more to life than being a corporate robot. I’m not usually one to stand up for myself to an authority figure, but something inside me snapped. Having a different perspective on life was a wake-up call that I needed something more fulfilling in my life.

As the sign is centered above the door and the large one is hung by the street, I know this is it. Tomorrow is the grand opening, and I still can’t believe it’s already here.


The next morning, I wake up with a start. Rolling over, I place a kiss on Logan’s cheek. He pulls me into his arms and presses a sweet kiss to my lips. With messy hair and sleepy eyes, he kisses my neck and trails kisses all the way to my lips.

“I’ll never get enough of this,” he says with a raspy sexy morning voice.

I chuckle, feeling his morning wood pressed against me. Any other time, I’d go exploring and relieve that for him, but I’m way too worked up to stay in bed today.

“It’s time, babe! Today is the day!” I do a little dance against him, eager and anxious. The dogs can sense it because they’re up and running around too. Sliding out of bed, I slip my clothes back on from last night that Logan conveniently tore off. “Get up sleepy head! We have a huge day!” I nearly skip around my room, gathering up everything I need to get ready.

“I’ll walk them while you take a shower,” Logan offers from the bed, looking sexy as hell as he lies there bare chested and all tangled in the sheets.

“Sounds good!” I say, already heading down the hallway. I walk to the shower and get in. As I’m washing my hair, I hear Logan leave with the dogs. Laughing, I know they’re in a special mood this morning so they’re going to give him hell.

Just as I’m drying off, I hear Logan re-entering the house and the dogs running around. He fills up their water and food dishes all while muttering to them what jackasses they were being this morning.

I step out with a towel wrapped around my body. “Don’t talk to my babies like that,” I pretend to scold him. “They have feelings, you know?”

He looks up at me and cocks his head. “They ganged up on a poor, innocent little poodle and it took every bit of my body strength to pull them back. They are jackasses.”

“Nah, that’s just how they tell girls they like her,” I tease.

“Well, if that’s the case, she’ll be knocked up in no time.”

I laugh as Logan takes a few steps forward and wraps his hands around my waist, causing my towel to fall to the floor. With a devilish grin, his eyes wander down my body.

“ much time do we have?” he asks, grabbing my bare ass in his hands and pulling me against the hardness in his jeans.

I shrug, unable to really deny him this time. “Enough,” I whisper against his lips.

Logan picks me up in his arms and carries me to the bedroom. Before the dogs can run in, he slams the door shut with his foot. He sets me down on the bed and his mouth is on me before my head hits the pillow. A deep groan releases from his mouth before he kisses up my stomach, lingers on my nipples, and moves to my mouth. Running my fingers through his hair, I pull his mouth close to mine.

“You’re so damn beautiful, Angel.” Although he tells me that every chance he gets, and I wholeheartedly believe him, I still blush when I hear it. I love how much he worships me.

Logan opens my legs, tasting and teasing me. His full lips kiss along my thighs before moving back to my clit and it’s almost too much for me to handle. Knowing we’re stretched for time, he doesn’t wait much longer before stripping off his clothes and entering me.

Feeling him deep inside is my ecstasy, and when he picks up the pace, it doesn’t take long before I’m losing myself on him. The orgasm rushes through me, taking my words and replacing them with moans. Not much time passes before Logan fills me with himself in long, hard thrusts.

Before we break apart, Logan and I hold each other, kissing, telling each other how much we love the other. It’s mornings like this that set the precedence for the day, and this is going to be one to remember. After a moment, we clean ourselves up, and I finish getting ready while Logan showers.

As we drive across town toward the shelter, my nerves begin to get the best of me. Though I don’t say a word about my worries, Logan interlocks his fingers with mine and presses a soft kiss on my hand. I love that he knows exactly when I need comforting, even if it’s temporary.

Before we turn into the parking lot, the sign acts as a beacon to the building with a gold halo sparkling in the winter sunlight. A few volunteers are waiting by the door chatting and smiling.

After we pull in, Courtney and Drew follow suit, and a minute later, so does Viola and Travis. The smile that fills my face might be permanently stuck there. Court and Viola rush up to me and envelope me into a big bear hug.

“I’m so glad you two are here!” I squeeze back.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Court tells me, and Viola smiles in agreement.

They follow me to the front and watch me unlock the door. I start with giving them a tour of the building, showing them the office, the playpen area, toys, food, supplies, and storage. Mostly everything was donated, which has really helped, and I know we’re starting off on the right foot.

Before lunch, the mayor arrives and city officials hang a ribbon across the front door. I’m handed the golden scissors just before Mayor Steinberg gives his welcoming speech. Anxious butterflies have surfaced in my stomach as I listen to his powerful and hopeful words. Once he’s finished, we take a picture for the newspaper reporter and people continue snapping pics as I cut the red ribbon. It all happens so fast that I feel like once I blinked, it was over, but it’s one of the biggest moments of my life.

I find Logan in the crowd, and he’s all smiles, and I can tell how proud he is of me. That man is my biggest supporter, best friend, and lover—and I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet.

Once the short ceremony is over, people start flooding in to congratulate me and take a look around. Delores stops by and tells me how happy she is for me, and just as she gives me a hug, Donny pops in and says hello. I introduce the two of them and I see a spark of something in both of their eyes.

“Donny owns a pastry business close to my house that specializes in the best donuts ever, including doggy donuts,” I tell Delores.

“And Delores works at the soup kitchen right down the street. She’s been there for forty years,” I tell Donny.

I smile when they begin chatting with each other, and I wonder if they’ll go on a date. Maybe, for once, I’ll play the matchmaker.

Warm arms wrap around my body, and I turn around and see Logan. “I’m so proud of you, Angel. You did it. Everything is perfect.”

“Do you like the name?” I ask. I’ve told him the name before, but not sure if I mentioned the meaning behind it.

“I love it.”

I kiss him in front of everyone. “Well, I’m glad. You inspired the name after all.”

“I did?” He furrows his brows.

“Yep.” I smile. “You called me your angel since day one, and you’ve always been my knight in shining armor—my guardian. You’ve given me a second chance at living my best life, and I want to offer those animals the same love and protection.”

Logan holds me, and while I feel my emotions starting to creep up, I’m full of happiness and adoration. I can’t believe this is my life. I wouldn’t change it for the world.




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