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Christmas Candy: A Holiday Second Chance Box Set by Angela Blake (19)

Chapter Six


By five-thirty Melissa and Ned were already gone and Julie was on the couch fumbling with her shoelaces when the doorbell rang. She clumsily got up and answered the door to see Chace waiting for her.

He looked even more handsome than before. Now that she wasn’t so drunk and pissed off from that encounter with Dorian, she finally got to study Chace’s features a little bit more. He still looked the same after all this time but she did see his teeth were straightened out, maybe from wearing braces, and he seemed to have gained a little weight. Unlike her, however, his weight went to pure muscle.

Chace was wearing a tight blue shirt that easily showed off the ripples of his abs, chest and biceps. He had on a nice pair of tight, ripped jeans that exuded the masculinity in him and it made Julie’s mouth water. She couldn’t help but just stare at how freaking hot he got over time.

She, on the other hand, wore an off-shoulder blouse with a really low, daring neckline. She felt a little more confident wearing this now that she knew she was actually going to use her assets for someone she was interested in instead of hoping she’d catch the attention of a random asshole like Dorian. To pair it off she put on a pair of high shorts that were really so skimpy she might as well be wearing denim panties. It made her smile deep inside and that smile erupted on the surface when she saw Chace staring at her with big, wide ogling eyes.

“Like what you see?” she asked with a nudge. He greeted her with a nod and a kiss on the lips.

“I’d rather eat what I see but we’re running a little late,” he told her. “Sofia and the others are there already. There’s like nine other people dipping their hands to organize this reunion.”

Julie shrugged. “It’s going to be like a cheap orgy – disgusting and unfulfilling. Come on, let’s dip in too and swim in the sea of nastiness.”

Chace laughed and he took her by the arm and to the car. As they began driving he turned on the music player on the dashboard and started playing Debbie Gibson’s “Foolish Beat.”

“Is this a subliminal message you’re trying to drill into my brain?” Julie asked when she started recognizing the meaning behind the lyrics.

Chace’s face cracked with a grin, marked with a subtle hint of remorse and melancholy. “No. It’s random. I guess it was just some odd twist in fate that this is what plays now we’re trying this thing again.”

“I could never love again the way that I loved you,” Julie sang along. “That’s literally how I felt Chace. That’s how I felt for so long. It’s like being sucked in a black hole and I can’t escape. Even all the light around me plunged down into the pit with me.”

He knew how she felt. He felt that way too. “I know. I’ve been there too. When we walked away from each other I felt like my whole world was blowing up. I said a lot of mean things to you. I’m sorry.”

“Let’s just promise not to repeat those mistakes,” Julie stuttered as the tears slowly welled in her eyes. “I can’t imagine life without you.”

“I experienced life without you,” Chace said back, his eyes back on the road. “I never want to go through it again. You’re everything to me, Jules. We went through some really tough times but that’s all behind us now. I don’t want to sleep alone ever again.”

Julie smiled and she locked her arm with his as he continued on to drive them through the suburbs and into the city. It took a good fifteen minutes or so to finally arrive at the Flaming Margarita. It wasn’t as fancy as it sounded and Julie let out a groan of disappointment when she saw it didn’t even have leather seats.

“Wow, this place is a dump,” she noted as they looked around inside. “Do you see them anywhere?”

Chace pointed over to the corner. Julie then saw two tables joined together and there were about eight or nine people already seated, discussing amongst themselves while eating pizza. Chace and Julie joined them as quickly as they could and sat by the edge.

“This is so weird, Chace and Julie together,” a skinny girl with brown eyes and blonde hair noted. This was Sofia, the designated Mean Girl that somehow got elected as president of the student body and the editor-in-chief of the school paper. She worked directly with Jessica and Talbert, the head organizers.

Others whispered comments but neither Julie nor Chace gave in to explain the situation of their relationship. Julie just shrugged it off and gave Chace a succulent kiss on the lips, pressing her lips against his and meeting his tongue for a quick tour-de-force display of passion.

That was enough to silence the others.

“I thought we were going to concoct some kind of story?” Chace whispered into her ear. “That was not exactly the kind of narrative I pictured in my head when you told me we were going to have to go through the whole story.”

Julie smiled and whispered back. “Would you rather spark a conversation with Mean Girl or just kiss me on the lips? Either way is going to get the job done, you know.”

He chuckled and agreed. “Okay, I get it. W-wait, am I limited to just a kiss?”

“Wait until we’re done here, fly boy, and I’ll make you forget your name the moment we get back in that car.”

“Julie!” a voice then cut in and interrupted their conversation. Julie and Chace looked across the table to see the guy beside Sofia, Victor, waving at them.

“Huh?” both Chace and Julie chimed out in confusion.

Victor shot back a look of disgust and repeated what he’d been trying to tell them for the past minute. As he did he reached forward with his fist. There were strips of paper and he intended for Chace and Julie to draw one.

He then explained. “We’re drawing straws instead of assigning roles. If you two are together-together then just pull one straw and work on it as a team.”

“Want me to do it?” Julie asked.

Chace answered by drawing a straw. At the very bottom was a scribbled note.

“Well, what does it say?” Julie followed up as she strained her neck trying to peek at what was written on the paper.

“A dance,” Chace answered and he handed her the paper. He then looked up at Victor and Sofia and then to the others around the table. Julie could see he was formulating the words to say but when he couldn’t figure it out he just grabbed a slice of pizza and stuffed it into his mouth.

“What kind of dance?” Julie asked the others. She checked the slip of paper but there was no indication. Nothing. Zip. Nada.

Sofia rolled her eyes and answered. “Any freaking dance, Jules. Just make it entertaining. I don’t want to gouge my eyeballs out from boredom. Urgh, if only we could trade. I drew the ever-exciting task of picking a venue.”

Julie bit down hard on her lip to stop herself from snapping back. Only her friends had the right to call her Jules and she knew Sofia was bullshitting her – Sofia loved picking venues. It made her feel like she was the one in charge.

Chace leaned in and whispered into Julie’s ear. “Don’t worry. We got this. We can show them how a Christmas 1-2 special is done.”

She rolled her eyes but even then a smile crept on her face. Julie squirmed and scooted over to get closer to Chace. He smelled so damn good she was tempted to bury her face in his chest and just stay there. “Well,” she replied. “If you’re as good on your feet as you are in the bedroom then I think I’m in good hands… maybe.”

Chace wrapped an arm around her. “Trust me on this one. I didn’t join the high school basketball team so I could tango.”

“Chace, you weren’t in any team that I know of, including the dance squad,” Julie pointed out. She didn’t bother paying attention to the actual meeting anymore. They had their role and it wasn’t exactly one she was looking forward to.

He cocked his head and tried – but failed – to hear what the others were talking about. When he couldn’t piece it all together in his head he just smiled at Julie with a snarky look on his face. “Come on, I’ve got the moves. Just bring on the groove. We’re the Groovinators.”

“Never, ever do a pun like that again or I’m calling Michael J. Fox on you,” Julie shot back with a big grin. “Come on, pay attention to what’s going on and hand me a slice of pizza.”

“I thought you’re trying to lose weight?”

Julie shrugged and grabbed the peppershaker. “Yeah, but I got Prince Charming back while weighing a few extra pounds. What’s a few extra more when there’s pepperoni pizza in front of me?”

Chance laughed and gave her a slice. They then turned their attention back to the meeting which, fortunately for them both, only lasted another twenty minutes. When they were done only a few went up to them and asked about their relationship but both Chace and Julie made it a point to shrug them off and ignore the inquiries. There was already too much drama in their lives and the meddling of batch mates they didn’t really care for didn’t fit into their ideal day.

Things didn’t really settle down until they were back in the car and Julie buckled up as Chace started the car.

“I don’t want to go home yet,” Julie told him outright. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach right about now and she stared at him with big, puppy eyes.

He looked back at her and she saw his chest collapse as his heart melted in the shape of her love. “I don’t want to take you home either. Want to hang at my place?”

“Same apartment?”

“No, I moved to a new joint closer to town,” he answered and wagged his finger in a circle, as if pointing to a direction but not really. “It’s a lot better than the old one.”

Julie scoffed. The car started to move and soon enough they were on the highway. “It can’t possibly be that good. I haven’t been there yet.”

“Let’s change that then. It’s time we bless the ol’ apartment with our love. Maybe we can also get started planning our dance for the party. Want to go with something modern or let’s just stick to something traditional?”

“Will the chicken dance do fine?” Julie wasn’t so hot on dancing. Melissa was but it wasn’t like she could just exchange places with Mel on this one.

Chace laughed but he shook his head. “Let’s show them what we can do. I know you got some moves.”

“Yeah, in the bedroom but I don’t think a reverse cowgirl will be appealing for our Christmas reunion party,” Julie answered. She looked out the window and asked. “Can we stick away from modern dances? I don’t want to do the skanky leg in front of our batch mates. How about we do something simple?”

“Tango? Cha-cha?”

Julie tried to weigh the options but they all seemed the same. She scrunched up her face and stared back at Chace with a melancholic resignation. “Is there any difference? Just pick one and let’s get started with it. I can’t even believe we’re doing this.”

“While I do want to hide in a closet somewhere off the edge of the planet so I can keep you to myself, I know we have to do this thing called ‘interacting’ with the lesser species,” Chace said dryly. “We have to blend in with the herd sometimes, Jules.”

Julie laughed and punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Well, what do we do now?”

“I thought we’re heading to the house?” Chace asked. “Unless, of course, if you’ve got any other idea where we can screw around like rabbits and dance like idiots.”

“That is oddly the most romantic thing I’ve ever hear you say, Chace Matthews,” Julie remarked with an astonished look on her face. She raised a finger in question and followed-up on her statement. “And the answer is no, I don’t know any other place we can screw around like horny rabbits and dance like those failed celebrities on Dancing with the Stars. I have a feeling Tyrese Gibson is heading that way.”

Chace’s face twisted with confusion. “I don’t get it.”

“Never mind,” Julie shrugged it off. “Anyhoo, Cha-cha or Tango?”

“Didn’t I ask that same question earlier?”

Julie shoved a finger at his face. “Nuh-uh, I’m the only one with the legal authority here to ask the questions and impose impossible or improbable demands. Maybe.”

Chace chuckled but he kept his eyes on the road, no matter how tempted he was to give Julie another look with his ever-hungry stare of lust and desire. “Tango has a lot more flair but it’s also very difficult. Cha-cha can seem easier but it requires a lot of energy for even the simplest of steps.”

“Let’s go with Cha-cha,” Julie decided. “I need to move my ass if I want to shed some weight.”

“But I like how you are, Jules,” Chace commented.

“Oh sweetie, I know you do but the lingerie I saw at the mall likes me too,” Julie answered with a sly smile. “I’m quite compatible with you but I’d love to be compatible with it too. The dark red and black colors just work with me.”

Chace laughed and then took the car down another turn. “Is it safe to assume the lingerie you want to fit into is red and black too?”

Julie let out a naughty little growl and turned to him. “Maybe.”

He let go of the steering wheel with one hand and reached down for her leg. Before Julie even realized what was happening she found herself drowning in the waterfall of ecstasy that engulfed her from head to toe. It was like his touch was magic and it sent electric jolts throughout every inch of her body.

The electric connection between them was getting unbearable. Julie could feel the tension in her legs and before she knew it she was trembling with anticipation. With each tap of his fingers on her skin she felt like her heart would stop beating. Her lips parted and she felt the breath escape her grip. Her chest heaved heavily as her eyes drew downward, eagerly awaiting for Chace to push through with his move.

“Chace,” she muttered under a soft moan. “Fuck, drive faster – drive faster!”

He wasn’t one to waste time. He kept his hand on her, only occasionally teasing her by tapping a finger or two between her legs. Within another fifteen minutes they arrived at the new apartment he was staying at, which to her surprise was a lot bigger than she expected.

Chace parked as hastily as he could and grabbed her hand. When he squeezed and helped her get out of the car she giggled with excitement.

“I feel like a teenage high school girl,” Julie exclaimed as they rushed out towards the front door.

“You taste like a young teenage high school girl,” Chace said with a naughty wink right as he produced the keys out of his pocket.

Julie laughed and for the first time in a long time she felt the urge to just rip off her clothes right then and there. As Chace struggled to find the right key for the door she swayed left and right, hoping to flash a little bit of skin or at least distract him with an utter sense of cuteness. It did work because even when the door was unlocked he kept the door shut and spent another five minutes burying his face in hers, pressing her down with yet another torrid kiss.

By the time they got inside, her dress was a mess and Chace already had his shirt off. It was the time for some action and Julie didn’t want to lose the momentum of the opportunity given to them. So she gave him her all, never asking him to stop and instead welcoming every bit of attention that she got.

Their kisses turned to nibbles and it wasn’t long until she felt the thick grip of his member once again tunneling between her legs. Her womanhood, moist in anticipation, welcomed his thrusts and she even felt her body tighten to keep him in.

Chace kept on pressing in, his thrusts becoming faster and deeper. With each passing moment his rhythm picked up the pace and soon her whole body was rocking with the passion of the moment. Their bodies swayed and rocked, causing the bed to creak and groan along with their grunts and moans.

The night roared with the passion of their love-making and Julie’s soft moans.




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